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LIGER OF LIGERIS, now the Loire, the largest river of Gaul; it rises in Mons Cebenna or Cevennes, and for the first half of its course runs directly north, then turns to the west, and falls into the Atlantic between the territories of the Pictones and Namnetes. (Cæs., B. G., 3, 9.-Id. ibid., 7, 5.—Auson., Mosell., v. 461.

500 jugera should be made to give up the surplus, | was understood to be much exasperated against those which was to be distributed among those who had no who, after the rout at Pharsalia, had renewed the war property, and that in future every citizen was to be in Africa. Ligarius, when on the point of obtaining entitled to a share of newly-conquered land, with the his pardon, was formally accused by his old enemy same restriction, and subject to the same duties. This Tubero of having borne arms in that contest. The might be considered as a bill for the better distribution dictator himself presided at the trial of this cause, of plunder among those engaged in a plundering expe- much prejudiced against Ligarius, as was known from dition, for the land thus acquired and distributed can- his having previously declared that his resolution was not be compared to real property as held throughout fixed, and was not to be altered by the charms of eloEurope in our own day; and this reflection may perhaps quence. Cicero, however, overcame his prepossesserve to moderate somewhat the warmth of our sympa- sions, and extorted from him a pardon. The countethy in reading of the complaints of the Roman plebe-nance of Cæsar, it is said, changed as Cicero proceedians concerning the unequal distribution of land, which ed in his speech; but when he touched on the battle had been, in fact, taken by violence from a third party, of Pharsalia, and described Tubero as seeking his life the other nations of Italy, who were the real sufferers. amid the ranks of the army, he was so agitated that -The patricians, who had, till then, the best share of his body trembled, and the papers which he held dropthe common plunder, opposed to the utmost the pas-ped from his hand. The oration of Tubero against sage of these three laws. The contest lasted during ten Ligarius was extant in Quintilian's time, and probably whole years, during which the republic at one time fell explained the circumstances which induced a man who into a kind of anarchy. Camillus also, at one period, had fought so keenly against Cæsar at Pharsalia to was appointed dictator, as a last expedient on the part undertake the prosecution of Ligarius. (Plut., Vit. of the nobility, and in that capacity stopped the voting Cic.-Dunlop's Roman Lit., vol. 2, p. 317, Lond. ed.) at the Comitia Tributa, by threatening to summon the people to the Campus Martius, and to enlist and march them into the field. At last, however, the three rogations passed into law. Sextius Lateranus, the colleague of Licinius, the first plebeian consul, was chosen for the next year, 365 B.C., together with a patrician, L. Æmilius Mamercinus. The senate, how--Lucan, 1, 439.) ever, refused to confirm the election of Sextius, and LIGURES, the inhabitants of Liguria. (Vid. Liguria.) the plebeians were preparing for a new secession and LIGURIA, a country of Cisalpine Gaul, lying along other fearful threatenings of a civil war, when Camil- the shores of the Sinus Ligusticus or Gulf of Genoa, lus interposed, and an arrangement was made, that, having the Varus on the west, and the Macra on the while the patricians conceded the consulship to the southeast, and bounded on the north by the Alps. The plebeians, the latter should leave to the patricians the Ligures, termed Aiyupes and Atyvorivo by the Greeks prætorship, which was then for the first time separated (Strabo, 203.-Polyb., 2, 16), appear to have been a from the consulship. Thus was peace restored. Li- numerous and powerful people, extending, in the days cinius, the great mover of this change in the Roman of their greatest strength, along the shores of the Medconstitution, was raised to the consulship 363 B.C., iterranean, from the mouth of the Rhodanus to the river but nothing remarkable is recorded of him while in Arnus, reaching also into the interior of Gaul and the that office. In the year 356 B.C., under the consul- valleys of the Maritime Alps. According to some acship of C. Marcius Rutilus and C. Manlius Imperiosus, counts, they had penetrated to the west as far as the we find Licinius charged and convicted before the borders of Spain. (Thucyd., 6, 2.—Scyl., Peripl., p. prætor of a breach of his own agrarian law, and fined 4.) Of the origin of this people we have no positive 10,000 asses. It seems that he possessed 1000 jugera, information; but there is good reason for supposing one half of which he held in the name of his son, whom that they were Celts, though Strabo (128) distinguishes he had emancipated for the purpose. After this we them from the Gauls. The story which is told by hear no more of C. Licinius Stolo. (Encycl. Us. Plutarch of the Ligurians in the army of Marius, acKnowl., vol. 13, p. 464, seq.-Liv., lib. 6 et 7.-Nie-knowledging the Ambrones as belonging to the same buhr, Röm. Gesch., vol. 3, p. 1, seqq.-Val. Max., 8, 6. -Savigny, Das Recht des Besitzes, p. 175.)-II. Muræna. (Vid. Muræna.)—III. Varro Muræna, a brother of Proculeius, who conspired against Augustus with Fannius Cæpio, and suffered for his crime. Horace addressed to him his 10th ode, book 2.-IV. C. Flavius Valerius, a Roman emperor. A sketch of his history will be found incorporated with that of Constantine. (Vid. Constantinus.)

