Obrazy na stronie

all things. This doctrine of God, therefore, was con nected with his ethical opinions, by indicating the physical conditions of a happy life. It led him, however, to deviate from Socrates, and to declare that, in opposition to the vulgar polytheism, there is but one natural God, but many popular deities; that God cannot be known or recognised in any form or figure, since he is like to nothing on earth. Hence undoubtedly arose his allegorical explanation of mythology, and his doubts.respecting the demoniac intimations of Socrates. Towards the close of his life, the gloomy cast of his mind and the moroseness of his temper increased to such a degree, as to render him troublesome to his friends, and an object of ridicule to his enemies. Antisthenes wrote many books, of which none are extant except two declamations under the names of Ajax and Ulysses. These were published in the collection of ancient orators by Aldus, in 1513; by H Stephens, in 1575; and by Canter, as an appendix to his edition of. Aristides, printed at Basle in 1566.— For some remarks on the Cynic sect, vid. the article Diogenes. (Enfield's History of Philosophy, vol. 1, p. 299, seqq.—Ritter's Hist. Anc. Phil., vol. 2, p. 108, seqq., Oxford trans.)

Thracian mother. In his youth he was engaged in military exploits, and acquired fame by the valour which he displayed in the battle of Tanagra. His first studies were under the direction of the sophist Gorgias, who instructed him in the art of rhetoric. Soon growing dissatisfied with the futile labours of this school, he sought for more substantial wisdom from Socrates. Captivated by the doctrine and the manner of his new master, he prevailed upon many young men, who had been his fellow-students under Gorgias, to accompany him. So great was his ardour for moral wisdom, that, though he lived at the Piræus, he came daily to Athens to attend upon Socrates. Despising the pursuits of avarice, vanity, and ambition, Socrates sought the reward of virtue in virtue itself, and declined no labour or suffering which virtue required. This noble consistency of mind was the part of the character of Socrates which Antisthenes chiefly admired; and he resolved to make it the object of his diligent imitation. While he was a disciple of Socrates, he discovered his propensity towards severity of manners by the meanness of his dress. He frequently appeared in a threadbare and ragged cloak. Socrates, who had great penetration in discovering the characters of men, remarking that Antisthenes took pains to expose, rather ANTISTIUS LABEO, a distinguished lawyer in the than to conceal, the tattered state of his dress, said to reign of Augustus, who, in the spirit of liberty, frehim, "Why so ostentatious? Through your rags Iquently spoke and acted with great freedom against see your vanity." While Plato and other disciples of the emperor. According to most commentators, HorSocrates were, after his death, forming schools in ace (Serm., 1, 3, 82), in order to pay his court to the Athens, Antisthenes chose for his school a public place monarch, salutes Labeo with the appellation of mad of exercise without the walls of the city, called the (Labeone insanior, &c.). But it has been well obCynosarges, whence some writers derive the name of served, in opposition to this, that, whatever respect the the sect of which he was the founder. Others suppose poet had for his emperor, we never find that he treats that his followers were called Cynics from the habits the patrons of liberty with outrage. Nor can we well of the school, which, to the more refined Athenians, imagine that he would dare thus cruelly to brand a appeared those of dogs rather than of men. Here he man of Labeo's abilities, riches, power, and employinculcated, both by precept and example, a rigorous dis-ments in the state, and to whom Augustus himself had cipline. In order to accommodate his own manners offered the consulship. Bentley, Wieland, Wetzel, to his doctrine, he wore no other garment than a coarse and other critics are of opinion, therefore, that this incloak, suffered his beard to grow, and carried a wallet dividual cannot be the one to whom Horace alludes, and staff like a wandering beggar. Undoubtedly this but that he refers to some other personage of the day, was nothing more than an expression of opposition to whose history has not come down to us. Bentley even the gradually increasing luxury of the age; his wish goes so far as to suggest Labieno for Labeone in the and object being to bring men back to their original text of Horace, and cites Seneca in support of his consimplicity in life and manners. Thus he set himself jecture (Præf., ad lib., 5, Controv.), according to directly against the tendency and civilization of his whom, Labienus was a public speaker of the day, so age, as is clear from many of his sayings, which are noted for the freedom of his tongue as to have received tinctured at once with bitterness and wit. And al- the name of Rabienus in derision. Heindorff, howthough this was scarcely more than a negative resist-ever, thinks that Horace may here actually refer to ance, yet, as he obstinately placed himself in opposition to the circumstances in which he lived, and to the advancing progress of science, his position must naturally have reacted upon the feelings of his contemporaries towards himself. We consequently find that his school met with little encouragement, and this so annoyed him that he drove away the few scholars he had. Diogenes of Sinope, who resembled him in character, is said to have been the only one that remained with him to his death. The doctrine of Antisthenes was

