Obrazy na stronie

they obtained at Enophyte. (Thucyd., 1, 113.) The battle of Coronea was gained by Agesilaus and the Spartans against the Thebans and their allies in the second year of the 96th Olympiad, 394 B.C. (Xen., Hist. Gr., 4, 3, 8, seqq.—Plut., Vit. Agesil., 17.) This city was also twice taken by the Phocians under Onomarchus, and afterward given up to the Thebans by Philip of Macedon. (Demosth., de Pac., p. 62.—| Philip., 2, p. 69.) The Coroneans, in the Macedonian war, having adhered to the cause of Perses, suffered severely from the resentment of the Romans. (Polyb., 27, 1, 8, and 5, 2.-Liv., 42, 44, and 67.-Id., 43, Suppl., 1, 2.) The ruins of Coronea are observable near the village of Korumis, on a remarkable insulated hill, where there are "many marbles and inscriptions. On the summit or acropolis are remains of a very cient polygonal wall, and also a Roman ruin of brick." (Gell, Itin., p. 150.-Dodwell, vol. 1, p. 247.)

CORONIS, daughter of Phlegyas, and mother of Esculapius by Apollo. She was put to death by the god for having proved unfaithful to him, but the off spring of her womb was first taken from her and spared. (Vid. Esculapius.)

CORSI, I. the inhabitants of Corsica.-II. The inhabitants of part of northern Sardinia, who came originally from Corsica. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 479.)

course. Mannert supposes it to have been nothing more than a canal cut from the Euphrates. (Vid. Masca, where notice is taken of an error in D'Anville's chart.) The site of Corsote appears to correspond, at the present day, to a spot where are the ruins of a large city, named Erzi or Irsah. (Rennell, Illustrations of the Anabasis, &c., p. 103.)

CORTONA, a town of Etruria, a short distance northwest of the Lacus Thrasymenus, and fourteen miles south of Arretium. Its claims to antiquity were equalled by few other places of Italy. It is thought to have been built on the ruins of an ancient town called Corythus, and is known by that appellation in Virgil. (Æn., 3, 170.—Id. ibid., 7, 209; 9, 10; 10, 719.— Compare Silius Italicus, 5, 123.) From the similaran-ity of names, it was supposed by some to owe its origin to Corythus, the father of Dardanus. Others deduced the name from the circumstance of Dardanus having lost his helmet (kópuç) there in fighting. Both, however, are pronounced by Heyne to be mere fables. (Heyne, Excurs., 6, ad En., 3.) Perhaps the opinion most entitled to credit is that of Mannert, who makes the place to have been of Pelasgic origin. This, in fact, is strongly corroborated by the massy remains of the ancient walls, evidently of Pelasgic structure. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, moreover, who quotes from Hellanicus of Lesbos, an author somewhat anteCORSICA, an island of the Mediterranean, called by rior to Hesiod, states that the Pelasgi, who had landthe Greeks Kúpvos. Its inhabitants were styled by ed at Spina on the Po, subsequently advanced into the the same people Kúpvio; by the Latins, Corsi. In interior of Italy, and occupied Cortona, which they later times the island took also the name of Corsis. fortified, and from thence formed other settlements in (Kopois-Compare Steph. Byz., s. v. Kopoiç.— Tyrrhenia. On this account Cortona is styled the Dionys. Perieg., v. 459, et Eustath., ad loc.) The metropolis of that province. (Steph. Byz., s. v.— ancient writers represent it as mountainous and woody, Compare Sil. Ital., 7, 174.) Cortona was one of the and only well cultivated along the eastern coast, where twelve cities of Etruria. (Müller, Etrusker, vol. 1, p. the Romans had settlements. (Dionys. Perieg., v. 345.) The Greek name of the place was Gortyn 460.) Its natural products were resin, honey, and (Tóprvv), and the Etrurian one Kortun, from which wax. (Diod. Sic., 5, 13.) The honey, however, had the Romans made Cortona. (Müller, Etrusker, vol. a bitter taste, in consequence of the bees deriving it 2, p. 268.) The city still retains its ancient appellafrom the yew-trees with which the island abounded. tion of Cortona. It was colonized by the Romans (Virg, Eclog., 9, 30.- Ovid, Am., 1, 12.- Diod. (Dionys., 1, 26), at what period is uncertain; probaSic., 5, 14.) It was to their feeding abundantly on bly in the time of Sylla, who colonized several towns this honey, however, that the longevity of the Corsi- of Etruria. Cramer thinks, that some confusion of cans was ascribed. (Compare Eustath. ad Dionys. names must have given rise to the story of Dardanus Perieg., v. 458.) The inhabitants were a rude race coming from Italy to Troy, as alluded to by Virgil of mountaineers, indebted for their subsistence more (En., 7, 205). It is known that there were several to the produce of their flocks than to the cultivation of towns in antiquity of the name of Gyrton, Gyrtone, the soil. Seneca, who was banished to this quarter in and Gortyna, in Thessaly, Boeotia, Arcadia, and Crete; the reign of Claudius, draws a very unfavourable pic- countries all more or less frequented at one time by ture of the island and its inhabitants; describing the the Pelasgi. This, he thinks, was the original form former as rocky, unproductive, and unhealthy, and the by which Cortona was first named; for Polybius calls latter as the worst of barbarians. He writes, however, it Cyrtone (3, 82), and it is known that the Etruscans under the influence of prejudiced feelings, and many and Umbri, who took their letters from the Pelasgi, allowances must be made. (Senec., de Consol. ad never used the letter O. Now, according to some acHelv., c. 6, 8.) The Corsi appear to have derived counts, Dardanus came from Arcadia, and according their origin from Ligurian and Iberian (called by Sen- to others, from Crete. Cramer suspects, however, eca Spanish) tribes. Eustathius says that a Ligurian that the Thessalian Gyrton ought to have the preferfemale, named Corsa, having pursued in a small boat ence; for this city, in a passage of Strabo, though it is a bull which had taken to the water, accidentally dis- supposed to be mutilated, is entitled the Tyrrhenian covered the island, which her countrymen named after (Strab., 330), and this might prove the key to the her. (Eustath., ad Dionys. Perieg., v. 458.-Com- Italian origin of Dardanus, besides confirming the pare Isidori Origines, 14, 6.) The Phocæans, on re-identity of the Tyrrheni with the Thessalian Pelasgi. tiring from Asia, settled here for a time, and founded the city Aleria, but were driven out finally by the Tyrrhenians and Carthaginians. (Diod. Sic., 5, 13.) The Romans took the island from this latter people B.C. 231, and subsequently two colonies were sent to it; one by Marius, which founded Mariana, and another by Sylla, which settled on the site of Aleria. Mantinorum Oppidum, in the same island, is now Bas


