Obrazy na stronie

Thacker (Gilbert), Westminster scholar, 1677, 49
Thackeray (W. M.) at the British Museum, 428,
472; and the stage, 428, 494
'Thaïs,' by Anatole France, source of the story, 107
Thames Water Company, 1679, 29, 89, 138
Theatres, ladies' hats in, 386, 476, 518

Thirion (Mlle. A.) on Huguenot church at Provins,


Thlaspi, flower-name, meaning of the word, 11, 279
Thomas (Ralph) on W. E. Flaherty, 438

Quérard (J. M.), 410

Thomason (S. H.) on H. Marsden of Wennington
Hall, 369

Thomlinson (W. Clark) on Ulysses and Pulci, 515.
Thompson (Francis), and Kipling, 113; his burial,
208, 295

Thomson (H.), Royal Academician, his biography,
69, 114

Thorn-Drury (G.) on Bes Broughton, 333
Hanging alive in chains, 406
'Heroinæ,' 355

Shakespeare allusions, 344

Thorne (J. R.) on royal arms in churches, 514
Thornton (H.) and William Wilberforce, 526

Thornton (R. H.) on American words and phrases,

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1911.

Tullis (Thomas), common hangman, 1752-71,
325, 477

Turbervile (George), c. 1567, his poems, 1, 103,
182, 264

Turcopolerius, officer of the Knights Hospitallers,
247, 336, 371

Turkey captives: brief at Wincanton, 1670, 30
Turner (F.) on siligo: sprig': beckab, 509
Twain (Mark) as a public reader, 78
Twelvetree (Anne), d. 1771, her epitaph, 524
Twigge (R.) on Adrian IV.'s ring and Emerald
Isle, 396

Tydeman (Brice) on Wolney Hall, Mickfield, 49
Tygris, London subterranean river, 209

U.S.A. = Usona, author of the title, 148, 197,

Udal (J. S.) on elephant and castle in heraldry,


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Three wishes, variants of the story, 506
Thunderstorm and Irishman, 110
Till (E. D.) on Napoleon print, 390

Tilleul, used as name of a colour, 47, 93, 132
Toasts and sentiments, collection of, 32, 79
Tobacco, Sir Walter Raleigh's use of it, 489
Toes, fanciful names of, 106, 217

Upham and Bernard Smith, organ builder, 189,
317, 395, 515

Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea, history of deserted
house, 48

Toll: "Thorough toll" at Newcastle, 166

Tombstone dated 31 April, 524

Usona U.S.A., author of the title, 148, 197,

Tooting, Methodist Chapel, founded by Defoe, Utilitarian, abstract term used before 1834,


Tory outlaw temp. James II., 269
Totenlaterne, stone lantern in Detwang Church,


Tottel (R.), his 'Miscellany' and G. Turbervile,
1, 103, 182, 264

Touching for the king's evil in 1643, 326

Touchstone on 'Merry Wives of Windsor,' III. i.,



V. (J.) on A. W. Wray's poem 'Interpreted,"


V. (Q.) on bar "sinister," 485

Corbie-steps: corbel-steps, 426
Hall's 'Chronicle,' Henry IV., 368
Portable railway, 6

Van Doren (C.) on T. L. Peacock's 'Monks of
St. Mark,' 349; scarce editions of Peacock, 508

Tradesmen's cards, c. 1600 and 1700, 348
Traherne (Philip), c. 1670, preacher, his bio- Vatch or Vache, place-name, its origin, 308, 355
graphy, 383

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1911.

[blocks in formation]

Warmestry (Gervase), Westminster scholar, 1604-
1641, 109

Warren and Waller families, 69

Wasps, their scarcity in 1910, 285, 352, 393
Watch (Will), the smuggler, his identity, 269,

Water House, its position, 29, 89, 138
'Waterloo Banquet,' print, key to, 53
Watermarks in paper, 327, 371, 395, 458, 497
Water-shoes for walking on the water, 485

Watson family at Milnhorn and Blacklaw, 527

W. (A. T.) on 'Little booke of perfection of Watson (G.) on Sir Walter Scott and a "Kelso
Woemen, 355

W. (E.) on "Collins"=letter of thanks, 196

Hill (Rev. Rowland), his letters, 373

W. (G.) on clergy retiring from dinner table, 70

W. (G. H.) on Bristow Cowsway: Brixton Road,


[blocks in formation]

Municipal records printed, 531

Wordsworths and Scott: Hornshole, 461

convoy," 425

Stael (Baron de) in Scotland, 387

[blocks in formation]

Hakluyt and Bristol, 84
King (John), artist, 235

Municipal records printed, 531
Statues in the British Isles, 243

Welter (H.) on Gutenberg's 42-line Bible, 307
Wesley (F. D.) on dog poems, 349

English wine and spirit glasses, 379
Hone's 'Table Book, T. Q. M. in, 230
Hone's 'Year-Book,' J. W. in, 230
Peel (John), 229

Wesley (John), his marriage with Mrs. Vazel, 226
Wesley (Samuel), his compositions, 349, 436
West Indian folk-lore, 225, 352

West Meon, Hants, roadside cross, 525
Westland (J. M.) on Watson family at Milnhorn,

