Obrazy na stronie

by the Scamander (the Simoïs of Homer) from the territory of Scepsis, as Strabo informs us, and the Cebrenians and the people of Scepsis were almost continually at war, until Antigonus removed the in

Minor, vol. 2, p. 193, seqq.) The figs of this place were famous. Cicero (de Div., 2, 4) mentions the cry of a person who sold Caunian figs at Brundisium, as a bad omen against Crassus when setting out, at the time, on his Parthiau expedition. The cry of the fig-habitants of both places to Antigonia, afterward Alexvender was Cauncas (supply ficus eme, or vendo), and this to a Roman ear would sound very much like cave ne cas, pronounced rapidly, that is, like caw'n' eas, the letter being sounded by the Romans like u. (Schneider, L. G., vol. 1, p. 357, seqq.)

andrea Troas. (Strab., 597.) According to Ephorus, Cebrene had received a colony from the Eolian Cyme. (Ap. Harpocr., s. v. Kélpηva.) Xenophon affirms that it was a place of great strength. (Hist. Gr., 3, 1, 14). The site is called at the present day Kutchulan-tepe. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 1, p. 119.)

CEBRUS, a river of Masia, flowing into the Danube, and separating Upper from Lower Moesia. It is now either the Ischa, a small Bulgarian stream, or the Zibriz. (Dio Cass., 51, 25.)

CECROPIA, the original name of Athens, in honour of Cecrops, its first founder. (Vid. Cecrops.) CECROPIDÆ, a name given to the Athenians by the poets, as the fabled descendants of Cecrops. (Vid. Cecrops.)

CAYSTER OF CAYSTRUS, a rapid river of Asia, rising in Lydia, and, after a meandering course, falling into the Egean Sea near Ephesus. Near its mouth it formed a marsh called Asia Palus, or the Asian marsh, and the same with the "Aotos equiv of Homer, much frequented by swans and other water-fowl. The Cayster is now called the Kitchik Minder, or Little Mæander, from its winding course. (Plin., 5, 29.— Strab., 642.-Hom., Il., 2, 470.-Virg., Georg., 1, 383.-Id., Æn., 7, 699.—Ovid, Met., 5, 386.-Martial, Ep., 1, 54, 6.) CECROPS, according to the Attic legend, an autochCEBENNA MONS, a range of mountains in Gaul, com-thon or indigenous personage, and the earliest monarch mencing in the territory of the Volca Tectosages, run-of the country, after Ogyges. His form was half huning thence in a northern direction into the country of man, half that of a serpent. In his days, it is said, the the Ruteni, communicating by a side-chain with the gods began to choose favourite spots among the dwellmountains of the Arverni to the northwest, while the ings of men for their own residence, or, as the expresmain range pursues its course towards the northeast sion seems to mean, particular deities were worshipped and north, connecting itself, in the former direction with especial homage in particular cities. It was at with Mount Jura, and in the latter with Mount Voge- this time, therefore, that Minerva and Neptune strove sus (Vosge). The modern name of the range is the for the possession of Attica. The question was to be Cerennes, in the departments of l'Aveyron, la Lozère, determined by the natural principle of priority of occupaand l'Ardèche. (Cas., B. G., 7, 4 et 56.) Pliny calls tion. It was asserted by Neptune, that he had approthis range Gebenna (3, 4); Ptolemy, Strabo, and the priated the territory to himself, by planting his trident Greeks in general, style it Kéμuevov opoç. Avienus on the rock of the Acropolis at Athens, before the land (Or. Marit., 614) calls the adjacent region Cimenice. had been claimed by Minerva. He pointed to it there (Compare Wernsdorff, ad loc.-Lemaire, Index Geogr. standing erect, and to the salt-spring which had then ad Cæs., s. v., p. 229.) issued, and was flowing from the fissure of the cliff, that had opened for the reception of the trident. On the other hand, Minerva alleged that she had taken possession of the country at a still earlier period than had been done by the rival deity. She appealed, in support of her claim, to the olive, which had sprung at her command from the soil, and which was growing near the fountain produced by the hand of Neptune from the same place. Cecrops was required to attest the truth of her assertion. He had been witness of the act, and testified accordingly; whereupon the twelve gods, according to one version of the fable, but, according to another, Cecrops himself, decided in favour of Minerva, who then became the tutelary deity of Athens. (Apollod., 3, 14, 1.) Cecrops married Agraulos, daughter of Actæus, and became the father of three daughters, Pandrosos, Herse, and Agraulos. After a reign of many years, spent in introducing among his subjects the blessings of civilization, he died, leaving the kingdom to Cranaus, another autochthon. (Apollod., l. c.)—Thus much for the fable, which has become in our histories so much grave matter of fact. The truth appears to be, that the whole series of Attic kings who are said to have preceded Theseus, including, perhaps, even Theseus himself, are mere fietions, owing their existence to misun