LICINUS, a Roman barber, made a senator by Julius Cesar merely because he bitterly hated Pompey. Compare the language of the scholiast (ad Horat., Ep. ad Pis., 301): Quod odisset Pompeium, a Casare senator factus dicitur."

stock with themselves; the affinity of the term Ligur to the Celtic Liy-gour or Lly-gor, together with other words, evidently belonging to the same root, which Cluverius has collected (Ital. Ant., vol. 1, p. 50), may be considered as plausible grounds at least for the support of such an opinion. Though the period of their settlement in Italy cannot be determined, we may safely affirm that it was very remote, since the Tyrrheni, themselves a very ancient people, on their arrival in Italy, found them occupying a portion of what was afterward called Etruria, and, after a long struggle, succeeded in expelling them. (Lycophr., v. 1354.) The Greeks, who were unacquainted with the real situation of Liguria, made that country the scene of some LIGARIUS, Q., was at first a lieutenant of C. Con- of their earliest and most poetical fictions. The passidius, proconsul of Africa, and afterward succeeded sage of Hercules (Esch., Prom., Sol. ap. Strab., 183) him in that province. He sided with the republican and the story of Cycnus were identified with it. (Virg., party against Cæsar, and was condemned to exile. En., 10, 185.) And it is not improbable, that the faHis brothers at Rome solicited his recall, but their ap-ble of Phaethon's sisters shedding tears of amber, a plication was opposed by Tubero, who openly accused Ligarius before the dictator. Cicero appeared as the advocate for Ligarius, and his speech on the occasion has come down to us. This oration was pronounced after Caesar, having vanquished Pompey in Thessaly, and destroyed the remains of the republican party in Africa, assumed the supreme administration of affairs at Rome. Merciful as the conqueror appeared, he

substance which the Greeks called Lingurium (Strabo, 202), had its origin in the country which produced that substance, and gave it its name. (Millin, Voyage en Italie, vol. 2, p. 336.) Herodotus was better acquainted with the Ligurians (5, 9), and mentions them as forming part of the mercenary forces of Carthage, in its wars against the Greeks of Sicily (7, 165). The conquest of Liguria by the Romans was not effected

till long after the second Punic war. The Ligurians of close investment, he was compelled to raise the had joined Hannibal with a considerable force soon siege. (Diod., l. c.) In the course of the first Punic after his arrival (Polyb., 3, 60), a circumstance of it- war, Carthage felt more than once that the presself sufficient to provoke hostilities on the part of the ervation of her power in Sicily depended upon Lilyconquerors; but there was another reason which ren- bæum, since she could always send with the greatest dered the subjugation of Liguria extremely desirable. ease to this quarter the necessary supplies by sea, and It afforded the easiest communication with Gaul and could always find in it an easy entrance into the very Spain over the Maritime Alps, an object in itself of heart of the island. If the Romans, too, became masthe greatest importance. The Ligurians long and ob-ters of Lilybæum, they would have, what they wanted stinately resisted their invaders, when the rest of Italy throughout the whole war, a safe harbour on the westhad been subjugated for many years. The Romans ern and southern coasts of the island, whence they could only obtain a free passage along their shore of could easily threaten Carthage herself. (Polyb., 1, twelve stadia from the coast (Strabo, 180); nor was 41.) The moment, therefore, the Carthaginians perit till the Ligurians, after a war of eighty years' dura-ceived that the Romans were about to attack this tion, had been driven from every hold in their mount-place, they made every possible exertion to render it ains, and whole tribes had even been carried out of the secure. The number of the inhabitants was increased country, that they could be said to be finally conquered. by accessions from Selinus, and a strong body of (Liv., 40, 38.-Id., 41, 12.)-The Ligurian character troops was added to the garrison. (Polyb., 1, 42, does not appear to have been held in much esteem by seqq.) The resistance made by the place was effectual, antiquity; while it allows them all the hardihood and and the Romans only obtained possession of Lilybæum courage usual with mountaineers (Cic., Agr., 2, 35.— by the conditions of the peace which brought the Virg., Georg., 2, 168), qualities which were even whole of Sicily under their power. From this time shared in an uncommon degree by the weaker sex the Romans watched with the greatest care so impor(Diod. Sic., 5, 39), it taxes them too plainly with tant a city, repelled all the subsequent attacks of the craft and deceit to be misunderstood. (Virg., En., Carthaginians, who made the greatest exertions to re11, 700.-Servius, ad loc.-Claudian, Idyl., 12.) Ac- possess themselves of the place, and used it as the harcording to the statement of Polybius (2, 16), the bound-bour whence their fleets sailed for the reduction of aries of the Ligurians in Italy seem to have been the Carthage. In a later age, Cicero calls it “splendidissiMaritime Alps to the northwest, to the south the river ma civitas" (in Verr., 5). The modern town of MarArnus; but in the time of Augustus this latter bound-sala occupies the southern half of the ancient city. ary was removed northward to the river Macra. (Plin., 3, 5.) To the north and northeast, the Ligurians ranged along the Alps as far as the river Orgus (Orca), which separated the Taurini, the last of their nation on that side, from the Cisalpine Gauls: south of the Po they bordered on the Anamanni and Boii, also belonging to this last-mentioned people. (Cramer's Ancient Italy, vol. 1, p. 19, seqq.)

