Obrazy na stronie

before and after the time of Alexander. Through this country, moreover, lay the nearest and safest route to India. Syburtius, the Greek governor after Alexander's death, cultivated friendly relations with the Indian monarch Sandrocottus, and Megasthenes was often sent by him to the court of the latter. (Arrian, 5, 6.) The ancient Arachosia answers to the modern Arokhage. (Mannert, 5, pt. 2, p. 76.)

ARACHOTE and ARACHOTI, the inhabitants of Arachosia. (Vid. Arachosia.) They are styled AvóxAavor, from their linen attire. (Dionys. Perieg., 1096.-Compare Eustath., ad loc.-Arrian, 3, 23.) ARACHOTUS, I. or Arachosia, the chief city of Arachosia, called also Cophe (Kwon), and said to have been built by Semiramis. It did not lie, as some remark, on the river Arachotus, but a considerable distance east of it, on a road leading in a northern direction towards the modern Candahar. (Mannert, 5, pt. 2, p. 80.)—II. A river of Arachosia, rising in the hills northeast of the modern Gazni, and losing itself in a marsh about four miles to the south of Candahar. Its modern name, according to Wahl, is Naodah. D'Anville, however, makes it Kare. (Isid., Charac. ap. Geogr. Gr. Min., vol, 2, p. 8.-Plin., 6, 23.)

ARACHTHUS, ARÆTHUS, or ARETHON, a river of Epirus, flowing from that part of the chain of Pindus which belonged to the ancient Tymphæi, and running by Ambracia into the Ambracian Gulf. Lycophron (v. | 409), who calls it Aræthus ("Apaos), speaks of it as the boundary of Greece on this side. Ambracia, therefore, being always accounted a city of Greece Proper, must have stood on its left bank. We cannot, therefore, admit, with Pouqueville, that this city occupied the site of Regous, since that ruined fortress is situated on the right bank of the Luro river, which that writer considers to be the Arachthus. That the Arachthus is a considerable stream, may be inferred from Livy, who relates (43, 21) that Perseus, king of Macedon, was detained on its banks by high floods, on his way to Acarnania. (Cramer's Ancient Greece, vol. 1, p. 151, seqq.)


ARAR, a very slow, smooth-running river of Gaul. It rises near Mons Vogesus, and, after a southern course, falls into the Rhodanus at Lugdunum. (Cas., B. G., 1, 12.—Plin., 3, 4.) Ammianus Marcellinus, who flourished towards the close of the fourth century of our era, first calls the Arar by the name of Saucona, speaking of this latter as a common appellation on the part of the inhabitants in that quarter," Ararim, quem Sauconam appellant" (15, 11). Gregory of Tours, at a later period, styles it Saugona; and from this comes the modern French appellation Saône. (Compare Lemaire, Index Geogr., ad Cæs. Comm., p. 190.)

ARATEA, a festival celebrated at Sicyon, upon the birthday of Aratus, and in memory of that distinguished patriot. (Plut., Vit. Arat., 53.)

ARATUS, I. a Greek poet, born at Soli (Pompeiopolis) in Cilicia. He flourished about 270 B.C., was a favourite of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and a firm friend to Antigonus Gonatas, son of Demetrius Poliorcetes. He was also a contemporary of Theocritus, who makes mention of him in the sixth and seventh Idyls, and was on very friendly terms with him. At the instance of Antigonus, Aratus composed an astronomical poem, entitled Pavóueva, "Appearances," and treating of the heavenly bodies, their names, movements, &c. The materials for this production he is said to have principally derived from the works of Eudoxus of Cnidus, who wrote two treatises on the celestial bodies and phænomena, one entitled 'Evorтpov, or “the Mirror," and the other Pavóμeva. (Buhle, de Arat. Script. Comment., p. 466.) What other writers he followed besides Eudoxus, cannot now be ascertained. Salmasius, indeed, insists that he did not follow Eudoxus at all, but Phainus or Meton (Salm., ad Solin., p. 822); this opinion, however, is refuted by Petavius. (Doctr. Temp., 6, 9.) Aratus was the author also of another poem, entitled Acoonuria, or "Signs from | Jove," the materials for which he borrowed from Hesiod, the meteorological writings of Aristotle, and Theophrastus on the signs of the winds. Some of the anARACYNTHUS, I. a chain of mountains in Etolia, cients, and several of the moderns, too, have united running in a southeasterly direction from the Achelous the daivóμeva and Aioonpela into one poem, probably to the Evenus. Its present name is Mount Zigos. because, in the latter, he draws his signs indicative of Pliny (4, 1) and other writers, with less propriety, as- changes in the atmosphere from the relative positions cribe Aracynthus to Acarnania.-II. A mountain of of the sun, moon, and constellations of the zodiac as Boeotia, sacred to Minerva, whence this goddess re-regards the earth. They are, however, distinct proceived the appellation of Aracynthia. (Rhian., ap. Steph. Byz., s. v. 'Apáκvv0os.) It was situate not far from Thebes.