CEBES, I. a Greek philosopher, and disciple of Socrates, and also one of the interlocutors whom Plato introduces in his dialogue entited Phædon. He was born at Thebes, and composed three dialogues, called Hebdomé ('Ebdóμn), Phrynichus (Þpúvixos), and Pinax, or the Picture (IIivas). The last is the only one which has come down to us. It is commonly cited by its Latin title Cebetis Tabula (i. e., picta), and is a moral sketch or picture of human life, written in a pleasing and simple style. Some critics have raised doubts as to the authenticity of this little work. It breathes, indeed, a very pure vein of morality, but is not composed, as they think, in the true spirit of the Socratic school; and they are disposed, therefore, to regard it as the work of some stoic, perhaps Cebes of Cyzicus (No. II.), who wished to show that happiness consisted in the practice of virtue. But it is expressly attributed, to Cebes by Lucian (de Mercede Conduct., c. 42), and after him by Tertullian (de Præscript. adv. Hæret., c. 39), Diogenes Laertius (2, 125), Chalcidius, and Suidas. Wolff was the first among the moderns who ventured to call in question this testimony of the ancients, and he has been followed on the same side by the Abbé Sevin (Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscr., &c., vol. 3, p. 75.-Compare the dissertation of Garnier, in the same collection, vol. 49, p. 455). No work of an-derstood names and false etymologies, to attempts to tiquity has met with a wider circulation. It has been translated into almost all the modern languages, even into the Arabic.-The best editions of Cebes are, that of Schweighaeuser, Argent., 12mo, 1806, and that of Thieme, Berol., 8vo, 1810, with German notes of great merit. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 2, 346.) H. A philosopher of Cyzicus, who lived in the time of Marcus Aurelius. (Compare Athenæus, 4, p. 156.Ed. Schweigh., vol. 2, p. 109, and Garnier, Dissert. sur le Tableau de Cebes.-Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscr., &c., vol. 49, p. 455.)

CEBRENE, a city of Troas, capital of a small district named from it Cebrenia. This district was separated

explain ancient customs and religious rites, and to a wish to exalt the antiquity of a nation or a family by giving it a founder in a remote age. At the head of the list of Attic kings is commonly placed Ogyges. The evidence of his historical existence is so slight that his name hardly appears deserving of remark. Whether we make it equivalent, as some do, to apxaios, or trace it, with other etymologists, to a root yyn, meaning night or darkness, in either case the name is merely figurative, and is intended to refer, not to an individual, but to a period of remote and obscure antiquity. Next in order comes Cecrops, whom we ought to regard as being, in genuine Attic


CELENO, one of the harpies, daughter of Neptune and Terra. (Virg., Æn., 3, 245.)

CELENDERIS, a city on the coast of Cilicia Trachea, to the northeast of the Anemurian promontory. It was founded by the Phoenicians, and afterward receiv ed a Samian colony. Celenderis appears to have been a place of great strength, built on a high and craggy precipice, surrounded by the sea. (Tacit., Ann., 2, 80.) It is now Chelindreh. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 328.)