LIGUSTICUS SINUS, a gulf forming the upper part of the Mare Tyrrhenum. It is now the Gulf of Genoa. (Flor., 3, 6.) It is also called Ligusticum Mare. (Colum., 8, 2.-Plin., 3, 6, 20.)

(Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 376, seqq.)—II. The western one of the three famous capes of Sicily, now Cape Boco. The earlier Greeks were not acquainted with this headland, as they rarely navigated along this part of the Sicilian coast; neither did they make any settlements near it. The name first occurs in the false Orpheus (Argon., v. 1248). In a later age it was mentioned by every geographer, not so much from anything remarkable in its appearance, as from its forming the westernmost extremity of Sicily. It is not a mountain-promontory, but a low, flat point of land, rendered dangerous to vessels by its sandbanks and concealed rocks. Lilybæum was the nearest point to Carthage, and the ancient writers inform us, that vessels could be seen from it sailing out of the harbour of that city. (Strabo, 267.—Plin., 7, 21.

Elian, Var. Hist., 11, 13.) The distance, 30 geographical miles, shows the story to be false. Polybius gives the cape a northwest direction: this is true, however, only as regards the harbour of Lilybæum. The cape itself stretches directly to the west. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 375, seqq.)

LIGYES, a people of Asia, mentioned by Herodotus (7, 72). The historian informs us, that the Ligyes, the Matieni, the Mariandyni, and the Cappadocians had the same kind of arms, and that the Ligyes, Mariandyni, and Cappadocians, as forming part of the army of Xerxes, were under the same commander. Larcher infers from all this, that the nations here mentioned were contiguous to each other, and that the Ligyes were to the east of the Mariandyni and Cappadocians, and to the northeast of the Matieni. The Ligyes were reduced in point of numbers in the time of Herodotus, but had been at an earlier period a pow-tory of the Pictones. It was subsequently called Picerful tribe; and we are even informed by Eustathius (ad Dionys. Perieg., 76), that, according to Lycophron, a portion of the Ligyes had once inhabited a part of Colchis, and that Cytæa was a Ligyan city. (Larcher, Hist. d'Herod., vol. 8, p. 301, seqq., Table Geogr.) On the subject of the Ligyes generally, as a very early people, consult the remarks of Bernhardy (ad Dion. Perieg., l. c.—Geogr. Gr. Min., vol. 1, p. 543.)

LILYBAUM, I. a city of Sicily on the western coast, south of Drepanum, and near a famous cape called also Lilybæum, now Cape Boeo. (Diod. Sic., 13, 54.) It was the principal fortress of the Carthaginians in Sicily, and was founded by them about the 106th Olympiad (Diod. Sic., 22, 14), as a stronghold in this quarter against Dionysius of Syracuse. It received as a part of its population the remaining inhabitants of Motya, which place had been taken by Dionysius. The strength of its fortifications was evinced in the war with Pyrrhus. All the other Carthaginian cities in Sicily had yielded to his arms; Lilybæum alone made a successful resistance, and, after three months

LIMONUM, a town of Gallia Aquitanica, in the terri

tavi, and is now Poitiers. (Cas., B. G., 8, 26.)