ARIDUS, I. a city on an island of the same name, on the coast of Phoenicia. According to Strabo, it was founded by a band of exiles from Sidon. The island on which it stood was a mere rock, not quite seven stadia in circumference; and hence, as the population of the city increased, they were compelled to erect edifices many stories in height, to make amends for the limited area of the place. The position of Aradus was well adapted for commerce. The modern name of the island is Ruad, according to Pococke (vol. 2, p, 294), and traces still remain of the cisterns anciently cut in the rock to hold the rain-water for the use of the inhabitants. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 393, seqq.)-II. An island, according to some, on the coast of Arabia, in the Persian Gulf. It is supposed to mark, in part, the original settlements of the Phonicians previous to their establishing themselves on the coast of the Mediterranean. Much doubt exists, however, with regard to the accuracy of this statement; and Mannert, among others, thinks that the name Aradus, as designating an island in this quarter, is indebted for its existence to the love of theory alone. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 154.—Compare, however, Michaelis, Spicileg., vol. 1, p. 166, seqq., and rud. Phoenicia.) ARE. Vid. Egimurus.

ductions, and are regarded as such by the best ancient and modern authorities. (Schol. ad Diosem. init.— Schol. ad Aristoph. Pac., 1086.—Vitruv., 9, 7.Buhle, ibid., p. 462.)-In the two poems just referred to, Aratus gives us, in correct and rather elegant verse, a general view of what was then known of the heavens, with their signs, appearances, &c., although it is evident, both from ancient authority as well as from the poem itself, that he was not a professed astronomer, or even very accurately acquainted with the principles of the science. (Cic., de Orat., 1, 16.—Buhle, p. 467.) Ovid passes a high eulogium on Aratus, "cum sole et luna semper Aratus erit" (Amor., 1, 15); but this exaggerated compliment, and the admiration of Ovid, were very probably owing to the circumstance of no other poet's having taken the astronomic sphere for his theme prior to Aratus. (Buhle, p. 471.) The truth is, the subject matter of both poems is far from being congenial to poetry, as is well remarked by Quintilian, who adds of Aratus himself, "sufficit tamen operi, cui se parem credidit (10, 1, 55). As one proof of the consideration which Aratus enjoyed, we may cite the monument which his compatriots erected to his memory, and which became famous by reason of a physical phænomena that Mela mentions. ("Juxta in parvo tumulo Arati poetæ monumentum, ideo referendum quia, ignotum quam ob causam, jacta in id saxa dissiliant," 1, 13.) Aratus, moreover, is the writer to whom St. Paul refers in his speech before the Are

