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Messiah was to be buried in the sepulchre of a rich man.-Christ was buried in the tomb of a rich counsellor.

Messiah was to be put to death at the end of 490 years, from the time a commandment should go forth to restore and to build Jerusalem.-Now it is remarkable, that from the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, king of Persia, from whom Ezra received his commission, ch. vii. 8, to the death of Jesus Christ, there are just 490 years.(1)

Messiah was to be presented by his enemies with vinegar and gall during his sufferings. In this manner was Jesus Christ treated as he hung upon the cross.(2)

The persecutors of Messiah were to pierce his hands and his feet.-So did the bloody Jews and Romans treat the Redeemer of mankind. (3)

The enemies of the Messiah were to laugh him to scorn, and taunt and reproach him with satyrical language. So did the Jews conduct themselves towards Christ in the day of his distress.(4)

When Messiah was put to death, his enemies, were to part his garments among them, and for his vesture they were to cast lots.-When Christ was crucified, these transactions took place.(5)

When the Messiah should suffer death, not a bone of his body was to be broken. When Christ was crucified, not a bone of him was injured.(6)

(1) Daniel ii, 24.

(2) Compare Psalm lxix. 21, with Matthew xxvii. 34, and John xix. 28-30.

(3) Compare Psalm xxii. 16, with Matthew xxvii. 35.-Crucifixion was a thing not known among the Jews in the time of David, nor for many ages afterwards.

(4) Compare Psalm xxii. 7, 8, with Matthew xxvii. 39-44. (5) Compare Psalm xxii. 18, with Matthew xxvii. 35.

(6) Compare Exodus xii. 45, and Numbers ix. 12, with John xvi. 31-36.

When Messiah should be put to death, his side was by some means not declared, to be pierced. When Jesus Christ was crucified, his side was pierced with a spear.(7)

It was prophesied of Messiah, that he should make intercession for transgressors.-Jesus Christ interceded with God for his very murderers, and now ever liveth at his Father's right hand, to plead the cause of the sinful children of men. (8)

Messiah was to be cut off, but not for himself.Jesus Christ, who was holy, harmless, and undefiled, and separate from sinners, was cut off by the hands of wicked men, to reconcile God to his rebellious creatures.(9)

When Messiah should come, there was to be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin, and uncleanness.When Christ came, he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, and by the shedding of his blood once for all.(40)

Messiah was to make atonement for the iniquities, transgressions and sins of the world.-Jesus Christ was a propitiation for the sins of the whole world. (1)

Messiah was to make this atonement in the last of Daniel's seventy weeks.-Jesus Christ was crucified in that very week.(2).

(7) Compare Zechariah xii. 10, with John xix. 34, 37.

(8) Compare Isaiah liii. 12; Hebrews vii. 25.

(9) Compare Daniel ix. 26; Isaiah liii. 8; Matthew xxvi. and xxvii. chapters.

(40) Compare Zechariah xiii. 1; and Hebrews ix, and x. chap


(1) Compare Isaiah liii. 5; Daniel ix. 24; 1 John ii. 1, 2.

(2) Daniel ix. 27. "The doctrine of atonement is that which, together with the principles on which it is founded, and the consequences naturally flowing from it, dis.inguishes the Christian religion, from all other religions whatever."

"It is, without dispute, the great distinguishing character of the Christian dispensation, the wall of partition between natur

Messiah was to abolish the old, and introduce a new dispensation.-Jesus Christ abolished the ceremonies of the law of Moses, and brought in a more perfect and rational economy.(3)

The blood of Messiah was to be the blood of the covenant, which should bring prisoners out of the pit where there is no water. The blood of Jesus Christ was the blood of the new covenant dispensation, which whoever disregards, shall bear the blame for ever.(4)

Messiah was not to lie in the grave and be turned to corruption like other men.-Jesus Christ did not continue in the grave, nor did he see corruption like the rest of mankind.(5)

Messiah was to be raised from the grave on the third day after his interment.-Jesus Christ was buried on the Friday, and rose from the dead on the Sunday-morning following.(6)

When Messiah should arise from the dead, he was to bring some tokens with him of his victory over the infernal powers. When Jesus Christ entered the state of the dead, he led captivity captive, unloosed the bands of death, and raised many bodies of the saints, which were confined under his dominion.(7)

Messiah was to ascend up into heaven, and reign there at his Father's right hand, invested with universal dominion.-Jesus Christ did ascend up into heaven in the sight of many witnesses, and took his

ral and revealed religion, the main foundation of all our hopes of pardon and acceptance hereafter."