mainly confined to morals; but, even in this portion of philosophy, it is exceedingly meager and deficient, scarcely furnishing anything beyond a general defence of the olden simplicity and moral energy, against the luxurious indulgence and effeminacy of later times. Instead, however, of being duly tempered by the Socratic moderation, Antisthenes appears to have been carried to excess in his virtuous zeal against the luxury of the age; unless we suppose, what may perhaps be true, that in many of the accounts which have come down to us respecting him, his doctrine is painted in somewhat exaggerated colours. With regard to his religious tenets, it may be observed that Antisthenes, in accordance with the Socratic doctrine, maintained that, in the universe, all is regulated by a divine intelligence, from design, so as to benefit the good man, who is the friend of God. For the sage shall possess

Antistius Labeo, not for the reason given by some of the commentators, but in allusion to his earlier years, and to a violent and impetuous temperament which he may have at that time possessed (ad Horat., l. c.).

ANTITAURUS, a chain of mountains, running from Armenia through Cappadocia to the west and southwest. It connects itself with the chain of Mount Taurus, between Cataonia and Lycaonia. (Vid. Taurus and Parvadres.- Mannert, vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 5)

ANTIUM, a city of Italy, on the coast of Latium, about 32 miles below Ostia. According to Xenagoras, a Greek writer quoted by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (1, 73), the foundation of Antium is to be ascribed to Anthias, a son of Circe. Solinus (c. 8) attributes it to Ascanius. But, whatever may have been its origin, there can be no doubt that Antium was, at an early period, a maritime place of considerable note, since we find it comprised in the first treaty made by Rome with Carthage (Polyb., 3, 22); and Strabo remarks (232) that complaints were made to the Romans by Alexander and Demetrius, of the piracies exercised by the Antiates, in conjunction with the Tyrrhenians, on their subjects; intimating that it was done with the connivance of Rome. Antium appears also to have been the most considerable city of the Volsci; it was to this place, according to Plutarch, that Coriolanus retired after he had been banished from his coun