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opagus (Acts, 17, 28), a circumstance which entitled | guardian of Philip, formed an alliance with the Lacethe poet to great favour among the fathers of the dæmonians, the natural enemies of the Achæan league. church, although it is evident that the Apostle makes Aratus marched to the aid of those cities of Arcadia no allusion to his poetic merit. M. Delambre re- which belonged to the confederacy, and which were marks, in speaking of Aratus, that he "has transmitted menaced by Cleomenes, king of Sparta; but he was to us almost all that Greece at that time knew of the defeated in three successive engagements, and found heavens, or, at least, all that could be put into verse. himself obliged to have recourse to Antigonus. In The perusal of Autolycus or Euclid gives more infor- order to induce this prince to lend aid, he surrendered mation on the subject to him who wishes to become to him, on his expressly requiring it, the citadel of Coran astronomer. Their notions are more precise and inth; and Antigonus, on having come with an army, more geometrical. The principal merit of Aratus is was appointed generalissimo of the Achæan troops. the description he has left us of the constellations; Plutarch pretends that Cleomenes had offered peace to and yet, even with this description to aid us, one the Achæans, on condition of being appointed comwould be much puzzled to construct a celestial chart mander of their forces, and that Aratus opposed him or globe." (Delambre, Hist. de l'Astronomie An- through jealousy; and he even reproaches him for precienne, vol. 1, p. 74.)-The two poems of Aratus were ferring a barbarian to a descendant of Hercules. But thrice translated into Latin verse, first by Cicero, sec- the truth was, Aratus could not hesitate between Anondly by Germanicus, of the line of the Cæsars, and tigonus, a humane prince, and a religious observer of thirdly by Avienus. Cicero's translation is lost, with his oaths, and Cleomenes, who had now become a the exception of some fragments. The translation, or, tyrant over his own country, to which he wished to rather, imitation of the Phænomena by Germanicus, make all the Peloponnesus subject. The aid of Anand his commencement of the Diosemea, as well as tigonus changed entirely the aspect of affairs; and this the version of Avienus, remain to us. Virgil, also, in prince having eventually entered into Laconia, comhis Georgics, is under many obligations to our poet.pelled Cleomenes, after a defeat at Sellasia, to flee Although Aratus has been accused of possessing but from the country, took Sparta, and restored to it the a slight acquaintance with the subject on which he laws which Cleomenes had abrogated. Antigonus treats, still a number of mathematicians united them- always showed great consideration for Aratus, and selves with the grammarians in commenting on his governed himself by his counsels in what related to the work. Many of these commentaries are lost: we still affairs of Greece. Philip, his nephew and successor, have, however, four remaining; one by Hipparchus of did the same during the early part of his reign; but in Nicæa, another by Achilles Tatius; the other two are process of time a less friendly feeling arose between anonymous, for those are in error who attribute one of the latter and Aratus, as the evil qualities of Philip them to Eratosthenes. Aratus wrote many other began to display themselves, and the Grecian patriot works, which have not come down to us. They treat eventually fell a victim to the unprincipled monarch, ed of physical, astronomical, grammatical, critical, who had caused a slow poison to be given to him. and poetic themes, and a list of them is given by one Some time before his death, Aratus was observed by of his editors, Buhle (vol. 2, p. 455, seqq.).—The best one of his friends to spit blood, and, when the latter editions of this poet are, that of Buhle, Lips., 1793-expressed his surprise at this, he merely exclaimed, 1801, 2 vols. 8vo, and that of Matthiæ, Francof., Such, Cephalon, are the fruits of royal friendship!" 1817-1818. We have also a German version by J. He was buried with distinguished honours by his H. Voss, Heidelb., 1824, published with the Greek countrymen, and a festival, called Aratea, was celebratext and illustrations.-II. A celebrated Grecian pa- ted every year in memory of him. Aratus wrote Metriot, born at Sicyon, B.C. 273. When he was but moirs, now lost, which Polybius cites with eulogiums. seven years of age, his father Clinias, who held the His character may be summed up in a few words. government of Sicyon, was assassinated by Abantidas, He was a pure and ardent patriot, and, in addition to who succeeded in making himself absolute. Aratus this, a statesman of no small degree of merit, but not took refuge in Argos, where he was concealed by the very conspicuous for military abilities. Aratus died friends of the family, and where he devoted himself in the 62d year of his age, B.C. 213. (Plut., Vit. with great success to physical exercises, gaining Arat.)-III. A son of the preceding, nearly of the the prize in the five exercises of the pentathlum. same age with Philip, king of Macedonia. He was on After some revolutions and changes of rulers at Sicy-intimate terms with this monarch, a circumstance, howon, the government came into the hands of Nicocles, when Aratus, then hardly twenty years of age, formed the project of freeing his country, and, having assembled some exiles, surprised the city of Sicyon. The tyrant having fled, Aratus gave liberty to his fellowcitizens, and induced them to join the Achæan league, ARAUSIO, the chief city of the Cavares, in Gallia still as yet feeble, and only in the twenty-fourth year Narbonensis, to the north of Avenio. It is now Orof its existence. The return of the exiles, however, ange, in the department of Vaucluse. In the vicinity occasioned much trouble at Sicyon; those who had are some remains of a triumphal arch, erected in compurchased their property refused to restore it, and Ara-memoration of the victory of Marius over the Cimbri tus was compelled to have recourse to Ptolemy Philadelphus, to whom he had rendered some services, ARAXES, I. a river of Armenia Major, issuing from and who gave him 150 talents, with which he indem- Mons Abus, on the side opposite to that whence the nified the new possessors, and restored their property southern arm of the Euphrates flows. It runs east to his fellow-exiles. Being chosen, for the second until it meets the mountains which separate Armenia time, Prætor of the Achæans, 244 B.C., he seized by from northern Media, when it turns to the north, and, surprise on the citadel of Corinth, which Antigonus after receiving the Cyrus, falls into the Caspian Sea. had guarded with great care as one of the keys of the It is now the Arras. (Plin., 6, 9.-Strab., 363.— Peloponnesus, and prevailed upon the Corinthians to Ptol., 5, 13.)-II. Another in Persia, running by Perjoin the confederacy. Similar success attended his sepolis, and falling into the Medus, now Bend-Emir. efforts in other quarters, and many of the most impor--Xenophon calls the Chaboras by the name of Araxes tant states and cities of southern Greece became through his means members of the league. Some time after, the Etolians, jealous of the prosperity of the Achæans, and reckoning on the aid of Antigonus, the

