Obrazy na stronie
[blocks in formation]

Tit for Tat, American novel, 1855, 489
Twin Brothers, 247

World, poem, 1835, 408

Anscombe (A.) on Edward=Iorwerth, 34

Faber (J.), 69

Unecungga: Ynetunga, 143, 272, 473

Ansgar, Master of the Horse to Edward the

Confessor, 73, 133

Apperson (G. L.) on Sir John Ivory, 195

Municipal records printed, 287

Ravensbourne, 17

Apple tree flowering in autumn, 149, 199
Apprenticeship experiences, 1723, 26

[blocks in formation]

pioneer airmen, 385, 437

Axon (W. E. A.) on ' Amulet against Sickness,' 521
Bookbinding, first English book on, 403
De Quincey and Coleridge, 228
Gutenberg's 42-line Bible, 355
Sare (Richard), bookseller, 84
Shorthand teacher in A.D. 155, 285
Shropshire newspaper printed in London, 26
'Twin-Brothers,' 247

B. on Sydney Smith and Spencer Perceval, 267

Apps (G. J.), oil picture 'Returning from Church, B. (A.) on “ A Sunday well spent," 388


Apsley House, date of its purchase, 486

B. (C. C.) on Dean Alford's poems, 159
American words and phrases, 193

'Arden of Feversham': Gale," 417

[ocr errors]

Arabis, flower-name, its derivation, 11, 279

Bael: Bhel: Bel, 426

Aram (Eugene), his trial, 105, 279, 319

Arabian horses in pre-Mohammedan days, 71

Aravamuthan (T. G.) on 'Pride and Prejudice,' 147
Arcangelus (D. Camerino,) painter, 517

Archæology, excavations in the Sudan, 108, 235
Archdeacons of Hereford, c. 1567, 128, 255

Archer (H. G.) on Alfieri in England, 421

Mellish, 127

Archibald (R. C.) on Col. T. Condon: Capt. T.

Ladies and University degrees, 247
Architecture and eminent men, 342, 398
Ardea on battle of Dunbar, 301

Clergy retiring from the dinner table, 136
Jew's eye, 277

Merluche, 92

Moses and Pharaoh's daughter, 152

Peony-royal, 308

Shakespeariana, 77
Staple in place-names, 192
Tennyson: oorali, 453

Traherne: curious rimes to "joy," 426
Wordsworth: variant readings, 294

B. (E. A.) on 'The Buccaneer,' 308

'Arden of Feversham,' emendations in, 226, 337, B. (E. G.) on sparrow-blasted, 392

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

B. (G. F. R.) on Godfreys at Westminster School, B. (W. C) on Queen Elizabeth and 17 November,


Goodchild (J.), 409

Goodwin (John), 409

Gordons at Westminster School, 389

Goulands in Ben Jonson, 533

Guest (Sir Lyonell), 509

Hare (Thomas), 509

Jamineau (Isaac), 509
Leigh (Egerton), 68, 178
Liardet, 49

Man (George), 49
Neale (Erskine), 170
Nicholls (Frank), 190
Peck (Francis), 68
Pelling (Edward), 170
Pickering (Danby), 230
Potter (Charles), 230
Thacker (Gilbert), 49
Thames Water Company, 91
Thomson, R.A., 114

Trelawny (Sir William), 449

Vernon (Dorothy), her elopement, 497
Warmestry (Gervase), 109

Wetenhall (Bishop Edward), 88

Wilson (Bernard or Barnard), 109

Wilson (Sir John), 88

Worthen (John), 88

B. (H.) on Erlkönigs Tochter,' 89

B. (H. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, 449

Colani and the Reformation, 488

B. (H. I.) on Edward = Iorwerth, 35

Holy crows, Lisbon, 155
Myddelton: Dref: Plas, 131

Traherne (Philip), 383

B. (J.) on saint's cloak on a sunbeam, 357

B. (J. B.) on St. Catharine's College, Cambridge,

B. (J. E. C.) on oatcake and whisky as Eucharistic
elements, 278

B. (M. W.) on Doge's hat, 8

B. (R.) on Amaneuus as a Christian name, 88

Anonymous works, 238

Bath and Henrietta Maria, 198

'Day with Cromwell,' 189

Mensen the courier, 246

Obvention bread, 148

Rupert (Prince), 56

Usona=U.S.A., 197

B-r (R.) on American words and phrases, 132

Cowes family, 58

Teart, its meaning, 59

Tenement-house, 495

B. (R. S.) on John Latham, 209

Municipal records printed, 532

Pelf, its early meanings, 286

Prior's Salford Church, 9

Wetenhall (Bishop Edward), 434

B. (R. W.) on Gulston Addison's death, 210, 289

B. (S.) on Bath and Henrietta Maria, 198

Limerick glove in a walnut shell, 297

[blocks in formation]

