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Articulate ri in river; li in little ; pe in pebbles; fo in foliage; chi în child; lou in louder, &c.







RIVER! River! little River!

Bright you sparkle on your way,

O'er the yellow pebbles dancing,

Through the flowers and foliage glancing,
Like a child at play.

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QUESTIONS.-1. What is the little river like? 2. The swelling river? 3. The brim ming river? 4. The rapid river? 5. Where does the headlong river go? 5. What is the sea like? What, then, does a river in all these various forms beautifully illustrate? What is the character of this lesson, and how should it be read? See Rule 3, page 114.


1. BRILLIANT, splendid, shining.
1. SYLVAN, pertaining to the woods.
1. GORGEOUS, showy, magnificent.
1. IN-FIN'I-TY, unlimited extent.
2. DEN'I-ZENS, inhabitants, citizens.
2. GAUD'Y, frivolously gay.
2. FLITTED, flew swiftly.

3. IN-IM'IC-AL, hostile, unfriendly.
3. SERV'ILE, slavish, cringing.

3. SO-LIC'I-TUDE, care, anxiety.

4. MA-JES'TIC, lofty, noble, stately.

4. SUB JU-GATE, to bring under control.

5. FAS'CI-NA-TING, enchanting, captivating. 5. CAN'NY, cautious, wary.

6. EV-O-LU'TIONS, motions.

9. CYL-IN'DRIC-AL, having the form of a cylinder, or circular body.

12. LO-CO-MO'TION, changing of place.

Articulate distinctly the consonant combinations in the following words: - turned, insects, world, worms, beasts, hearts, swiftly, elegantly, constructs, kinds.

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[Descriptive. See Rule 1, page 109. The class may also point out the examples of the emphatic succession of particulars, and tell how they should be read. See Rule 7, page 89.]

1. ALL who have turned over the pages of Audubon's* celebrated work on ornithology will remember how that vast and brilliant collection made it appear to the spectator as if he had been admitted, at once, to all sylvan secrets, or, at least, that the gorgeous infinity of the bird-world had been revealed to him in some happy moment of nature's confidence.


2. All the gay denizens of the air were there, alone, on the swaying twigs of the birch or maple, or on

* Au'du-bon, (John James,) a celebrated American ornithologist, was born in Louisiana, in 1782. He died in 1851.

bending ferns and spires of grass; others, in pairs, tenderly feeding their young with gaudy or green insects, or in groups pursuing their prey, or defending themselves from attack; while others again clove the thin air of the hills, or flitted darkly through secluded brakes. All were alive, — all graceful, all joyous.

3. It was impossible not to feel, among them, that there is something in birds which brings them nearer to our affection than the rest of the animal tribes; for, while these are either indifferent to us, or inimical, or mere "servile ministers," birds are ever objects of admiration and solicitude.

4. Very few admire, or even so much as like, insects, or reptiles, or worms; fishes have an unutterably stupid and unsentimental look, and may justly be caught; wild beasts, though sometimes savagely grand and majestic, are always dreadful; and tame beasts we subjugate, and therefore regard them with but little attention; but birds win their way to our hearts by a thousand pleasing endearments.

5. They are lovely in their forms and fascinating in their habits. They have canny, knowing eyes; they have wonderfully pretty and brilliant hues; their motions are the perfection of beauty; and they lead free, happy, and melodious lives.

6. Their swift and graceful evolutions, now rising like an arrow to the very gate of heaven, and anon outspeeding the wind, as it curls the white caps of the ocean, and, above all, their far-off, mysterious flights in the drear autumn, awaken aspiration and thought, and breed a vague, mysterious human interest in their destinies ; while their songs, profuse, varied, sparkling, sympathetic, glorious, filling the world with melody, are the richest and tenderest of nature's voices.

7. Among the recollections of childhood, those of the birds we have fed and cherished are often the sweetest; and, in maturer years, the country home we love, the nooks where we have meditated, and the field in which we have worshiped, are the gener and dearer for the memory of birds. Thus they

are associated with the most charming features of the extern. al world, and breathe a spell over the interior world of thought.

+8. There is not, perhaps, throughout the whole extent of the visible creation, a more beautiful or curious object than a little bird. See how elegantly it is formed, how delicately wrapped in feathers, how admirably provided with instruments of hearing and of seeing, of running and of flying, how quick its little glancing eye, how elegant the cradle which it constructs for its tender young!

9. Two important qualities are required in the frame-work of a bird, strength and lightness. We find, accordingly, that the cylindrical bones differ essentially, in their remarkable properties, from those of quadrupeds. Their cavities are larger in proportion to their weight; they are also empty, and the shell is of a firmer texture than the substance of other bones.

10. We observe further, that air is generally admitted into almost every part of the interior; and here it will be necessary to inquire by what means such an effect is produced. Air-cells are situated in different parts; and these vary in number, and in magnitude, according to the structure and habits of different kinds.

11. In the soaring eagle, and in the lark, and generally in high-flying birds, such cells as are placed among the muscles are remarkably large; they even extend a considerable way up the neck, and become enlarged in their progress.

12. It is worthy also of remark, that the bones of winged creatures are supplied with a greater or less degree of air, according as they are employed in the office of locomotion. In birds of rapid flight, they are hollow, for the evident purpose of receiving air; and even in those of moderate powers, the same peculiarity is discoverable.

13. It may be further observed, that the air, while it remains in the bones and air-bladders, necessarily acquires the temperature of the living bird, and is consequently lighter

than the atmospheric air, which must be of manifest benefit in sustaining the bird in the air, and aiding its flight.

QUESTIONS.1, 2. How does the vast collection of birds, as seen in Audubon's cele. brated work on ornithology, appear to the spectator? Who was Audubon? 3, 4. What is said of other animal tribes as compared with birds? 5. 6. What description is here given of birds? 7. What is among the sweetest recollections of childhood, and even maturer years? 8. What is said of the beauty of birds? 9-13. What is Baid of their frame-work, or structure, as being well adapted to aid their flight? — What is the character of this piece? Point out an example of an emphatic succession of particulars, and tell how it should be read, &c., &c.


9. EX-TRAOR'DI-NA-RY, uncommon, markable.


10. EX-PAN'SION, increase in bulk.
14. PAR'TI-CLES, minute portions.
15. STEAM, the heated vapor of water.
17. IR-RE-SIST'I-BLE, superior to opposition.


19. SOL'DËR-ED, united by metallic cement.
21. IN-GEN'IOUS, skillful to invent.

29. GAS'ES, aeriform, elastic fluids.
31. STUNNED, made partially senseless.
34. TEM'PER-A-TURE, the degree of heat.
36. E-NOR'MOUS-LY, excessively.

· Kit'tle for ket'tle; nough for e-nough' ; no'bud-y for no'bod-y; hun'derd for hund'red; busts for bursts; led for lid; ware for were (wer).


[A Formal Dialogue. See Rule under Personation, page 125. The class may also observe the questions in this lesson, tell the kind to which each one belongs, and with what inflection it should be read. See Rules 1 and 5, pages 66 and 81.]

1. Mr. W. Thomas, have you brought the small cork I told you to bring?

2. Thomas. Yes, father; here it is.

3. Mr. W.

4. Thom.

it in!

5. Mr. W.

Put it into the spout of the tea-kettle.
Why, it is blown out again, as soon as I put

You do not press it hard enough. Hold it

fast, press with all your might.

6. Thom. See there!

7. Mr. W. Blown off! gunpowder into the kettle!

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Nobody has put

The lid is blown off!
How is this?

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