GENERAL INDEX, * EIGHTH SERIES .. .. .. £ s. d. 330 060 ADVERTISER recommends for any position of trust (Manageress, Matron, Secretary, or Superintendent) a WIDOW LADY, capable, energetic, trustworthy, ten years' training in a Government Department, tall, active, good appearance, and in prime of life.-Box 1698, Atheneum Press, 13, Bream's Buildings, E.C. POOKS. ALL BOOKS over as the most expert Bookfinders extant. Please state wants.BAKER'S Great Bookshop, 14-16, John Bright Street, Birmingham. OUT-OF-PRINT ABOUT 2,000 BOOKS WANTED THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR AND (ESTABLISHED 1837), Which also gives Lists of the New Books published during the Week, Announcements of Forthcoming Books, &c. Subscribers have the privilege of a Gratis Advertisement in the Books Wanted Columns. Sent for 52 weeks, post free, for 10s. 6d. home and 13s. 6d. foreign Subscription. Specimen copy free on application to all mentioning 'Notes and Queries.' Price TWOPENCE WEEKLY. 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New Pocket Size, 38. per dozen, ruled or plain. Authors should note that the Leadenhall Press, Ltd., cannot be responsible for the loss of MSS. by fire or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. TO BOOKSELLERS. FRANCIS & CO. are prepared to give LOW The Oldest Horticultural Newspaper. JOHN. C. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS, ESTIMATES for HIGH-CLASS CATALOGUE and GENERAL PRINTING, and invite inquiries for Prices and Specimens.. The ATHENÆUM PRESS 13, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, E.C. The Gardeners' Chronicle. (The 'Times' of Horticulture.) 3d. WEEKLY. Postaged. 15s. YEARLY. Post free. FOR SIXTY YEARS THE LEADING JOURNAL. ITS CONTRIBUTORS COMPRISE THE MOST EXPERIENCED BRITISH GARDENERS, AND MANY OF THE MOST EMINENT MEN OF SCIENCE AT HOME AND ABROAD. IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS. "The Gardeners' Chronicle has faithfully held to its promises. It is still, to-day, the best gardening journal, being indispensable equally to the practical gardener and the man of science, because each finds in it something useful. We wish the journal still further success." -Garten Flora, Berlin, Jan. 15. "The Gardeners' Chronicle is the leading horticultural journal of the world, and an historical publication. It has always excited our respectful admiration. A country is honoured by the possession of such a publication, and the greatest honour we can aspire to is to furnish our own country with a journal as admirably conducted."-La Semaine Horticole, Feb. 13, 1897. "The Gardeners' Chronicle is the most important horticultural journal in the world, and the most generally acknowledged authority." - Le Moniteur d'Horticulture, Sept., 1898. SPECIMEN COPY POST FREE ON APPLICATION TO THE PUBLISHER, H. G. COVE, 41, Wellington Street, Strand, London. Telegraphic Address-GARDCHRON, LONDON. Telephone No. 1543 GERRARD. May be ordered of all Booksellers and Newsagents, and at the Railway Bookstalls. Published Weekly by JOHN C. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane E.C. and Printed by J. EDWARD FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.-Saturday, September 10, 1910. A Medium of Intercommunication FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, make a note of." - CAPTAIN CUTTLE. No. 38. [SEVEN ELEVENTH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. NEW AND REVISED EDITION OF VOL. V. COMPLETING THE WORK. GROVE'S DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. New and Revised Edition. Edited by J. A. FULLER MAITLAND, M.A. In 5 vols. 8vo. Vol. V. T-Z and Appendix. 218. net. The Appendix includes corrections and additions to the other volumes, and articles on a good many executive artists who have made their name since the earlier volumes were issued, as well as a large number of the young English composers whose work has recently come prominently before the public. *** Previously published: Vols. I.-IV., 218. net each. ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS. REST NEW SERIES. Crown 8vo, 2s. net each. HAZLITT. By AUGUSTINE BIRRELL, K.C. LAWLESS. HARROW. A Comedy of Resolution. BY MAURICE HEWLETT. 6 Extra crown 8vo, 68. A Sequel to Open Country,' which continues the history of Sanchia Percival and John Senhouse. VOL. III. JUST PUBLISHED. A CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ OF THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT HOBBES. By Sir LESLIE STEPHEN, K.C.В. WALTER PATER. By ARTHUR C. BENSON. Vol. III. Frans Hals, Adriaen van Ostade, Isack van *** Prospectus post free on application. NEW LIBRARY EDITION. THE WORKS OF WALTER PATER. Vol. V. APPRECIATIONS. With an Essay on Style. Vol. VI. PLATO AND PLATONISM. A Series of Lectures. [Sept. 27. *** Macmillan's Autumn Announcement List post free on application. MACMILLAN & CO., LTD., London. AUTHORS WHO USE THE BAR-LOCK say they can think with it more easily than with a pen, and the work is clear as print. WRITE FOR "The Evolution of a Typewriter" TO HIS MAJESTY'S TYPEWRITER MAKERS, 12 & 14, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. ABOUT 2,000 BOOKS WANTED Are advertised for weekly in THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR AND BOOKSELLERS' RECORD (ESTABLISHED 1837), Which also gives Lists of the New Books published during the Week, Announcements of Forthcoming Books, &c. Subscribers have the privilege of a Gratis Advertisement in the Books Wanted Columns. Sent for 52 weeks, post free, for 10s. 6d. home and 13s. 6d. foreign Subscription. Specimen copy free on application to all mentioning Price TWOPENCE WEEKLY. Office: 19, ADAM STREET, Adelphi, London, W.C. NOTES AND QUERIES is published on FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 2 o'clock. NOTES AND QUERIES. -The SUBSCRIPTION AND QUERIES free by post is 108. Sd. for Six Months; or 208. 