Wetenhall (Bishop Edward), 434

B. (W. G.) on snuff-box inscription, 93
'Babe Christabel,' by Gerald Massey, 267, 312
Babies' health affected by kittens, 509

Babington (Anthony), the conspirator, deed of
1585, 205

Baddeley (St. Clair) on Prinknash, 313
Venice and its patron saint, 54
Badge worn by paupers, its history, 487
Bael, fruit of the Ægle Marmelos, 426
Bagnall (J.) on Bath King of Arms, 32
Coats of arms, mock, 112

English sepulchral monuments, 1300-50, 199
Follies, 273

Teart, its meaning, 11

Baily (Johnson) on Prayer Book Calendar, 169
Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on Canons, Middle-

sex, 535

Corpse bleeding in presence of the murderer,

Hughson (David) = Edward Pugh, 89

Islington historians, 250

Red Lion Square obelisk, 176

Vanishing London: Proprietary Chapels, 255

Balfour (John), b. 1775, graduated 1789, 427
Ball. Coll. on Col. Phaire, 207

Ball (F. Elrington) on Secretaries to the Lords

Lieutenant, 233

Ball (H. Houston) on Jacob Henriquez and his

daughters, 279

Public School Registers, 52

Ball (J. Dyer) on "Canabull blue silke," 119
'Excelsior' in Pigeon English, 357

Banks, telephones in, 169, 258, 297

Banks (Sir John Thomas), place of his birth, 467
Banks (M. J.) on Sir John Thomas Banks, 467

B. (W.) on Matthew Arnold on eloquence, 229, 318 Bar "sinister," early use of the term, 485

Follies, 273

[blocks in formation]

Barabbas, a publisher, the comparison, 29, 92
Barkley (R. W.) on General Wolfe's death, 37
Barm or Barn in place-names, 53, 216
'Barnaby Rudge,' by Charles Dillon, comedian,

Boase's 'Modern English Biography,' 226
Booksellers, províncial, 112; Scotch and
Irish, 171

Christmas: bibliography and notes, 502
Cley-next-the-Sea Church: woodwose, 472
Corpse bleeding in presence of the murderer,


Crusie, Scottish lamp, 393

Barnes (Barnaby), his 'Parthenophil and Parthe-
nople,' 245

Barwell (Richard), 1741-1804, his parentage, 368
Basil the Great, translation of sentence in, 190, 454
Basle, Prince Bishop of, his biography, 68, 118
Bath, Queen Henrietta Maria at, 150, 197

[blocks in formation]

Bel, fruit of the Ægle Marmelos, 426
Belgian students' song, 186

Belgrave Chapel, its history, 202, 254, 293, 334
Bell's edition of the poets, 188, 319

Bellew (F.), his 'Kossuth Coppered,' satirical poem,

Belt family, 186

Benecke (C. S.) and Blücher at Waterloo, 227,
370, 418, 453

Bennett (Jane) = Lieut. J. Pigott, 1764, 77
Bennett (Mrs.) and 'Jane Shore': 'Canadian
Girl,' 66, 116, 238

Bense (J. F.) on smouch, term for a Jew, 292

'Tess of the D'Urbervilles,' 96
Bensly (Prof. E.) on arabis: thlaspi, 11
Authors wanted, 214, 278, 436, 512
Basil the Great, 454

Birds falling dead at soldiers' shouts, 393
Buffoon's admirers, 534

Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy,' 146
'Erlkönigs Tochter,' Danish poem, 237
Haug (General), 157

'Heroine,' 355

King's 'Classical Quotations,' 123, 402
Latin epitaph at Dryburgh Abbey, 414

Librarians, Eminent, 538

'Monsieur Tonson,' its author, 356

[ocr errors]

Princes of Wales, 70

Puns on Payne, 453

"Make" or "mar

in Goldsmith, 37

St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, 359
Swift (Dean) and the war of 1688-91, 317
Taylor (Jeremy), his descendants, 258

