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Særto gaunnan pes into dære stope ! on ece erfe . Sæt hit nage nan man fram dare stope tpodælanne*.

Donne is dis se eaca de eallra Pest Seaxna pitan Særto eacan me gebocodon on ece yrfe.

Ærest suðrichte fron dan beodern to sancte Gregories cirican donne from dære suð pest hyrnan sancte Gregories cirican. XII. geurda pest richte to dære strete. donne richte norð. XIII geurde to Cære nordstræte donne east richte. XLIII. geurde. J. VI. fet. to ære east strete. donne suðrichte. xx. geurde 7. VI. fet to dære suðstrete . donne pest richte be dære suðstrete to ðæn lictune. VII. geurde . 7. VI. fet. Conne richt norð. v. geurde. Conne is as simbganges † ealles driu furlanges. 7 Oreo metgeurda.

Eaɣpeard. rex .
Ealderes. frater regis.
Plemuno archiepiscopus.
Denepulf. episcopus.
Pilfærd. episcopus.
Pulfsige. episcopus.
.Asser. episcopus.
. Pighen episcopus.
.Eodmund . episcopus .

*. Witbrord minister.

. Deormod minister.

. Beorths[i]ge. minister.

. Ocea. minister.

. Adelstan. minister.

. Pulfhelm. minister.


. Eadgar. episcopus.

. Wimund. episcopus.

. Brinhelm. abbod.

* Tod., K.

1 A.D. 901-925.

+ Imbg., K. T.

. Alla. minister.

. Heorstan minister.

. Pulfhelm. minister.
. Beorstan. presbyter.
.Tata. presbyter.

. Brichtulf. presbyter.

+ Orio, T.

2 "A.D. 922. Clito Ethelwardus, regis Eadwardi germanus, xvii cal. Nov. defunctus, Wintoniam defertur et sepelitur." Flor. Wigorn.

3 Of Canterbury, A.D. 890-2 Aug., A.D. 914.

4 Of Winchester, A.D. 879-908.

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5 Of Worcester, A.D. 922? But there is, perhaps, some confusion here with Werefrith of Worcester, who subscribes from A.D. 873-904.

• Of London, A.D. 898-910.

8 Of Selsey, c. A.D. 904-909.

10 Of Hereford, c. A.D. 901-930.

7 Of Sherborn, c. A.D. 900-904.

• Of Rochester, c. A.D. 904-909.
11 Of Lichfield, c. A.D. 901-909.



Byrnhelm1 abbud.
Pihtbrord minister.
Deormod minister.

Beorhtisige minister.

"In the name of the Lord. I, King Edward, have obtained from Bishop Denewulf and from the convent at Winchester the Wicker-work (?) church and the stone dormitory, and thereto of the land south of the church and the dormitory, twenty-four rods in length; and in breadth, where it is broadest, five rods; and, where it is least broad, one rod in order that I might thereon found a monastery for the health of my soul and that of my venerable father, King Alfred.


And I have let, with the counsel and leave of all the "witan" of the West Saxons, to the bishop and the convent the church of St. Andrew and the 'worthy" which was thereto granted to the place, in perpetual inheritance, so that no man may separate it from the place.

Now this is the augmentation which the "witan" of all the West Saxons have in addition chartered to me in perpetual inheritance. First, due south from the refectory to Saint Gregory's church; then from the south-west corner of Saint Gregory's church twelve rods due west to the street; then due north thirteen rods to the North street; then due east forty-three rods and six feet to the East street; then due south twenty rods and six feet to the South street; then due west by the South street to the cemetery seven rods and six feet; then due north five rods. Then the circuit of the whole is three furlongs and three mete-rods."

Although I am unable to point out the respective sites of the "Windchurch" (perhaps an ancient pre-Augustine wicker-work church), the church of Saint Andrew, the church of Saint Gregory, and "the cemetery," yet the enumeration of the boundaries of the land added by the witan to King Edward's acquisition of land from Bishop Denewulf whereon to "found a monastery," i.e., Hyde or New Minister, seems to point to a site contiguous to and enclosed by the South gate] Street, the West[gate] Street, Eastgate] Street, and North[gate] Street, in the city of Winchester, a site in fact in the very heart of the old city.

It is not improbable that this deed related to the land afterwards acquired by William the Conqueror for the site of his palace, to which attention has already been drawn, p. 11I. Edwards, in his edition of the Liber de Hyda (Rolls Series, 1866), gives, at p. xli, a plan showing the relative position of the royal palace and the church of New Minister, which seems to favour this view; both lying to the south of the High Street, and the palace to the west of the church, on the site of the monks' cemetery, as we gather from the charter printed above, at p. 111. If this charter did relate to the site thus pointed out, it would not be difficult to suppose that on the transfer of the land to the king, the body of the copy of the charter was torn out of the manuscript, in order to conceal some of the terms contained in its text; or, perhaps, the original being then no longer extant, the leaves were abstracted by way of a title-deed to the property. It is difficult to find a reason for the concluding part of the charter escaping the notice of the mutilator of the MS. Other charters of Edward the Elder, contained in Edwards' Liber, pp. 85-116, may be compared with this. The names of the witnesses agree in some cases, but the properties are different. There is a charter in MS. Harl. 1761, f. 48, entitled "Carta Regis Edwardi primi de Muchfeldever]." A.D. 900 for 901, where the witnesses are identical (see Appendix), but Adelward is called filius Regis. See Cart. Sax., No. 596.