table, the first king of Attica; the true autochthon | of the arts of civilized life. For the immediate suc-
from whom, according to the popular faith, the Attic cessor of Amphictyon, and the representative of the
people had their origin. The story of his being half state of the Athenian nation, as it existed in that pe-
man, half serpent, is only an expression of his autoch-riod, was Erichthonius. Erichthonius was, in the
thonous nature. For in Herodotus (1, 78), the ex-language of mythology, the son of Vulcan and Miner-
planation given by the Telmessians of the serpents va; or, as that tradition may be interpreted, it was in
devoured by the horses at Sardis is, oov elvai ys this age that the manual labours which enjoyed the
παῖδα, "that the snake is a child of earth." The especial patronage of those two deities began to at-
story of his leading a colony from Sais, in Egypt, to tract the attention and assume the importance which
Athens, is a comparatively late invention, and entitled afterward rendered them the source of affluence and
to no credit. (Philol. Museum, 5, p. 357.) The very of glory to the possessors of the Athenian soil.
name Cecrops (Kékpo) itself appears to be nothing (Wordsworth's Greece, p. 92, seqq.-Philological
else than a synonyme of auróxvwv. The TÉTTIS, or Museum, 5, p. 345, seqq.)
cicada, was always regarded by the Athenians as a CELENE OF CELENE, a city of Phrygia, in the
symbol of their autochthonia. As the eggs of this in- southwest, at the sources of the Marsyas. This was a
sect fall to the ground from the stalks on which they small river which flows into the Mæander, and which,
are deposited (Aristot., Hist. An., 5, 24), and are according to Xenophon, was named after Marsyas,
hatched in great numbers in showery weather, it was whom Apollo caused to be flayed alive, and whose
natural that the vulgar should consider the earth as skin he hung in the cave where the river rises. Cyrus
producing them. Now one of the names of the ci- the Younger had a palace there, with a park filled with
cada is képkop (Elian, Hist. An., 10, 44), the origi- wild beasts, where he exercised himself in hunting.
nal form of which would seem to have been κpéko, Within the enclosure of this palace rose the Mæander,
referring, as well as TérTi5, to the peculiar sound which and flowed through the park; the Marsyas rose in the
the insect emits. Cecrops, therefore (Kékpoy, Kpé-market-place. At the sources of the latter, Xerxes,
Ko), is in reality nothing more than the cicada itself, after his return from Greece, built a palace and cita-
the emblem of autochthonia, converted into the first del. The inhabitants of Celænæ were in after days
king of Athens. This is rendered still more probable carried off by Antiochus Soter to the city of Apamea,
by the names of his daughters. As the ancients sup- founded by him a few miles to the southeast, at the
posed the cicada to be produced from the ground, so confluence of the Marsyas and Meander. (Liv., 38,
they thought that it was wholly nourished by the dew. 13.-Xenoph., Anab., 1.)
Hence the names Пlávdpoσoç (“ All-dewy") and "Epon
("Dew"), given to two of the daughters of the fabled
Cecrops. The third name, "Aypavos (“ Field-piper”),
is equally appropriate to the cicada, of whose music
the ancients thought so highly, that it was doubted
whether the Ionians did not wear the golden cicada in
their hair in honour of Apollo. (Schol. ad Aristoph.,
Nub., 971.)-But what becomes of the legend respect-
ing the part that Cecrops bore in the controversy be-
tween Neptune and Minerva? It is not difficult to
perceive, that in this tradition a record is preserved of
the rivalry that arose between two classes of the Attic
population, the one devoted to maritime pursuits, and
aiming at commercial eminence, the other contented
with their own domestic resources, and preferring the
tranquil occupations of agricultural and pastoral life,
which were typified by the emblematic symbol of
peace. The victory of Minerva, which it commem-cian. His native city is unknown; some writers con-
orates, is a true and significant expression of the con- tending for Rome, others for Verona. (Compare Fa-
dition of this country, and of the habits of its people, bricius, Bibl. Lat., 2, 4, p. 36, seqq.) Even his very
from the days of Cecrops to those of Themistocles. name is partly involved in doubt, some making it Au-
(Wordsworth's Greece, p. 93).-Cranaus comes next relius Cornelius Celsus, others Aulus. The time in
in the list of Attic kings. He was also an autochthon, which he lived has also been made a subject of contro-
contemporary with the flood of Deucalion. He mar-yersy. One class of writers infer, from a passage in
ried Pedias, and the issue of their wedlock was At- Columella (R. R., 1, 1, 14, compare 3, 17, 4, and 4,
this. What is this but the legend of a union between 8, 1), that he was born in the time of Tiberius, and
the inhabitants of the hills (Kpavan yǹ, the rocky lived until the reign of Trajan. (Schilling, Quast.
country) with those of the plains of Attica (IIedtás, de Corn. Celsi Vita, Lips., 1824, p. 19 and 75.)
the plain country) and thus Attica (ATO) was Another class place his birth under the reign of Au-
formed by uniting the rugged district with that be-gustus. (Compare Le Clerc, Hist. de la Med., vol.
longing to the plain. And yet a hundred histories
have repeated the name of Cranaus as a king of At-
tica!-This state of prosperity, however, does not ap-
pear to have been of long duration; for Atthis is said
to have died in early youth; and the flood of Deucalion
to have inundated the country during the reign of Cra-
naus, who was himself driven from the throne by the
king next in succession, named Amphictyon. This
appellation, indicating, as it does, a collector of neigh-
bouring people into one community, appears to indicate
an attempt made in this, the next age, to organize
afresh the social elements, which had been disturbed
by the convulsions of the previous generation, and to
combine them together into one federal body. This
design seems to have been attended with success, and
to have produced results favourable to the cultivation

CELERES. Vid. Equites.