'Pride and Prejudice,' 434

Proverb quoted by Bishop Fisher, 46

Seventeenth-century quotations, 235, 392

'Vertimmus,' Latin comedy, 196

Taylor (Jeremy) and Petronius, 65

Victoria (Queen) and George Peabody's

funeral, 311

Thackeray at the British Museum, 472
Ulysses and Pulci, 514

Women carrying their husbands, 452

Women carrying their husbands, 452

Bayne (T.) on 'Arden of Feversham': "Gale," Benton (Jay) on Carlyle on singing at work, 494

[blocks in formation]

"If you ask for salt, you ask for sorrow," 198 Bernau (C. A.) on "All right, McCarthy," 358

[blocks in formation]

Wordsworth: variant readings, 294, 476

Beaconsfield. See Disraeli.

Beaven (A. B.) on Aldermen of London, 27

Alleyn (Sir John), 176

Browne (Sir Richard), Bt., 443

Cooke (Sir Thomas), 6

Grierson, Grereson, or Greir family, 38

Knighthood bestowed twice, 178

Latour (Peter de), 287

Percy (T.), Prior of Holy Trinity, 85
Philip (Sir Matthew), 24, 133

Poll-books of the City of London, 77
Robinson (Sir John), Bt., 74

Rush (Sir W. B.), 94

Secretaries to the Lords Lieutenant, 187
Beaver-Lea, place-name derived from beavers,
263, 311, 391, 436

Beazant (H.) on minister: verger v. sacristan, 274
Beckab, 14th-century word, its meaning, 507

Beefsteak Club of 1710, 445, 497

Beke (Dr. Charles), his diary, 1841-3, 74

Bevan (A. T.) on dog poems, 395
Bhel, fruit of the Ægle Marmelos, 426

Bible, history of, published in Shropshire, 26, 78;
curious statistics, 119, 171; Gutenberg 42-line
Bible, 307, 355; Lyoner Goldene Bibel, 369;
Printer's Bible, edition c. 1612, 408, 475;
rats and plague connected in, 465; dog in, 522

Artephius, 'De Characteribus Planetarum,'


Astrologiæ ratione et experientia refutatæ
liber, 107, 197

Bell's edition of the poets, 188, 319

Bible. See Bible.

Blake (William), 241

Bookbinding, first English book on, 403
Book-covers: "yellow-backs," 189, 237, 274,

295, 373, 414, 458

Cardonnel's 'Picturesque

Scotland,' 282

Chained books, 266

Christmas, 502

Devon archæology, 487

Donne's poems, 7, 75

Antiquities of

Goldsmith (O.), his 'Deserted Village,' 41, 194

Hibgame (Edward South) his library, 306
'Hudibras, 142, 211

King's Classical and Foreign Quotations,"
123, 402

[blocks in formation]

Shakespeare: biography, 1708/9, 345; chro-
nological edition, 348, 431

'Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative, 8, 96
Skeat (Walter W.), 61

Slavonic literature, 286
Swedenborg, 22

Bibliophile on book-covers: “Yellow-backs," 189
Bierle family of Gamnecourt Picardy, 429
Billinge family of Billinge, Lancs, 369
Birch (J. Basil) on Jew's eye, 208

Bird (T.) on 'St. James's Chronicle,' 409
Birds falling dead at soldiers' shouts, 309, 393
Birth-records on pincushions, c. 1750, 326

Bishop, Prince, of Basle, his biography, 68, 118
Bishopsgate Street Without, its widening, 246
Bisset (William), c. 1670-1747, his marriage, 409
Blacklaw, in Scotland, its locality, 527

Bladud on 'Le Paysan Perverti, 189

Blake (William), his 'Laughing Song': a new
version, 241

Blanket, verbal use of the word, 327, 376
Bleackley (Horace) on Eugene Aram, 319
Berkeley (Lord) and highwaymen, 305
Casanova in England, 386

Catchpenny, 285

Common Hangman, 477

'Diaboliad,' by William Combe, 147

Duels between clergymen, 445

Elliott's (Mrs.) 'During the Reign of Terror,'

Fisher (Kitty) and 'Belle's Stratagem,' 346
Luttrell (Lady Elizabeth), 366

Napoleon and the Little Red Man, 447

Ordinaries of Newgate, 325

Sumner (Miss): Mrs. Skrine, 389, 475

Trecothick (Barlow), Lord Mayor, 298

Wilkes (John), 27

Blücher and Wellington at Waterloo, 227, 370,
418, 453

Blue and buff as party colours, 11

Blumenordnung at Nuremberg, 369, 470
Blundell (Thomas), Macaulay's friend, c. 1813,