* Thorpe uses the word rod throughout, but I am more inclined to think the word yard is signified.

1 Beornelm, abbot, occurs in the Liber de Hyda, A.D. 901, pp. 97, 116; Beornelm, abbot, occurs in Kemble, Cod. Dipl. cccxxxvi, Cart. Sax., No. 602; and Brinhelm, abbot, in Kemble, MLXXXVII, Cart. Sax., No. 605.

p. 104]

Ocea minister .
Edelstan minister.

Pulfhelm minister ..
Alla minister.

Beornstan minister.
Pulfhelm minister.
Beornstan presbiter
Tata presbiter.


Beorhtulf presbiter.

Beornulf diaconus.



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1 This heading and paragraph written in a twelfth century handwriting.

2 Theoderic, king of the Ostrogoths? ob. A.D. 526. But there are several saints of this name, among them Theoderic of Monte, or near Rheims, ob. A.D. 523, seems prominent.

This name I am unable to identify, there is no point or stop after it; can it be an error of the scribe for something by way of a relic of Aaron? See p. 159, n. 3.



Aaron 1.

Dens Sancti. Oswaldi 2.

De virga Moysi3.

De sepulchro domini.

De sepulchro Sancte Marie.

De sepulchro Lazari.

De presepio domini .


Oss * sancti Stephani.

Oss sancti Rumboldi 5.

De vestimento quod fecit Sancta Maria.
De capite sancti Johannis baptiste.

De sancto Laurentio ®.

[ocr errors][merged small]

De Agnete sancta.

De sancta Margareta ®.

De sancto Gregorio".


Item de sancto Laurentio 6.




De uestimento quod fecit sancta Maria domino 10.

De uestimento quod induit dominum Herodes.
De sepulchro domini 11.

1 Aaron is commemorated on 1 July.

2 Oswald, Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York, ob. A.D. 992; or Oswald, king and martyr, A.D. 672.

3 In the ark taken by Titus to Rome were, inter alia, the wand of Aaron and "the yerde of Moyses," Warner's Mandeuill, p. 43.

4 Sic, MS.

5 Bishop of Dublin, and apostle of Mechlin, eighth century.

6 See p. 150, n. 4.

? Virgin martyr of Rome, third century. For her relics, see A. S. Boll.,

21 Jan., ii, p. 360.

8 See p. 152, n. 16.

9 St. Gregory the Great, Pope, A. D. 590–604.

10 For these, see Gildemeister and Von Sybel, Der Heilige Rock zu Trier, 1844; Warner's Maundeuill, etc., p. 158; Arculfus De Locis Sanctis, ed. Tobler, i, p. 156.

11 See Theodosius De Terra Sancta, Dd init., in Tobler, Itin., i, p. 63.


Reliquie Sancti Christophori1 in albo.

Reliquie Sanctae Agathe Laurentii 3.

Uestimentum Sancti Iohannis baptistae.

Sancti Pauli reliquias. 7 Sancti Stephani proprio corpore.

Sancti Gregorii proprio corpore .

De ligno domini 5.

De tunica Christi quam Sancta Maria texuit®.

De uestimento quod Herodes & Pilatus imperauerunt

induere circa Christum.

De stola sancti Petri.

De ueste sanctae Mariae.

De spongia domini7.

De ligno quod saluator suis manibus plantauit.


Her is dære spongian dæl þe mon da punde mid ppoh.
Sanctorum martyrum Iohannis & Pauli.

Et Sancti Uitalis 9.

De capite sancti Pancratii 10


Reliquię Sancti Cyriaci 11 martyris .

Ex candela que caelitus accensa fuit in Hierosolymam 12. De Sancto Abundío 18.

Dens sancti Berhtini 14 abbatis.

1 Martyr, probably in Lycia under Decius, A. S. Boll., 25 July, vi, p. 146 9 Virgin martyr_of Catania, in Sicily, A. D. 251; for her relics, see ib.. 5 Feb., i, p. 631. For her mamillæ, also preserved at New Minster, see lower down, in the list of relics preserved in the shrine made by Alwold the church3 See p. 150, 11. 4. See p. 152, n. 6. 6 See p. 159, n. 10.


See p. 150, n. 11. 711 At Constantynople es the spounge and the rede of whilk the lewes gafe oure Lorde to drynke," Warner's Maundeuill, p. 5, and n., p. 158. Beda De Locis Sanctis, states that the sponge was in a silver cup. Tobler, Itin., i, p. 63. See p. 149. l. 6; and p. 160, n. 7.

There are several saints of this name. The hermit of Nantes, ninth century, may be intended.

10 St. Pancras the martyr, A.D. 293; or the bishop and martyr of Sicily, first century.

11 See p. 155, n. 4.

12 See Warner's Maundeuill, p. 38, and note p. 178. The annual festival of this so-called Holy Fire (at Easter) is still observed, Conder, Tent Work, 174.

13 Martyr of Rome under Valerian; or Bishop of Como, in Italy, A.D. 468. ; and see p. 150, 12. 7. 14 See p. 5, n. 2.

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