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considerable increase in the number of those who now received the advantages of education compared with former years. He, himself, had in his private capacity issued circulars, to which he had obtained 500 answers, by which it appeared that the numbers of those receiving the advantages of education had from the year 1818 to 1828-within a space of ten years, increased in proportion of 14 to 30-that it has more than doubled (hear, hear). These letters had been sent at random through the country, and might be taken as a fair average of the general increase. To meet this statement which he had made in another place, a Noble Friend of his (the Earl of Kerry), had obtained a return from the entire 11,600 parishes of England and Wales, and from this digested return, which he had seen, it appeared that an increase had been gradually taking place since 1828; but still there was a very large proportion of the people who had it not in their power to obtain the advantages of education, and he besought those upon whose exertions the efficiency of the present society depended, not to relax those exertions, but rather to increase them until its beneficial influence extended over the entire empire. But if there was ground for complaint with respect to the quantity, there was also ample ground for complaint respecting the quality of the education— which in its kind was miserably defective; but while he impressed upon those who heard him, and through them, upon the public at large, the necessity of increased and efficient exertion, he was far indeed from saying or from thinking that the Government should not also interpose-(cheers); but the Government should interpose so as to help and not to mar; they should not, by endeavouring to do too much, undo that which had been already accomplished —(hear, hear);—they should interpose with a helping, and not with an intermeddling but above all with an equal, not with a partial, hand-(loud cheers). This observation he should make if there were a Government in power in which he had no confidence-he made it without hesitation now, when there was a Government in power in which he had the fullest confidence. That particularly was the rule upon which every Government ought to be established. He had already observed that the present system of education was scanty in its amount, as well as imperfect in its kind; and a proof of this had very recently come under his attention. In a very large district in the west of England, out of the four parish overseers there was one who was not able to read, write, or cipher, and he verified his accounts by putting his mark to them-("Oh, oh," and cries of shame"). And yet this man was receiving £7,000 a year of the parish money. What need was there of further reasoning upon the subject than that?-(hear, hear). It was to remedy the evils which it was manifest existed, that they had that day assembled and taken their stand upon ground unbroken by party or sectarian prejudices, and that they looked for and hoped they should obtain the assistance of those who were at the helm of the State-(cheers). But that society should depend very much for its success upon the exertions and the co-operation of those he had the honour of addressing-of the really charitable portion of the community whose representatives they were; those who did not give doles of clothes, food and money, the only effect of which was to impede the progress by withholding the inducement of labour, but who waged incessant war with the workhouse and ginshop, by giving the humbler classes the means of labouring for their own support-(hear, hear). The Noble and Learned Lord concluded amid loud cheers, by exhorting the meeting to renewed exertions, and by begging their attention to the proper business of the day.

The Secretary, H. Dunn, Esq., then read the report of the Committee. It set forth that considerable sums of money had been expended in giving effect to the system in the training establishment, and the Committee regretted to say that the amount of funds received did not cover the expenditure: a model school had also been founded which was in a highly flourishing state.


number of teachers had been trained and appointed during the year. The Committee gave great praise to the Committee of Ladies for their exertions in promoting the object of the society. The increase of scholars during the year was very considerable, and their progress very satisfactory. The Committee begged to remind the subscribers and friends of the society that a sum of £20,000 had been granted by Parliament for purposes of education, of which, they regretted to state, only £6,800 had been given to that society. The Committee in their report then went on to state that considerable advances had been made by the society in giving effect to their system abroad. In the West Indies great impulse was given to education by the passing of the Slave Emancipation Act; in Jamaica an immense number of children were receiving education under the plan of the society; in Corfu, in five months, 150 girls became attendants of the school; in Ithica a class had been opened, and in the Ionian islands the system was making rapid and very satisfactory progress. From the East of Europe, too, the accounts received were most favourable; the people of Moldavia wished to have the aid of the society; while two deputies had arrived from Spain with a view of extending the advantages of the system to that country. The Committee regretted not being able to give any satisfactory account of their success in China. The report then adverted to the state of the finances of the society, and expressed regret that the income fell considerably short of the expenditure of the society; the Committee could not, however, think of reducing the number of teachers, but preferred casting themselves upon the kindness and consideration of those friends, who never forsook them in the hour of need. The country had now had ample proof of the utility of the Institution, and the Committee trusted that its friends would renew their exertions, to enable the society to extend the advantages of education all over the world. (The reading of the report was received with loud cheers).

The Treasurer, Mr. William Allen (a member of the Society of Friends), then read the treasurers' report, from which it appeared that the receipts of the society (including £100 from the King, and £100 from the Duke of Bedford, amounted to £2,600, and the expenditure to £3,400, leaving a balance against the society of £800. Mr. Allen then briefly addressed the meeting, congratulating it on the progress and prospects of the society, and paid a high compliment to Lord Brougham, to whose unremitting exertions much of its prosperity might be attributed-(cheers).

P. Ainsworth, Esq., M.P., moved the first resolution:-"That the report be adopted," which was seconded by the Rev. G. Clayton, and passed.

