The tenth, cat. 146,-148. The sum of the first four commandments, which contain our duty to God, cat. 102. The sum of the other six, which contain our duty to man, cat. 122. Noman is able to keep the commandments of God perfectly, cat. 149. The Communion. See The Lord's Supper. Communion of saints, wherein it consists, con. xxvi. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privileges of the visible church, cat. 63. In the Lord's supper communicants testify their mutual love and fellowship each with other, cat. 168. That sacrament being a bond and pledge of believers' communion with Christ, and with each other, as members of his mystical body, ical bod con. xxix. 1. The communion of saints doth not infringe a man's property in his goods and possessions, con. xxvi. 3. Communion which the elect have with Christ, con, xxvi. 1. In this life, cat. 69, 83. Immediately after death, cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judg ment, cat. 87, 90. It is a còn sequence of their union with him, con. xxvi. 1. It doth not make them partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, con. xxvi. 3. It is confirmed in the Lord's supper, cat. 168. Unchaste Company not to be kept, cat. 139. Nor corrupt communications to be used or listened to, ib. Condition. Perfect, personal, and perpetual obedience, the condition of the covenant of works, con. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20. God requires faith as the condition to interest sinners in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32. Confession of sin always to be made in private to God, con. xv. 6. And is to be joined with prayer, cat. 178. When to be made to men, con. xv. 6. Upon confession the offending brother is to be received in love, ib. Conscience. See Liberty of Conscience. Peace of conscience a fruit of the sense of God's love, con. xviii. 1, 3. cat. 83. Believers may fall into sins which wound the conscience, con. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. The wicked are punished with horror of conscience, cat. 28, 83. Contentment. Submission to God is our duty, cat. 104. Discontent at his dispensations is sinful, cat. 105. A full contentment with our condition is our duty, cat. 147. Discontentment with our own estate a sin, cat. 148. Controversies. It belongs to synods and councils ministerially to determine controversies of faith, and cases of conscience, con. xxxi. 3. The Spirit speaking in the scriptures is the supreme judge of all controversies in religion, con. i. 10. The original text of the scriptures scriptures is that to which the Our Conversation ought to be in Covenant of grace, what, con. vii. 6. cat. 35. Councils or Synods ought to be, The curse and wrath of God, man Cursing sinful, cat. 113. The Death of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat. 49. In it he saw no corruption, con. viii. 4. cat. 52. The divine nature having sustained the human from sinking under the power of death, cat. 38. By his obedience and death he made a proper, real, and full satisfaction to the justice of the Father, con. xi. 3. cat. 71. Through the virtue of his death and resurrection, believers are sanctified, con. xiii. 1. Believers have fellowship with Christ in his death, con. xxvi. 1. And from his death and resurrection they draw strength for the mortifying of sin, and quickening of grace, cat. 167. The Lord's supper is a memorial of his death, con. xxix. 1. cat. 168. And in that sacrament worthy communicants meditate affectionately on his death and sufferings, cat. 174. And receive and feed upon all the benefits of his death, con. xxix. 7. The Decalogue. See Command ments. The Decrees of God, the nature, end, extent, and properties of them, con. iii. 1, 2. cat. 12. The decree of predestination, con. iii. 3, 4. Of election and reprobation, con. iii. 5, 6, 7. cat. 13. How God executeth his decrees, cat. 14. How the doctrine of decrees is to be handled, and what use to be made of them, con. iii. 8. Curious prying into God's decrees forbidden, cat. 113. Desertion. Wilful desertion unlawful, cat. 139. Such as cannot be remedied by the church or civil magistrate, is cause sufficient of dissolving the bond of marriage, con. xxiv. 6. Despair sinful, cat. 105. Believers always supported froin utter despair, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81. Devil, all compacts and consulting with him sinful, cat. 105. Diligence in our calling a duty, cat. 141. Dipping in baptism not necessary, con. xxviii. 3. Discontent at the dispensations of God's providence sinful, cat. 105, 113. Discontentment with our own estate sinful, cat. 148. Divorce, lawful in case of adultery after marriage, or of such wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, con. xxiv. 5, 6. A publick and orderly course of proceeding is to be observed in it, con. xxiv. 6. Dominion. See Sovereignty, Creatures, Sin. Doubting of being in Christ, may consist with a true interest in him, con, xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat.81, 172. And therefore should not hinder from partaking of the Lord's supper, cat. 172. Drunkenness forbidden, cat. 139.. Duty to God by the light of na ture, con. xxi. 1. Duties requi red in the first commandment, cat. 104. In the second, cat. 108. In the third, cat. 112. In the fourth, cat. 116. Duties of inferiors to their superiors, con. xxiii. 4. cat. 127. What is required of superiors, con. xxiii. 2. cat. 129. Duties of equals, cut. 131. Duties of the sixth commandment, cat. 135. Of the seventh, cut. 138. Of the eighth, cat. 141. Of the ninth, cat. 144. Of the tenth, cat. 147. E ECCLESIASTICAL powers not to be opposed upon pretence of Christian liberty, con. xx. 4. Ecclesiastical persons not exempted from obedience to the civil magistrate, con. xxiii 4. Effectual calling, what, con. x. 1. cat. 67. It is of God's free grace, not from any thing foreseen in man, man, con. x. 2. cat. 67. