Obrazy na stronie

Fontevrault, 184, 223, 410

Roupell (William), 271

Sotheran & Co. in Piccadilly, 244

Vanishing London:

202, 294, 334

Francis (John Collins) on Plantagenet tombs at Games: Abraham's beard, 29; London children's

Gamnecourt, Picardy, its situation, 429, 512
Gamp = umbrella, origin of the word, 268, 335, 398
Proprietary Chapels, Gardiner (A.) on "I slept, and dreamed that life

was Beauty," 349

outdoor, 11

Franco family, 166

Freckle, etymology of the word, 204

Raleigh (Sir Walter) and tobacco, 489
"Sheeny," nickname for a Jew, 409

Frederic, Prince of Wales, his death, 368, 434

Gardiner (Egerton) on Earl of Arundel's brother

Frederick, King of Bohemia, letter from James I.,

arrested, 208

Dudley (Sir Henry), 231

[blocks in formation]

Rupert (Prince), 10

Garforth (J.) on Spexhall Church, 8
Gargocil, drinking to, meaning of phrase, 509
Garibaldi, his flag and its motto, 7, 97

Garrett (R. M.) on Barnaby Barnes, 245

Romeo and

French Church registers, 159
'French Revolution,' by Carlyle, French version, Garrick (David), his version of

[blocks in formation]

Turkey captives: brief at Wincanton, 31
Fry, to swarm, in Dryden and Leigh Hunt, 321,

Fry (E. A.) on Grey family, 14, 512

Index to the Christian Fathers, 54
New Bunhill Fields, Borough, 28
Watermarks in paper, 327

Fubbs yacht of Charles II., 107, 171, 253
Fulham deed of 1627, 206

Fuller (Peck and Beckford), Westminster scholars,
236, 295

Fynmore (A. H. W.) on door-knocker etiquette, 137
Fynmore (Col. R. J.) on duels between clergymen,


Gage (Sir Henry), 469
Galfrid, 33

Hatchment in Hythe Church, 529
Knapp (George), M.P., 35

Lord Mayors and their counties, 177
Mayney family, 448

Military musters: parish armour, 176

Moke family of Flanders, 194, 378

Peck (Francis), 295, 418
Provincial booksellers, 52
Rush (Sir W. B.), 94

Statues and memorials, 43

G. (G. H.) on crow proverb, 408

G. (H.) on women carrying their husbands, 409
G. (J. T.) on ladies and University degrees, 437

G. (L. F.) on General Wolfe and Yankees, 186

G. (M. N.) on Tennyson's 'Margaret,' 95

G. (O. F.) on 'Waterloo Banquet,' 53

G. (P. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 408

[blocks in formation]

Juliet,' 47, 95; in France, 287, 359
Garters, Jacobite, their origin, 144
Gascoigne (George) and Puttenham's 'Arte of
English Poesie,' 363, 444
Gataker, Westminster scholar c. 1796, 409
Gatehouse (Alexander), Westminster scholar, 389
Gaye (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 488
Gem (Richard), English physician in Paris, 121,
172, 233, 291

Gem (S. Harvey) on Mrs. Elliott's 'During the

Reign of Terror,' 324
Gem (Richard), 172, 291

Genealogical tables, symbol for unnamed issue, 29
Genealogist on Goldwin Smith's 'Reminiscences,'

'Gentleman's Magazine,' numbering of volumes,
388, 477

George I., statues of, 7, 50, 98, 135, 199
George II., poem on his death, its author, 8
George II. to George V., remarkable longevity, 125
Gerbier (C.), 'Praise of Worthy Women,' 308, 355
Gerish (W. B.) on Adrian IV.'s ring and Emerald

Isle, 250

Apple tree flowering in autumn, 199
Corn and dishonesty, 508

Corpse bleeding, 390

Epitaphiana, 524

Hobby-horse, 258

"If you ask for salt," 198

Inscriptions in City churches, 389

Latour (Peter de), 351

Loyal addresses, 266

Monastic sites and buried treasure, 469

Stones in early village life, 9

German spelling: omission of h after 1, 306,
372, 455

Gibbon (Edward), notes on the classics, 188;
and his copyist Edward Hibgame, 306

Gibbons (Grinling) and statue of Charles II.,
322, 454

Gibbs (A. W.) on Bath and Henrietta Maria, 150
Giblett (William), date of his death, 346