6d. for Twelve Months, including the Volume Index. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, Notes and Queries Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. ADVERTISER recommends for any position of trust (Manageress, Matron, Secretary, or Superintendent) a WIDOW LADY, capable, energetic, trustworthy, ter years' training in a Government Department, tall, active, good appearance, and in prime of life.-Box 1698, Athenæum Press, 13, Bream's Buildings, E.C. ATHENÆUM PRESS. JOHN EDWARD JOHN C. FRANCIS and J. EDWARD FRANCIS, of the Athenæum, Notes and Queries, &c., is prepared to SUBMIT ESTIMATES for all kinds of BOOK, NEWS, and PERIODICAL PRINTING.-13, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. Notes and Queries Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C. LONDON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910. CONTENTS. - No. 38. NOTES:-Sir John Bowring and Fauriel, 221 - Variant Readings in Wordsworth, 222 - Plantagenet Tombs at Fontevrault, 223-Gladstone at Wilmslow, 224-Harp Alley "Smouch," Term for a Jew-West Indian Folklore, 225-John Wesley's Marriage-William_RoupellArden of Feversham'-Marriage in Lincoln's Inn Chapel -Wade and Gainsborough, 226, QUERIES:-Hillman Family-John Marshman: Archibald Forbes Archibald Bruce Lum Surname - Sir Eyre Coote's Monument-Blücher at Waterloo, 227-'Le Pro scrit'"Fern to make malt"-De Quincey and Coleridge -Whyteheer-Woman throwing her Children to 'Agathonia' - Prinknash - Michael Wright, Painter Greek Illustrated History-Hezekiah Swift, 228-Matthew Arnold on Nineteenth Century Eloquence - Authors Wanted-John Peel of Troutbeck-"Game leg "-"Quiz" -Kennett and Howe - Daniel and the Pirate Carlin A. Elton - Danby Pickering - C. Potter - Hone's 'Table Sunday and Fleet Street, 229-Slavery in Scotland-Capt. Book,' 230. REPLIES:- Sir Henry Dudley, 230-Elephant and Castle in Heraldry, 231-Vavasour Surname, 232-Richard Gem"Teest"-Secretaries to the Lords Lieutenant, 233-'Arno Miscellany'-'Oliver Twist' on the Stage-'Drawing-Room Ditties'-Sir John Ivory, 234-Authors Wanted-"Average"-Sudan Archæology-John King, Artist - Seventeenth-Century Quotations-Mazes-The Old Pretender, 235-Theophilus Feild-Egerton Leigh-Peck and Beckford Fuller-Cocker-E. R. Moran-Jacob Henriquez, 236 -Tammany-Oatcake and Whisky-Erlkönigs Tochter' -Duke of Grafton, East Indiaman-"Yellow-Backs," 237 -Seventeenth-Century Clergy-Thomas Paine's Gravestone-Wolfe on "Yankees"-Shakespeare and Peeping Tom-Anonymous Works-'Le Paysan Perverti'-'Jane Shore,' 238-Kipling and the Swastika-H.M.S. Avenger -Islington Historians-Clergy and the Dinner Table, 239. NOTES ON BOOKS: - 'Cambridge History of English Literature.' Mon bien aimé Fauriel II. Je remets ces deux mots à M. le Procureur du Roi en l'engageant s'il n'y voit aucun obstacle à les faire mettre à la poste. Je m'occupe toujours dans ma prison de mes traductions russe et allemande, mais cela m'ennuie un peu. C'est toujours perdrix. Je vous engage à me remettre au plutôt une vingtaine de pages des pièces grecques que vos traductions notées les accompagnent et nous verrons le parti à tirer. J'aimerais bien à avoir les Chœurs de Manzoni, aussi avec une traduction et j'en ferai un article pour un de nos journaux. Saluez mes amis. Vous pouvez adresser les fragmens grecs au Vice-Consul anglais, M. Hamilton, pour moiou peut-être à la maison d'arrêt même avec ordre d'être examiné par M. le Procureur du Roi. Les articles sur l'Histoire de l'Angleterre sont faits et j'espère que vous serez content de ce que j'y ai ajouté. Je rêve à une Tragédie historique sur ce sujet. Dieu sait si l'embryon naîtra jamais. Je voudrais bien avoir les cahiers qui ont paru de votre Société Asiatique. - Vale et me ama. Tout à vous J. BOWRING Maison d'Arrêt A Monsieur Rue des Vieilles Thuilleries, No. 22 Paris. III. Londres 11 Avril 1823 Carissimo, Je vous donne deux mots de réponse à votre aimable. Pour les Chansons grecs* j'ai une maison qui se chargera de la traduction anglaise, en payant tous les frais. S'il y a du profit, et j'en suis assuré, je voulais le donner au Comité Grec. Une traduction française ne se vendrait pas ici. Je doute même si nous pourrions trouver un libraire qui se chargerait de la publication. Moi, peut-être, parmi mes amis, je pourrais trouver une quarantaine de personnes qui les prendraient, mais l'on n'aime pas-on ne veut pas de traduction en prose-(les vôtres ne seront pas prosaïques quoiqu'en prose). En vers ces pièces auraient un charme singulier. Ce qu'il y aura de plus difficile à arranger ce sera de vous rémunérer-Vous devez me parler franchement sur ce point. Je ferai ce que je peux. Pour la publication des chansons-pour la traduction en vers anglais, je vous réponds. Notre Revue à ce que j'espère ira bien.tLe 1er No. ne paraîtra qu'au 1er Déc. Je voudrais * Fauriel published in 1824 and 1825 with great success the 'Chants populaires de la Grèce.' + The Westminster Review, established in 1823, with Bowring as first editor, and with funds contributed by Jeremy Bentham. |