try, and was here enabled to form his plans of ven- | Ner., 35.)-IV. A daughter of Marc Antony, and the geance in conjunction with the Volscian chief Tullus wife of Drusus, who was the son of Livia and brother Aufidius. It was here, too, that, after his failure, he of Tiberius. She became mother of three children, met his death from the hands of his discontented al- Germanicus, Caligula's father; Claudius the emperor; lies. Antium was taken for the first time by the con- and Livia Drusilla. Her husband died very early, and sul T. Quintius Capitolinus, A.U.C. 286, and the year she never would marry again, but spent her time in the following it received a Roman colony. This circum- education of her children. Caligula conferred on her stance, however, did not prevent the Antiates from re- the same honours that Tiberius had bestowed upon volting frequently, and joining in the Volscian and Livia, but is thought to have cut her off subsequently Latin wars (Liv., 6, 6.-Dion. Hal., 10, 21), till they by poison. (Suet., Cal., 15 et 23.)-V. (Turris) a were finally conquered in a battle near the river As- fortress of Jerusalem, founded by Hyrcanus, and entura, with many Latin confederates. In consequence larged and strengthened by Herod, who called it Anof this defeat, Antium fell into the hands of the victors, tonia, in honour of Marc Antony. It stood alone on a when most of its ships were destroyed, and the rest re- high and precipitous rock, at the northwest angle of moved to Rome by Camillus. The beaks of the former the temple. The whole face of the rock was fronted were reserved to ornament the elevated seat in the Fo- with smooth stone for ornament, and to make the asrum of that city, from which orators addressed the peo- cent so slippery as to be impracticable. Round the ple, and which, from that circumstance, was thenceforth top of the rock there was first a low wall, rather more designated by the term rostra. (Liv., 8, 14.-Flor., than five feet high. The fortress itself was 70 feet in 1, 11.-Plin., 34, 5.) Antium now received a fresh height; the rock on which it stood, 90 feet. It had supply of colonists, to whom the rights of Roman cit- every luxury and convenience of a sumptuous palace, izens were granted. From that period it seems to or even of a city; spacious halls, courts, and baths. have enjoyed a state of quiet till the civil wars of Ma- It appeared like a vast square tower, with four other rius and Sylla, when it was nearly destroyed by the towers at the corner: three of them between 80 and former. But it rose again from its ruins during the 90 feet high: that at the corner next to the temple, empire, and attained to a high degree of prosperity above 120. This famous structure was taken by Tiand splendour; since Strabo reports, that in his time tus, and its fall was the prelude to the capture of the it was the favourite resort of the emperors and their city and temple. (Joseph., Bell. Jud., 5, 15.-Milcourt (Strab., 232), and we know it was here that Au- man's History of the Jews, vol. 3, p. 21.) gustus received from the senate the title of Father of his Country. (Suet., Aug., 50.) Antium became successively the residence of Tiberius and Caligula; it was also the birthplace of Nero (Suet., Ner., 6), who, having recolonized it, built a port there, and bestowed upon it various other marks of his favour. Hadrian is also said to have been particularly fond of this town. (Philostrat., Vit. Apoll. Tyan., 8, 8.) There were two temples of celebrity at Antium; one sacred to Fortune, the other to Esculapius. (Horat., Od., 1, 35, 1.-Martial, Ep., 5, 1.-Val. Max., 1, 8.) The famous Apollo Belvidere, the fighting gladiator, as it is termed, and many other statues discovered at Antium, attest also its former magnificence. The site of the ancient city is sufficiently marked by the name of Porto d'Anzo attached to its ruins. But the city must have reached as far as the modern town of Nettuno, which derives its name probably from some ancient temple dedicated to Neptune. (Cramer's Ancient Italy, vol. 2, p. 86, seqq.)


ANTONIA LEX, I. was enacted by Marc Antony, when consul, A.U.C. 708. It abrogated the lex Atia, and renewed the lex Cornelia, by taking away from the people the privilege of choosing priests, and restoring it to the college of priests, to which it originally belonged. (Cic., Phil., 1, 9.)-II. Another by the same, A.U.C. 703. It ordained that a new decuria of judges should be added to the two former, and that they should be chosen from the centurions.-III. Another by the same. It allowed an appeal to the people, to those who were condemned de majestate, or of perfidious measures against the state. Cicero calls this the destruction of all laws.-IV. Another by the same, during his triumvirate. It made it a capital offence to propose, ever after, the election of a dictator, and for any person to accept of the office. (Appian, de Bell. Civ., 3.)

ANTONIA, I. the name of two celebrated Roman families, the one patrician, the other plebeian. They both pretended to be descendants of Hercules.-II. A daughter of Marc Antony, by Octavia. She married Domitius nobarbus, and was mother of Nero and two daughters. (Tacit., Ann., 4, 44.)-III. A daughter of Claudius and Elia Petina. She was of the family of the Tuberos', and was repudiated for her levity. Nero wished after this to marry her, but, on "hor refusal, caused her to be put to death. (Suet., Vit.