LINDUM, a town of Britain, the capital of the Coritani, and on the main road from Londinium to Eboracum. (Cellar., Geogr. Ant., vol. 2, p. 341.) It is now Lincoln. Mannert supposes it to have been a Roman colony, and deduces the modern name from Lindi Colonia. (Geography, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 149.) Bede writes the name Lindi-collina. (Hist. Eccles.,

2, 16.)

LINDUS, a city in the island of Rhodes, near the middle of the eastern coast. It was the old capital of the island before Rhodes was built, and is said to have been founded by the Heliades. Others made Tlepolemus its first settler (Strabo, 654), and others, again, assigned its foundation to Danaus. (Strab., 1. c.-Diod. Sic., 5, 58.) Lindus is one of the three cities alluded to by Homer (I., 2, 668). Notice of it also occurs in the Parian Chronicle. It contained a very ancient and famous temple of Minerva, hence called the Lindian, built, according to a tradition, by the Danaïdes. (Strab., l. c.) The statue of the goddess was a shapeless stone. (Callim., ap. Euseb., Præp. Ev., 3, 8.)

Pindar's Seventh Olympic Ode, in honour of Diagoras | to him an account of the exploits of the first Bacchus, the Rhodian, was consecrated in this temple, being in- and a treatise upon the Greek mythology, written in scribed in letters of gold. (Schol. ad Pind., Ol., 7, Pelasgian characters, which were also those used by init.) Here also was a temple of Hercules, the wor- Orpheus, and by Pronapides, the preceptor of Homer. ship connected with which consisted, according to Diodorus says likewise, that he added the string lichaLactantius (1, 31), in revilings and execration (“mal- nos to the Mercurian lyre, and assigns to him the invenedictis et exsecratione celebrantur, eaque pro violatis tion of rhythm and melody, which Suidas, who regards habent, si quando inter solemnes ritus vel imprudenti him as the most ancient of poets, confirms. He is alicui exciderit bonum verbum"). This temple con- said by many ancient writers to have had several distained a painting of the god by Parrhasius. (Athena-ciples of great renown, among whom were Hercules, us, 12, p. 543.) There were several other pictures by Thamyris, and Orpheus.-Thus much for the ordinary the same celebrated master at Lindus, inscribed with learning connected with the name of Linus. The his name. (Athen., 15, p. 687.) This place was also following remarks, however, will be found, we think, famous for having produced Cleobulus, one of the Sev- to contain a far more correct view of the subject. en Sages of Greece; and also Chares (or Cares) and Among the plaintive songs of the early Greek husLaches, the artists who designed and completed the bandmen is to be numbered the one called Linus, Colossus. A mistake, highly characteristic of his ig-mentioned by Homer (Il., 18, 569), the melancholy norance in classical matters, was committed by Vol- character of which is shown by its fuller names, Aihitaire, respecting this famous statue: it is mentioned vos and Oiróλivoç (literally, "Alas, Linus!" and by Mentelle, in a note to the article Lindus, Encyclo-"Death of Linus"). It was frequently sung in Greece, pedie Methodique. Voltaire, having read Indian for according to Homer, at the grape-picking. According Lindian, relates that the Colossus was cast by an In- to a fragment of Hesiod (ap. Eustath., p. 1163dian!-Lindus was the port resorted to by the fleets fragm. I, ed. Gaisf.), all singers and players on the of Egypt and Tyre before the founding of Rhodes.- cithara lament at feasts and dances Linus, the beloved A small town, with a citadel, retaining the name of son of Urania, and call on Linus at the beginning and Lando, still occupies the site of the ancient city. Sa- the end, which probably means that the song of lamvary says (Letters on Greece, p. 96, Eng. transl.) that entation began and ended with the exclamation Al the ruins of the temple of Minerva are still visible on Aíve. Linus was originally the subject of the song, an eminence near the sea. The ruins at Lindo are the person whose fate was bewailed in it; and there said to be very numerous. (Clarke's Travels, vol. 3, were many districts in Greece (for example, Thebes, p. 281, Lond. ed.-Tavernier, Voyage, vol. 1, c. 74.) Chalcis, and Argos) in which tombs of Linus were LINGONES, I. a people of Gaul, whose territories shown. This Linus evidently belongs to a class of included Vogesus, Vosges, and, consequently, the deities or demigods, of which many instances occur in sources of the rivers Mosa or Meuse and Matrona or the religions of Greece and Asia Minor; boys of exMarne. Their chief city was Andomadunum, after-traordinary beauty, and in the flower of youth, who ward Lingones, now Langres, and their territory corresponded to the modern department de la HauteMarne. (Cas., B. G., 1, 26.)—II. A Gallic tribe in Gallia Cisalpina, occupying the extreme northeastern portion of Gallia Cispadana. They were a branch of the Transalpine Lingones. Polybius is the only author who has pointed out the district occupied by this people in Italy (2, 17). Appian characterizes the Lingones generally as the fiercest and wildest of the Gauls. (Bell. Gall., fragm.)