Gibraltar, inscriptions in the King's Chapel, 342;
in Sandpits Cemetery, 423, 483
Gildersleeve (O.), Jun., on Gildersleeve family, 27
Gildersleeve family, 27

Gillman (C.) on "teart," 11

Gingham = umbrella, origin of the word, 268,
335, 398

Gipsies and Bohemians, popular error, 306, 418, 512
Gladstone (W. E.) at Wilmslow, 224, 311

Glamis Castle, traditional mystery, 446

Glass, stained and painted, in Essex churches,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Goats and cows, folk-lore, 466, 534

H. (M. D.) on Elizabeth Woodville, 449

H. (O.) on magazine story of a deserter, 129

God save the people! earliest use of the phrase, 38 H. (M. F.) on Ozias Humphry's papers, 48
Godbold (H. J.) on Sir William Godbold, 64

Godbold (Sir William), his travels, 64, 132

Godfrey: Waller: Myra, 446

Godfrey (James), Westminster scholar, 389

Godfrey (Robert), Westminster scholar, 389

Godfrey (William Duncan), Westminster scholar,

389, 437

Goethe (J. W. von), his 'Erlkönig,' 89, 237
Goldsmith (Oliver), and Hackney, 10, 98;
"make" or "mar in, 37; his 'Deserted
Village,' editions of 1770, 41, 194

[ocr errors]

Gollop (Roger), Recorder of Romsey, 488
Goodchild (J.), Westminster scholar, 409
Goodwin (John), Westminster scholar, 409
Googlie, cricket slang, its derivation, 38
Gordon (Charles), publisher, his identity, 67
Gordon (John), Westminster scholar, 389, 437
Gordon (Joseph), Westminster scholar, 389, 437
Gordon (Peter,) explorer, his parentage, 126
Gordon (Pryse Lockhart), 1762-1845, 266

Gordon (Capt. R. J.) and the African Associa-

tion, 159

Gordon (William), Westminster scholar, 389, 437
Gordon (William James), Westminster scholar,
389, 437

Gore (Mrs.), her 'Agathonia,' 228

Goring House during Civil War, 369

Goss (C. W. F.) on the Ravensbourne, 17

Gouland, in Jonson's 'Pan's Anniversary,' 429,532
Gould (A. W.) on poll-books of the City of London,

[blocks in formation]

Clermont, 108

Graves (Rev. R.) and Shenstone, 29
Graveyard inscriptions. See Churchyard.
Great Western on Windsor stationmaster, 114
Greek History with illustrations, 228, 438
"Green-backs" first published, c. 1847, 373, 414
Greenwich Market, 1740, pictures of, 209, 313
Greenwood (J. A.) on Folly, 113
H.M.S. Avenger, 294

Greir, Grierson, or Greresone family, 38
Grey family, 14, 376, 512

Grierson, Greresone, or Greir family, 38
Grierson (H. J. C.) on Donne's poems, 7
Grose (Francis), in picture by Nathaniel Hone, 429
Grumbledories, Jonson's use of the word, 174
Gruselier (Gregory) on Capt. Andrew Elton, 230
Guest (Sir Lyonell), Westminster scholar, 509
Guildhall, old statues in, 252, 312; Mr. S. Perks
on the Crypt, 365

Gutenberg, his 42-line Bible, its publication, 307,


Hafter t, omission in German spelling, 306, 372, 455
H. on statues in the British Isles, 243
H. (A.) on arms of women, 109

H. (A. C.) on Goldwin Smith's 'Reminiscences,' 278
H. (H.) on elephant and castle in heraldry, 353

Wooden effigies at Weston-under-Lizard, 356

H. (S. H. A.) on "Fern to make malt," 279
H. (W. A.) on clergy retiring from dinner-table, 70

George I. statues, 51
Maginn's writings, 74

"Plundering and blundering," 267

H. (W. B.) on Canons, Middlesex, 394

Coote (Sir Eyre), his monuments, 335
Dickens's 'Haunted Man,' 186

Epitaphiana, 524

Folly, 159

Frederic, Prince of Wales, 434

Glamis Castle mystery, 446

"Keep within Compass," tavern sign, 505

Legacy to first Lord Brougham, 190

Moran (Edward R.), 236

Order of Merit, 144

Peacock's (T. L.) 'Monks of St. Mark,' 398
Sailor's song: Daniel and the pirate, 229