Boadicea and Battle Bridge, place-name, 18
Boase (F.), his 'Modern English Biography,' 226,


Boase (F.) on mock coats of arms, 59

Boccaccio, quotation from, 428

Bohemia, early printing in, 286

Bohemian musical folk-lore, 485

Bohemians and gipsies, popular error, 306, 418,


Bolland (W. C.) on "broche," 16

"Bolton ffaire groates," meaning of the phrase,


Bonaparte (Napoleon), satiric parody, 326;
coloured print published 1797, 390; five-franc
pieces, 448; and Little Red Man, 447, 511

Bookbinding, first English book on, 403
Book-covers: Yellow-backs, &c., 189, 237, 274,

295, 373, 414, 458

Book-purchases of Charles II., 32
Books and engravings, their preservation, 54

Books recently published:-

Ashdown's (Mrs. C. H.) British Costume

during Nineteen Centuries, 259
Bicknell's (E. E.) The Channel Isles, 100
Bond's (F.) Misericords, 359
Broadley's (A. M.) Chats on Autographs, 478
Broughton's (Lord) Recollections of a Long
Life, 179

Cambridge History of English Literature,
Vol. IV., 239

Cynewulf's Poems, trans. by C. W. Kennedy,

Davies's (G. S.) Renascence: Sculptured
Tombs in Rome, 259, 304

Dobson's (A.) Old Kensington Palace, 379
Elliot's (G. D.) During the Reign of Terror,


Feuillerat's (A.) John Lyly, 339

Fifty Pictures of Gothic Altars, 200
Fisher's (H. A. L.) Frederick William Mait-

land, 138

Harper's (C. G.) The Cornish Coast (South), 19
Husband's (M. F. A.) Dictionary of Waverley
Novels, 439

Jamieson's Dictionary of Scottish Language,
ed. Johnstone, 79

Lang's (A.) Sir Walter Scott and Border
Minstrelsy, 538

Latham's (C.) In English Homes, Vol. III.,

Law's (E.) Shakespeare as a Groom of the
Chamber, 539

Leadam's (I. S.) History of England. 1702-60,

Longmans' Historical Illustrations, 218

Lyly (John), by A. Feuillerat, 339
McClure's (E.) British Place-Names in their

Historical Setting, 459

Marczali's (H.) Hungary in Eighteenth Cen-
tury, 159

Martin's (C. T.) The Record Interpreter, 280
Masefield's (C.) Staffordshire, 100
Monypenny's (W. F.) Life of Benjamin
Disraeli, Vol. I., 398

Nashe's (T.) Works, ed. McKerrow, Vol. V.,


[blocks in formation]

L.), Eastern Stories and

Suffling's (E. R.) English Church Brasses, 298
Swift's (Jonathan) Poems, ed. W. E. Brown-
ing, 319

Terry's (C. S.) Scottish Historical Clubs,
1780-1908, 119

Walker's (H.) Literature of the Victorian
Era, 458

Whitaker's Almanack and Peerage, 1911, 518
Wright's (J.) Grammar of Gothic, 59

Young's (W. T.) Anthology of the Poetry of
the Age of Shakespeare, 518

Booksellers: Bristol, 23; provincial, 52, 112;
Scotch and Irish, 170, 418

Booksellers' Catalogues, 40, 80, 139, 179, 220, 260,

300, 340, 400, 420, 440, 460, 479, 500, 519, 540
"Boreal Bourdaloue," Sydney Smith on, 368, 473
Bostock (R. C.) on Duke of Grafton, East India-
man, 237

Botany time of flowers blooming, 29,78
Bowling (Tom), typical sailor, 387, 432
Bowring (Sir John) and Fauriel, letters, 1822, 221
Bradley (H.) on etymology of "scruto," 187

Scupper, use as verb, 207

Bradshaw (President), alleged burial in Jamaica,

Bramwell (J.) on Billinge of Billinge, Lancs, 369
Brandreth (H. S.) on authors of quotations, 28,


Vavasour surname, its derivation, 149
Brassington (W. Salt) on Gower family, 452

Bread, obvention, given by parishioners to priest,
148, 216

Brereton (W.) on Little Gidding and Mary Colet,

Breslar (M. L. R.) on blanket as a verb, 376
Book-covers: Yellow-backs, 238

Cromwell (Richard), his daughter, 398
Goldsmith and Hackney, 10

Henriquez (Jacob) and his daughters, 150
"Jehovah" in affirmations by Jews, 346
Jew's eye, 277