him great influence, even beyond the bounds of the the deliverance of the emperor and his army from imRoman empire; and neighbouring monarchs sponta- minent danger, by a victory over the Quadi, in conseneously made him the arbiter of their differences. quence of an extraordinary storm of rain, hail, and His private life was frugal and modest, and in his lightning, which disconcerted the barbarians, and was, mode of living and conversing he adopted that air of by the conquerors, regarded as miraculous. The emequality and of popular manners which, in men of peror and the Romans attributed the timely event to high station, is at once so rare and attractive. Too Jupiter Tonans; but the Christians affirmed that God much indulgence to an unworthy wife (Faustina) is granted this favour on the supplications of the Christhe only weakness attributed to him, unless we include tian soldiers in the Roman army, who are said to have a small share of ridicule thrown upon his minute ex- composed the twelfth or Meletine legion; and, as a actness by those who are ignorant of its value in com- mark of distinction, we are informed by Eusebius that plicated business. He died A.D. 161, aged seventy- they received from an emperor who persecuted Christhree, having previously married Marcus Aurelius to tianity the title of the "Thundering Legion." Yet his daughter Faustina, and associated him with him- this account, not of a fact, but of the cause of one, and self in the cares of government. His ashes were de- that of such a nature as no human testimony can ever posited in the tomb of Hadrian, and his death was la- determine, was made the subject of a controversy, in mented throughout the empire as a public calamity. the early part of the last century, between Moyle and The sculptured pillar erected by Marcus Aurelius and the eccentric Whiston, the latter of whom elaborately the senate to his memory, under the name of the An- supported the genuineness of the miracle. The date tonine column, is still one of the principal ornaments of this event is fixed by Tillemont in A.D. 174. The of Rome. (Gorton's Biogr. Dict., vol. 4, p. 87, seqq.) general issue of the war was, that the barbarians were -II. MARCUS ANNIUS AURELIUS, was born at Rome repressed, but admitted to settle in the territories of A.D. 121. Upon the death of Ceionius Commodus, the empire as colonists; and a complete subjugation the Emperor Hadrian turned his attention towards of the Marcomanni might have followed, had not the Marcus Aurelius; but he being then too young for an emperor been called off by the conspiracy of Avidius early assumption of the cares of empire, Hadrian Cassius, who assumed the purple in Syria. This adopted Antoninus Pius, on condition that he in his usurper was quickly destroyed by a conspiracy among turn should adopt Marcus Aurelius. His father dying his own officers; and the clemency shown by the emearly, the care of his education devolved on his pater-peror to his family was most exemplary. After the nal grandfather, Annius Verus, who caused him to re- suppression of this revolt, he made a progress through ceive a general education; but philosophy so early be- the East, in which journey he lost his wife Faustina, came the object of his ambition, that he assumed the daughter of Antoninus Pius, a woman as dissolute as philosophic mantle when only twelve years old. The she was beautiful, but whose irregularities he never species of philosophy to which he attached himself seems to have noticed; a blindness or insensibility that was the stoic, as being most connected with morals has made him the theme of frequent ridicule. While and the conduct of life; and such was the natural on this tour he visited Athens, added greatly to its sweetness of his temper, that he exhibited none of the privileges, and, like Hadrian, was initiated in the pride which sometimes attended the artificial eleva- Eleusinian Mysteries. His return to Rome did not tion of the stoic character. This was the more re-take place until after an absence of eight years, and markable, as all the honour and power that Antoninus his reception was in the highest degree popular and could bestow upon him became his own at an early splendid. After remaining in the capital for nearly period, since he was practically associated with him two years, and effecting several popular reforms, he in the administration of the empire for many years. was once more called away by the necessity of checkOn his formal accession to the sovereignty, his first ing the Marcomanni, and was again successful, but act was of a kind which at once proved his great dis- fell ill, at the expiration of two years, at Vindobona, interestedness, for he immediately took Lucius Verus now Vienna. His illness arose from a pestilential disas his colleague, who had indeed been associated with ease which prevailed in the army; and it cut him off him by adoption, but who, owing to his defects and in the 59th year of his age, and 19th of his reign. vices, had been excluded by Antoninus from the suc- His death occasioned universal mourning throughout cession, which, at his instigation, the senate had con- the empire. Without waiting for the usual decree on fined to Marcus Aurelius alone. Notwithstanding the occasion, the Roman senate and people voted him their dissimilarity of character, the two emperors reign- a god by acclamation; and his image was long aftered conjointly without any disagreement. Verus took ward regarded with peculiar veneration. Marcus Authe nominal guidance of the war against the Parthians, relius, however, was no friend to the Christians, who which was successfully carried on by the lieutenants were persecuted during the greater part of his reign; under him, and, during the campaign, married Lucilla, an anomaly in a character so universally merciful and the daughter of his colleague. The reign of Marcus clement, that may be attributed to an excess of paAurelius was more eventful than that of Antoninus. gan devotion on his part, and still more to the influBefore the termination of the Parthian war, the Mar-ence of the sophists by whom he was surrounded. In comanni and other German tribes began those disturb- all other points of policy and conduct he was one of ances which more or less annoyed him for the rest of the most excellent princes on record, both in respect his life. Against these foes, after the termination of to the salutary regulations he adopted and the temper hostilities with Parthia, the two emperors marched; with which he carried them into practice. Compare: but what was effected during three years' war and ne- with Trajan or Antoninus Pius, he possibly fell shor gotiation, until the death of Verus, is little known. of the manly sense of the one, and the simple and unThe sudden decease of that unsuitable colleague, by an ostentatious virtue of the other; philosophy or scholarapoplexy, restored to Marcus Aurelius the sole domin- ship on a throne always more or less assuming the ap ion; and for the next five years he carried on the Pan-pearance of pedantry. The emperor was also himself nonian war in person, without ever returning to Rome. a writer, and his Meditations," composed in the During these fatiguing campaigns he endured all the Greek language, have descended to posterity. They hardships incident to a rigorous climate and a military are a collection of maxims and thoughts in the spirit life, with a patience and serenity which did the high- of the stoic philosophy, which, without much connexest honour to his philosophy. Few of the particular ion or skill in composition, breathe the purest sentiactions of this tedious warfare have been fully descri- ments of piety and benevolence. Marcus Aurelius bed; although, owing to conflicting religious zeal, one left one son, the brutal Commodus, and three daughof them has been exceedingly celebrated. This wasters. Among the weaknesses of this good emperor,