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called, con. x. 1, 4 cat. 68. The elect united to Christ in their effectual calling, cat. 66. Election, out of God's mere free grace, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. From all eternity in Christ, ib. Election not only to eternal life and glory, but also to the means thereof, con. iii. 6. cat. 13. All the elect, and they only, are effectually called and saved, con. iii. 6. x. 1, 4. cut. 68. Though others may be outwardly called by the word, and have some common operations of the Spirit, ib. Elect infants, and other elect persons who are incapable of being called by the word, how saved, con. x. 3. What use to be made of the doctrine of election, con. iv. 8. And how men may be assured of their eternal election, ib. See Assu rance. Envy sinful, cat. 128, 136, 142, 145, 148. Equals, their duties and sins, cat. 131, 132. the truth Equivocation. Speaking the in doubtful and equivocal expressions, to the prejudice of truth or justice, sinful, cat. 145. Eucharist. See Lord's Supper. Exaltation of Christ, con. viii. 4.. cat. 51. In his resurrection, cat. 52. In his ascension, cat. 53.. In his sitting at the right hand of God, cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, cat. 56. Self-examination, cat. 171. Excommunication, con. xxx. 2,3,4. Expiation. Sin cannot be expiated, but by the blood of Christ, cat. 152. F FAITH, what, con. xiv. 2. cat. 72. God requireth nothing of sinners that they may be justified, justi but faith in Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. Which he requireth as the condition to interest them in the Mediator of the covenant of grace, cut. 32. It justifies a sinner in the sight of God only as it is an instrument by which he receiveth Christ and his righteousness, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. Faith is the gift of God, con. xi. 1. cat. 71. It being the work of the Spirit, con. xiv. 1. cat. 59, 72. It is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the word, con. xiv. 1. Increased and strengthened by the word, sacraments, and prayer, ib. Often weakened, but always gets the victory, con. xiv. 3. Growing up in many to a full assurance, con. xiv. 3. cat. 80. Good works the fruit and evidence of true faith, con. xvi. 2. cat. 52. Which is never alone, but always accompanied with all other saving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, con. xi. 2. cut. Free-will. See Will. Frugality, a duty, cat. 141. G GAMING. Wasteful gaming forbidden, cat. 142. Glory. The communion in glory with Christ, which believers enjoy in this life, con. xviii. 1, 2, 3. cat. 83. Immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judgment, con. xxxii. 3. xxxiii. 2. cat. 87, 90. The Glory of God the end of his decrees, con. iii. 3. cat. 12. The glory of his grace the end of election, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. The glory of his justice the end of the decree of reprobation, con. iii. 7. cat. 13. The glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, the end of the creation, con. iv. 1. The manifestation of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy, is the end of all God's works of providence, con. v. 1. cat. 18. The end of God's appointing the last judgment is the manifestation of the glory of his mercy and justice, con. xxxii. 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man, cat. 1. God is glorified by good works, con. xvi. 2. Gluttony, a sin, cat. 139. God. The light of nature sheweth that there is a God, con. xxi. 1. cat. 2. What it declares concerning him, and of our duty to him, con. i. 1. xxi. 1. It is not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto salvation, con. i. 1. cat. 2. The attributes or perfections of God, con. ii. 1, 2. cat. 7, 101. There is butone only God, con. ii. 1. cat. 8. There are three persons in the Godhead, distinguished by per sonal properties, con. ii. 3. cat. 9, 10. The co-equality of the persons proved, cat. 11. To him is due from all his creatures, whatsoever worship, service, or obedience, he is pleased to require, con. ii. 2. Our duty to God, cat. 104, 108, 112, 116. What contrary to it, cat. 105, 109, 113, 119. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Christ, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179, 181. God is to be worshipped in that way only which he hath instituted in the scriptures, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. To glorify God, and fully to enjoy him for ever, is the chief end of man, cat. 1. Good works. See Works. Gospel. How the covenant of grace is administered under the gospel, con. vii. 6. cat. 35. Without the gospel no salvation, con. x. 4. cat. 60. In it Christ doth not dissolve but strengthen the obligation to the obedience of the moral law, con. xix. 5. Believers under the gospel have a greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, con. xx. 1. Government. See Church, Magis trate. The Grace of God. Election is of God's mere free grace, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. How the grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, con. vii. 3. cat. 32. Effectual calling is of God's free and special grace, con. x. 2. cat. 67. Justification is only of free grace, con. xì. 3. cat. 70, 71. Adoption is an act of free grace, con. xii. cat. 74. The communion in grace which believers have with Christ, cat. 69. All saving graces are the work of the |