Kipling and the swastika, 293

Sir Isaac's Walk, 9

Smouch, term for a Jew, 292, 375, 457
Telephones in banks, 258

Bridgeford Chapel, Lambton, Durham, site iden-
tified, 466

Brierley (H.) on Upper Cheyne Row, Chelsea, 48
Bright (John), his quotations, 508

Bristol booksellers and printers, 23

Bristol Cathedral, tablet to Richard Hakluyt, 84
Bristow Cowsway = Brixton Road, allusions to,

"British Glory Revived," medal inscription, 29,
77, 279

British Institution, its history, 178
British Isles, statues and memorials in, 42, 242, 381
British Museum, W. M. Thackeray at, 428, 472

Britten (F. J.) on clocks and their makers, 308, 394
Brixton Road called Bristow Cowsway, c. 1631,448
Broche, Norman word, its meaning, 16

Bromby (E. H.) on arabis: thlaspi, 279

Liston and Ducrow, 487

Brooke (John), barrister, c. 1501, 69, 111, 156,
257, 394, 457

Brougham (Lord), legacy to, 190

Bull (Sir W.) on Isaac Watts's collateral
descendants, 168, 351

Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo, 227, 453
Bullion, use of the word in 1336, its etymology, 6
Bulloch (J. M.) on Belt family, 186

East India Company's marine service, 193
Gordon (Charles), publisher, 67
Gordon (Peter), explorer, 126
Gordon (Pryse Lockhart), 266
Military Corps of Ladies, 1803, 448
Stair divorce, 1820, 489
Burdon (C. S.) on Rumbelow, 38
Speaker's Chair, 218

Statues in the British Isles, 383
Burghmote=court of a city, 1743, 510
Burnet (Bishop Gilbert), early graduation, 427
Burntisland place-name, its derivation, 249
Burr (Mrs. A. M.), artist, her biography, 268, 350
Burton (R.), 'Anatomy of Melancholy,' quotations

in reprints, 146

Bury St. Edmunds and Cowper family, 369
Butler (Samuel) and pirated edition of 'Hudibras,'
142, 211

C. (A. B.) on lucky shoes, 509

C. (B. L. R.) on Christmas Mummers as mammals,

[blocks in formation]

Piccadilly, 9

Calvary at Myddelton Lodge, Ilkley, 235

Calvert (Hon. Mrs.) at a Drawing-Room, 1818, 427

Broughton (Bes), female fanatic, c. 1650, 286, 333 Cam on Boccaccio quotation, 428

Brown (R. Stewart) on Houghton family, 509

Brown sex = female sex, the term, 505

Brownbill (J.) on Unecungga: Ynetunga, 212, 333
Browne (Sir Richard), Lord Mayor 1660-61,443
Browne (Sir Thomas), his marriage, 1641, 509
Bruce (Archibald), fl. 1727, his identity, 227
Brushfield (T. N.), his death, 480; his library, 487
Brutus on Malmaison, 289

Vanishing London: Proprietary Chapels, 254
Buddha in Christian art, 147, 217
Budget, verbal use of the word, 47
Buff and blue as party colours, 11
Buffoon's admirers referred to by Fielding, 534
Builders in Devonshire, 1812-30, 310, 418

Bull (Edward), 1798-1843, publisher, 87, 176

Bull (Sir W.) on Duke of Grafton, East Indiaman,


Maids of Taunton, 491

Swale (Mrs.), 1761-1845, 248

Campbell (Niall W.) on saint's cloak and sun-
beam, 357

Cambridge, arms of St. Catharine's College, 308,


Canabull blue silke," 1559, 33, 119
Cannell (Eva Bright) on Maids of Taunton, 408
Canons, Middlesex, 18th-century house, 328,
374, 394, 437,534

Canova (Antonio), busts of Mars and Minerva, 528
Capital, stone, in old High Tower, Westminster,

Cardonnel (Adam de), his 'Picturesque Antiquities
of Scotland,' 282

Cards, etymology of "pips" on, 465, 514
Cards, tradesmen's, c. 1600 and 1700, 348
Carlin Sunday and "The Hole," Fleet Street,
229, 314, 392

Carlyle (T.), French version of his 'French Revo-
lution,' 206; on singing at work, 309, 494


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