and Urcinium, Ajaccio, was the birthplace of Napoleon. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 505, seqq.) CORSOTE, a city of Mesopotamia, on the river Masca. D'Anville places it at the confluence of the Masca and Euphrates. The Masca, according to Xenophon (Anab., 1, 5, 4), flowed around the city in a circular

(Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 215, not.)

CORVINUS, I. or Corvus, a name given to M. Valerius, from his having been assisted by a crow (corvus) while engaged in combat with a Gaul. (Vid. Valerius.)-II. Messala, a distinguished Roman in the Augustan age. (Vid. Messala.)

CORYBANTES, the priests of Cybele, called also Galli. (Vid. Cybele.) In celebrating the festivals of the goddess, they ran about with loud cries and howlings, beating on timbrels, clashing cymbals, sounding pipes, and cutting their flesh with knives. Some derive the name from their moving along in a kind of dance, and tossing the head to and fro (urò Tou KoрUπTóvras Baiveiv). According to Strabo (479), and

Freret (Mem. de l'Acad. des. Inscr., &c., vol. 18, p. 34), the word Corybas is a Phrygian one, and refers to the wild dances in which the Corybantes indulged.As regards the assertion commonly made, that the Corybantes were originally from Mount Ida, it may be remarked, that more correct authorities make Phrygia to have been their native seat. (Compare Rolle, Recherches sur le Culte de Bacchus, vol. 1, p. 246, seqq.) -The dance of the Corybantes is thought to have been symbolical of the empire exercised by man over metals, as also of the movements of the heavenly bodies. (Constant, de la Religion, vol. 2, p. 375, seqq.) The Corybantes are said to have been the first that turned their attention to metallurgy. (Sainte Croix, Mystères du Paganisme, vol. 1, p. 79.)

CORYBAS, Son of Iasion and Cybele, who introduced the rites of the mother of the gods into Phrygia, from the island of Samothrace. (Diod. Sic., 5, 49.)

CORYCIDES, a name applied to the nymphs who were supposed to inhabit the Corycian cave on Mount Parnassus. They were the daughters of the river-god Pleistus. (Ovid, Met., 1, 320.-Apoll. Rh., 2, 711. | -Gierig, ad Ovid, l. c.)