CELEUS, a king of Eleusis, father to Triptolemus by Metanira. He gave a kind reception to Ceres, who taught his son the art of cultivating the earth. (Hesiod, Op. et D., v. 423.—Apollod., 1, 5, 1.—Pausan., 1, 14.-Virg., Georg., 1, 165.)

CELSUS, I. AULUS CORNELIUS, a celebrated physi

1, p. 517, seqq.-Schulze, Compend. Hist. Med., p. 298, seqq.) The most probable opinion is, that he lived under Augustus and Tiberius, but wrote his works under the latter. Celsus composed a large work, on the plan, in some measure, of an encyclopæ dia, in which he treated of philosophy, jurisprudence, agriculture, and medicine. It was entitled “ De Artibus." Unhappily, however, only the eight books (from the 6th to the 14th) which treat of medicine have come down to us. The best editions are that of Ruhnken, Lugd. Bat., 1785, and that of Milligan, Lond., 1826.-Roman literature, otherwise so barren of good medical authorities, can boast of possessing in Celsus one, who, for elegance, terseness, learning, good sense, and practical information, stands unrival led. Every branch of the profession has been treated

work divided into eight books, has given us so complete an extract from it, that, by the aid of this, we can follow all the principal reasonings of the author. Celsus wrote also a work against magicians and sorcerers (Karà Máywv), which is cited by Origen and Lucian. The latter, who was his friend, addressed to him his memoir on Alexander, the false prophet, in which he extols the wisdom of Celsus, his love for truth, and his amiable manners. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 5, p. 103, seqq.)-III. Albinovanus, a friend of Horace, warned against plagiarism (Epist., 1, 3, 15) and pleasantly ridiculed (Epist., 1, 8) for his foibles.

