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wind. Now, what do such instances of design lead us to conclude?"

26. "They prove a designer," said Albert. "If the work of a watch shows that some one made it, I am sure that our bodies, too, must have had a contriver."

27. "The facts of this sort," added the Doctor, "are very numerous. There is design manifested in the frame of all animals, as well as in man. It appears in every living thing. There is design in the earth, and in the heavens, — that is, things were intended to be as they are; and they were made so with certain ends in view. There is, therefore, a designer, one who exercised thought about the various objects in the world. That being can be no other than God."

28. "I shall feel more interest than ever in the works of creation," said Eliza. "How much can be learned from them!"

29. "We learn less from them than we might," said the Doctor. "If we would know what is in a book, we must open our eyes upon it, and give it our attention. The old heathen nations were ignorant of God, not because they could not know him from his works, but because they had no desire to know him.

30. "For,' says the Apostle Paul,* 'the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.'

QUESTIONS. 1. What is said of Doctor Cramer? 3. What was the subject of conversation between him and his grandchildren one day? 3-10. What is the substance of their conversation in these paragraphs? 11-14. What familiar illustration did the Doctor employ to prove that God made the world? 15. How did he make the appli.. cation? 16-18. What particulars in the works of nature did he mention as evidences of order, thought, and design? 20. What illustration is next introduced? 21-25. What is the application? 26. What was Albert's conclusion? 27-30. What further was said by the Doctor? Where is the quotation from the Bible found? — What is the general character of this lesson? What is Rhetorical Dialogue? How should it be read? What is the rule for reading argumentative composition? 1. Point out the silent letters, and give the elements, in the word knowledge.

* See the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, chap. 1, v. 20.


1. BEAU'TI-FUL, pleasing to the senses.

1. DE-TER', to hinder or stop in acting.

2. DARK'LY. blindly, dimly.

4. CLASP, to embrace.

5. FA'VOR-ITE, much loved.
5. WAR'BLER, a singing bird.

3. PATIENCE, endurance without murmur- 6. MINT, a place where money is coined. ing or fretfulness.

4. SIGH, earnestly to desire, long for.

8. GUILELESS, free from guile or deceit.
8. PRE-MA-TURE'LY, before the proper time.

ERRORS. Not tall for not all; ma kit for make it; clas pit for clasp it ; in nev'er-y for in ev'e-ry.

[blocks in formation]

[The class may point out the examples in this lesson that require the falling inflection, in accordance with Rule 6, page 85, and tell which part of the rule they illustrate.]

1. WALK with the beautiful, and with the grand;

Let nothing on the earth thy feet deter;
Sorrow may lead thee weeping by the hand,
But give not all thy bosom thoughts to her;
Walk with the beautiful.

2. I hear thee say,

"The beautiful! What is it?"

O, thou art darkly ignorant! Be sure

'Tis no long, weary road its form to visit;

For thou canst make it smile beside thy door;
Then love the beautiful.

3. Ay, love it; 't is a sister that will bless,

And teach thee patience when the heart is lonely;

The angels love it, for they wear its dress;
And thou art made a little lower only;

Then love the beautiful.

4. Sigh for it, clasp it when 't is in thy way!

Be its idolater,* as of a maiden!

* Idol'a-fer, a worshiper of idols, or one who worships as a deity that which is not fod. It here means an adorer or a great admirer.

Thy parents bent to it, and more than they;
Be thou its worshiper. Another Eden*
Comes with the beautiful.

5. Some boast its presence in a Grecian face; †
Some, on a favorite warbler of the skies;
But be not fooled; where'er thine eye might trace,
Seeking the beautiful, it will arise;

Then seek it everywhere.

6. Thy bosom is its mint; the workmen are

Thy thoughts; and they must coin for thee believing.
The beautiful exists in every star;

Thou mak'st it so, and art thyself deceiving
If otherwise thy faith.

7. Thou seest beauty in the violet's cup;

I'll teach thee miracles! Walk on this heath,
And say to the neglected flower, "Look up,
And be thou beautiful!" If thou hast faith,
It will obey thy word.

8. One thing I warn thee: bow no knee to gold;
Less innocent it makes the guileless tongue;

It turns the feelings prematurely old

QUESTIONS. beautiful?

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And they who keep their best affections young,

Best love the beautiful.

What is the subject of this lesson? 2-7. What, and where, is the What is meant by idolater? What, by Eden? What, by Grecian face? 8. What caution is here given? 8. Why? 8. Who best love the beautiful? — Wha inflection is required on the first, second, fourth, and fifth lines in the first stanza? Why? What on beautiful, in the first line of the second stanza? Why? &c., &c.

