Obrazy na stronie

Number ten-Many, Dan. i. 20. Amos vi. 9. Zech. viii. 23.

Oaks-Princes, Isa. ii. 13.

Olive, Wild-Sensual man, Rom. xi. 17.

Olive, Cultivated-The church of Christ, Rom. xi. 24.
Palm—An emblem of joy and victory, Rev. vii. 7.
Paradise-Heaven, the residence of the Redeemed, Luke
xxiii. 43. Rev. ii. 7.

Passover-Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. v. 7.
Physician-Jesus Christ, Matt. ix. 12.

Pillar-1. The chief support of a family, city, or state,
Gal. ii. 9.

2. A monument of grace in the temple of glory,

Rev. iii. 12.

Poison-Lies, evil principles, Ps. cxl. 3. Rom. iii. 13. Rain-1. Emblem of saving doctrine, Deut. xxxii. 2. 2. Spiritual influences, Isa. xliv. 3.

River-1. The irruption of an invading army, Isa. lix. 19. Jer. xlvi. 7, 8.

2. An emblem of exuberant blessings, Job. xxix. 6. Ps. xxxvi. 8.

3. Overflowings of divine love and grace, Rev. xxii. 1. Ezek. xlvii.

Rock-1. A secure refuge, Ps. xviii. 2. Isa. xvii. 10. 2. The founder of a nation, Isa. li. 1.

Rod-1. Powerful authority, Ps. ii. 9.

2. Divine faithfulness, Ps. xxiii. 4.

Salt-1. The principles and virtues of christians, Matt. v. 13.

2. The wisdom of christian prudence, Col. iv. 6. Sea-1. The remote islands and countries of the Gentiles, Isa. lx. 5.

2. The river Euphrates, or Nile, Isa. xxi. 1. Jer. li. 36.

Seal, Sealed-1. Symbol of security, Sol. Song iv. 12. 2. Symbol of secrecy, Isa. xxix. 11,

3. Restraint, Job ix. 7. xxxvii. 7.

4. Token of special commission, Johu vi. 27.

5. Emblem of peculiar interest, Eph. i. 13. iv. 30. Rev. vii. 2-4.

Seed-Evangelical doctrine, Luke viii. 5.11. 1 Pet. i. 23. 1 John iii. 9.

Serpent-Satan, the devil, Gen. iii. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Rev. xii. 9.

Sheep-The disciples of Christ, Zech. xiii. 7. John x. 11. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 25.

Shield-Faith in the divine promises, Eph. vi. 16. Sleep-1. Death, Dan. xii. 2. John xi. 11. 1 Thess. iv. 14. 2. Carnal security, Rom. xiii. 11.

Sodom and Gomorrah-An apostate, wicked city, Isa. i. 10. Rev. xi. 8.

Sores-Spiritual maladies, Isa. i. 6. liii. 5.
Sower-A gospel preacher, Matt. xiii. 3. 37.
Star-1. A prince or ruler, Num. xxiv. 17. Rev. xxii. 16.
2. Eminent pastors of churches, Rev. i. 20.

3. Apostate teachers, Jude 13.

Stone-1. Jesus Christ, Ps. cxviii. 22. Isa. xxviii. 16. Matt. xxi. 42.

2. A true believer, 2 Pet. ii. 5.

Stone, White-Seal or token of full absolution, Rev. ii. 17.

Sun-1. The Lord God, Ps. lxxxiv. 11. 2. Jesus Christ, Mal. iv. 2.

Sun and Moon-States, civil and ecclesiastical, Joel ii. 31. Acts ii. 20.

Swine-Unclean, infidel persons, Matt. vii. 6.

Sword-1. The symbol of destruction, Deut. xxxii. 41,42. 2. The word of God-the weapon of a christian, Eph. vi. 17.

Tabernacle-The human body, 2 Cor. v. 1. 2 Pet. i. 13, 14. Talents-The gifts of God bestowed on man, Matt.

XXV. 15.

Tares-Wicked infidels, Matt. xiii, 38.
Teeth-Symbols of cruelty, Prov. xxx. 14.

Thorns-1. Worldly cares, riches, and pleasures, Luke

viii. 14.

2. Perverse unbelievers Ezek. ii. 6.

Throne-1. Government or kingdem, Gen. xli. 4. 2 Sam.

vii. 12. 16.

2. An order of angels, Col. i. 16.

Number ten-Many, Dan. i. 20. Amos vi. 9. Zech. viii. 23.

Oaks-Princes, Isa. ii. 13.

Olive, Wild-Sensual man, Rom. xi. 17.

Olive, Cultivated-The church of Christ, Rom. xi. 24.
Palm-An emblem of joy and victory, Rev. vii. 7.
Paradise-Heaven, the residence of the Redeemed, Luke
xxiii. 43. Rev. ii. 7.

Passover-Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. v. 7.
Physician-Jesus Christ, Matt. ix. 12.

Pillar-1. The chief support of a family, city, or state,
Gal. ii. 9.

2. A monument of grace in the temple of glory, Rev. iii. 12.

Poison-Lies, evil principles, Ps. cxl. 3. Rom. iii. 13. Rain-1. Emblem of saving doctrine, Deut. xxxii. 2. 2. Spiritual influences, Isa. xliv. 3.