CORYCIUM ANTRUM, I. a cave or grotto on Mount Parnassus, about two hours from Delphi, and higher up the mountain. It is accurately described by Pausanias, who states, that it surpassed in extent every other known cavern, and that was possible to advance into the interior without a torch. The roof, from which an abundance of water trickles, is elevated far above the floor, and vestiges of the dripping water (i. e., stalactites) are to be seen attached to it, says Pausanias, along the whole extent of the cave. The inhabitants of Parnassus, he adds, consider it as sacred to the Corycian nymphs and the god Pan. (Pausan., 10, 32.--Compare Strabo, 417.) Herodotus relates (8, 36), that on the approach of the Persians, the greater part of the population of Delphi ascended the mountain, and sought refuge in this capacious recess. We are indebted for an account of the present state of this remarkable cave to Mr. Raikes, who was the first modern traveller that discovered its site. He describes the narrow and low entrance as spreading at once into a chamber 330 feet long by nearly 200 wide. The stalactites from the top hung in the most graceful forms the whole length of the roof, and fell like drapery down the sides. (Raike's Journal, in Walpole's Collection, vol. 1, p. 312.)-II. A cave in Cilicia, near Corycus. (Vid. Corycus, II.)

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modern name is Korghoz. About twenty stadia inland was the Corycian cave, celebrated in mythology as the fabled abode of the giant Typhoeus. (Pind., Pyth., 1, 31.-Id. ib., 8, 20.-Eschyl., P. v., 350, seqq.) In fact, many writers, as Strabo reports, placed Arima or Arimi, the scene of Typhoeus's torments, alluded to by Homer, in Cilicia, while others sought it in Lydia, and others in Campania. The description which Strabo has left us of this remarkable spot leads to the idea of its having been once the crater of a volcano. He says it was a deep and broad valley, of a circular shape, surrounded on every side by lofty rocks. The lower part of this crater was rugged and stony, but covered nevertheless with shrubs and evergreens, and especially saffron, of which it produced a great quantity, regarded as the best of all antiquity. There was also a cavity from which gushed a copious stream, which, after a short course, was again lost, and reappeared near the sea, which it joined. It was called the "bitter water." (Strab., 671.) The account of Pomponius Mela is still more minute and elaborate. (Mela, 1, 13.-Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 336.) -III. A naval station, on the coast of Lycia, about thirty stadia to the north of Olympus. Strabo makes it a tract of shore (Kúpvкoç aiyiaλóç.—Strab., 666).

CORYPHASIUM, a promontory on the western coast of Messenia, north of Methone, now Cape Zonchio. There was a town of the same name on it, to which the inhabitants of Pylos retired after their town was destroyed. (Pausan., 4, 36.)

Cos, an island of the Ægean, one of the Sporades, west of the promontory of Doris. Its more ancient names were Cea, Staphylus, Nymphæa, and Meropis, of which the last was the most common. (Thucyd., 8, 41.) The colonizing of this island must have taken place at a very early date, since Homer makes mention of it as a populous settlement. (П., 2, 184; 14, 255.) The inhabitants were of Dorian origin, and closely connected with the Doric colonies on the main land. It is now called Stan-Co. Its chief city was Cos, anciently called Astypalea. Strabo remarks, that the city of Cos was not large, but very populous, and seen to great advantage by those who came thither by sea. Without the walls was a celebrated temple of Esculapius, enriched with many admirable works of art, and, among others, two famous paintings of Apelles, the Antigonus and Venus Anadyomene. The latter painting was so much admired that Augustus removed it to Rome, and consecrated it to Julius Cæsar; and in consideration of the loss thus inflicted on the Coans, he is said to have remitted a tribute of one hundred talents which had been laid on them. Besides the great painter just mentioned, Cos could boast of ranking among her sons the first physician of antiquity, Hippocrates. The soil of the land was very productive, especially in wine, which vied with those of Chios and Lesbos. It was also celebrated for its purple dye, and for its manufacture of a species of transparent silk stuff, against the use of which by the Romans Juvenal in particular so strongly inveighs. The modern island presents to the view fine plantations of lemon-trees, intermixed with stately maples. (For a more particular account of it, consult Turner's Tour in the Levant, vol. 3, p. 41, seqq.-Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 220.)