The next resolution::-"A vote of thanks to His Most Gracious Majesty, for his patronage of the Society," was moved by Joseph Pease, Esq., M.P., and seconded in a very eloquent speech, by the Rev. J. Burnett. In the course of his observations the Rev. Gentleman took an opportunity of correcting an unfounded impression under which some persons laboured, that the whole of the Bible was not permitted to be read under the system of the society. Selections were made for the advantage of the younger scholars; but to the more advanced, the entire volume was always accessible-(cheers). The resolution was put and carried, amid loud cheers.

The next resolution was moved by the Rev. Dr. Humphrey, of the United States, and seconded by Henry Pownall, Esq., who took occasion to remark on the insufficiency of the salaries of the teachers in the schools of this and of the National School Society. He observed, that the office was second to none-not even to that of the minister; and that education would never flourish until a proper provision was made for that body of persons, upon whose exertions so much depended. In many cases, they were paid less that even the commonest labourer; and while this evil remained, competent teachers could not be expected. He hoped, therefore, that some means would be taken

by which their salaries might be improved; and that they might also be raised in respectability and usefulness, by the good offices and attention of those under whose control they were called upon to act.

The meeting was next addressed by the Rev. Mr. Williams, missionary to the South-Sea Islands, and by the Rev. Professor Vaughan. The former Rev. Gentleman entered into a very interesting account of the progress of knowledge amongst the inhabitants of the distant district from which he had just returned.

J. Hume, Esq., M. P., next addressed the meeting, and took a review of the progress of the society from its humble origin in 1808, to the present period. He had now, he said, no fear but that Parliament would interpose and give its aid to a system of education which was not confined to one particular sect, but which included all classes. The hon. member complained, that of a grant of £20,000, only £6,800 had been allocated for the uses of that society. He had originally opposed the grant of £20,000, because he could not consent to that grant while those large legacies bequeathed by their pious ancestors were devoted to purposes so different from what the donors had intended them. The hon. member said, that he knew his noble and learned friend, the noble Lord in the chair, had been engaged in completing a plan for the advancement of education; and his country would expect from Lord Brougham the same zeal in the cause as had been displayed by Henry Brougham-(loud cheers).

A vote of thanks to Lord Brougham was then moved by C. Lushington, Esq. and seconded by Broadfoot, Esq., and was passed amidst the most enthusiastic cheering.

His Lordship briefly returned thanks. He avowed himself as anxious a friend as ever in the cause of education, and said, that he was now (be it for better or for worse) the same person ever he was- -(cheers). In the Upper House of Parliament he had not, owing to the mixed nature of our Constitution, the same opportunity of forwarding the public interest as he had had in the Lower House, as it was termed; but of the opportunities he had he should certainly avail himself. He hoped, and he believed, the Government would interfere in the cause of national education-interfere, however, with deliberation, and with the utmost caution. He trusted that his honourable friend, Mr. Hume, would obtain an explanation of the reason why only one-third of the parliamentary grant was given to that society-(here, here). The noble Lord concluded amid loud applause, by expressing a hope that the important meeting of that day would act as a stimulus through the country, and that it would tend to the more extensive and more rapid progress of the society.

We may remark of this meeting, that it was decidedly the most popular meeting which the society has ever experienced. Hitherto that society has been supported by the religious public, but the meeting afforded evidence that it was beginning to be appreciated by the public at large; and we may ascribe this not a little to the excellent state of the Central Schools, and the comprehensive plans of education pursued therein: but most of all, to the acknowledgment of that great principle—“ freedom of conscience," which it has ever been the object of the society to uphold.


The anniversary of this excellent Institution was held at Exeter Hall, on Thursday the 7th of May. So numerous was the attendance, that it was necessary to open the lower hall, which was also soon filled by those unable to gain admission above.

The chair being taken by Thomas Challis, Esq., the business of the meeting was commenced by singing the 117th Psalm, and the Rev. E. Prout, of Oundle, offered up prayer.

The Chairman rose and observed, that the attendance of the meeting abundantly proved, that attachment to the Sunday School cause was in no way diminished. He had been advised by a good man, whose Christianity belonged to the last rather than the present generation, to beware of excitement. He did not wonder that those who were unable to enter into the religious spirit of these meetings, should call zeal excitement; but, he asked, was it excitement which inspired holy men with the heavenly purpose of making known the love of God to every creature? Was it excitement that formed the Bible Society, that noble institution which stands like the tree of life in the midst of our Churches; or the Tract Society, which has lent its important aid to Sunday Schools? Was it excitement that aroused our slumbering churches? If it was, it was the excitement of the day of Pentecost-it is the manifestation of the presence of God amongst us. This presence has been with the whole history of Sunday Schools at every stage of their progress. In the simplicity and humility in which they were formed, and from which every new effort proceeded, as by the amazing success which has attended them, we see the characteristic of their heavenly origin. The means employed were indeed small; but like the acorn, they contained the germ of the future oak; and the little circle drawn from the streets of Glo'ster enlarged till it had embraced twelve hundred thousand of the rising generation. He entreated therefore those present not to despise the day of small things. The speaker then referred to the establishment of the depository. Its sales during the past year, amounted to nearly 8,000 pounds. He directed their attention also to the building fund, by which the whole of one county might be provided with suitable buildings for Sunday School instruction, and said, that 1d. per annum from each child, and one shilling per annum from each teacher, would raise a sum of nearly £10,000 yearly. He then earnestly implored his auditors, among whom it was supposed there were nearly 2,000 Sunday School teachers, to try this experiment, being certain that if it should be adopted, it would be a monument of piety and attachment, which would exist when their names and labours were forgotten.