of by him, and it may be well said of him, Nihil quod | member of his profession.-II. A Platonic, or, accordtetigit non ornavit. So complete a specimen of pro- ing to others, Epicurean philosopher, who lived tofessional knowledge, selected by a sound judgment, wards the close of the reign of Hadrian. His name and adorned with philosophy, is nowhere else to be is famous as that of one of the bitterest enemies of met with. As a Roman historian said of Homer, that Christianity. From a motive of curiosity, or, perhaps, he who can believe him to have been born blind must in order to be better able to combat the new religion, himself be devoid of every sense, so may we venture to Celsus caused himself to be initiated into the mysteaffirm respecting Celsus, that he who can suppose him ries of Christianity, and to be received into that secret to have been a mere compiler, and never to have society which St. Clement of Rome is supposed to practised the art of medicine, must be totally destitute have founded. (Compare Kestner, Agape, oder der of all professional experience. His preface contains geheime Weltbunde der Christen, &c., Jena, 1819, an admirable exposition of the principles of the differ- 8vo.) It appears, however, that the sincerity of the ent sects which had risen up in medicine before his neophyte was distrusted, and that he was refused adtime; and in the remaining part of the 1st book there mittance into the higher ceremonies. The discontent are many pertinent remarks on the best method of to which this gave rise in the breast of Celsus, inflapreserving the health. In the 2d, which treats of the mcd his resentment against the Christians, and he wrote general symptoms and phænomena of diseases in gen- a work against them, entitled 'Anons λóyos, "A true eral, he has copied freely from Hippocrates, having, no discourse," in which he employed all the resources of doubt, discovered that "to copy nature was to copy his intellect and eloquence to paint Christianity as a him." The last part of this book is devoted to the ridiculous and contemptible system, and its followers subject of diet and regimen; and here his views will, as a sect dangerous to the well-being of the state. with a few exceptions, even now be admitted by the There is no falsehood to which he has not recourse in unprejudiced to be wonderfully correct. Dr. Cullen, order to represent in an untrue light the Christian with all his prejudices against ancient authors, allows scheme of morals, to parody and falsify the text of the that, "in most instances, his judgment, if understood Old and New Testaments, and to calumniate the charwell, might be found perhaps to be very good."-In acter of Jesus Christ and his disciples. He styles the 3d book he has treated of fevers; and here his Christianity a doctrine tending to pervert and corrupt distinctions, remarks upon critical days, and treatment, the human race (λóyos Avμaivóμevos тòv tāv ȧvОpáwill be found to be particularly deserving of attention. Twv ẞtóv), and exhorts the government to extirpate Venesection and cold applications to the head are the the sect, if it wishes to save the empire. The disgeneral remedies which he most approves of, and hap-course itself is lost; but Origen, who refuted it, in a py would it have been for mankind if the masters of the profession had been content to follow this simple plan of treatment, instead of being carried away by such specious theories as the Cullenian and Brunonian, which all must now admit have introduced very mistaken and fatal views of practice. The other parts of his work it is unnecessary to go over minutely; but we would point out, as particularly valuable, his divisions and treatment of ulcers. It is remarkable that no one has treated of diseases of the "obscænæ partes" with the same precision that he has done. The different shades of cutaneous diseases, which are found so difficult to define, he has marked with a sur- CELTE, a general name for the whole Gallic race, prising degree of precision. But, of the whole work, but, in a special sense, an appellation given to the most the most interesting part, perhaps, is the 7th book, indigenous and extensive of the three great tribes that which treats of the operations of surgery. His ac-occupied Gaul in the days of Cæsar. (Vid. Gallia.) count of those performed upon the eye may be in- CELTIBERI, a people of Spain, brave and powerful, stanced as particularly excellent. The operating for who occupied the greater part of the interior of the couching the cataract is described in much the same country. According to Diodorus Siculus (5, 33), they manner as it is now performed. The ancients were were composed of two nations, the Celta and Iberi, not acquainted with the mode of extracting. The op- whence their name, which, perhaps, was used for diseration of lithotomy, as described by him, though not tinction' sake from that of the Celta beyond the Pyreexactly the same as that now generally practised, has, nees in Gaul. Their cavalry were excellent, and fought even at the present day, its admirers, among whom we equally well on foot and on horseback. Niebuhr considmay mention the celebrated Dupuytrens, who has re- ers the fact far from proved that the Celts of Iberia were vived it at Paris, and considers it to possess the ad- strangers from Gaul who had migrated into that counvantage over the common plan of affording a freer try. No definite tradition of this event is, according passage to the stone. Mr. Charles Bell, of London, to him, to be found; not even in Diodorus. This ashas also operated much in the same way upon boys, sertion, however, is altogether untenable, and is based to whom, by-the-by, Celsus restricts his practice. upon the strange hypothesis that different races of huCelsus has the merit of being the first author who man beings were originally created, and that mankind makes mention of the application of the ligature to did not spring from one common parent. (Compare arteries for stopping hemorrhage. The ligature is Niebuhr, Rom. Hist., vol. 2, p. 256.) The Celtiberi also mentioned by Heliodorus in a short tract on am- were reduced beneath the Roman sway in the Sertoriputation preserved by Nicetas, by Galen in nearly an war, after a long and brave resistance. They were twenty places, by Aëtius, Paulus Ægineta, Avicenna, divided into six tribes, the Bellones, Arevaci, PelenRhazez, Avenzoar, and Albucasis; so that it cannot dones, Ditthi, Belli, and Lusones. The country of the with any propriety be called a modern invention.-In Celtiberi was sometimes called Celtiberia, and borderthe last book he treats minutely of fractures and dislo-ed, on the east, upon the Edetani and the range of cations; and here, of course, he avails himself of the correct views previously laid down by Hippocrates. One may venture to affirm that, even at the present day, he who is thoroughly acquainted with the writings of Celsus, and has learned to reduce his knowledge to practice, will prove a useful and distinguished

Mount Ortospeda; on the north upon the Iberus; on the west upon the Tagus and the Carpetani; on the south upon the Oretani. It comprised, therefore, what is now the southwestern part of Aragon, the southern part of Navarre, the eastern portion of Old Castile, and the northeastern division of New Castile. (Plin., 3,

3.—Id., 4, 22.—Liv., Epit., 48.-Eutrop., 4, 16.-| Isidor., Hisp. Chron. Goth., p. 173.)

CELTICI, a people of Lusitania, whose territory lay below the mouth of the Tagus, and between that river and the Turdetani. They were of Celtic origin, as their name imports, and their country answered to what is now the southern part of Alontejos. Their chief town was Pax Julia, now Beja. (Plin., 3, 1.Id., 4, 21.)

CENÆUM, a promontory of Euboea, which formed the extreme point of the island towards the northwest. The modern name is Lithada. (Strab., 444.-Plin., 4, 12.-Ptol., p. 87.)

wrote a small work entitled "De die Natali," which was so called because composed on occasion of the birthday of his friend Cerellius. It treats of the time of birth, of the influence of one's Genius, as well as that of the stars, upon the birth-period of an individual; and embraces many other topics of a chronological, mathematical, and cosmographical character. Canio, therefore, who edited the work in 1583, separated the latter part of this production from the rest, and regards it as a fragment of an unknown author, "De naturali institutione." The style of Censorinus is good, though not free, of course, from the blemishes natural to his time. We have also a fragment, de Metris, by this same writer. He composed also a work have not reached us. The best edition of Censorinus is that of Havercamp, Lugd. Bat., 1743, 8vo, reprinted in 1767. (Bähr, Gesch. Röm. Lit., vol. 1, p. 661.) The latest edition is that of Gruber, Nuremb., 1805, 8vo.