CORYCUS, I. a promontory of Ionia, southeast of the southern extremity of Chios. The high and rugged coast in this quarter harboured at one time a wild and daring population, greatly addicted to piracy; and who, by disguising themselves, and frequenting the harbours in their vicinity, obtained private information of the course and freight of any merchant vessel, and concerted measures for the purpose of intercepting it. The secrecy with which their intelligence was procured gave rise to the proverb, Toù d' up' & Kupukaios ἠκροάζετο, "This, then, the Corycean overheard," a saying that was used in cases where any carefullyguarded secret had been discovered. (Compare Erasmus, Chil. 1, cent. 2, col. 76.) The modern name of the ridge of Mount Corycus is the Table Mountain, but the ancient appellation is still preserved in that of Kourko, which belongs to a bold headland forming the Cossa, I. (or Cosse), a town of Etruria, near the extreme point of the Erythrean peninsula towards Sa- coast, on the promontory of Mount Argentarius, northPliny (5, 31) calls it Coryceon Promontorium. west of Centum Cellæ. It was situate at a little dis(Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 1, p. 351.)-II. A small tance from the modern Ansedonia, which is now itself town of Cilicia Trachea, near the confines of Cilicia in ruins. For a plan of this ancient city, consult MiCampestris, on the seacoast, and to the east of Seleu-cali, L'Italia, &c., tav. 10, who gives also a reprecia Trachea. It appears to have been a fortress of great strength, and a mole of vast unhewn rocks is carried across the bay for about a hundred yards. It served at one time as the harbour of Seleucia, and was then a place of considerable importance. The


sentation of parts of its walls built of polygonal stones. (Compare Micali, Storia degli Antichi Popoli Italiani, tav. 4.) According to him, this is the only specimen of such construction to be found in Etruria. From Pliny (3, 5), we learn that Cossa was founded by the

people of Volci, an Etruscan city, and Virgil has | Cicero. (Cic., de Div., 2, 21.-Ep. ad Att., 12, 23, named it in the catalogue of the forces sent by Etruria | &c.)—III. M. Aurelius, a Roman commander in the to the aid of Æneas. (En., 10, 167.) Cossa be- Mithradatic war, sent by the senate to guard the Procame a Roman colony A.U.C. 480. (Vell. Paterc., pontis and to protect Bithynia. His eagerness to en1, 14.-Liv., Epit., 14.-Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. gage in battle with Mithradates before Lucullus came 1, p. 195.)-II. A city of Lucania, in Italy, near the up, led to his defeat by both sea and land, after which sources of the river Cylistamus. (Steph. Byz., s. v. he was shut up in Chalcedon until_relieved by LuculKoooa.) Cæsar, who calls it Cosa, states that Titus lus. (Plut., Vit. Lucull.)-IV. L. Aurunculeius, a Annius Milo was slain before its walls when besieging lieutenant of Cæsar's in Gaul, cut off along with Tituthe place in Pompey's cause. (Bell. Civ., 3, 22.) rius by the Eburones. (Cas., B. G., 5, 26, seqq.) Cluverius was nearly correct in his supposition, that Cassano might occupy the site of this ancient town (Ital. Ant., vol. 2, p. 1205), for more modern topographers have in fact discovered its ruins at Cività, a village close to the former place. (Anton., Lucan. p. 3, disc. 1-Romanelli, vol. 1, p. 240.-Cramer's Ancient Italy, vol. 2, p. 354.)

Cossus, I. a surname of the familia Maluginensis, a branch of the Gens Cornelia.-II. Aulus Cornelius, a Roman, and military tribune, who slew in battle with his own hands Lar Tolumnius, king of the Veientes, for which he offered up the Spolia Opima to Jupiter Feretrius, being the only one who had done this since the time of Romulus. (Liv., 4, 20; where consult the discussion into which Livy enters on this subject, and also the note of Crevier.)

COTES, a promontory of Mauritania, now Cape Espartel. The form in Greek is generally given as plural, ai Kwreiç. Ptolemy, however, has the singular, Kúτns akрov. The name is Punic, and signified "a vine;" and hence the Greeks sometimes translated the term by Ampelusia. (Mela, 1, 5.—Mannert, Geogr., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 465.)

COTTIE ALPES, now Mont St. Genevre, generally, though erroneously, supposed to be the place where Hannibal crossed into Italy. (Vid. Alpes.) They took their name from Cottius. (Vid. Cottius.)