River-1. The irruption of an invading army, Isa. lix. 19. Jer. xlvi. 7, 8.

2. An emblem of exuberant blessings, Job. xxix. 6. Ps. xxxvi. 8.

3. Overflowings of divine love and grace, Rev. xxii. 1. Ezek. xlvii.

Rock-1. A secure refuge, Ps. xviii. 2. Isa. xvii. 10. 2. The founder of a nation, Isa. li. 1.

Rod-1. Powerful authority, Ps. ii. 9.

2. Divine faithfulness, Ps. xxiii. 4.

Salt-1. The principles and virtues of christians, Matt. v. 13.

2. The wisdom of christian prudence, Col. iv. 6. Sea-1. The remote islands and countries of the Gentiles, Isa. lx. 5.

2. The river Euphrates, or Nile, Isa. xxi. 1. Jer. li. 36.

Seal, Sealed-1. Symbol of security, Sol. Song iv. 12. 2. Symbol of secrecy, Isa. xxix. 11,

3. Restraint, Job ix. 7. xxxvii. 7.

4. Token of special commission, Johu vi. 27.

5. Emblem of peculiar interest, Eph. i. 13. iv. 30. Rev. vii. 2-4.

Seed-Evangelical doctrine, Luke viii. 5.11. 1 Pet. i. 23. 1 John iii. 9.

Serpent-Satan, the devil, Gen. iii. 1. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Rev. xii. 9.

Sheep-The disciples of Christ, Zech. xiii. 7. John x. 11. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 25.

Shield-Faith in the divine promises, Eph. vi. 16. Sleep-1. Death, Dan. xii. 2. John xi. 11. 1 Thess. iv. 14. 2. Carnal security, Rom. xiii. 11.

Sodom and Gomorrah-An apostate, wicked city, Isa. i. 10. Rev. xi. 8.

Sores-Spiritual maladies, Isa. i. 6. liii. 5.
Sower-A gospel preacher, Matt. xiii. 3. 37.
Star-1. A prince or ruler, Num. xxiv. 17. Rev. xxii. 16.
2. Eminent pastors of churches, Rev. i. 20.

3. Apostate teachers, Jude 13.

Stone-1. Jesus Christ, Ps. cxviii. 22. Isa. xxviii. 16. Matt. xxi. 42.

2. A true believer, 2 Pet. ii. 5.

Stone, White-Seal or token of full absolution, Rev. ii. 17.

Sun-1. The Lord God, Ps. lxxxiv. 11. 2. Jesus Christ, Mal. iv. 2.

Sun and Moon-States, civil and ecclesiastical, Joel ii. 31. Acts ii. 20.

Swine-Unclean, infidel persons, Matt. vii. 6.

Sword-1. The symbol of destruction, Deut. xxxii. 41,42. 2. The word of God-the weapon of a christian, Eph. vi. 17.

Tabernacle-The human body, 2 Cor. v. 1. 2 Pet. i. 13, 14. Talents-The gifts of God bestowed on man, Matt.

xxv. 15.

Tares-Wicked infidels, Matt. xiii. 38.
Teeth-Symbols of cruelty, Prov. xxx. 14.

Thorns-1. Worldly cares, riches, and pleasures, Luke viii. 14.

2. Perverse unbelievers Ezek. ii. 6.

Throne-1. Government or kingdem, Gen. xli. 4. 2 Sam.

vii. 12. 16.

2. An order of angels, Col. i. 16.

by an innumerable multitude of intelligent, learned, and pious believers, in the character of confessors and martyrs for their truth, divinity, and saving efficacy; and their transforming influence on those who receive the love of the truth, still corresponds with their primitive claims, and demonstrates that they came from God.

The Bible alone has clearly revealed the self-existence, the universal providence, and the infinite perfections of the one only living and eternal God. It has both published and illustrated his holy law, as the immutable rule of moral duty for all his intelligent creation. It announces a future judgment, in which all men shall be righteously rewarded or punished according to their cha racter and their works. It contemplates man in that condition, which all history portrays-a fallen, miserable mortal, a guilty transgressor against God. It exhibits to his terrified mind, and brings to his awakened conscience, the rich provisions of mercy, full forgiveness and free justification, through the substitution of an almighty Surety. The understanding of man being darkened, and his heart corrupted, it sends him an omnipotent Sanctifier, whose influence illuminates and purifies the soul by regeneration and sanctification. Christianity thus destroys the deeply rooted enmity of the heart, and brings the alienated rebel to God, as his heavenly Father, to receive the unspeakable blessings of adoption into the family of God, and to enjoy the sweet assurances of immortality in the life everlasting.


This system of sovereign mercy implants the principles and enforces the practice of every virtue which can exalt, adorn, and improve the human character. Even its partial reception has annihilated the cruel barbarities and degrading customs inseparable from former ages. alone has elevated woman to her just equality with man: it alone has sanctified the conjugal relation it alone has inculcated the duty, and exemplified the expression of domestic harmony, and of parental and filial affection : it alone enforces mutual forgiveness, confidence, and brotherly love, irrespective of clime, and age, and nation. Christianity binds all classes together in universal

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