ever, which did not prevent the latter from administering a potion, that threw him into a deplorable state of idiocy, so that his friends regarded his death, which occurred in the flower of his age, as a blessing rather than a misfortune. (Plut., Vit. Arat. ult.)

and Teutones. (Plin., 3, 4.)

(vid. Chaboras), and gives the name of Phasis to the Armenian Araxes. (Xen., Anab., 1, 4, 19.—Compare the Index Nom. to the edition of Zeune, and the re marks of Krüger, ad Xen., Anab., 4, 6, 4.)—III. A

river of Upper Asia, mentioned by Herodotus (1, 202). | Arcadians, in some measure, resemble the inhabitants and supposed by the most recent inquirers into this subject to be the same with the modern Volga. (Baehr, ad Herod., l. c.-Compare the remarks of the same editor, in the note to the Index Rerum, vol. 4, p. 454, seqq.) The name Araxes appears to have been originally an appellative term for a river, in the earlier language of the East, and hence we find it applied to several streams in ancient Oriental geography. (Compare Heeren, Ideen, vol. 1, p. 55.-Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. 2, p. 658.)

of the Alps. They possessed a love of freedom and a love of money; for wherever there was money, you might see Arcadian hirelings. But it is chiefly the western part of Arcadia (where Pan invented the shepherd's flute) which deserves the name of a pastoral country. Innumerable brooks, one more delightful than the other, sometimes rushing impetuously, and sometimes gently murmuring, pour themselves down the mountains. Vegetation is rich and magnificent; everywhere freshness and coolness are found. One ARBICES, a Median officer, who conspired with flock of sheep here succeeds another, till the wild Belesis, the most distinguished member of the Chal- Taygetus is approached, where numerous herds of dæan sacerdotal college, against Sardanapalus, king of goats are also seen. (Bartholdy, Bruchstücke zu Assyria. After several reverses, he finally succeeded nähern Kenntniss Griechenlands, p. 239, seqq.) The in his object, defeated Sardanapalus near Nineveh, inhabitants of Arcadia, devoted to the pastoral life, took this city, and reigned in it for the space of twen- preferred, therefore, for a long time, to dwell in the ty-eight years. With him commenced a dynasty of open country rather than in the cities; and when some eight kings, of whom Aspadas or Astyages was the of these, particularly Tegea and Mantinea, became last. The empire which Arbaces founded was a fed- considerable, the contests between them destroyed erative one, composed of several sovereignties which the peace and liberties of the people. The shepherdhad arisen from the ruins of the Assyrian monarchy. life among the Greeks, although much ornamented by The kingly power, though hereditary, was not abso- the poets, betrays its origin in this, that it arose among lute, the monarch not having the power to change any a people who did not wander like the Nomades, but of the laws enacted by the confederate princes. Chro- were in possession of stationary dwellings.-The most nologists are not agreed as to the period of the revolt ancient name of Arcadia was Drymolis (the woody of Arbaces. Most place it under or about the archon-region), from dpùs, “a tree.” The Arcadians themship of Ariphron, the 9th perpetual archon of Athens; selves carried their origin very far back, and gave but they differ again about the precise period of this their nation the name of Proseleni (before the moon). archonship, some assigning it to 917 B.C., others to They seem to have derived the first rudiments of civil898 B.C. (Diod. Sic., 2, 24.-Vell., Paterc., 1, 6. ization, if not their origin itself, from the Pelasgi; and -Justin, 1, 1.-Petav., Doctr. Temp., l. 9.) hence the tradition that a king, named Pelasgus, ARBELA, a city of Assyria, in the province of Adi- taught them to build huts, and clothe themselves with abene, east of Ninus, near the Zabatus, or Zab. On the skins of animals. Arcas, a descendant of this same the opposite side of this river, near Isbil, was fought Pelasgus, taught them the art of baking bread, and of the decisive battle of Arbela, between Alexander and weaving. From this second benefactor the people Darius, October 2, B.C. 331. The field of battle was and their country were respectively called Arcades the plain of Gaugamela. The latter, however, being and Arcadia. A republican form of government arose an obscure place, this conflict was named after Arbela. subsequently, after the first Messenian war, Aristoc(Strabo, 399.-Diod. Sic., 17, 53.—Arrian, 3, 6.) rates II. having been stoned to death by the ArcaARBUSCULA, an actress on the Roman stage, who, dians for his treachery towards the Messenians! Arbeing hissed, on one occasion, by the lower orders of cadia eventually attached itself to the Achæan league, the people, observed, with great spirit, that she cared and fell under the Roman power.-It is commonly nothing for the rabble, as long as she pleased the more believed that a colony of Arcadians settled in Italy in enlightened part of her audience among the equestrian very early times. This, however, is a mere fable, and ranks. (Horat., Serm., 1, 10, 77.) is contradicted by the inland nature of the country, ARCADIA, a country in the centre of the Peloponne- and by the Arcadians never having been a maritime sus, and, next to Laconia, the largest of its six prov- people. (Vid. Pelasgi and Italy, and also Evander.— inces. It was a mountainous region, and contained Polyb., 4, 20.-Diod. Sic., 4, 34.—Thucyd., 7, 57. the sources of most of the considerable rivers which-Plin., 4, 5.—Apollod., 2, 1.—Pausan., 8, 4.) flow into the seas surrounding the Peloponnesus. From its elevated situation, and the broken face of the country, intersected by small streams, it had a cold and foggy climate during some seasons; in the plain of Argos, only one day's journey from the centre of Arcadia, the sun shines and the violets bloom, while snow is on the hills of Arcadia, and in the plain of Mantinea and Tegea. The most fertile part was towards the south, where the country sloped off, and contained many fruitful vales and numerous streams. This account of the land may serve in some degree to explain the character which the Arcadians had among the ancient Greeks: some of those who now occupy this district seem to be as rude as many of the former possessors. Their country is better adapted to pasturage than cultivation, and the Arcadians, who were scarcely a genuine Greek race, continued their pastoral habits and retained their rude manners amid their native mountains. To their pastoral mode of life may be ascribed their attachment to music; and hence also the worship of Pan as the tutelary deity of Arcadia. Nature, observes a modern writer, has destined this country for herdsmen. The pastures and meadows in summer are always green and unscorched; for the shade and moisture preserve them. The country has n appearance similar to that of Switzerland, and the