COTTIUS, a chieftain, who held a kind of sovereignty over several valleys among the Alps. It appears to have been hereditary, as we also hear of King Donnus, his father. (Ovid, Ep. Pont., 4, 7.) Cottius is represented as lurking in the fastnesses of his Alps, and even defying the power of Rome, till Augustus thought it worth while to conciliate him with the title of prefect. (Dio Cassius, 9, 24.—Amm. Marcell., 15, 10.) Claudius, however, restored to him the title of king. Under Nero, the Cottian Alps became a Roman province. (Suet., Ner., 18.) The extent of the territory which Cottius possessed cannot now be easily defined; for though all the people which composed his dominions are enumerated in the inscription of the arch at Suza, many of them remain unknown, notwithstanding great pains have been taken to identify their situation. (Consult Millen, Voyage en Italie, vol. 1, p. 105.) Enough, however, is known of them to make it appear, that the territory of Cottius extended much farther on the side of Gaul than of Italy. In Gaul, he seems to have held under him all the eastern part of Dauphiné, and the northeastern portion of Provence. (Compare D'Anville, Not. de l'Anc. Gaule, art. Caturiges, Savincales, Esubiani, &c.)

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COTHON, a name given to a small but elevated island in the inner harbour of Carthage, commanding a view of the sea, and on which the Carthaginian admiral resided. Around the whole island numerous ships of war were laid up under cover of spacious halls or arsenals, with all the necessary stores for fitting them out at the shortest notice. (Appian, Pun., 96.-Stra- COTTUS, a giant, son of Cœlus and Terra, who had bo, 572.) The term appears to indicate a harbour one hundred hands and fifty heads. (Hesiod, Theog., made by art and human labour; and hence Festus 149.) His brothers were Gyes (Túng, the form Túyns states that artificial harbours were called Cothones. is less correct: Göttling, ad loc.) and Briareos. The (Fest., 8. v. Catones, with the emendation of Scali- most recent expounders of mythology consider these ger.) The word appears to be derived from the Pu- three as mere personifications, relating to the winter nic (Hebrew) Keton, with its primary reference to season. Thus Cottus (Κόττος, from κόπτω, το cutting, lopping off, &c. (Gesenius, Phan. Mon., p.smite") is the Smiter, and is an epithet for the hail : 422.) Gyes (Tuns, the part of the plough to which the share is fixed), is the Furrower, or the rain: and Briareos (Βριάρεως, skin to βριάω, βριαρός, βρίθω, βριθύς, all denoting weight and strength) is the Presser, the snow which lies deep and heavy on the ground. They were naturally named Hundred-handed (éкatóyXEɩpes, centimani), from their acting so extensively at the same moment of time. (Hermann, über das Wesen, &c., p. 84.)-Welcker understands by the Hundred-handed the water. (Welck., Tril, 147.-Keightley's Mythology, p. 46.)

Coriso, a king of the Daci, whose army invaded Pannonia, and was defeated by Corn. Lentulus, the lieutenant of Augustus. (Sueton., Aug., 21.-Florus, 4, 12.--Horat., Od., 3, 8, 18.)

COTTA, I. Caius Aurelius, a celebrated Roman orator, of the school of Crassus, and who flourished about A.U.C. 661. He failed, observes Cicero, in his pursuit of the tribuneship by the envious opposition which he encountered. Being accused before the people, he spoke with great force against the violent and unjust mode in which the equites dispensed justice, and then went into voluntary exile, without waiting for his condemnation. This happened in the stormy times of Marius and Sylla. He was recalled by the latter. When consul in 677, Cotta had a law passed, which gave the tribunes of the commons the right of holding other offices, of which they had been deprived by Sylla.-II. L. Aurelius, flourished at the Roman bar when Cicero was yet a young man, and the latter states that none kindled in him more emulation than Hortensius and Cotta. The eloquence of this individual was calm and flowing, and his diction elegant and correct. He was elevated to the consulship in 687 A.U.C., and in the year following to the censorship. In the debate respecting the recall of Cicero, Cotta, who was first called upon for his opinion, distinguished himself for the manly frankness with which he censured the proceedings against

COTYÆUM, a town of Phrygia, south of Dorylæum, on the Thymbris, a branch of the Sangarius. Suidas says, that, according to some accounts, it was the birthplace of Æsop the fabulist. Alexander, a grammarian of great learning, and a voluminous writer, was also a native of Cotyæum. Late Byzantine writers term it the metropolis of Phrygia. (M. Duc., p. 7, a.) Kutaya or Kutaich, a Turkish town of about eight thousand souls, has succeeded to the ancient Cotiæum. The name of this is sometimes given as Coyiæum, which, judging from ancient coins, is the more correct mode of writing it, the legend being always KOTIAEQN. (Sestini, p. 121.-Rasche, Lex Rei. Num., vol. 3, col. 1052.—Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 17.)