Mr. W. F. Lloyd then read an abstract of the report, which commenced with the Foreign and Colonial Sunday Schools, all of which were represented as being in a highly flourishing state. The accounts from the West Indies were very encouraging, and attributing the peace and happiness of the first of August, principally to the operation of Sunday Schools. The negroes manifested the strongest desire for books. In reference to home proceedings, it stated that the public fund was quite exhausted, but pressing applications continued to be made. The Committee regretted, that their appeal on behalf of the Sunday-School Building Fund, had not excited more general attention. A beginning however had been made. During the past year, Mr. Wilson, the travelling agent, had itinerated through a great part of nine counties, had visited eleven existing Sunday-School Unions, had formed four new societies, and held the usual meetings in seven considerable towns, which had not yet established unions. The sale of the publications of the depository, during the past year, had amounted to £7,621..0..7, being an increase of £178..14..3 beyond the preceding year.

The Rev. Professor Vaughan, of the London University, rose to move the adoption and printing of the report, &c., and alluding to its details, adverted to the fact, that in the United States there were not less than a million of children receiving instruction in Sabbath Schools, and that in this country there were a million and a half under the same instruction. He then adverted to the necessity of moral and religious culture going hand in hand with instruction of every kind, and observed that were the merely learned, the merely scientific, the merely men of genius, and those who were simply the devotees of civilization to have combined all their aid, they would not have been able,

by their voluntary movement, to have imparted a hundredth part of the instruction which the humble unobtrusive teachers of Sunday-Schools had communicated. He then alluded to the state of Ireland, and observed, that if the Government plan of Education was carried into full effect, it would be necessary to plant by its side, Sunday-Schools. He then appealed to Christians, Philanthropists, and Patriots, to come forward and aid in the great work.

The Rev. H. Townley addressed himself to the Sunday-School teachers present, and implored that the Spirit of God might be poured out upon them. He said two young friends were comparing their feelings together: one expressed his desire to go to the city of Rome, and witness the havoc which time and war had made upon that far-famed city: the other expressed a wish to go to all the villages of his native country and search out the ravages which ignorance and vice had made. The former was thus wrought upon, and joined in the work of Sabbath-School instruction. He observed, that the eminent Mr. Cecil had asked what kind of sermon it was that Peter preached, which was made the means of converting 3000 souls? what there was peculiarly evangelical in it? and what ministers, at the present day, introduce evangelical doctrines as copiously and as clearly-what then was the mighty charm? It was the descent of the Spirit of God which accomplished the work: hence they must invoke God to crown their exertions with the Divine influence. He besought superintendents, who gave addresses to the young, to throw their souls into the work. A hearer once observed, that the sermon of a minister, although a very elegant discourse, did not affect him; and he judged that if he had thrown his heart into his sermon, he would have thrown his sermon into his hearers' hearts. Sunday-School teachers must put their hearts into their addresses. He advised the teachers to go on in faith, and offering up prayers; and showers of blessings would fall down upon them.

Henry Dunn, Esq., Secretary to the British and Foreign School Society, said, he owed a debt, and the society he represented, of gratitude to the Sunday-School teachers and the Sunday-school cause. He was bold to say, that for the assistance of Sunday-school teachers, from whom were selected 350 masters out of 400, which that society had sent forth into usefulness, he looked upon every Sunday-school as the pillar of the State. A statement had been made at the Christian-Instruction Society, that there were now under sentence of death four boys, who had been trained up in our Sunday-schools; but he thought it probable, that they went into the school at one door and out at the other: at all events, he would engage that they were well known for a length of time upon the list of absentees. It was possible, however, that the boys had had a very inefficient teacher. Every day's experience convinced him, that very much depended upon the teacher; and that while some teachers carried about with them a valuable moral impression, there were others that unhappily possessed but very little. He knew they might be told that much was to be attributed to the sovereignty of God. He held as firmly as any man could do the doctrine of the Divine sovereignty; it was indisputable that sovereignty encircled the brow of Infinite and Eternal Wisdom, but he thought those questions ought not to be settled in that manner. He felt that their success in every Christian effort was very closely connected with what might be termed the moral condition of success. He further observed, that that ignorance must be deep indeed which could altogether quench in its own darkness the light which shined in the bosom of a child, and which was emphatically termed the "candle of the Lord." He concluded by expressing a wish, that Day and Sabbath schools might be united together in a bond of holy love; that they might, side by side, fight the battle of truth and righteousness, and be eminently instrumental in bringing about that blessed period when all should know and love the Saviour.

The Rev. J. Burnett rose and said, in allusion to the resolution which he

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