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A reduced Fac-simile from an Engraving in Fox's Book of Martyrs.


JANUARY, 1830.


In a letter, dated July 24, 1787,

divine assistance, to come out WILLIAM HURN, minister of the and be separate from the world, Gospel, pastor of the church and determining to know nothing," congregation assembling in the amongst his people, "but Jesus chapel, Woodbridge, formerly Vi-Christ and him crucified." car of Debenham, and Chaplain to the late Duchess Dowager of Chan- he thus writes to a friend, who exdos, was born at Breccles Hall, pressed the satisfaction and enterNorfolk, Dec. 21, 1754. tainment derived from a recent Endowed with a superior intel-pleasurable excursion:-"I believe lect, he pursued his preparatory that true felicity is to be obtained studies with uncommon facility and but one way; that there is no persuccess. In the year 1777 he be-manent peace or rest for any one, came Classical Tutor in the free but that which is revealed in Scripgrammar school at Dedham, in ture- the rest which remaineth Essex, then conducted by the Rev. for the people of God;' which Dr. Greenwood; entered the army springs from a right knowledge of in 1797; resigned his commission God, as he shines forth, all merciin 1780; was ordained deacon, at ful and lovely as he is, in a cruciNorwich, by Bishop Yonge, in fied Saviour." 1781; and admitted to priest's or- In the year 1788, he was apders the following year. He offi-pointed, by the Most Noble Elizaciated successively in the parishes beth, Duchess Dowager of Chanof Beighton, Broome, Rattlesden, Stowmarket, &c. in Suffolk.

dos, one of her Grace's domestic chaplains; and the following year In the year 1786, through the was united in marriage to Sarah, abounding grace and mercy of second daughter of the late ThoGod, his mind became susceptible mas Wharrie, Esq. Hull. In 1790, of religious impressions, to which he was presented, by Dame Anne. he had hitherto been a stranger. Henniker and the Duchess DowaHe became a resident on his cure ger of Chandos, to the living of at Rattlesden in 1787. From this Debenham, a small market town period he evinced a total change in the central part of Suffolk. Here of character and sentiment. Con- he continued to labour indefatigvinced of the natural depravity of ably, "in season and out of seathe human heart, of the necessity son," during a long series of years; of the atoning blood and righte- faithfully and fearlessly proclaimousness of Christ, of the renovat-ing the truth as it is in Jesus. ing and sanctifying influences of Earnestly pursuing but one object, the Holy Spirit, he resolved, with

As this article was sent us, we owed it to our correspondents to print it, notwithstanding it has appeared in another peri


VOL. V. 3d Series.

the glory of God in the conversion of immortal souls. The Lord abundantly blessed his labours, and made him instrumental in turning numbers from darkness to light, and


from the power of Satan unto | courses, with the view of resigning God." Many who are now pro- his living, and seceding from the mulgating the glad tidings of the Established Church. This extraGospel, first felt its divine influ- ordinary determination, he assured ence while listening to its gracious his weeping audience, arose purely truths from his lips. The juvenile from conscientious motives, which, part of his flock, also, eminently with divine permission, he intended benefited by his labours. He re- to make known at a future period. gularly devoted the Sunday even- In April, 1823, he received from ing to a catechetical exercise, and the congregation at the chapel, often reminded his clerical bre-Woodbridge, an invitation to supthren of the necessity and import-ply their place of worship; with ance of training the rising genera- which request he complied, and tion in the knowledge and fear of preached his first sermon after seGod. A truly Christian philan- cession, April 27. Proposals for thropist, he was ever found the his continuance amongst them were ready advocate and friend of any soon issued from the church and institution which had for its object congregation, to which, after earthe extension of true religion. nest prayer and deliberation, he Anxious to promote the spiritual consented; and became their resiwelfare of immortal souls, he un-dent pastor in July of the same dertook, in the year 1814, the cu- year.

racy of Ashfield-cum-Thorp, where During his life, this distinguishhe laboured some time gratuitously, ed minister of Christ, though not and presented the emolument to a exempt from trials, realized pepoor clergyman, then resident in culiar blessings, the greatest of the neighbourhood. In the sum- which was peace of mind, arising mer of 1817, he was called to en- from a sense of the divine favour dure a heavy domestic trial, in the and approbation. With a holy decease of his beloved wife; but disinterestedness, which characterwas supported with the recollec-ized his Christian course, he pertion of her having died in the Lord. sisted in his accustomed acts of In the autumn of the same year, liberality and benevolence, conthe bereaved and sorrowing writers firming a declaration made to the of this Memoir had the unspeak-people of his charge, I seek not able privilege of becoming his yours, but you. The continued adopted children; and continued orthodoxy of his sentiments may to enjoy his paternal solicitude, be best conceived by a reference earnest prayers, and Christian in- to his "Farewel Testimony," which struction, throughout the remain- contains an epitome of the sacred der of his life. Under all the truths he so long laboured to inculpainful vicissitudes incident to hu- cate. In the preface to this work man life, he experienced peculiar he observes, "Should it be insinudivine support. The period now ated or reported by any, that my approached, when his faith and views of the Gospel, in any points Christian fortitude were to undergo of vital importauce, are erroneous, the severest test. God demanded they may be referred to what I a sacrifice, which his faithful ser-have written and made public. If vant, through grace, was resolved they will condescend to read the to make. On Sunday, Oct. 6, following pages, they may find my 1822, he publicly announced his principles in them, and learn what intention to preach, on the follow-my creed is. To the best of my