ARCADIUS, eldest son of Theodosius the Great, succeeded his father A.D. 395, who, at his death, divided the empire between his two sons, giving Arcadius the eastern, and Honorius the western division. Arcadius was only eighteen years of age when he ascended the throne, and he only occupied it to become the vile slave of the ambitious, who each in turn distracted the state by their perfidies, their quarrels, and their connivance with the Goths, Huns, and Vandals, to whom they surrendered the provinces and treasures of the empire. The history of Arcadius, in fact, is that of one, whose weakness and vices made him subservient to, and excited the audacity of, a Rufinus, who, charged by Theodosius with the guidance of the young monarch, wished to give him his daughter in marriage, and become his colleague in the empire, and who, disappointed in his ambitious schemes, invited the Huns and Goths into Asia and Greece: a Eutropius, a vile eunuch, who attained to the influence of a Rufinus, after the tragical death of the latter, and, still more unprincipled, succeeded by his violent conduct in degrading and discouraging the people: a Gainas, a general who ravaged instead of defending the empire, but who contributed nevertheless to the ruin of Eutropius: and an Empress Eudoxia, at one moment the enemy, at another the support of the ambitious, and who perse

cuted the virtuous Chrysostom, patriarch of Constan- of opinion, that his view of things did not differ from tinople. Arcadius was in succession the tool of all the true spirit of the Platonic doctrine; nay, more, that these designing individuals. He saw, with equal in- it was perfectly in agreement with those older philosodifference, Alaric ravaging his territories, his subjects phemes, from which, according to the opinion of many, groaning under oppression, the succours brought him Plato had drawn his own doctrines, namely, those by Stilicho, general of Honorius, rendered of no avail of Socrates, Parmenides, and Heraclitus.-Upon the by the perfidy of his own ministers, the best citizens death of Crantor, the school in the Academy was falling by his proscriptions, and, finally, Arianism des- tarnsferred by a certain Socratides to Arcesilaus, who olating the religion which Chrysostom in vain attempt- here introduced the old Socratic method of teaching ed to defend. Such was the reign of this prince, in dialogues, although it was rather a corruption than which lasted for fourteen years. He died A.D. 408, an imitation of the genuine Socratic mode. Arcesiat the age of thirty-one. Nature had given him an laus does not appear to have committed his opinions exterior corresponding to his character; a small, ill- to writing, at least the ancients were not acquainted made, disagreeable person, an air of imbecility, a lazy with any work which could confidently be ascribed to enunciation, everything, in fact, announcing the weak- him. Now, as his disciple Lacydes also abstained est and most cowardly of emperors. He had by his from writing, the ancients themselves appear to have wife Eudoxia a son named Theodosius, who succeed-derived their knowledge of his opinions only from the ed him as the second of that name. (Socrat., Hist. works of his opponents, of whom Chrysippus was the Eccles., 5.-Cassiod., Chron., &c.) most eminent. Such a source must naturally be both ARCAS, a son of Jupiter and Callisto. (Vid. Cal- defective and uncertain, and accordingly we have little listo.) The fabulous legend relative to him and his that we can confidently advance with respect to his mother is given by the ancient writers with great dif- doctrine. According to these statements, the results ference in the circumstances. According to the most of his opinions would be a perfect scepticism, expressed common account, Jupiter changed Callisto into a bear, in the formula that he knew nothing, not even that to screen her from the jealousy of Juno, and Arcas which Socrates had ever maintained that he knew, her son was separated from her and reared among namely, his own ignorance. (Cic., Acad., 1, 12.) men. When grown up, he chanced to meet his moth- This expression of his opinion implicitly ascribes to er in the woods, in