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BOOK prædictas respective prefixas, se excusare, alias poenas ipsis liIII. teris contentas incurrant, extendimus et ampliamus) publicationem, et deinde, Deo duce, ad executionem procedere omnino statuimus. Et quia à fide dignis accepimus, quod si ipsarum et præsentium literarum publicatio Diep. Rothomagen. vel Boloniæ Ambianen. Dioec. Oppidis in Franciæ, aut Civitate Sancti Andreæ, seu in Oppido Callistren. Sancti Andreæ Diœc. in Scotia Regnis, vel in Thuamien. et Antiferten. Civitatibus, vel Diœc. Dominii Hiberniæ fiat, non solum tam facile, ut si in locis in dictis literis expressis fieret, sed facilius ipsarum literarum tenor, ad Henrici, et aliorum quos concernunt, præsertim Anglorum, notitiam deveniret; Nos volentes in hoc opportune providere, motu, scientia, et potestatis plenitudine prædictis decernimus, quod publicatio literarum superius insertarum, quarum insertioni superius factæ, ac ipsis Originalibus quoad validitatem publicationis, seu executionis præsentium, fidem adhiberi volumus, in duobus ex locis præsentibus literis expressis, alias juxta supra insertarum, et præsentium literarum tenore facta, etiam si in locis extra Romanam Curiam in dictis præinsertis literis specificatis hujusmodi publicatio non fiat, perinde Henricum Regem, et alios quos concernunt præsertim Anglos afficiat, ac si Henrico Regi et aliis prædictis præsertim Anglis personaliter intimatæ fuissent.

5. Quodq; præsentium transumptis, juxta modum in præinsertis literis expressum factis, tam in judicio quam extra, eadem fides adhibeatur, quæ Originalibus adhiberetur, si forent exhibitæ, vel ostensæ.

6. Non obstantibus Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus Apostolicis, necnon omnibus illis, quæ in dictis literis voluimus non obstare, cæterisq; contrariis quibuscunque.

7. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostri Decreti, et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare præsumpserit, indignationem Omnipotentis Dei, ac Beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus se noverit incursurum.

Dat. Romæ apud S. Petrum, Anno Incarnationis Dominicæ 1538. decimo sexto Kal. Januarii, Pontificatus nostri anno quinto.


The Judgment of some Bishops concerning the King's Supremacy.

An Original.



THE Words of St. John in his 20th Chap. Sicut misit me Pa- Ex MSS. D. Stillingter, et ego mitto vos, &c. hath no respect to a King's or a Prince's fleet. Power, but only to shew how that the Ministers of the Word of God, chosen and sent for that Intent, are the Messengers of Christ, to teach the Truth of his Gospel, and to loose and bind Sin, &c. as Christ was the Messenger of his Father. The Words also of St. Paul, in the 20th Chap. of the Acts; Attendite vobis et universo gregi, in qua vos Spiritus Sanctus posuit Episcopos regere Ecclesiam Dei, were spoken to the Bishops and Priests, to be diligent Pastors of the People, both to teach them diligently, and also to be circumspect that false Preachers should not seduce the People, as followeth immediately after in the same Place. Other Places of Scripture declare the Highness and Excellency of Christian Princes Authority and Power; the which of a truth is most high, for he hath Power and Charge generally over all, as well Bishops, and Priests, as other. The Bishops and Priests have charge of Souls within their own Cures, Power to minister Sacraments, and to teach the Word of God; to the which Word of God Christian Princes knowledge themselves subject; and in case the Bishops be negligent, it is the Christian Princes Office to see them do their Duty.

T. Cantuarien.

Joannes London.

Cuthbertus Dunelmen.

Jo. Batwellen.

Thomas Elien.

Nicolaus Sarisburien.

Hugo Wygorn.

J. Roffen.

VOL. I. P. 2.




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Injunctions to the Clergy made by Cromwell.

IN the Name of God, Amen. By the Authority and ComFol. 99. b. mission of the excellent Prince Henry, by the Grace of God,

King of England and of France, Defensor of the Faith; Lord

of Ireland; and in Earth Supream Head, under Christ, of the Church of England. I Thomas Lord a Cromwell, Lord PrivySeal, Vice-gerent to the King's said Highness, for all his Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical within this Realm, do, for the Advancement of the true Honour of Almighty God, Encrease of Vertue, and Discharge of the King's Majesty, give and exhibit unto these Injunctions following, to be kept, observed, and fulfilled, upon the Pains hereafter declared.