CENCHREE, I. a harbour of Corinth, on the Saronic Gulf, from which this city traded with Asia, the Cyc-on accents, and another on geometry, but these last two lades, and the Euxine. (Strabo, 380.) It was about seventy stadia from the city itself; and the road thither appears, from the account of Pausanias, to have been lined with temples and sepulchres. Dr. Clarke observes, that the remains at Cenchree faithfully correspond with the description given by Pausanias of the spot. Sir W. Gell says the place is still called Kenchres. (Itin. of the Morea, p. 207.)-II. A village of Argolis, near the frontiers of Arcadia, southwest of Argos. A tumulus was here erected to some Argives who had fallen in a battle with the Spartans. (Strabo, 376.)

CENCHREIS, a small island off the Spiræum Promontorium of Argolis. (Plin., 4, 11.)

CENCHRIUS, a river of Ionia rear Ephesus and Mount Solmissus, where the Curetes, according to some, concealed and protected Latona after her delivery, when she was pursued by the power of Juno. (Strab., 639. -Tacit., Ann., 3, 61.)

CENIMAGNI, a people of Britain, north of the Trinobantes, on the eastern coast, forming part of the great nation of the Iceni. (Vid. Iceni.) Lipsius, however, rejects the term Cenimagni, where it occurs in the text of Cæsar (B. G., 5, 21), on the ground that this race are nowhere else mentioned among the British tribes, and he proposes to read in place of it, Iceni, Cangi. The author of the Greek paraphrase of Cæsar has Keviμavoi, whence Vossius conjectured the true reading to be Cenomani, and supposed this nation to have crossed over from Gaul. (Lemaire, Ind. Geogr. ad Cæs., p. 231, seqq.)

CENINA. Vid. Cænina. CENOMANI, a people of Gaul, belonging to the nation of the Aulerci. (Vid. Aulerci.)

CENSORES, two magistrates of great authority at Rome, first created A.U.C. 312. The office of the censors was chiefly to estimate the fortunes, and to inspect the morals of the citizens. For a full account of their duties, &c., consult Adams, Rom. Ant.

CENSORINUS, I. one of the ephemeral Roman emperors who appeared in so great numbers under the reign of Gallienus, and are known in later Roman history as "the thirty tyrants." (Treb. Pollio, in Hist. Aug. Script., vol. 2, p. 254, ed. Hack.) Censorinus had been distinguished in camps and in the senate; he had been twice consul, twice prætorian prefect, three times prefect of Rome, and four times proconsul. After having passed through this honourable career, he retired to the country, being now advanced in years, and lame from a wound he had received in the war against the Persians during the reign of Valerian. It was under these circumstances that he was proclaimed emperor, A.D. 269, in spite, as it would appear, of his own wishes; and by a species of pleasantry he was surnamed, or rather nicknamed, Claudius, in allusion to his lameness (claudus, "lame"). The strict discipline, however, which he wished to introduce, gave of fence, and he was slain by the very soldiers who had raised him to the throne. (Treb. Poll., Vit. Cens.) II. A grammarian and philosopher, who flourished under Maximus and Gordianus, about A.D. 238. He

