Obrazy na stronie
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The record of Federal prohibition cases instituted, and of convictions in the State for the two years ending June 30, 1928 and 1929, is as follows:

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The five counties of the State are divided into 39 towns. These towns play an important part in the life of the people, but it can be seen readily that the State as a whole revolves to a great extent around Providence.

The populations of the counties, according to the last State census of 1925, are

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While there are 19 cities of 5,000 or more inhabitants, the city of Providence, with 257,918, contains about 40 per cent of the total population. These 19 cities have over 90 per cent of the entire State population. It has greater density of population than any other State, except Delaware. Rhode Island has a much larger percentage of urban population than any other State, as less than 3 per cent are ruralities. About one-third of the adult citizens are foreign-born naturalized, of which a larger number came from Canada than any other country. A considerable number of families live in their own homes, as there are about 100,000 dwellings for about 140,000 families.

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The following death rate is given for cirrhosis of the liver, as the disease is due to alcoholism

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The penal and reformatory institutions are under a director of State institutions and other officials appointed by a State public welfare commission. There is a State bureau of criminal identification in the attorney general's office.

It would appear that the State has no great crime problem, from the numerical records of inmates of such institutions. In accordance with the provisions of the State law, reports are submitted to the general assembly every two years and the record shows the number of inmates at the several institutions November 30, 1928, as follows:

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Besides a board of parole, there is a criminal law advisory commission of six members, appointed by the governor for a term of six years.

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It is sometimes easier to analyze conditions in a smaller State or unit than a larger one. When the same trends are present, their significance can be more readily grasped and a more satisfactory evaluation of the factors made. With the same cross currents present here as elsewhere most signs are encouraging.

Special attention is called to the manner of training of the State police. While some constructive and effective efforts have been made this past year to instruct Federal prohibition agents, it might be advisable to go further and give newly appointed probationary ap

pointees a 12-week course of instruction before they enter upon the active discharge of their duties. The adoption of such a policy would require appointments for replacements to be made at certain stated times, as annually or semiannually, and the holding of schools at central points. If the school were rotary, it could hold four sessions each year, one in each of the four sections of the country. The new agents would then start out with a fair degree of knowledge and understanding of the fourth, fifth, and eighteenth amendments to the Constitution, the national prohibition act, and internal revenue and customs laws having application to the enforcement of prohibition, regulations relating to intoxicating liquors and industrial alcohol, laws and decisions relating to searches and seizures, and general policies concerning their personal, official, and public actions and attitudes, as well as practical instructions covering proper and improper methods of preventing, investigating, and detecting violations.








No. 21 in the letter of transmittal.

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