are supposed to have been drowned, or devoured by raging dogs, or destroyed by wild beasts, and whose death is lamented in the harvest or other periods of the hot season. It is obvious that these cannot have been the real persons whose death excited so general a sympathy, although the fables which were offered in explanation of these customs often speak of youths of royal blood, who were carried off in the prime of their life. The real object of lamentation was the tender beauty of spring destroyed by the summer heat, and LINUS, said to have been a native of Chalcis, a son of other phenomena of the same kind, which the imagiApollo and Terpsichore; according to others, the off-nation of these early times invested with a personal spring of Amphimarus and Urania; and according to form, and represented as gods, or beings of a divine others, again, of Mercury and Urania. (Suid., s. v. Aí- nature. According to the very remarkable and explicit vos.-Hes., fragm. ap. Eustath., p. 1163.-Conon., c. tradition of the Argives, Linus was a youth, who, hav19.-Heyne, ad Apollod., 1, 3, 1.) Apollodorus makes ing sprung from a divine origin, grew up with the him a brother of Orpheus (1, 3, 2; 2, 4, 9). He was shepherds among the lambs, and was torn in pieces by fabled to have been the instructer of Hercules in music, wild dogs; whence arose the festival of the lambs, at and to have been killed by the latter in a fit of passion, which many dogs were slain. Doubtless this festival being struck on the head with a lyre. His tragical was celebrated during the greatest heat, at the time death was the subject of a solemn festival at Thebes. of the constellation Sirius, the emblem of which, (Consult Hauptmann, Prolus. de Lino, Gera, 1760, among the Greeks, was, from the earliest times, a raand the notes of Burette on Plutarch's Dialogue on ging dog. It was a natural confusion of the tradition, Music, Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscriptions, &c., vol. that Linus should afterward become a minstrel, one 10, p. 195.) Stobæus has preserved twelve pretend- of the earliest bards of Greece, who begins a contest ed verses of this poet: they have reference to the fa- with Apollo himself, and overcomes Hercules in playmous proposition of the Eleatic school, adopted subse-ing on the cithara; even, however, in this character quently by the New-Platonists and New-Pythagoreans: Ἐκ παντὸς δὲ τὰ πάντα, καὶ ἐκ πάντων πᾶν ἐστι -"The whole has been engendered by the whole." These verses, however, were fabricated in a later age. In the Discourses of Stobæus (Eclog., 1, 11) there are two other verses on the divine power. According to Archbishop Usher, Linus flourished about 1280 B.C., and he is mentioned by Eusebius among the poets who wrote before the time of Moses. Diodorus Siculus tells us, from Dionysius of Mytilene, the historian, who was contemporary with Cicero, that Linus was the first among the Greeks that invented verse and music, as Cadmus first taught them the use of letters (3, 66). The same writer likewise attributes

Linus meets his death, and we must probably assume that his fate was mentioned in the ancient song. In Homer the Linus is represented as sung by a boy, who plays at the same time on the harp, an accompaniment usually mentioned with this song; the young men and women who bear the grapes from the vineyard follow him, moving onward with a measured step, and uttering a shrill cry, in which probably the chief stress was laid on the exclamation alive. That this shrill cry (called by Homer ivyμóç) was not necessarily a joyful strain, will be admitted by any one who has heard the ivyuós of the Swiss peasants, with its sad and plaintive notes resounding from hill to hill. (Müller, Gr. Lit., p. 17, seaq.)

covered possession of Lissus, but Livy speaks of it
as belonging to Gentius (44, 30). Cæsar, who has
frequent occasion to mention this city during the prog-
ress of the civil war carried on by him in Illyria, in-
forms us, that he had previously stationed there a
considerable body of Roman citizens, who readily de-
livered up the town on the appearance of his forces.
(B. Civ., 3, 29.) The situation of the ancient Lis-
sus can hardly be identified with the modern Alessio,
which is more inland, and may rather answer to Acro-
lissus. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 43.)
LISTA, the old capital of the Aborigines, in the
country afterward settled by the Sabines. It was 24
stadia from Tiora, that is, three miles lower down in
the valley of the Salto. The town was surprised by
the Sabines in an expedition by night, and the inhab-
itants were driven out. (Dion. Hal., 1, 14.)