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CENTAURI, a Thessalian race fabled to have been half-men half-horses.-The Centaurs and Lapithe are two mythic tribes, which are always mentioned together. The former are spoken of twice in the Iliad, under the appellation of wild-creatures (ñpec), and once under their proper name. (Il., 1, 268.—Ib., 2, 742. -Ib., 11, 832.) We also find the name Centaurs in the Odyssey (21, 303). They seem to have been a rude mountain-tribe, dwelling on and about Mount Pelion. It is very doubtful whether Homer and Hesiod conceived them to be of a mingled form, as they were subsequently represented. In the fight of the Centaurs and Lapithee on the shield of Hercules, the latter appear in panoply fighting with spears, while the former wield pine-clubs. (Hes., Scut. Herc., 178, seqq.) Pindar is the earliest poet extant who expressly describes them as semi-ferine. According to him (Pyth., 2, 78, seqq.), the offspring of Ixion and the cloud (vid. Ixion) was a son named Centaurus, who, when grown up, wandered about the foot of Mount Pelion, where he united with the Magnesian mares, who brought forth the Centaurs, a race partaking of the form of both parents, their lower parts resembling their dams, their upper their sire. The common account makes the Centaurs to have been the immediate offspring of Ixion and the cloud. By his wife Dia, Ixion had a son named Pirithous, who married Hippodamia, daughter of Adrastus, king of Argos. The chiefs of his own tribe, the Lapithe, were all invited to the wedding, as were also the Centaurs, who dwelt in the neighbourhood of Pelion. Theseus, Nestor, and other strangers were likewise present. At the feast, Eurytion, one of the Centaurs, becoming intoxicated with the wine, attempted to offer violence to the bride; the other Centaurs followed his example, and a dreadful conflict arose, in which several of them were slain. The Centaurs were finally driven from Pelion, and obliged to retire to other regions. (Ovid, Met, 12, 210, seqq.-Diod. Sic., 4, 70.)-According to the earliest version of this legend, Eurytion, the Centaur, being invited to the mansion of Pirithoüs, got intoxicated, and behaved so ill, that the heroes rose, and, dragging him to the door, cut off his ears and nose, which was the occasion of "strife between the Certaurs and men." (Od., 21, 295, seqq.) When Hercules was on his way to hunt the Erymanthian boar, he was entertained by the Centaur Pholus; and this gave rise to a conflict between him and the other Centaurs, which terminated in the total discomfiture of the latter.-The most celebrated of the Centaurs was Chiron, the son of Saturn by the nymph Philyra. (Vid. Chiron.)-It is the opinion of Buttmann (Mythologus, vol. 2, p. 22), that the Centaurs and Lapithe are two purely poetic names, used to distinguish two opposite races of men; the former, the rude horseriding tribes, which tradition records to have been

causes, they judged all together. A cause before them could not be adjourned. (Plin., Ep., 1, 18.Id., 4, 24.) Ten men were appointed, five senators and five equites, to assemble these councils, and preside in them in the absence of the prætor. (Sueton., Aug., 36.) Trials before the centumviri were held usually in the Basilica Julia, sometimes in the forum. (Consult Heineccius, Antiq. Rom., ed. Haubold, 4, 6, 9, p. 664.)

spread over the north of Greece; the latter, the more civilized race, which founded towns, and gradually drove their wild neighbours back into the mountains. He therefore thinks the exposition of Centaurs as Airpiercers (from Revteiv tηv aŭpav) not an improbable one, for that very idea is suggested by the figure of a Cossack, leaning forward with his protruded lance as he gallops along. He regards, however, the idea of κένταυρος having been in its origin simply κέντωρ as much more probable. Lapitha may, he thinks, have CENTURĪPA (τὰ Κεντόριπα.—Ptol., Κεντούριπαι. signified Stone-persuaders (from haаç яεíbεiv), a ро- Sil. Ital., CENTURIPE), an ancient city of the Siculi, etic appellation for the builders of towns. He supposes on the eastern shore of Sicily, near Catana. After Hippodamia, as her name seems to intimate, to have the Roman conquest of the island it became an imbeen a Centauress, married to the prince of the Lapi-portant place in the corn-trade to Italy. The modern thee, and thus accounts for the Centaurs having been Centorbi appears to mark the ancient site. (Manat the wedding. (Mythologus, l. c.-Keightley's My-nert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 2, p. 416.) thology, p. 316, seqq.)-Knight takes a very different view of the legend. The horse, as he observes, was sacred to Neptune and the Rivers, and was employed as a general symbol of the waters. The Centaurs appear to him to have been the same symbol partly humanized. According to this explanation, the legend respecting the Centaurs and Lapitha will have reference to the draining of some parts of Thessaly by that old Pelasgic race. (Knight's Enquiry, &c., § 111, seqq.-Class. Journ., vol. 25, p. 34, seqq.)