Westminster, stone capital in old High Tower,

Wales (Princes of), list of, 21, 70
Wales (Frederic, Prince of), his death, 1751, 368, Westminster Cathedral, consecration ceremony,
White (G. H.) on Denny and Windsor families, Women, married, their arms, 109, 175


Walker (A. O.) on Ulcombe Church, 169

Walker (Emery) on portraits wanted, 307

Walker (R. Johnson) on Andronicus Lascaris, 7

Wall-papers, their introduction, 12

Waller: Myra: Godfrey, 446

Waller (A. R.) on wearing one spur, 534

Waller and Warren families, 69

'Walrus and the Carpenter,' parody on, 469, 496
Walters (A. W.) on ""Rights of Man," 404

Walters (R.) on 'Oliver Twist' on the stage, 191
Wapentake, Friendless, in Craven, 89
Ward (H. G.) on corpse bleeding, 498
Knights of the Swan, 471
Ladies and University degrees, 498
Ward (H. Snowden) on market day, 97

Rule of the road, 254

Ward (J.) on book-covers : "Yellow-backs," 415
Exhibition of 1851: its motto, 493
Scaltheen, an Irish drink, 476

Snails as food, 218

Taylor (Jeremy), his descendants, 351

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Wharton (Duke of) and All Souls College, Oxford,
309, 355

Whately (Archbishop) on the Lord Lieutenancy
of Ireland, 288, 353

Wheeler (Stephen) on 'Arno Miscellany,' 1784, 293
Whisky and oatcake as Eucharistic elements, 188,
237, 278, 356, 396, 456

White (F. C.) on eminent librarians, 489

Macaulay queries, 288
'Political Adventures of Lord Beaconsfield,'

Whately (Archbishop), 353

White (G. H.) on Alexander III. and Henry II.,


Ansgar, Master of the Horse, 133

Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1911.


D'Eresby or De Eresby? 214

Guichard d'Angle, 472

Irish superstition: boys in petticoats, 65,

Plantagenet tombs at Fontevrault, 332
White (Lydia), bluestocking, her biography, 508
White (T.) on Limerick glove in a walnut shell,

Political Adventures of Lord Beaconsfield,'


Whitehead (Benjamin) on John Brooke, 69, 394
Ladies and University degrees, 436
Whitwell (R. J.), on leading cases in verse, 348
Whom, used as subject, 446, 538

Whytebeer or whyteheer, c. 1529, 228, 318, 378,

Wilberforce (William) and Thornton, 1792, 526
Wilds (Jonathan), c. 1730, 346

Wilke (Dr. A. von) on Leonard Drory, 507

Wilkes (John), MSS. concerning, 27, 114; and a
stone in Newgate, 269

Wilkinson (J. P.), comedian, his career, 468, 516
Willcock (J.) on wearing one spur, 367

Whyteheer or whytebeer, 378

Willcock (S.) on snuff-box inscription, 48
William the Conqueror, Christmas at Gloucester,

William IV., royal manners temp., 117

Wilmslow, W. E. Gladstone at, 224, 311
Wilson (Bernard or Barnard), 1689-1772, West-
minster scholar, 109

Wilson (J. Mackay) on authors of quotations
wanted, 267

Wilson (Sir John), 1780-1856, his parentage, 88
Wimborne, St. Agatha at, 29, 112; a double
monastery, 49

Wincanton, brief for Turkey captives at, 30
Winchester quart, bottle used by druggists, 405,

Windsor and Denny families, 153, 274
Windsor stationmaster, c. 1878, his name, 68,
114, 136, 253

Wine and spirit glasses, English, 328, 378, 434
Winship (T. W.) on morganatic marriages, 107
Witchcraft in the twentieth century, 46

Withington (Lothrop) on Saint-Évremond, 195
Woe Waters of Langton, origin of the name, 36
Wolfe (General J.), his death, 37; on Yankees,
186, 238

Wolney Hall, Mickfield, sold 1347, 49

Wolves, woman throwing her children to, 228,

Women carrying their husbands on their backs,
409, 452, 518

Woodville (Elizabeth) and the Kings of Cologne,


Woodwose = English faun, 388, 471
Woodyer, meaning of the word, 529
Worcester, St. Michael's Church, its mural
tablets, 266

Words and phrases, American, 67, 132, 193
Wordsworth (D.), with Scott in Scotland, 461
Wordsworth (W.), variant readings of sonnet
by, 222, 294, 416, 476; his 'Cuckoo-Clock,'
324; with Scott in Scotland, 461
Worth in place-names, its meaning, 13
Worthen (John), Westminster scholar, 1681, 88
Wotton (Sir Henry) on ambassadors, 425

Wray (A. W.), his poem 'Interpreted,' c. 1892,


[blocks in formation]

Yankees, General Wolfe on, 1758, 186, 238
Yellow-backs, books so called, 189, 237, 274, 295,
373, 414, 458

Ygrec on boys in petticoats and fairies, 137
Ynetunga, early English place-name, 143, 211,
272, 332, 473

Yon, its Italian equivalents, 133
Yonge (Sir George), 1731-1812, his portrait, 307
York, Archbishops of, their arms, 426
Yorker, cricket term, its derivation, 505
Young (A. B.) on Circle of Loda, 8

Peacock (T. L.): Essay on Fashionable
Literature, 4; plays, 27

'Young Folks,' history of the periodical, 450, 511


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