her transformed state, and was on Arcesilaus a full consciousness that he differed in a the point of slaughtering her, but Jupiter interfered, most important point from the doctrine of Socrates and translated both the parent and son to the skies. and Plato. But, as the ancients do not appear to have Arcas, previously to this, had succeeded Nyctimus in ascribed any such conviction to Arcesilaus, it seems the government of Arcadia, the land receiving this to be a more probable opinion, which imputes to him name first from him. He was the friend of Triptole- a desire to restore the genuine Platonic dogma, and mus, who taught him agriculture, which he introduced to purify it from all those precise and positive deteramong his subjects. He also showed them how to minations which his successors had appended to it. manufacture wool, an art which he had learned from Indeed, one statement expressly declares, that the subAristæus. (Apollod., 3, 8.—Ov., Met., 2, 401, seqq.) ject of his lecture to his most accomplished scholars ARCE, a city of Phoenicia, north of Tripolis, and was the doctrine of Plato (Cic., l. c.); and he would south of Antaradus. It was the birthplace of Alexan- therefore appear to have adopted this formula with a der Severus, the Roman emperor. (Lamprid., Vit. view to meet more easily the objections of the dogAlex., c. 5.-Plin., 5, 18.) The name is sometimes matists. Now if we thus attach Arcesilaus to Plato, given as Arcæ. (Socrat., Hist. Eccles., 7, 36.) we must suppose him to have been in the same case with many others, and unable to discover in the writings of Plato any fixed and determinate principles of science. The ambiguous manner in which almost

ARCESILAUS, I. son of Battus, king of Cyrene, was driven from his kingdom in a sedition, and died B.C. 575. The second of that name died B.C. 550. (Polyan, 8, 41.-Herodot., 4, 159.)-II. A philoso-every view is therein advanced, and the results of one pher, born at Pitane, in Æolis, and the founder of investigation admitted only conditionally to other what was termed the Middle Academy. The period inquiries, may perhaps have led him to regard the of his birth is usually given as 316 B.C., while ac- speculations of Plato in the light of mere shrewd and cording to Apollodorus, as cited by Diogenes Laertius intelligent conjectures. Accordingly, we are told, that (4, 45), he flourished about B.C. 299. If these num- Arcesilaus denied the certainty, not only of intellecbers are accurate, he must have had an early reputa- tual, but also of sensuous knowledge. (Cic., de Orat., tion, as he would at the latter date have been only 3, 18.) For his attack upon the former, Plato would seventeen years of age. There is therefore some er- furnish him with weapons enough; and it is against it ror here in the remark of Apollodorus. (Clinton's principally that his attacks were directed, for the Stoics Fasti Hellenici, vol. 1, p. 179, and 367, not.) Arces- were his chief opponents.-The true distinction beilaus at first applied himself to rhetoric, but subse-tween the Sceptics and the members of the Middle quently passed to the study of philosophy, in which Academy, at its first formation by Arcesilaus, appears he had for teachers, first Theophrastus, then Crantor to have been this. The former made the end of life to the Academician, and probably also Polemo. (Diog. Laert., 4, 24, 29.—Cic., Acad., 1, 9.) The statement of Numenius (ap. Eus., Pr. Ev., 14, 5), that Arcesilaus was the disciple of Polemo at the same time with Zeno, appears to be ill-grounded, and to involve great chronological difficulties. It is very probably a mere fiction, designed to suggest some outward motive for the controversial relation of the Porch and the Academy.-Besides the instructers azove named, Arcesilaus is also said to have diligently attended the lectures of the Eretrian Menedamus, the Megarian Diodorus, and the sceptic Pyrrho. His love for the philosophemes of these individuals has been referred to as the source of his scepticism, and his skill in refuting philosophical principles. At the same time, it is on all hands admitted that, of philosophers, Plato was his favourite. He seems to have been sincerely