his too great consideration for his son is deemed one | Mannert supposes it to be the same with the ruined of the most striking; for although he was unremit- city of Uran Schar, mentioned by Niebuhr (vol. 2, p. ting in his endeavours to reclaim him, they were ac- 390). companied by much erroneous indulgence, and especially by an early and ill-judged elevation to titles and honours, which uniformly operate injuriously upon a base and dissolute character. The best edition of the Meditations of Antoninus is that of Gataker, Cantab., 1652, 4to. (Gorton's Biogr. Dict., vol. 1, p. 88.)III. Bassianus Caracalla. Vid. Caracalla.-IV. Two works have come down to us, styled Itineraria Antonini, which may be compared to our modern books of routes. They give merely the distances between places, unaccompanied by any geographical remarks. One gives the routes by land, the other those by sea. They have been supposed by some to be the productions of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, while others assign them to a geographical writer named Antoni-orator, and the most truly illustrious of the Antonian nus, whose age is unknown. Both these opinions are evidently incorrect. It is more than probable, that the works in question were originally compiled in the cabinet of some one of the Roman emperors, perhaps that of Augustus, and were enlarged by various additions made during successive reigns, according as new routes or stations were established. Some critics, however, dissatisfied with this mode of solving the question, have sought for an ancient writer, occupied with pursuits of an analogous nature, to whom the authorship of these works might be assigned. They find two; and their suffrages, consequently, are divided between them. The first of these is Julius Honorius, a contemporary of Julius Cæsar's, of whose productions we have a few leaves remaining, entitled, "Excerpta, quæ ad Cosmographiam pertinent." The other writer is a certain Ethicus, surnamed Ister, a Christian of the fourth century, to whom is attributed a work called " Cosmographia," which still exists. Mannert declares himself unconditionally in favour of Ethicus. (Introd. ad Tab. Peut., p. 8, seqq.) Wesseling is undecided. The best edition of the Itineraries is that of Wesseling, Amst., 1735, 4to. (Schöll, Hist. Lat. Rom., vol. 3, p. 258, seqq.)-V. Liberalis, a mythological writer, supposed to have lived in the age of the Antonines, and to have been a freedman of one of them. He has left us a work entitled MeraHopówoέwv Evvaywyn, "A Collection of Metamorphoses," in forty-one chapters; a production of considerable interest, from the fragments of ancient poets contained in it. An idea of the nature of the work may perhaps be formed from the following titles of Some of the chapters: Ctesylla, the Meleagrides, Cragaleus, Lamia, the Emathides, and many others drawn from the Heterœumena of Nicander; Hierax, Egypius, Anthus, Aëdon, &c., from the Ornithogonia of Bous; Clinis from Simmias; Battus from the Eoca of Hesiod; Metiocha and Menippa from Corinna, &c. There exists but a single MS. of Antoninus Liberalis, which, after various migrations, has returned to the library of Heidelberg. It has been decried by Bast, in his Critical Epistle. The best edition of this writer is that of Verheyk, Lugd. Bat., 1774, 8vo. It does not, however, supply all the wants of the scholar; and some future editor, by ascending to the sources whence Antoninus drew his materials, and taking for his model the labour bestowed by Heyne and Clavier on Apollodorus, may have it in his power to supply us with an editio optima. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 5, p. 44.)