LIPARA, the largest and most important island in | intervened before Philip of Macedon, having surprised the group of the Eolia Insula, or Lipari Islands. the Acrolissus, its citadel, compelled the town to surIts original name was Meligunis (Mɛλyovviç.-Cal-render. An interesting account of this expedition is lim., H. in Dian., 49), and it was uninhabited until to be found in the Fragments of Polybius (8, 15). Liparus, son of King Auson, having been driven out We are not informed by what means the Illyrians reby his brethren, came hither with a body of followers, colonized the island, and founded a city. Both the island and city then took the name of Lipara. He colonized also some other islands of the group. (Strabo, 275.-Diod. Sic., 5, 7.) The original inhabitants, therefore, according to this tradition, were natives of Italy. The Greeks, however, contributed their part also to the ancient legend, and made olus come to this same quarter with a body of companions, and receive in marriage Cyane, the daughter of Liparus. Eolus now assumed the government, and established his aged father-in-law once more on the soil of Italy, in the territory of Surrentum, where the latter continued to reign until his death.-Leaving mythic, we now come to real, history. In the 50th Olympiad (B.C. 577-574), a colony of Cnidians, along with many Rhodians and Carians, settled in Lipara. They had previously established themselves on the western LITERNUM, a town of Italy, in Campania, west of coast of Sicily, but had been driven out by the Elymai Atella, and north of Cumæ. Its situation has been and Phoenicians. From this period Lipara was re- disputed; but antiquarics seem now agreed in fixing garded as a Doric colony (Scymn., Ch., 261.) The the site of the town at a place called Torre di Patria. inhabitants began to be powerful at sea, having been The difficulty arose chiefly from the mention of a rivcompelled to defend their commerce against the Tyr-er of the same name by some of the ancient writers. rhenian pirates, whom they worsted in several encoun- (Strabo. 243-Liv., 32, 29.) This river can be no ters. Eventually, however, they followed the bad ex- other than that which rises in the Apennines above ample set them by their maritime neighbours, and be- Nola, and, flowing at no great distance from Acerræ, came pirates themselves. (Liv., 5, 28.) When the discharges its waters into the sea near Liternum. Carthaginians were striving for the possession of Si- This stream is apt to stagnate near its entrance into cily, they perceived the importance of Lipara as a the sea, and to form marshes anciently known as the naval station, and accordingly made it their own. Palus Literna, now Lago di Patria. Liternum beDuring the first Punic war it fell into the hands of came a Roman colony in the same year with Vulturthe Romans.-The Lipari isles obtain their modern num. (Liv., 34, 45.) It was recolonized by Augusname from the ancient Lipara. They were anciently tus, and ranked among the præfecture. (Front., de called Eolia Insule, from having been fabled to be Col-Festus.) That Scipio Africanus retired here ruled over by olus, god of the winds; and they in disgust at the injustice of his countrymen, seems a were also styled Vulcania Insula, from their volcanic fact too well attested to be called into question; but nature, on which was based the fable of Vulcan's hav- whether he really closed his existence here, as far as ing forges in Strongyle, one of the group, besides his we can collect from Livy's account, may be deemed smithy in Etna. The ancients knew them to be vol- uncertain: his tomb and statue were to be seen both canic, but did not narrowly examine them; this has at Liternum, and in the family vault of the Scipios, been reserved for modern philosophers. The Lipari which was discovered some years ago outside the isles are commonly reckoned seven in number, and Porta Capena. (Liv., 38, 51.) Strabo (243) certainLipari is the largest of these, being 19 Italian miles ly seems to imply that he spent the remainder of his in circuit. This island is peculiarly valuable to the life at Liternum, and also makes mention of his tomb naturalist, from the number and beauty of its volcanic there. According to Valerius Maximus (5, 3, 2), products. According to Diodorus, all the Eolian isles Scipio himself had caused to be engraved on it this were subject to great irruptions of fire, and their craters inscription, were visible in his time. (Vid. Strongyle.-Plin., 3, 9.-Mela, 2, 7.-Jornand., de Regn. Succ., p. 29.Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 459, seqq.)