be the attainment of a perfect equanimity, and derived the difference between good and bad, as presented by the phænomena of life, from conversion, and not from nature. The Academicians, on the other hand, taught, as a general rule, that, in the pursuit of good and the avoidance of evil, men must be guided by probabilities. They admitted that the sage, without absolutely mortifying his sensual desires, will live like any other in obedience to the general estimate of good and evil, but with this simple difference, that he does not believe that he is regulating his life by any certain and stable principles of science. It is on this account that we do not meet with any statements concerning the strangeness of their habits of life, like to those about Pyrrho; on the contrary, Arcesilaus is usually depicted as a man who, in the intercourse of life, observed all its decencies and proprieties, and was somewhat disposed

to that splendour and luxury which the prevailing | ral. (Dio Cass., 39, 12, seqq.-Id., 39, 55.-Epit. views of morality allowed and sanctioned. His Liv., 105.-Plut., Vit. Anton., c. 3.)—VI. A natural doubts, therefore, as to the possibility of arriving at a son of the preceding by Glaphyre. He is called by Apknowledge of the truth, may probably have had no pian Sicinnes. (Bell. Civ., 5, 7.—Consult Schweigh., higher source than a high idea of science, derived ad loc.) After his father's death he succeeded to the perhaps from his study of Plato's works, and compared high-priesthood at Comana, but was deposed by Julius with which all human thought may have appeared at Cæsar. Some years after (B.C. 36), Antony made best but a probable conjecture.-Arcesilaus continued him king of Cappadocia, in place of Ariarathes X., to flourish as late as the 134th Olympiad, B.C. 244. whom he deprived of the throne. Archelaus took part (Clinton's Fasti Hellenici, vol. 1, p. 179.-Ritter's with Antony at the battle of Actium, but was pardonHistory of Philosophy, vol. 3, p. 600, seqq.)—III. A ed by Augustus The emperor even subsequently painter of Paros, acquainted, according to Pliny, with added Armenia and Cilicia Trachea to his territories, the art of enamelling, some time before Aristides, to because he had aided Tiberius in restoring Tigranes, whom the invention is commonly assigned. He ap- the Armenian king. When Tiberius retired to Rhodes, pears to have been contemporary with Polygnotus. into a kind of exile, Archelaus, fearful of offending (Plin., 35, 11.—Sillig, Dict. Art., s. v.)—IV. A Augustus, treated the former with neglect. In conpainter, subsequent to the preceding, and who appears sequence of this, when Tiberius came to the throne, to have flourished about the 128th Olympiad, B.C. Archelaus was enticed to Rome by a letter from Livia, 268. (Plin., 35, 11.-Sillig, Dict. Art., s. v.)-V. which held out the hope of pardon, but on reaching the A sculptor of the first century before our era. His capital he was accused of designs against the state. country uncertain. (Plin., 35, 12.—Id., 36, 5.) His age, however, and feeble state of health, together ARCHELAUS, I. a king of Sparta, of the line of the with the imbecility of mind which he feigned on the Agida, who reigned conjointly with Charilaus. Du- occasion, disarmed the anger of the emperor. He died ring this reign Lycurgus promulgated his code of laws. at Rome, B.C. 17, having reigned 52 years. After (Pausan., 3, 2.)—II. A king of Macedonia, natural son his death Cappadocia became a Roman province. (Dio of Perdiccas, who ascended the throne, after making | Cass., 57, 17.—Tacit., Ann., 2, 42.—Sueton., Tib., away with all the lawful claimants to it, about 413 37.)-VII. A son of Herod the Great. His father inB.C. He proved a very able monarch. Under his sway tended him for his successor, and named him as such Macedonia flourished, literature and the arts were pat- in his will; but as Philip Antipas, another son of ronised, and learned men and artists were invited to Herod's, had been designated as successor to the throne his court. Euripides and Agatho, the two tragic poets, in a previous will, a dispute arose between the two spent the latter part of their days there, and the paint-brothers, and they repaired to Rome to have the queser Zeuxis received seven talents (about 8000 dollars) tion settled by Augustus. The emperor, after having for adorning with his pencil the royal palace. The cele- heard both parties, gave to Archelaus, under the title brated philosopher Socrates was also invited to come and of tetrarch, one half of the territories of his father reside with the monarch, but declined. Archelaus died Herod, comprising Judæa, properly so called, together after a reign of about 14 years. Diodorus Siculus with Idumaa. On his return home, Archelaus inmakes him to have lost his life by an accidental wound dulged in the hereditary cruelty of his family, and bereceived in hunting, but Aristotle states that he fell ing complained of to Augustus, was deposed (B.C. 6), by a conspiracy. (Diod. Sic., 13, 49.