The Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln1929 |
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Strona xi
... Blaine protests - And Garfield -Stevens obdurate - Raymond speaks against it - Stevens's cynical reply - Would ' make a penitentiary of the South ' - Raymond again surrenders - Negro cheers in galleries - Stevens's amendment killed in ...
... Blaine protests - And Garfield -Stevens obdurate - Raymond speaks against it - Stevens's cynical reply - Would ' make a penitentiary of the South ' - Raymond again surrenders - Negro cheers in galleries - Stevens's amendment killed in ...
Strona xii
... Blaine and Bingham would fix time limit Stevens attacks them - And prevails - Heaven rules as yet ' - Senate accepts Blaine - Bingham amendment - Stevens enraged - His motive - Promises a confiscation bill- The Tenure - of Office Act ...
... Blaine and Bingham would fix time limit Stevens attacks them - And prevails - Heaven rules as yet ' - Senate accepts Blaine - Bingham amendment - Stevens enraged - His motive - Promises a confiscation bill- The Tenure - of Office Act ...
Strona xv
... Blaine's ' odds and ends ' - Snobbery - The pretty wife of an old Senator - The social swirl- A luncheon - Reception nights - Street scenes - Scenes within -Flirtations and huge fans - Long trains - Mrs. Schurz shocked - Kate Chase ...
... Blaine's ' odds and ends ' - Snobbery - The pretty wife of an old Senator - The social swirl- A luncheon - Reception nights - Street scenes - Scenes within -Flirtations and huge fans - Long trains - Mrs. Schurz shocked - Kate Chase ...
Strona xvi
... Blaine helps Also Grant - Lobbies for Cooke's bill - Insurgency in Cabinet- Grant reports to Henry Cooke - Passing of old idealists - New leaders- Morton - Conkling - Chandler - Thurman - Bayard - The negro Senator appears - His ovation ...
... Blaine helps Also Grant - Lobbies for Cooke's bill - Insurgency in Cabinet- Grant reports to Henry Cooke - Passing of old idealists - New leaders- Morton - Conkling - Chandler - Thurman - Bayard - The negro Senator appears - His ovation ...
Strona xvii
... Blaine - A Commission of Inquiry - Greeley on San Domingo scheme - Closing in on Sumner - The gossips ' work - Sumner's ' Dance of Blood ' speech — Attacks Babcock Accuses Grant - Scene in Senate — Attacks on Sumner - Morton's ...
... Blaine - A Commission of Inquiry - Greeley on San Domingo scheme - Closing in on Sumner - The gossips ' work - Sumner's ' Dance of Blood ' speech — Attacks Babcock Accuses Grant - Scene in Senate — Attacks on Sumner - Morton's ...
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Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Andrew Johnson arms Babcock Belknap Ben Butler bitter blacks Blaine Butler Cabinet campaign carpetbaggers Chamberlain Chandler Charleston Colfax colored committee Congress Congressional Globe Conkling Convention corruption court crowd December declared Democrats denounced Diary dollars election February fight friends Garfield Gary Government Governor Gramercy Park Grant Greeley Hampton Hayes Hendricks Henry Henry Watterson Holden Ibid impeachment January John Julian Kate Chase Sprague leaders Legislature letter Louisiana March Meanwhile meeting military militia Mississippi Morton Nation never night nomination North orator Orleans outrages partisan party political politicians President protest Radicals railroads Reconstruction replied Republican Schurz Senate sent Sherman Simon Cameron soldiers soon South Carolina Southern Speaker speech Stanton streets Sumner Thad Stevens Thaddeus Stevens Theodore Tilton thought thousand Tilden tion troops Trumbull Union Vance vote Warmoth Washington Watterson White House women wrote York Herald York Tribune York World