COTYS, a name borne by several kings of Thrace, and also by some other princes.-I. A king of Thrace, contemporary with Philip, father of Alexander. He

was a very active and inveterate foe to the Athenians, |tion as a moral instructer. (Enfield's History of Phiand did them considerable mischief in the Chersonese.losophy, vol. 1, p. 248, seqq.) Cotys was assassinated by Python and Heraclides, CRASSUS, I. Lucius Licinius, a Roman orator and who received each from the Athenians, as a recom- man of consular rank. In A.U.C. 633, being only pense for the deed, the rights of citizenship and a twenty-one years of age, he made his debut in the golden crown. (Demosth., contra Aristocr.-Aristot., Forum, in a prosecution against C. Carbo. Cicero Polit., 5, 10.-Palmer., ad Demosth., contr. Arist., says, that he was remarkable, even at this early period, 30.)-II. A king of Thrace, who sent his son Sadales, for his candour and his great love of justice. Crassus at the head of five hundred horse, to the aid of Pom- was but twenty-seven years old when his eloquence pey, in his contest with Cæsar. (Cas., Bell. Civ., 3, obtained the acquittal of his relation, the vestal Licinia. 4. Compare Lucan, 5, 54, and Cortius, ad loc.)-III. Being elevated to the consulship in 657, he was the A king of Thrace in the time of Augustus, slain by author of a law, by which numbers of the allies, who his uncle Rhescuporis, B.C. 15. He was a prince of passed for Roman citizens, were sent back to their a literary turn, and Ovid addressed to him one of his respective cities. This law alienated from him the epistles from the Euxine (Ep. ex Ponto, 2, 9.-Tacit., affections of the principal Italians, so that he was reAnn., 2, 66, &c.)-IV. Son of Manes, succeeded his garded by some as the primary cause of the social war, father on the throne of Lydia. (Herod., 4, 45.-Con- which broke out three years after. Having Hither sult Ritter, Vorhalle, p. 365)—V. A king of the Gaul for his province, Crassus freed the country from Odrysæ, in Thrace, who favoured the interests of Per- the robbers that infested it, and for this service had ses against the Romans. (Liv., 42, 29.) the weakness to claim a triumph. The senate were favourable to his application; but Scævola, the other consul, opposed it, on the ground that he had not conquered foes worthy of the Roman people. Crassus conducted himself, in other respects, with great wisdom in his government, and not only did not remove from around him the son of Carbo, who had come as a spy on his conduct, but even placed him by his side on the tribunal, and did nothing of which the other was not a witness. Being appointed censor in 659, he caused the school of the Latin rhetoricians to be closed, regarding them as dangerous innovators for the young. Crassus left hardly any orations behind him; and he died while Cicero was yet in his boyhood: but still that author, having collected the opin

CoTYTTO, or CoTYS, a goddess worshipped by the Thracians, and apparently identical with the Phrygian Cybele. Her worship was introduced at Athens and Corinth, where it was celebrated, in private, with great indecency and licentiousness. The priests of the goddess were called Baptæ. A full account of all that the ancients have left us in relation to this deity, may be found in Buttmann (Mythologus, vol. 2, c. 19, p. 159, seqq. "Ueber die Kotyttia und die Bapte") and in Lobeck (Aglaophamus, p. 1007, seqq.-Epimetrum xi., ad. c. 8).

CRAGUS, I. a chain of mountains running along the coast of Lycia. It rises precipitously from the sea, and, from the number of detached summits which it offers to the spectator in that direction, it has notions of those who had heard him, speaks with a minute, unaptly been called by the Turks Yedi Bouroun, or the Seven Capes. Strabo, however, assigns to it eight summits. (Strab., 665.) This same writer also places in the range of Cragus the famed Chimæra. (Vid. Chimera.) Scylax calls Cragus, however, a promontory, and makes it the separation of Lycia and Caria (p. 39.-Compare Plin., 5, 28).—II. Á town of Lycia, in the vicinity of the mountain-ranges of the same Dame. (Strab., 665.) The authority of Strabo is confirmed by coins. (Sestini, p. 92.-Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, 245, seqq.)

CRANAI, a surname of the Athenians, from their King Cranaus. (Vid. Cranaus.)