(3) Compare Jeremiah xxxi. 31-34, with Hebrews viii. 6-13. (4) Compare Zechariah ix. 11, with Hebrews x. 29; xiii. 20.

(5) Compare Psalm xvi. 10, with Matthew xxviii. 6.

(6) Compare Hosea vi. 2; Matthew xx. 19; Matthew xxviii. 1-7; 1 Corinthians xv. 4.

(7) Compare Psalm lxviii. 18, with Matthew xxvii. 52.

place at the right hand of power, invested with universal dominion. (8)

When Messiah ascended into heaven, his ascension was to be attended with the ministers of heaven, to usher him into his Father's presence.-When Jesus Christ ascended up into heaven, two men stood by the apostles in white apparel, and addressed them on the joyful occasion.(9)

Messiah was to send down frum heaven the gift of the Holy Ghost, as a token and pledge that he was exalted, and that his Father was pleased with what he had done upon earth for the redemption of his people. -Jesus Christ sent down the gift of the Holy Ghost, in the most conspicuous and miraculons manner. (50)

(8) Compare Psalm xvi. 11; lxviii. 18; Isaiah ix. 6, 7; Luke xxiv. 50, 51; Acts i. 9; and Matthew xxviii. 18.

"All things which the prophets had foretold concerning the Messiah, were punctually made good in the person, and actions, and sufferings of our Saviour."

(9) Compare Daniel vii. 13, 14 with Acts i. 10, 11.

(50) Compare Psalm 1xviii. 18; Joel ii. 28-32, with Acts ii. 1-4, and Ep. iv. 8-12.

"When our Lord, after his resurrection, beginning at Moses and all the prophets, had expounded unto his apostles in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself, and opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scripture; then they saw plainly, and any one now, who will trace the whole thread of the Old Testament, may plainly see, that there is a continued series of connexion, one uniform analogy and design, carried on for many ages by Divine prescience, through a succession of prophecies; which, as in their proper centre, do all meet together in Christ, and in him only; however the single lines, when considered apart, may many of them be imagined to have another direction, and point to intermediate events. Nothing is more evident, than that the whole succession of prophecies can possibly be applied to none but Christ. Nothing is more miraculous, than that they should all of them be capable of being possibly applied to him. And whatever intermediate deliverances or deliverers of God's people may, seemingly or really be spoken of upon particular occasions; nothing is more reasonable than to believe, in the apostle's certainty, who conversed personally with our Lord after his resurrection, nothing could be more reasonable than to believe,

The doctrine of Messiah was to begin to be preached at Jerusalem, and from thence to spread itself through the nations. The gospel of Christ was first preached in that city, and actually dispersed itself through all the neighbouring countries in the course of a few years.(1)

Though Messiah was to be generally rejected and despised in his life-time; after his death the pleasure of the Lord, in the conversion and salvation of mankind, was to prosper in his hand.-How exactly these circumstances agree with the history of Jesus Christ, is well known to every christian.(2)

The followers of the Messiah should meet with great and severe trials and persecution, for their adhe rence to his cause. The followers of Jesus Christ had the whole world in arms against them for several ages.(3)

The rejecters of Messiah should be rejected of God, and his followers called by another name.-The Jews, who would not have Christ to rule over them, were rejected by him, and his followers were called by another name, through divine appointment, as it should seem, to accomplish the prophecy.(4)

Messiah was to be opposed by kings, and persons in authority, with great vigour and resolution.-Jesus Christ was very generally opposed, through the whole

that the ultimate and general view of the prophetic spirit always was fixed on him, of whom, in some of the ancient prophecies it is expressly affirmed, that God's servant David shall be the prince over his people for ever; that his dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away; and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."

(1) Compare Isaiah ii. 1-4; Micah iv. 1-4; with Acts 2d chapter, and Romans x. 18.

(2) Isaiah lii. 10—12.

(3) Compare Isalah lxvi. 5, and Malachi iii. 1-3, with Matthew x. 16-18, and 1 Corinthians iv. 9.

(4) Compare Isaiah lxii. 2: lxv. 15, with Acts xi. 26.

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