Temple at Jerusalem: MS. work, 109

H. (W. S. B.) on crosses, 535

H.-S. (W.) on H.M.S. Avenger, 294
Hackney and Oliver Goldsmith, 10, 98
Hadley (H.) on bibliography of London, 464
Hakluyt (Richard), tablet in Bristol Cathedral,


Hale (W. G.) on 'Young Folks,' 450

Halkett (Samuel), librarian, his biography, 489
Hall (E.), his 'Chronicle' of Henry IV., 368, 458
Hall (J. E. P.) on Dr. J. C. Litchfield, 268
Hall (Mrs. S. C.) her 'Buccaneer,' 308, 372
Halley and Pyke families, 44

Halls district of Cheshire and Shropshire, history,
329, 416, 473

Hamill (A. E.) on St. Armand, 367
Hampden (John) and Ship Money, 16
Handkerchiefs, knots in, as reminder, 506
Handyman=sailor, earliest use of the term, 113
Hanging alive in chains, abolished before 1609,

[blocks in formation]

9, 54, 96, 151

Haug (General), e. 1849, his biography, 66, 157
Haultain (A.) on Goldwin Smith's 'Reminis-
cences,' 167

Haultmont (M.) on yon": its Italian equiva-
lents, 133

Haviland (John), printer, 1638, 407, 477
Hawkes family in Ireland, 129
Hawkes-Strugnell (W.) on King Harald the Gold
Beard, 389

Hay, wet, in Webster's 'Duchess of Malfi,' 469,

Haydon (B. R.) and P. B. Shelley, 53
Hayman (Robert), poet, his biography, 206, 270
Headlong Hall,' by T. L. Peacock, 508
Hedgcock (F. A.) on Garrick in France, 287
Helmet on taxes on crests, 410

Hellwig (Dr. A.) on criminal superstitions, 347
Hems (Harry) on black and red rats, 537

Crosses, 535

Door-knocker etiquette, 18
George I. statues, 98

St. Hilda: St. John del Pyke, 516
Saint's cloak and sunbeam, 357

Henderson (W. H.) on Hermit's Cave, Weston
Mouth, 369

Henkel (F. W.) on 'Annals of England,' 354
Henningsen (C. F.), and Louis Kossuth, 510
Henrietta on Basil the Great, 190

Henrietta Maria (Queen), supposed second

marriage, 100; at Bath, 150, 197

Henriquez (Jacob) and his seven daughters, 150,
236, 279

Henry II. and Pope Alexander III., 349, 396
Henry IV., Hall's Chronicle,' 368, 458

Henry VIII., his queens descended from Edward

I., 464

Henry of Navarre and three-handled cup, 408, 457
Heraldry, Chevalier de Laurence on, 18; of York,



Hibgame (Edward), copyist of Gibbon's MS., 306
Hibgame (Edward South), his library and bio-
graphy, 306

Hibgame (F. T.) on Caslon's Type-Foundry, 266
Defoe Methodist Chapel, Tooting, 505
Faber (Rev. F. W.), 489
Thompson (Francis), the poet, 208
Hanover Chapel, Peckham, 46
Marriage in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 226

'Tit for Tat,' American novel, 489
Higgin (Orator), c. 1654, his identity, 286
Higham (C.) on Marie Huber, 249

Swedenborg manuscript, missing, 22
Waller: Myra: Godfrey, 446
Highwaymen and Lord Berkeley, 305
Hill (Frank H.), his 'Political Adventures of Lord
Beaconsfield,' 268, 317

Hill (J.), on authors of quotations wanted, 188, 235
Hill (Lewin) on quiz," 229
Hill (N. W.) on Airman, 265

Ansgar, Master of the Horse, 73

'Arno Mesellany,' 1784, 234

Authors of quotations wanted, 267,
Bohemians and Gipsies, 512

Burntisland, its derivation, 249

Cowes family, 255

Epitaphiana, 525

Hocktide at Hexton: Rope Monday, 58
'Jane Shore': 'The Canadian Girl, 238

Kempesfeld, Hampstead, 14

"Literary Gossip," 15

Mendiant, French dessert, 435
Mesopotamia "Blessed word," 253

Shakespeariana, 162, 163, 422
Smollett's 'History of England,' 393
Smouch, term for a Jew, 375

