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" PROCTER— A HISTORY OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, with a Rationale of its Offices. By FRANCIS PROCTER, MA Thirteenth Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown 8vo. loг. 6d. PROCTER AND MACLEAR— AN ELEMENTARY INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. "
A Help to Latin Grammar ... - Strona 166
autor: Josiah Wright - 1855
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De vocabuli duo usu Homerico Hesiodeoque et Attico specimen i

Friedrich Zander - 1834 - Liczba stron: 490
...which is added the Order of the Scriptures. By the ReT. F. DENISON MAURICE, MA iSmo. doth limp. n. Procter. — A HISTORY OF THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER,...a Rationale of its Offices. By FRANCIS PROCTER, MA Twelfth Edition, revised and enUrged. Crown 8vo. lot. 6d. Procter and Maclear.— AN ELEMENTARY INTRODUCTION...
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The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and Foreign ..., Tom 26

1862 - Liczba stron: 786 had separately. Price 10s. 6d. *»* These Volumes form part of the Series of Theological Manuals. HISTORY of the BOOK of COMMON PRAYER. With a Rationale of its Offices. By PRAM-IS I'ROCTER. MA Fifth Edition, pp. 464, (I860) crown Svo. cloth, 10s. 6d. HISTORY of the CANON...
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Elementary Mechanics

Sir John Budd Phear - 1850 - Liczba stron: 304
...Todhunter, with numerous alterations and additions : the Part on Dynamics, by Messrs. Tait and Steele, is preparing. The other parts will be published in separate...Common Prayer: with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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Norton's Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, Tom 2

1855 - Liczba stron: 336
...O.] PKIVATB PATHOXAOE of the Church of England, 1855. 8vo. [Cox] • 8s. 6d. PIIOCTKR (Rev. F.)— A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Rationale of its Offices, cr. 8vo. (Cambridge) pp. 451. [Bell] 10s. 6d. RAILWAY ACTS, 1838 to 1854. 12mo. [Bigg] 6s. RESTOIIATION...
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The Hulsean lectures for M.DCCXLV and M.DCCCXLVI.

Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1854 - Liczba stron: 356
...Todhunter, with numerous alterations and additions: the Part on Dynamic*. by Messrs. Tait and Steele, is preparing. The other parts will be published in separate...Common Prayer : with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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Synonyms of the New Testament, Część 1

Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1854 - Liczba stron: 260
...Todhunter, with numerous alterations and additions: the Part on Dynamics, hy Messrs. Tait and Steele, is preparing. The other parts will be published in separate...Common Prayer: with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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The Doctrine of Sacrifice Deduced from the Scriptures: A Series of Sermons

Frederick Denison Maurice - 1854 - Liczba stron: 416
...Todhunter, with numerous alterations and additions: the Part on DYNAMICS, ty Messrs. Tail andSleele, is preparing. The other parts will be published in separate...Common Prayer: with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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Thucydides book vi, from the text of Bekker, with notes by P. Frost

Thucydides - 1854 - Liczba stron: 150
...but the Part on Statics has been re-edited by Mr. Tudhunter, with numerous alterations and additions. The other parts will be published in separate forms,...Common Prayer: with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First and Second Centuries

Frederick Denison Maurice - 1854 - Liczba stron: 446
...Tudhunler, with numrrou* alterations and additiom: the Part on Dynamics, by MessTs. Tall and fifeelp, is preparing. The other parts will be published in separate...of the Book of Common Prayer: with a Rationale of ita Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA. late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton,...
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Exercitationes iambicæ; or Progressive exercises in Greek iambic verse

Edward Rupert Humphreys - 1854 - Liczba stron: 486
...been re-edited by Mr. Toiihunter, with numerous alterations and additions. The other parts will U: published in separate forms, improved and altered...Common Prayer: with a Rationale of its Offices. By the Rev. FRANCIS PROCTER, MA, late Fellow of St. Catharine Hall, and Vicar of Witton, Norfolk. Crown...
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