ANTONINOPOLIS, a city of Mesopotamia, placed by D'Anville on the northern confines of the country, but more correctly, by Mannert, in the vicinity, and to the northeast, of Charræ and Edessa. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 5, p. 304.) It is supposed to have been founded by Severus or Caracalla, and named after the emperor Antoninus. It was subsequently called Constantia, from Constantine, who enlarged and strengthened it.

ANTONIUS, I. M. Antonius Gnipho, a native of Gaul, instructed in Greek literature at Ålexandrea, where he was educated, and in Latin literature at Rome. He first gave instruction in grammar at this latter city, in the paternal mansion of Julius Cæsar, who was then very young. Afterward he opened a school at his own residence, where he also professed rhetoric. Cicero attended his lectures when prætor. Gnipho left a work on the Latin tongue, in two volumes. According to Suetonius (de Illustr. Gramm., 7), he never stipulated with his pupils for any fixed compensation, and hence obtained the more from their liberality. The same writer informs us that he did not live beyond his 50th year.-II. Marcus Antonius, a Roman family, flourished about the middle of the seventh century of Rome. After rising successively through the various offices of the commonwealth, he was made consul in the year of the city 655, and then governor of Cilicia, in quality of proconsul, where he performed so many valorous exploits that a public triumph was decreed to him. In order to improve his talent for eloquence, he became a scholar to the most able men in Rhodes and Athens. He was one of the greatest orators among the Romans; and, according to Cicero, who in the early part of his life was a contemporary, it was owing to him that Rome became a rival in eloquence to Greece. The same great authority has given us the character of his oratory, from which it appears that earnestness, acuteness, copiousness, and variety formed his distinguishing qualities; and that he excelled as much in action as in language. By his worth and abilities he had rendered himself dear to the most illustrious characters of Rome, when he fell a sacrifice in the midst of the bloody confusion excited by Marius and Cinna. Taking refuge at the house of a friend from their relentless proscription, he was accidentally discovered and betrayed to Marius, who immediately sent an officer, with a band of soldiers, to bring him the orator's head. It was brought accordingly; and that sanguinary leader, after making it the subject of his brutal ridicule, ordered it to be stuck upon a pole before the rostra, and, on the whole, treated it as Marc Antony, the worthless grandson of Antonius, treated the head of Cicero. This event occurred B.C. 87. He left two sons, Marcus, surnamed Creticus, and Caius, both of whom discredited their parentage. (Cic., de Orat., 1, 24.—Id. ibid., 2, 1.— Gorton's Biogr. Dict., vol. 1, p. 90.-Ernesti, Clav. Cic. Index Hist., s. v.)—III. Marcus, surnamed Creticus, elder son of the orator. He was guilty, while prætor, of great extortions in Sicily and other quarters, having received the same commission which Pompey afterward obtained, for importing corn and exterminating the pirates. He afterward invaded Crete, without any declaration of war, but was deservedly and shamefully defeated, whence he obtained, in derision, the surname of Creticus.-IV. Caius, brother of the preceding, and son of the orator. He bore arms under Sylla, in the war against Mithradates, and raised such disturbances in Greece, that for this and other malpractices he was afterward expelled from the senate by the censors. Obtaining, however, the consulship with Cicero, at a subsequent period, through the aid of Crassus and Cæsar, he was appointed to head the forces sent against Catiline. A pretended attack of the gout, however, caused him to confide the army of the republic, on the day of battle, to his lieutenant Petreius. He was afraid, it seems, of meeting Catiline, with whom he had at first been concerned in the conspiracy, lest the latter might taunt him with unpleasing reminiscences. He received, as proconsul, the province of Macedonia, by yielding which unto