—Id., 14, 37.—and sent to Vienna (Vienne in Dauphiné) as an exile. Aristot., Polit., 5, 10.-Compare the remarks of Wes- This happened in the tenth year of his reign. (Joseling, ad Diod., 14, 37.)-III. Son of Amyntas, king seph., Ant. Jud., 17, c. 2.—Id. ibid., c. 12, seq.-Id., of Macedonia. He was put to death by his half-broth- Bell. Jud., 2, 4.—Noldius, de Vita et Gestis Herodum, er Philip, the father of Alexander the Great. (Justin, p. 219, seqq.)-VIII. A philosopher, a native of Athens, 7, 4.)—IV. A native of Cappadocia, and one of the though others, with less probability, make him to have ablest generals of Mithradates. He disputed with the been born at Miletus. (Simpl. Phys., fol. 6, b.) He Romans the possession of Greece, but was defeated by was a pupil of Anaxagoras, whom he accompanied in Sylla at Cheronea, and again at Orchomenus. Arche- exile to Lampsacus, and to whom he succeeded as laus, convinced of the superiority of the Romans, pre-head of the Ionic sect. After the death of this philosvailed upon Mithradates to make peace with them, and arranged the terms of the treaty along with Sylla, whose esteem he acquired. Some years after he became an object of suspicion to Mithradates, who thought that he had favoured too much the interests of the Roman people. Well aware of the cruelty of the monarch, Archelaus fled to the Romans, who gave him a friendly reception. Plutarch thinks that he had been actually unfaithful to Mithradates, and that the present which he received from Sylla, of ten thousand acres in Euboea, was a strong confirmation of this. He informs us, however, at the same time, that Sylla, in his commentaries, defended Archelaus from the censures which had been cast upon him. (Plut., Vit. Syll., c. 23)-V. Son of the preceding, remained attached to the Romans after the death of his father, and was appointed by Pompey high-priest at Comana. As the temple at Comana had an extensive territory attached to it, and a large number of slaves, the high-priest was in fact a kind of king. This tranquil office, however, did not suit his ambitious spirit; and when Ptolemy Auletes had been driven from Egypt, and Berenice his daughter had ascended the throne, he obtained her hand in marriage. Ptolemy, however, was restored by the Roman arms, and Archelaus fell in battle, bravely defending his new dignity. Marc Antony, who had been on friendly terms with him, gave him an honourable fune


opher, he returned to Athens, and is said to have had Socrates and also Euripides among his pupils; but as to the former of the two this is very doubtful. Of his life and actions we have very scanty information, as also of his doctrines; so that it is extremely difficult to arrive at any certain result with respect to his peculiar views. He received the appellation of volkós, (Physicus, i. e. Natural Philosopher"), because, like Anaxagoras, he directed his principal attention to physical inquiries. He is said to have adopted the same primal substance as Anaxagoras; but to have aimed at giving an explanation of his own of the mode in which the universe was produced, and of some other details. (Simpl. Phys., fol. 7, a.) His mode of accounting for the separation of the elements, and of connecting therewith the origin of men and animals, indicates in the most remarkable manner the affinity of his theory with that of Anaxagoras. First of all, he taught, fire and water were separated, and, by the action of the fire on the water, the earth was reduced to a slimy mass, which was afterward hardened; but water, by its motion, gave birth to air, and thus was the earth held together by air, and the air by fire. While the earth was hardening by the action of heat, a certain mixture of warmth with cold and moist particles was effected, of which animals of various kinds were formed, each animal different, but all having the

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