and apparently perfect, intelligence of his style of oratory. He was what may be called the most ornamental speaker that had hitherto appeared in the Forum. Though not without force, gravity, and dignity, these were happily blended with the most insinuating politeness, urbanity, ease, and gayety. He was master of the most pure and accurate language, and of perfect elegance of expression, without any affectation, or unpleasant appearance of previous study. Great clearness of language distinguished all his harangues; and, while descanting on topics of law or equity, he possessed an inexhaustible fund of argument and illustration. Some persons considered Crassus as only equal to Antonius, his great contemporary; others preferred him as the more perfect and accomplished orator. The language of Crassus was indisputably preferable to that of Antonius; but the action and gesture of the CRANII, a town of Cephallenia, situate, according latter were as incontestably superior to those of Crasto Strabo, in the same gulf with Pale. (Strab., 456. sus. As a public speaker Crassus was remarkable for -Thucyd., 2, 34.-Liv., 38, 28.) The Athenians his diffidence in the opening of a speech, a diffidence established the Messenians here, upon the abandon- which never forsook him; and, after the practice of a ment of Pylos by the latter, when that fortress was re-long life at the bar, he was frequently so much agitastored to the Lacedæmonians. (Thucyd., 5, 35.) Dr. Holland says, "this city stood on an eminence at the upper end of the bay of Argostoli; and its walls may yet be traced nearly in their whole circumference," which he conceives to be nearly two miles. The structure is that usually called Cyclopian. (Vol. 1, p. 55.-Dodwell, vol. 1, p. 75.)

CRANAUS, the successor of Cecrops on the throne of Attica. He married Pedias, and the offspring of their union was Atthis. (Consult remarks under the article Cecrops.)

CRANON and CRANNON, a city of Thessaly, on the river Onchestus, southeast of Pharsalus. Near it was a fountain, the water of which warmed wine when mixed with it, and the heat remained for two or three days. (Athenæus, 2, 16.)

CRANTOR, a philosopher of Soli, among the pupils of Plato, B.C. 310. He was the first who wrote commentaries on the works of Plato. Crantor was highly celebrated for the purity of his moral doctrine, as may be inferred from the praises bestowed by the ancients, especially by Cicero, upon his discourse "on grief." Horace also (Ep., 1, 2, 3) alludes to his high reputa

ted in the exordium of a discourse, as to grow pale and tremble in every joint of his frame. The most splendid of all the efforts of Crassus was the immediate cause of his death, which happened A.U.C. 662, a short while before the commencement of the civil wars of Marius and Sylla, and a few days after the time in which he is supposed to have borne his part in the dialogue "De Oratore." The consul Philippus had declared, in one of the assemblies of the people, that some other advice must be resorted to, since, with such a senate as then existed, he could no longer direct the affairs of the government. A full senate being immediately summoned, Crassus arraigned, in terms of the most glowing eloquence, the conduct of the consul, who, instead of acting as the political parent and guardian of the senate, sought to deprive its members of their ancient inheritance of respect and dignity. Being farther irritated by an attempt, on the part of Philippus, to force him into compliance with his de