island of the river Rhenus, where they came to an agreement to divide all the provinces of the empire, and the supreme authority, among themselves for five years, under the name of triumvirs, and as reformers of the republic with consular power. Thus was formed the second triumvirate. The most horrid part of the transaction was the cold-blooded proscription of many of their friends and relatives, and Cicero's head was given in exchange by Octavius for Antony's uncle and for the uncle of Lepidus. Octavius and Antony then passed into Macedonia, and defeated Brutus and Cassius at Philippi. After this, the latter passed over to the eastern provinces, where he lived for a time in great dissipation and luxury with the famous Cleopatra, at Alexandrea. Upon the death of his whom Fulvia had raised an army in Italy, for the purpose, it is supposed, of drawing her husband away from Cleopatra, and inducing him to come to the latter country. Octavius gave Antony his sister Octavia in marriage, and a new division was made of the empire. Octavius had Dalmatia, Italy, the two Gauls, Spain, and Sardinia; Antony all the provinces east of Codropolis in Illyricum, as far as the Euphrates; while Lepidus received Africa. On returning to the east, Antony once more became enslaved by the charms of Cleopatra. An unsuccessful expedition against the Parthians ensued, and at last the repudiation of Octavia involved him in a new war with Octavius. The battle of Actium put an end to this con

him, Cicero had induced him to prove faithful to the state; but he governed it with such extortion and violence, that he was tried, convicted, and sent into banishment.-V. Marcus, son of Antonius Creticus, grandson of the orator, and well known by the historical title of the Triumvir. Losing his father when young, he led a very dissipated and extravagant life, and wasted his whole patrimony before he had assumed the manly gown. He afterward went abroad to learn the art of war under Gabinius, who gave him the command of his cavalry in Syria, where he signalized his courage and ability in the restoration of Ptolemy, king of Egypt. He also distinguished himself on other occasions, and obtained high reputation as a commander. From Egypt he proceeded to Gaul, where he remained some time with Cæsar, and the latter hav-wife Fulvia, he became reconciled to Octavius, against ing furnished him with money and credit, he returned upon this to Rome, and succeeded in obtaining first the quæstorship, and afterward the office of tribune. In this latter office he was very active for Cæsar, but finding the senate exasperated against this commander, he pretended to be alarmed for his own safety, and fled in disguise to Cæsar's camp. Cæsar, upon this, marched immediately into Italy, the flight of the tribunes giving him a plausible pretext for commencing operations. Cæsar, having made himself master of Rome, gave Antony the government of Italy. During the civil contest, the latter proved himself on several occasions a most valuable auxiliary, and, after the battle of Pharsalia, was appointed by Cæsar his master of the horse. After the death of Cæsar Antony deliv-test and to all the hopes of Antony. It was fought at ered a very powerful address over his corpse in the forum, and inflamed to such a degree the soldiers and populace, that Brutus and Cassius were compelled to depart from the city. Antony now soon became powerful, and began to tread in Cæsar's footsteps, and govern with absolute sway. The arrival of Octavius at Rome thwarted, however, his ambitious views. The latter soon raised a formidable party in the senate, and was strengthened by the accession of Cicero to his cause. Violent quarrels then ensued between Octavius and Antony. Endeavours were made to reconcile them, but in vain. Antony, in order to have a pretence of sending for the legions from Macedonia, prevailed on the people to grant him the government of Cisalpine Gaul, which the senate had before conferred on Decimus Brutus, one of the conspirators against Cæsar. Matters soon came to an open rup