* E'den. Allusion is here made to the beautiful garden in which Adam and Eve were placed by God himself. See Genesis, chap. 2, from the 8th to the 23d verse inclusive.

+ Gre'cian face. The ancient Grecians were distinguished for their symmetry and beauty, many proofs of which may be seen in those exquisite specimens of statuary which have been handed down to us as the beau ideal of the Grecian form.

3. FOLI-AGE, leaves on trees.


8. LUX-U'RI-ANT, exuberant in growth. 5. Ac'ID, sour to the taste, sharp.

5. AC-CUSTOM-ED, being familiar by use. 6. SUB-SIST', to live, to exist.

7. IN-CIS'IONS, gashes cut into a substance. 7. PREJ'U-DIC-ES, prepossessions.

7. TRANS-PLANT'ED, removed and planted in another place.

8. DEL'I-CA-CY, what delights the taste. 9. LUX'U-RY, any delicious food.

9. SUB'STI-TUTE, a person or thing put in the place of another.

10. RE-SOURCES, means of support.

ERRORS. - Fruit for fruit; a-bund'unce for a-bund'ance; o'vul for o'val; cov'ring for cov'er-ing; va'rous for va'ri-ous.


1. In our country, we do not need bread-fruit; nor, if we took a fancy to it, would it grow in our climate. We already have a plenty of all kinds of bread.

2. But this tree and its fruit are considered a great blessing in the islands of the Pacific Ocean ; and it grows in great abundance at Tahiti, or Otaheite,*


one of the Society Isl

3. Its branches spread widely, with large leaves; and it grows to the height of about forty feet. Its fruit is oval, like an egg; and its foliage is luxuriant and beautiful.

4. The fruit is about eight inches long, having a smooth, green, outer rind, which covering is as bitter as the green, outside husk of a hazel-nut or shag-bark walnut. The part eaten is between the core and the rind.

5. The fruit can not be long kept unless it is baked. It has an acid taste, which persons not accustomed to it consider unpleasant at first; but it serves the natives of Otaheite both for vegetables and bread.

6. The tree is also used for timber and fuel, -the bark, for canoes; and the islanders would find it difficult to subsist with

* Pronounced Tä-hee'te or Ō-tä-hee'te.

↑ So-ci'e-ty Isl'ands, an important group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, lying between 10 and 18 degrees of south latitude.


out the fruit. It is cooked in various ways, sometimes with milk, and sometimes it is baked.

7. From incisions made in the tree, a milky juice issues, which serves for glue or paste. It has been transplanted with great care into the West Indies,* where it thrives very well; but the blacks prefer the old native plantain-tree,† and have strong prejudices against this.

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8. The English planters grow fond of its fruit, and consider it a great delicacy, using it principally in the form of puddings. It is very white, if duly gathered and prepared.

9. God has provided for the wants of all his children. In all parts of the earth, where one luxury is wanting, some useful substitute has been found. His care is equally extended to the savage and the civilized world, - to man and beast, fish and fowl, the insect that creeps, and the eagle that soars. 10. And the natives of the Pacific islands thank God that he made the bread-fruit-tree, on which, if all other resources failed, they could still live and thrive. Three of the trees, it is said, will support a man a whole year, without his laboring even a single day.


2. Where does the bread-fruit-tree grow in great abundance? Where are the Society Islands? 3-5. Describe the tree and its fruit. 6. For what are they used? 7. Where has the tree been transplanted? What is meant by the West Indies? What is said of the plantain-tree? 8. What is related of the English planters? 9, 10. What general remarks are here made in conclusion? What is the general character of the composition of this piece, and how should it be read? See Rule 1, page 109. What sound has a in abundance and oval? See remarks under Elementary Sounds, commencing on page 14.

* West In'dies, a group of large islands lying in the Atlantic Ocean, north of the Caribbean Sea.

↑ Plant'ain-tree. This tree is undoubtedly a species of the banana (Musa paradisi. aca), which is abundant in the West Indies. Its leaves are about six feet long, and two wide. The fruit has somewhat the shape of the cucumber, being eight or nine inches long, and between one and two in diameter. When ripe it is of a pale yellow color, and has a very sweet pulp. The bread-fruit-tree belongs to another class of plants (Artocarpus incisa), though the fruit possesses some qualities in common with the plantain-tree.

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