LIRIS, now Garigliano, a river of Campania, which it separated from Latium, after the southern boundary of the latter had been removed from the Circæan promontory. (Vid. Latium.) It falls into the sea near Minturnæ. According to Strabo, its more ancient name was Kλáviç: according to Pliny, Glanis. (Strabo, 233.—Pliny, 3, 5.). Its source is in the country of the Marsi, west of the Lacus Fucinus. This river is particularly noticed by the poets for the sluggishness of its stream. (Horat., Od., 1, 31.-Sil. Ital., 4, 348.) In the vicinity of Minturnee the Pontine marshes ended, in which Marius hid himself, and whence he was dragged with a rope round his neck to the prison of Minturnæ. (Vid. Marius.)


which would be decisive of the question. It is not
improbable that the little hamlet of Patria, which is
supposed to stand on the site of Scipio's villa, is in-
debted for its name to this circumstance. Seneca
gives an interesting description of a visit he made to
the remains of the villa, and of the reflections to
which it gave rise, in a letter to one of his friends.
(Ep., 86.) Pliny asserts that there were to be seen
in his day, near Liternum, some olive-trees and myr-
tles said to have been planted by the illustrious exile.
(Plin., 16, 44.-Cramer's Anc. Italy., vol. 2, p. 145,

LIVIA, I. Drusilla (Livia Drusilla Augusta, or Livia Augusta), a celebrated Roman female of the LISSUS, a city of Illyria, near the mouth of the Dri-Claudian line, and daughter of Livius Drusillus Claulo. According to Diodorus Siculus (15, 13), it was dianus, was born B.C. 59. She married Tiberius Claucolonized by some Syracusans in the time of Dionys-dius Nero, and when her husband was compelled to ius the Elder. It fell subsequently, however, into the hands of the Illyrians, who retained it with the consent of the Romans, after they had concluded a peace with Teuta. (Polyb., 2, 12.) Not many years

flee from Italy in consequence of the troubles connected with the civil war (vid. Claudius II.), she accompanied him, first to Sicily, and afterward to Greece. In this latter country they were kindly received by the


Her will was never executed; and it was not until Claudius, whom she had never liked, ascended the throne, that divine honours were caused by him to be decreed unto her. Livia appears to have been a woman of strong mind, and she is said to have been always consulted by Augustus on public affairs, and often to have given him the most judicious advice. That she was an ambitious woman is most evident; and possibly, in the furtherance of her views, she may have been a guilty one. The conduct of Tiberius, indeed, towards her, might be explained in this way, since, by one of those strange contradictions that sometimes present themselves even in the character of the most vicious, he may have been aware of all her secret arts for his own advancement, and, though so largely benefited thereby, may have cherished a secret detestation for the very individual to whom he owed his elevation. (Sueton., Vit. Aug.-Id, Vit. Tib.-Tacit., Ann., 5, 1.-Vell. Paterc., 2, 75.)-II. or Livilla, daughter of Nero Claudius Drusus, by his wife Antonia the Younger, was sister to Germanicus, and grand-daughter of the Empress Livia. Her first husband was Caius, the son of Agrippa; after his death, when still quite young, she married Drusus the son of Tiberius. Sejanus seduced her affections from the latter. Engaged in a career of adultery with that flagitious minister, she hoped to rise with her paramour to the imperial dignity, and with this view conspired against her husband. Her guilt being afterward fully detected, she was put to death by order of Tiberius. (Sueton., Vit. Tib., 62.-Tacit., Ann., 4, 3, et 40.— Id. ib., 6, 2.)-III. Orestilla, called by Dio Cassius (59, 8) Cornelia Orestina. She was on the point of marrying C. Calpurnius Piso, when Caligula, enamoured of her beauty, carried her off from the very midst of the nuptial ceremonies, and in a few days after repudiated her. She was subsequently condemned by him to exile. (Sueton., Vit. Calig., 25.