First; That ye shall truly observe and keep all and singular the King's Highness Injunctions, given unto you heretofore in my Name, by his Grace's Authority; not only upon the Pains therein.expressed, but also in your default nowe after this second Monition continued, upon further punishment to be straitly extended towards you by the King's Highness Arbitriment, or his Vicegerent aforesaid.

Item; That ye shall provide on this side the Feast of next coming, one Book of the whole Bible of the largest Volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said Church that ye have cure of, whereas your Parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it; the Charge of which Book shall be ratably born between you the Parson and the Parishioners aforesaid, that is to say, the one half by you, and the other half by them.

Item; That you shall discourage no Man privily or apertly from the reading or hearing of the said Bible, but shall expresly provoke, stir, and exhort every Person to read the same, as that which is the very lively Word of God, that every Christian Man is bound to embrace, believe, and follow, if he look to be saved; admonishing them nevertheless to avoid all Con

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tention, Altercation therein, and to use an honest Sobriety in BOOK the Inquisition of the true Sense of the same, and refer the Explication of the obscure Places to Men of higher Judgment in Scripture.


Item; That ye shall every Sunday and Holy-day through the Year, openly and plainly recite to your Parishioners, twice or thrice together, or oftener, if need require, one Particle or Sentence of the Pater Noster, or Creed, in English, to the Intent they may learn the same by Heart; And so from Day to Day, to give them one like Lesson or Sentence of the same, till they have learned the whole Pater Noster and Creed, in English, by rote. And as they be taught every Sentence of the same by rote, ye shall expound and declare the understanding of the same unto them, exhorting all Parents and Housholders to teach their Children and Servants the same, as they are bound in Conscience to do. And that done, ye shall declare unto them the Ten Commandments, one by one, every Sunday and Holy-day, till they be likewise perfect in the same.

Item; That ye shall in Confessions every Lent examine every Person that cometh to Confession unto you, whether they can recite the Articles of our Faith, and the Pater Noster in English, and hear them say the same particularly; wherein if they be not perfect, ye shall declare to the same, That every Christian Person ought to know the same before they should receive the blessed Sacrament of the Altar; and monish them to learn the same more perfectly by the next Year following, or else, like as they ought not to presume to come to God's Board without perfect Knowledge of the same, and if they do, it is to the great Peril of their Souls; so ye shall declare unto them, that ye look for other Injunctions from the King's Highness by that time, to stay and repel all such from God's Board as shall be found ignorant in the Premisses, whereof ye do thus admonish them, to the Intent they should both eschew the Peril of their Souls, and also the worldly Rebuke that they might incur d hereafter by the same.

Item; That ye shall make, or cause to be made, in the said

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BOOK Church, and every other Cure ye have, one Sermon every QuarIII. ter of the Year at the least, wherein ye shall purely and sin

cerely declare the very Gospel of Christ, and in the same exhort your Hearers to the Works of Charity, Mercy, and Faith, f specially prescribed and commanded in Scripture, and not to repose their trust or affiance in any other Works devised by Mens Fantasies besides Scripture as in wandring to Pilgrimages, offering of Money, Candles, or Tapers, g to Images, or Reliques; or kissing or licking the same over, saying over a Number of Beads, not understanded or minded on, or in suchlike Superstition; for the doing whereof, ye not only have no Promise of Reward in Scripture, but contrariwise great Threats and Maledictions of God, as things tending to Idolatry and Superstition, which of all other Offences God Almighty doth most detest and abhor, for that the same diminisheth most his Honour and Glory.

Item; That such feigned Images as ye know in any of your Cures to be so abused with Pilgrimages or Offerings of any thing made thereunto, ye shall, for avoiding of that most detestable Offence of Idolatry, forthwith take down, and [without] delay; and shall suffer from henceforth no Candles, Tapers, or Images of Wax to be set afore any Image or Picture, but only the Light that commonly goeth a-cross the Church by theh Rode-loft, the Light before the Sacrament of the Altar, and the Light about the Sepulchre; which for the adorning of the Church, and Divine Service, ye shall suffer to remain: still admonishing your Parishioners, that Images serve for none other purpose, but as to be Books of unlearned Men, that i can [ken] no Letters, whereby they might be otherwise admonished of the Lives and Conversation of them that the said Images do represent; which Images if they abuse, for any other Intent than for such Remembrances, they commit Idolatry in the same, to the great Danger of their Souls: And therefore the King's Highness graciously tendring the Weal of his Subjects Souls, hath in part already, and more will hereafter, travail for the abolishing of such Images as might be an Occasion of so

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