signs, he exerted, on this occasion, the utmost effort of eager grasping after wealth, however, Crassus appears his genius and strength; but he returned honie with a to have been no mean soldier, even though he displayed pleuritic fever, of which he died seven days after. so few of the qualities of a commander in his Parthian This oration of Crassus, followed, as it was, by his campaign. Created prætor A.U.C. 680, he was sent almost immediate death, made a deep impression on to terminate the war with Spartacus. He accordingly his countrymen; who, long afterward, were wont to re- met, defeated him in several encounters, and at last pair to the senate-house for the purpose of viewing the bringing him to a decisive action, ended the war by a spot where he had last stood, and where he fell, as it may single blow, Spartacus and forty thousand of his folbe said, in defence of the privileges of his order. (Dun-lowers being left on the field. Not venturing to de lop's Rom. Lit., vol. 2, p. 215, seqq.)-II. Marcus, mand a triumph for a victory over gladiators and slaves, was prætor A.U.C. 648. (Cic., de Fin., 5, 30.) He he contented himself with an ovation. In 682 Craswas surnamed by his friends Agelastus ('Ayéλaoroç), sus obtained the consulship, having Pompey for his because, according to Pliny (7, 19), he never laughed colleague. At a subsequent period we find him imduring the whole course of his life; or because, ac-plicated by an informer in the conspiracy of Catiline, cording to Lucilius, he laughed but once. (Cic., de but acquitted by acclamation the moment the charge Fin., 5, 30.)-III. Marcus Licinius, surnamed the was heard by the senate. We now come to the cloRich, grandson of the preceding, and the most opu- sing scene in the career of Crassus. When Cæsar, on lent Roman of his day, was of a patrician family, and returning from his government to solicit the consulthe son of a man of consular rank. His father and ship, found Pompey and Crassus at variance (which brother perished by the proscriptions of Marius and had been the case also during almost all the time that Cinna while he was still quite young, and, to avoid a they were colleagues in the consular office), and persimilar fate, he took refuge in Spain until the death of ceived, that, for the furtherance of his own ambitious Cinna, when he returned to Italy and served under views, the aid of these two individuals would be needed Sylla. Crassus proved very serviceable to this com- by him for opposing the influence of the senate, as well mander in the decisive battle that was fought near as that of Cicero, Cato, and Catulus, he managed to Rome; but afterward, making the most unjust and ra- reconcile them, and soon, in conjunction with both of pacious use of Sylla's proscriptions, that leader, ac-them, formed the well-known league usually styled the cording to Plutarch, gave him up, and never employed First Triumvirate, which proved so fatal to the liberhim again in any public affair. The glory which was ties of the Roman people. By the terms of this comthen beginning to attend upon Pompey, though still pact Crassus obtained the government of Syria. In young and only a simple member of the equestrian the law that was passed relative to this government order, excited the jealousy of Crassus, and, despairing of Crassus, no mention was indeed made of any war of rising to an equality with him in warlike operations, in its neighbourhood; still every one knew that he he betook himself to public affairs at home, and, by had connected with it an immediate invasion of Parpaying court to the people, defending the impeached, thia. Plutarch even states, that he had fixed upon lending money, and aiding those who were candidates neither Syria nor Parthia as the limits of his expected for office, he attained to an influence almost equal good fortune, but intended to penetrate even to Bacto that which Pompey had acquired by his military tria, India, and the shores of the Eastern Ocean. The achievements. It was at the bar, in particular, that only motive to this memorable and unfortunate underCrassus rendered himself extremely popular. He taking was the rapacious love of wealth. It was not, was not, it would seem, a very eloquent speaker, yet however, without considerable opposition from the by care and application he eventually exceeded those people and the tribunes that Crassus was allowed to whom nature had more highly favoured. When Pom-proceed on this expedition. All the influence of Pompey, and Cæsar, and Cicero declined speaking in be- pey was necessary to prevent an expression of popular half of any individual, he often arose, and advocated wrath, for no good was expected to result from hosthe cause of the accused. Besides this promptness to tilities against a people who had done the Romans no aid the unfortunate, his courteous and conciliating de-injury, and who were, in fact, their allies. When portment acquired for him many friends, and made him very popular with the lower orders. There was not a Roman, however humble, whom he did not salute, or whose salutation he did not return by name. The great defect, however, in the character of Crassus, was his inordinate fondness for wealth; and, although he could not strictly be called an avaricious man, since he is said to have lent money to his friends without demanding interest, yet he allowed the love of riches to exercise a paramount sway over his actions, and it proved at last the cause of his unhappy end. Plutarch informs us, that his estate at first did not exceed three hundred talents, but that afterward it amounted to the enormous sum of seven thousand one hundred talents (nearly $7,500,000). The means by which he attained to this are enumerated by the same writer, and some of them are singular enough. Observing, says Plutarch, how liable the city was to fires, he made it his business to buy houses that were on fire and others that joined upon them; and he commonly got them at a low price, on account of the fear and distress of the owners about the result. A band of his slaves thereupon, regularly organized for the purpose, exerted themselves to extinguish the flames, and, after this was done, rebuilt what had been destroyed, and in this way Crassus gradually became the owner of a large portion of Rome. He gained large sums also by educating and then selling slaves. Plutarch, in fact, regards this as his principal source of revenue. With all this

Crassus, moreover, had reached the gate of the city,
the tribune Ateius attempted to stop him by force;
but, failing in this, he immediately proceeded to per-
form a religious ceremony of the most appalling na-
ture, by which he devoted the commander himself,
and all who should follow him on that service, to
the wrath of the infernal gods and a speedy destruc-
tion. Undismayed, however, by either denunciations
or omens (vid. Caunus), Crassus, embarking at Brun-
disium, proceeded into Asia by Macedonia and the
Hellespont. As the enemy were not prepared for
this unprovoked invasion, the Romans met with no re-
sistance. At first Crassus overran the greater part of
Mesopotamia; and, had he taken advantage of the
consternation into which his sudden appearance had
thrown the Parthians, he might, with the greatest ease,
have extended his conquest to Babylonia itself. But
the season. being far advanced, he did not think it ex-
pedient to proceed. On the contrary, having left in
the different towns and strongholds a detachment of
7000 foot and 1000 horse, he returned into Syria, and
took up his winter quarters in that province. This
retrograde movement was a fatal error.
His occupa-
tions, too, during the winter were highly censurable,
having more of the trader in them than the general.
Instead of improving the discipline of the soldiers, and
keeping them in proper exercise, he spent his time in
making inquiry relative to the revenues of the cities,
and in weighing the treasures which he found in the

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