CEOS (also called CEA, Plin., 4, 12.-Ovid, Met., 7, 368, &c.), an island of the Ægean, one of the Cyclades, opposite the promontory of Sunium in Attica. It was famed for its fertility and rich pastures. Pliny (4, 12) writes, that it had been torn from Eubœa, and was once 500 stadia in length, but nearly four parts were carried away by the sea on the side of Boeotia. Herodotus states, that it was an Ionian colony peopled from Africa, and furnished a few ships both at Artemisium and Salamis (8, 1). From this island, as CENTRITIS, a river of Armenia Major, flowing under Varro reports, a greater degree of elegance was introthe ramparts of Tigranocerta, and falling into the Eu-duced in female dress. (Plin., l. c.) It once posphrates. The Greeks gave it the name of Nicephorius, sessed four towns, named Iulis, Carthæa, Coressia, "that brings victory," probably on account of some and Pressa, but in Strabo's time only the two former battle gained in its vicinity during the time of the remained, the population of the others having been Syrian kings. It separated Armenia from the country transferred to them. Iulis was the birthplace of Siof the Carduchi, and is now the Bitlis-Soo. (Xen., monides, and is probably represented by the modern Anab., 4, 3.-Mannert, Geogr., vol. 5, p. 236.) Zea, which gives its name to the island. It is said CENTRONES, a people of Gaul, among the Alpes that the laws of this town decreed, that every man, on Graie, who, along with the Graioceli and Caturiges, reaching his sixtieth year, should destroy himself by were defeated by Cæsar in several engagements. poison, in order to leave to others a sufficient mainTheir chief city was Forum Claudii Centronum, now tenance. This ordinance is said to have been proCentron. (Lemaire, Index Geogr. ad Cæs., p. 231.) mulgated when the town was besieged by the AtheCENTUM CELLÆ, a seaport town of Etruria, north-nians. (Strabo, 486.-Elian, V. H., 3, 37.—Craeast of Cære. It is better known under the name of Trajani Portus, that emperor having caused a magnificent harbour to be constructed there, which Pliny the younger has described in one of his epistles (6, 31). Two immense piers formed the port, which was semicircular, while an island, constructed artificially of immense masses of rock, brought there by vessels and sunk in the sea, served as a breakwater in front and supported a pharos. The coast being very destitute of shelter for vessels of burden, this work of Trajan was of great national benefit. Previous to Trajan's improvements the place was very thinly inhabited, and received its name from the mean and scanty abodes scattered here and there along the shore. Centum Cella having been destroyed by the Saracens, the inhabitants built another town at some distance inland, but afterward they reoccupied the site of the old city, which, from that circumstance, obtained its present name of Civita Vecchia. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 201, seqq.-Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, p. 373.)

CENTUMVIRI, the members of a court of justice at Rome. There were originally chosen three from each of the 35 tribes of the people, and, though 105, they were always called Centumvirs. They were after ward increased to the number of 180, but still kept their original name. They seem to have been first instituted soon after the creation of the prætor peregrinus. The causes that came before them in the time of the republic are enumerated by Cicero. They judged then chiefly concerning testaments and inheritances. (Cic., Or., 1, 38.-Val. Max., 7, 7.-Quintil., 4, 1, 7.) After the time of Augustus, however, they formed the council of the prætor, and judged in the most important causes. When the number of the Centumviri reached 180, they were divided into four councils, sometimes only into two, and sometimes, in important

mer's Anc. Greece, vol. 3, p. 401, seqq.)

CEPHALLENIA, an island in the Ionian sea, southwest of Ithaca, from which it is separated by a strait of six miles. It is now Cefalonia, and forms one of the seven Ionian islands. Strabo (456) asserts, that it was about three hundred stadia in circuit, or thirty-eight miles; Pliny (4, 12), forty-four miles; but both are very far short of the real measurement, which is little less than one hundred and twenty miles. The more ancient name of this large island was Samos, as we learn from Homer. (Od., 4, 671.) But the poet elsewhere speaks of the Cephallenians as the subjects of Ulysses. (Il., 2, 631.) All the writers of antiquity agree in deriving the name of Cephallenia from Čephalus, who settled here after his expedition against the Telebox, in which he accompanied Amphitryon. (Strabo, l. c.) The Cephallenians did not share in the glory of the victory of Salamis, but one of their cities sent a few soldiers to Platea. (Herodot., 9, 28.) Prior to the Peloponnesian war, the whole island was conquered by an Athenian fleet commanded by Tolmides. But its subjugation does not appear to have been permanent, since Thucydides mentions, that, towards the commencement of the war, it was brought under the dominion of Athens, without a struggle, by a fleet of one hundred triremes (2, 30). There were four cities in the island, Palle or Pale, Cranii, Same, and Proni. Besides these well-known cities, Stephanus Byzantinus assigns to Cephallenia a town called Taphos, of which some remains are said to exist near the modern village of Taphios, on the western coast of the island. (Dodwell's Tour, vol. 1, p. 75.) Strabo reports, that, towards the close of the Roman republic C. Antonius, the colleague of Cicero in his consulship, resided in Cephallenia during his exile, and acquired such an influence over the inhabi

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