Lacedæmonians, whom she subsequently recompensed | almost the only honour then rendered to her memory. for the asylum they had afforded her. To rare personal attractions Livia added the charms of a cultivated intellect; and when it was again safe for her husband and herself to return to Rome, she soon drew upon her the notice of Augustus, who demanded her from her husband. Tiberius dared not refuse; and Augustus, having repudiated his own wife Scribonia, made Livia his spouse. She had already borne two sons to her first husband, namely, Tiberius, who was afterward emperor, and Drusus Germanicus; but what rendered the affair most disreputable, was the circumstance of her being six months gone in pregnancy at the time of her union with Augustus. This child, the only one she had after her marriage with the emperdied almost at the moment of its birth. Livia was twenty years of age when she was thus called to share the empire of the world; and, availing herself skilfully of the influence which she soon acquired over the mind of Augustus, she began to concert her plans for securing the succession to her own son Tiberius. With this view, she was suspected of having caused the death of the young Marcellus, who might have proved an obstacle to her ambitious views, though it must be confessed that there is no positive testimony which would seem to justify the suspicion. She soon lost her own son Drusus Germanicus; but she did not imitate Octavia, who had actually wearied out Augustus by the excess of her sorrow on the contrary, she lent an ear to the consolations of the philosopher Areus, and testified her gratitude to Augustus for the honours he had decreed to the memory of her son. In all this, no doubt, there was much of dissimulation, even if we make the fullest allowance for the feelings of a parent. After the premature death of the two sons of Julia, Livia hastened to call her own son Tiberius from his retirement in the island of Rhodes, and prevailed upon Augustus to adopt him, along with Agrippa Posthumus, the last of the family of the Cæsars. Her next care was to exclude this same Agrippa from-Dio Cass., l. c.) the succession, an object which she easily effected by means of secret calumnies; and when now the path to the throne stood open for Tiberius, she is said by some to have hastened the end of Augustus himself, by means of poisoned figs which she had given him to eat, and which brought on an attack of dysentery. Be this, however, as it may, it is at least certain that she had the entire control of his last moments. Everything that passed within the walls of the dwelling where he lay was concealed by her with the utmost care. Hasty messengers were sent after Tiberius to recall him instantly to the death-bed of the emperor; and with so much secrecy was the whole affair shrouded, that, although it was given out that Tiberius found his adopted father still alive (Sueton., Vit. Aug., 97, seqq.), and had a long and affectionate interview with him, yet Tacitus informs us, that it was never clearly ascertained whether these stories were not mere fabrications; and whether Augustus was not, in reality, already dead when Tiberius arrived at Nola. By a singular clause in his will, Augustus adopted Livia herself, directing her to take the name of Julia Augusta, and made her joint sharer in the inheritance with her son. The latter, however, showed but little gratitude to his parent, to whom he was in every sense indebted for his elevation. When the senate wished to decree new honours to her, he opposed the step; he never consulted her about public affairs, a thing which Augustus was always accustomed to do; and yet, at the same time, he took care to conceal his ingratitude under the most studied respect. At length, however, an open rupture ensued, which continued until the period of her death. Livia died at Rome, at the age of 86 years. Her funeral was celebrated without any kind of display, and her great-grandson Caligula pronounced her funeral culogium, which was

LIVIE LEGES, proposed by M. Livius Drusus, a tribune, A.U.C. 662, about transplanting colonies to different parts of Italy and Sicily, and granting corn to poor citizens at a low price; also, that the judices should be chosen indiscriminately from the senators and equites, and that the allied states of Italy should be admitted to the freedom of the city. Drusus was a man of great eloquence and of the most upright intentions; but, endeavouring to reconcile those whose interests were diametrically opposite, he was crushed in the attempt, being murdered by an unknown assassin in his own house, upon his return from the forum, amid a number of clients and friends. No inquiry was made about his death. The states of Italy considered this event as the signal of a revolt, and endeavoured to extort by force what they could not obtain voluntarily. Above 300,000 men fell in the contest in the space of two years. At last the Romans, although upon the whole they had the advantage, were obliged to grant the freedom of the city, first to the allies, and afterward to all the states of Italy. (Vell. Paterc., 2, 13, seqq.-Flor., 3, 18.).

LIVIUS, I. Andronicus, a dramatic poet who flourished at Rome about 240 years before the Christian era. He was a native of Magna Græcia, and, when his country was finally subdued by the Romans, was made captive and brought to Rome (B.C. 267). It is generally believed that he there became the slave, and afterward the freedman, of Livius Salinator, from whom he derived one of his names; but these facts do not seem to rest on any authority more ancient than the Eusebian Chronicle. (Hieron. in Euseb., Chron., p. 37.-Scaliger, Thes. Temp., ed. Amstel., 1658.) The precise period of his death is uncertain; but in Cicero's dialogue de Senectute, Cato is introduced, saying that he had seen old Livius while he was him

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