Snails as food, 315

South African slang, 372
Surmaster, 426

Tammany and England, 338

Argent, a fesse sable between three mullets Hill (Rev. Rowland), autograph letters, 327, 373
gules, 488

Arms, royal, in churches, 428, 513

Bar "sinister," 485

Chequy sable and argent, 6

Coats of arms, mock, 59, 112, 128

Commonwealth grants, 8, 119

Elephant and castle, 36, 115, 231, 353, 398
Essex churches, glass in, 361, 462

Gules, a cross moline argent, 208
Hatchment in Hythe Church, 529

Howard of Effingham (Lord), his first wife,
310, 374

Latimer branch of Nevill family, 328
Per fesse gules and argent, in chief a lion

issuant, 217

Sable, a catharine wheel or, 308, 359
Shield, royal, of Scotland, 129

Taxes on crests, 410, 511

Women, their arms, 109, 175

York, arms of the Archbishops, 426

Herbert (S.) on Robert of Normandy and Arlette,


Herbwoman to the King, 256, 312, 377, 436
Hereford, Archdeacons of, c. 1567, 128, 255
Héristal on Count of Holy Roman Empire, 509
Hermit's Cave, Weston Mouth, South Devon, 369
Hesilrige (Sir Arthur), his portrait, 308

Hesketh (C.) on Otford, Kent, 329, 437

Heslop (R. Oliver) on Buddha in Christian art, 217
Heworth, Yorkshire place-name, its etymology,

Tenement-house, 495

Hillman (E. Haviland)

on John Haviland,

[blocks in formation]

Tennysoniana, 341

Hippocrates, wording of his oath, 310, 371, 391
Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Canons, Middlesex, 374
Kempesfeld, Hampstead, 13
Hoare (Admiral) and Smollett's 'Peregrine
Pickle,' 421

Hobby-horse in mid-winter mumming, 209, 257,
317, 417

Hobhouse memoirs, published 1901, 108
Hockaday (F. S.) on Archdeacons of Hereford, 128
Episcopal Visitations: Articles of Inquiry, 9

Hocktide at Hexton: Rope Monday, 58
Hodgkin (J.) on 'Agathonia,' a romance, 228
American words and phrases, 132
'Arno Miscellany,' 1784, 148

Bath King of Arms, 32

"British Glory Revived," 77
Canabull blue silke," 33

Cley-next-the-Sea Church: Woodwose, 472
Courtenay (Viscount): mock coat of arms,


Guichard d'Angle, 472

[blocks in formation]

Peel (John), 278

Hodson family, 409
Hog, Hampshire, use of the term, 57
Hogan (J. F.) on 'Parson and the Painter,' 433

Skelton (Col.) of St. Helena, 93

Hogg (R. M.) on Will Watch, the smuggler, 269
Hole: "The Hole" in Fleet Street, 229, 314, 392
Holman (H. W.) on 'Sir Edward's Narrative,' 8
Holmes (Wendell), his allusions to 'N. & Q.,'147,216
Holwell family, 528

Holworthy (F. M. R.) on Hawkes family in Ireland,


[blocks in formation]

Hone (W.), T. Q. M. in 'Table Book,' 230, 336;
J. W. in 'Year-Book,' 230, 335
Hoole (Dr. H.) on oath of Hippocrates, 310
Hooper (Mrs. Ellen), her 'Duty,' 349
Hope (Andrew) on Epitaphiana, 524

Minster: verger, 314

Hopwood (C. H.) on George I. statues, 99

Newgate and Wilkes, 269
Horace, Carmina,' Book I. 5, 55
Hornshole, place-name, its history, 461
Horses, modern names, 124; stabled in churches,
1745-6, 129; ancient names, 283; names in
N.W. Lincolnshire, 364

Horses, Arabian, in pre-Mohammedan days, 71
Hough (Bishop John), nis family history, 48, 110
Houghton family, 509

Houkins (C.) on Leake and Martin-Leake families,

House of Commons, Colonials in, before 1653,
387; portraits of Speakers, 406
Household, Royal, book with lists of, 469
Houseman (John), c. 1644, his biography, 107
Howard of Effingham (Lord), his first wife's arms,
310, 374

Howards v. Lowthers, superstition upset, 504
"Howde Men": Robin Hood's men, 16, 79
Howe and Kennett families, 229

Howells (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 88
Huber (Marie), 'Le Monde fou préféré au Monde
sage,' 249