Octavius offered his aid to the senate, who accepted it, and passed a decree, approving of his conduct and that of Brutus, who, at the head of three legions, was preparing to oppose Antony, then on his march to seize Cisalpine Gaul. Brutus, not being strong enough to keep the field against Antony, shut himself up in Mutina, where his opponent besieged him. The senate declared Antony an enemy to his country. The consuls Hirtius and Pansa took the field against him along with Octavius, and advanced to Mutina in order to raise the siege. In the first engagement, Antony had the advantage, and Pansa was mortally wounded, but he was defeated the same day by Hirtius as he was returning to his camp. In a subsequent engagement, Antony was again vanquished, his lines were forced, and Octavius had an opportunity of distinguishing himself, Hirtius being slain in the action, and the whole command devolving on the former. Antony, after this check, abandoned the siege of Mutina, and crossed the Alps, in hopes of receiving succours from his friends. This was all that Octavius wanted; his intent was to humble Antony, not to destroy him, foreseeing plainly that the republican party would be uppermost, and his own ruin must soon ensue. A reconciliation was soon effected between him and Antony, who had already gained an accession of strength by the junction of Lepidus. These three leaders had an interview near Bononia, in a small

sea, contrary to the advice of Antony's best officers, and chiefly through the persuasion of Cleopatra, who was proud of her naval force. She abandoned him in the midst of the fight with her fifty galleys, and took to flight. This drew Antony from the battle and ruined his cause. Besieged, after this, in Alexandrea, by the conqueror, abandoned by all his followers, and betrayed, as he thought, even by Cleopatra herself, he fell by his own hand, in the 56th year of his age, B.C. 30. The peculiar events connected with the life of Marc Antony have given him a celebrity which one would never have expected from his character. Gifted with some brilliant qualities, he possessed neither sufficient genius nor sufficient strength of soul to entitle him to be ranked among great men. Neither can he be ranked among men of worth, since he was always without principle, immoderately attached to pleasure, and often cruel. And yet few men had more devoted friends and partisans, for many of his actions announced a generosity of disposition far preferable to the cautious prudence and cold policy of his rival Octavius. (Plut., Vit. Ant.)-VI. Iulus, a son of Marc Antony and Fulvia. He stood high in the favour of Augustus, and received from him his sister's daughter in marriage. After having filled, however, some of the most important offices in the state, he engaged in an intrigue with Julia, the daughter of the emperor, and was put to death by order of the latter. According to Velleius Paterculus (2, 100), he fell by his own hand. It would appear that he had formed a plot, along with the notorious female just mentioned, against the life of Augustus. (Compare Lips., ad Tacit., Ann., 1, 10.) Acron informs us, in his scholia to Horace (Od., 4, 2, 33), that Antonius had distinguished himself by an epic poem, in twelve books, entitled Diomedeis.-VII. Caius, a brother of Marc Antony. Having fallen into the hands of Brutus, his life was spared until that commander heard of Cicero's end, when he was put to death on the principle of retaliation. (Consult Ernesti, Clav. Cic., s. v.)-Lucius, another brother of Marc Antony, who was consul A.U.C. 713. Having quarrelled with Octavius during his continuance in this office, he was besieged in Perusia, and compelled to surrender. The conqueror spared his life, and he passed the rest of his days in obscurity. (Vell. Paterc., 2

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