Lord's day, his farewel dis-knowledge, I have flattered no man

here, nor sought to please any man or body of men at the expence of truth. It is now a long time that I have not dared to lean on any human authority for any thing I am to believe and teach, concerning the religion of Jesus Christ." This opinion he maintained through life, and continued to dispense the sacred ordinances of religion, unconnected with any existing denomination of professing Christians, yet cultivating an esteem for all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.

the mercy of God through Christ. He frequently said, “I am a poor unworthy sinner, an unprofitable servant: I must have the lowest place in heaven. O that I had served God better, and glorified him more!" Often in the midst of extreme bodily pain, he said, "The Lord is good; he deals yently and kindly with me. Bless the Lord, O my soul," &c. He repeatedly addressed those who were the most concerned for the preservation of his life, thus :"Be resigned to the will of God; his will is best. I have no wish to recover; if I had, I should be afraid. Whether I live, may I live to the Lord; and whether I die, may die to the Lord. Pray for me, that I may humble myself under the hand of God. I am resigned to his will; that I think a token for good."

On Sunday, Sept. 13, 1829, he delivered, in his accustomed energetic and impressive tone, two discourses, founded on Luke ix. 11. and Romans vi. 2.; and in the evening, as usual, when not prevented by indisposition, engaged in the catechetical instruction. This, to the regret of his congregation and friends, was his last public attempt He made frequent confessions of to "turn the sinner from the error his faith in the Redeemer: “Christ,” of his ways," and direct the weep-" he said, is all my salvation and ing penitent to "the Lamb of God, all my desire; my only refuge is who taketh away the sin of the in Him; I have had no other hope world." On the 18th, it pleased for years; I know in whom I have God to visit him with a disease believed,' &c. (With great emowhich proved fatal. Of its serious tion) O the infinite, the incomprenature and consequences, the pa- hensible love of Christ, to become tient and afflicted sufferer was soon incarnate, to die for such rebels; aware. On Monday, the 21st, in and to procure for them eternal answer to an inquiry respecting the redemption! O the wonderful love state of his health, he said, "I am of God in Christ Jesus!" sick and near to death;" and intimated his conviction, that a few days would probably terminate his mortal existence; which, to the inexpressible consolation of his deeply-afflicted relatives, was mercifully protracted. Throughout the day he continued to address his sorrowing family and friends in the most solemn and affectionate manner. The efficacy of divine grace was eminently displayed in his deep humility, patience under bodily sufferings, resignation to the divine will, and entire reliance on

The fervour of his devotion was remarkable. Often, with uplifted eyes and extended arms, he prayed, "O Lord, have mercy on me, a poor, vile sinner! Lord Jesus, undertake for me: be thou my righteousness, my all! Lord, keep me-keep my soul--keep me till I come into thy presence, and bow before thy throne !" Those who claimed his tenderest sympathy and affection, were the frequent subjects of his petitions; and he occasionally said, "I am praying, not for my friends only, but for

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my enemies." At intervals he re- | dence, Woodbridge, attended by quested various portions of the sa- numbers of his attached hearers cred Scriptures to be read to him: and friends, and sepulchred in the adding, "I have committed a great parish church of Debenham, the deal to memory, and can meditate upon it when scarcely able to bear reading. The word of God is the food and nourishment of my soul." As this venerable saint approached the eternal world, his desire to depart and to be with Christ increased. He often said, "I want to be perfect-to have my sanctification completed-to be entirely conformed to the image of my SaviI shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness."


On Monday, Oct. 5, it was evident the vital powers were fast sinking; in his own language, “life was ebbing-mercy was overflowing." He entreated his afflicted relatives to moderate their grief in his presence, adding, "Let there be peace. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." He retained his faculties entire to the last, for which he frequently expressed gratitude to the Father of mercies; observing, "the Lord deals with me as seemeth good in his sight. Let patience have its perfect work. I want to do the will of God through his strength, and then enter into light-into his glory."

scene of his former ministerial labours. The respected incumbent delivered an animated and appropriate address to the numerous sorrowing spectators. At the request of the bereaved congregation, the Rev. W. Ward, of Stowmarket, preached an impressive funeral discourse on the following Sunday, from 2 Cor. v. 10.

Previously to the fatal seizure, this indefatigable minister of Christ had been occupied in composing, revising, and preparing for publication, his Reasons for Secession, which will be in the press as soon as practicable.

He possessed a talent for poetry, and published in 1777 a descriptive poem, entitled "Heath Hill;" and in 1784, "The Blessings of Peace, a lyric Poem," &c.

He was the author of the following religious publications:-"The Fundamental Principles of the Established Church proved to be the Doctrine of the Scriptures ;" an introductory Discourse, preached March 7, at Debenham. Bury. 8vo. "Men warned to examine the Ground of their Religion; or, False Foundations removed, and On Thursday, the 8th, he made the true one pointed out:" a Serseveral attempts to articulate.-mon preached in the Cathedral About twenty minutes after twelve Church, Norwich, on Sunday, Oct. o'clock, he said, "All-all (with 17, 1790. Ipswich. 8vo. ." Preemphasis) sweetness!" These words, paration for Death," &c. preached indicative of the peace and serenity at Debenham, Feb. 26, 1792, on of his soul, were the last he was occasion of the sudden, but reheard to utter. On Friday morn-markably triumphant departure of ing, Oct. 9, he fell asleep in Jesus, William Patrick. To which are and entered into the joy of his added, some lyric verses, entitled Lord, to receive an inheritance in- Laughter in Death. Ipswich. “The corruptible, and undefited, and that Divine Government a ground of fadeth not away. rejoicing at all times;" and "The On Thursday, Oct. 15, the mor- Tears of England, or a Word in tal remains of this exemplary Chris-Season to the People;" the former tian were removed from his resi- preached on Tuesday, Dec. 19,

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