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hutton (G.), benefactor of King's College, Aber-
deen, 347, 434

Hyde Park monolith, its history, 408
Hyères Cathedral, translation of an inscription,
109, 150

Hymn, Latin, by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 428
Hytch (F. J.) on 'Parson and the Painter,' 477
Hythe Church, hatchment in, 1638, 529

I. (W.) on “Winchester Quart":"Corbyn," 495
Ikon, Russian, initials on, 32

Index to the Christian Fathers, 54

India, Duke of Wellington on the loss of, 286
Indian custom, knots as reminder, 506

Initials on Russian ikon, 32

Inscriptions: in Hyères Cathedral, 109, 150; in
King's Chapel, Gibraltar, 342; in churches and
churchyards, 389, 453, 492, 537; in Sandpits
Cemetery, Gibraltar, 423, 483

Iorwerth = Edward in Welsh, 34
Ireland, Secretaries of the Lords Lieutenant, 187,
233; Abp. Whately on Lord Lieutenancy, 288,
353; tracked" stones found in, 288


Irish and Scotch booksellers, 170, 418

Irish superstition: boys in petticoats and fairies,
65, 137, 293

Irish war 1688-91, and Dean Swift, 269, 317
Irishman and thunderstorm, 110

Irvine (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, 408
Irwin (Dame Elizabeth), her will, 1720, 28, 76
Isaacs (A. Lionel) on J. M. Quérard, 177

Islington historians, 187, 239, 250, 296, 334
Isola family, 525

Ivanhoe, Scott's invention of the name, 326
Ivory (Sir John), knighted in 1682, 147, 195, 234

[blocks in formation]

Jenko (S.), author of Slovene hymn, 106
Jennings (P.) on babies and kittens, 509

Jerram (C. S.) on authors of quotations wanted,

[blocks in formation]

Johnson (H. H.) on sparrow-blasted, 267

Johnson (Dr. Samuel) on hunting, 525

University, 3

Jonson (Ben), interpretation of words used by,

67, 132, 174; gouland in, 429, 532

Joseph (S.), sculptor, catalogue of busts by, 81,


Josephine (Empress), her house Malmaison, 289,


Jouel (John). See Joël.

Joy, curious rimes to, 426

Judgment of God: woman throwing her children

to wolves, 228, 318

Juiel (John). See Joël.

Julius Cæsar: princes and comets, 18, 57
Juniper berries = Melmont berries, 29, 118

K. (H.) on tilleul, 132


(L. L.) on aviation: early attempts, 166
Bohemians and Gipsies, 418

Churche (Robert), c. 1600, 249
Cologne (Archbishop of): two tracts, 433
Coryate (Thomas): date of his death, 85
Doge's hat, 56

East India Company's Marine Service, 134
Fores's Musical Envelope, 508

Goats and cows, 466

Henningsen (Charles Frederick) and Kossuth,

James I. and Frederick of Bohemia, 484
'Kossuth Coppered,' satirical poem, 490
'Lay of St. Aloys,' 388

Mendiant, French dessert, 323

Opusculum, 455

Pepita, a pattern, 6

Shakespeare in Hungary, 345
Telephones in banks, 297

Touching for the king's evil, 326

Windsor stationmaster, 68, 253

"Keep within Compass," tavern sign, Uxbridge,

Kelso convoy, meaning of the term, 425
Kemp (J. T.) on the brown sex, 505

Sparrowgrass: asparagus, 266

Toe names, 106

Kempesfeld, Hampstead field-name, 13, 119

Kennett and Howe families, 229

Jonas (A. C.) on elephant and castle in heraldry, Kennedy (Stanhope) on Benjamin Jenkins, 169


[blocks in formation]

Kerallain (R. de) on Garibaldi and his flag, 7
Kester (Paul), poet, his biography, 32
Keynes (G. L.) on Blake's 'Laughing Song,' 241
King (Charles), M.P. for Swords, 1776-83, 369
King (Sir Charles S.) on Charles King, M.P., 369
Wetenhall (Bishop Edward), 372
King (J. Stuart) on Ora"="Noria," 215
King (John), Devonshire artist, b. 1788, 169, 235
King (W. F. H.), his 'Classical and Foreign

Quotations,' 123, 402

King, in place-names, 130, 192

King Orry, explanation of the term, 245

Kings, English, named Edward, 31, 70

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