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Latin version, which is very old and very badly done. | ers, and teeming productions of earth, and to have given We perceive, from the letters of Julian that have come it to a nymph, Adrastea, who had charge, with others, down to us, that Alypius was also a poet; and that of his earlier years.-A change had also been made in he had commanded, moreover, in Britain, where his another part of the primitive legend. The goat Amalmildness and firmness combined had gained him thæa, though so kind to the infant deity, and thongh great praise. It was Alypius whom Julian charged all white and beautiful of form, was said, nevertheless, with the execution of his order for rebuilding the tem- to have had a look so fearful and terror-inspiring, that ple of Jerusalem; a work that was broken off, in so re- the Titans, unable to endure it, entreated the earth to markable a manner, by globes of fire bursting forth hide the animal from view. (Eratosthenes, Cataster., from the ground, and wounding and putting to flight 13, p. 10, seqq., ed. Schaub.-Hygin., Poet. Astron., the workmen. (Biogr. Univ., vol. 1, p. 657.-Con- 2, 13.) We have here a clew to the origin of the whole sult Salverte, des Sciences Occultes, vol. 2, p. 224.) fable. The ancient navigators had observed that the ALYPUS, a statuary of Sicyon, pupil of Naucydes, constellations of the She-Goat and the Kids (Capella the Argive. He cast in brass the statues of certain and Hadi) brought stormy and rainy weather, and they Lacedæmonians who fought with Lysander in the bat- were therefore regarded as inauspicious for mariners tle of Ægos Potamos. (Pausan., 10, 9.) and dangerous for ships. (Arat. Phan., 156, seqq.ALYZIA ('Aλvía), a town of Acarnania, about fif- Schol. ad Arat., p. 46, ed. Buhle.-Voss., ad Virg., teen stadia from the sea, and, as Cicero informs us in Georg., 1, 205.) Hence probably the name aię was apone of his letters (ad Fam., 16, 2), one hundred and plied to the constellation of the She-Goat, in its primitwenty stadia from Leucas. It appears to have been tive meaning of a tempest, a primitive meaning which a place of some note, as it is noticed by several wri-afterward disappeared from use, while the secondary The earliest of these are Scylax (Peripl., p. 13) one of a she-goat usurped its place. (Buttmann, ad and Thucydides (7, 31). A naval action was fought | Ideler, Sternnamen, p. 309.) With this earlier meanin its vicinity, between the Athenians under Timothe-ing of als is connected that of aiyiç, “a storm” or “temus, and the Lacedæmonians, not long before the bat-pest," subsequently indicative of the Ægis of Jupiter, tle of Leuctra. (Xen., Hist. Gr., 5, 4, 65.) Belong-which he was believed to wield amid the warfare of ing to Alyzia was a port consecrated to Hercules, with the elements. From all this arose the early legend. a grove, where was at one time a celebrated group, the work of Lysippus, representing the labours of Hercules; but a Roman general caused it to be removed to Rome, as more worthy to possess such a chefd'œuvre. (Strabo, 459.) This port appears to answer to the modern Porto Candili. (Cramer's Anct. Greece, vol. 2, p. 18, seqq.)


AMAGETOBRIA. Vid. Magetobria.

The bright stars in the constellation of Capella become the fair, white she-goat Amalthea. The storms and clouds which the constellation brings with it, become the fear-inspiring look on the part of the animal, and, by the rude simplicity of early times, the she-goat is made the foster-parent of Jove. (Compare Hock, Creta, vol. 1, p. 177, seqq.-Creuzer, Symbolik, vol. 2, p. 424, seqq.)-II. A daughter of Melisseus, king of AMALTHEA, I. the name of the goat that suckled Crete. She and her sister Melissa had charge of the Jupiter. The monarch of Olympus, as a reward for infant Jupiter, and fed him with goat's milk and honey. this act of kindness, translated her to the skies, along This is merely a later version of the early fable menwith her two young ones, whom she had put aside in or- tioned under Amalthea I. The she-goat and bees are der to accommodate the infant deity, and he made them now two females. (Diod. Sic., 5, 70.-Compare Bötstars in the northern hemisphere, on the arm of Auriga. | tiger, Amalthæa, vol. 1, p. 24.)-III. A sibylof Cumæ, The whole legend appears to be of a mixed character, called also Hierophile and Demophile. She is supand from a simple origin, adapted to the rude ideas of posed to be the same who brought nine books of prophan early race, to have gradually assumed an astronomi-ecies to Tarquin, king of Rome. (Vid. Sibyllæ.) cal character. Thus, according to the legend, the in- AMALTHEUM, a gymnasium, or, rather, gymnasium fant Jove was nurtured by the milk of the goat, while and study combined, which Atticus had arranged in the wild-bees deposited their honey on his lips. We his villa in Epirus. It was replete with all that could have here the milk and the honey that play so conspic-amuse or instruct, and here, too, were placed the statues uous a part in Oriental imagery, as typifying the highest degree of human felicity and abundance, and, therefore, well worthy to be the food of an infant deity appearing in human form. From the milk and honey, moreover, of early fable, come the ambrosia and nectar of a later age, since nectar was regarded as a quintessence of honey, and ambrosia as an extract from the purest milk. (Böttiger, Amalthæa, vol. 1, p. 22.) The early legend goes on to state, that the infant Jove, when playing with his four-footed foster parent, acci- AMANUS, I. a continuation of the chain of Mount dentally broke off one of her horns. This was made Taurus, stretching to the north as far as Melitene and at first to serve as a drinking cup, and thus recalls the the Euphrates. It is situate at the eastern extremity custom of a primitive age, when the horns of animals of the Mediterranean, near the Gulf of Issus, and sepwere generally employed for this purpose; the horn-arates Cilicia from Syria. The defile or pass in these cup appearing as well in the earliest symposia and the mountains was called Portus Amanicus, or Pylæ SyrBacchanalian orgies of the Greeks, as in the legends iæ. Its valleys and recesses were inhabited by wild of the Scandinavian Edda and in the halls of Odin. and fierce tribes, who lived chiefly by plundering their With the progress of ideas, a new feature was added neighbours, though they boasted of their freedom unto the fable. The horn of Amalthea is no longer a der the sonorous name of Eleuthero-Cilices, or Free mere cup. This use has ended, and Jupiter now or- Cilicians. The modern name of the chain is, accorddains, that it shall be ever full to overflowing with what-ing to Mannert, Almadag; but, according to D'Anever its possessor shall wish. (Apostolius, Cent., 2, ville, Al-Lukan. (Strab., 521.-Lucan, 8, 244.-Cic., 86, p. 30.—Compare Fischer, ad Palaphat., 46, p. Ep. ad Att., 5, 20.—Plin., 5, 27.)—II. A deity wor179.) Hence arose the beautiful fiction of the horn shipped in Pontus and Cappadocia, and also called of plenty, the Cornu Copia, one of the happiest and Omanus and Anandatus. (Compare Tschucke, ad most prolific allegories of the plastic art. Jove was Strab., 11, p. 512, ed. Casaub.-vol. 4, p. 478.) Bosaid, in this later version of the fable, to have broken chart identifies him with the sun (Geogr. Sacr., p. off the horn, filled it with all the richest fruits, and flow- | 277), and others with the Persian Hom, a type of the

of all the illustrious men by whom the glory of the Roman state had been advanced to its proud elevation, just as Jupiter had been nurtured by the goat Amalthæa. Hence its name Amaltheum ('Auaλ0εtov). (Cic., Ep. ad Att., 1, 16.-Compare Ernesti, Clar. Cic., Ind. Græco-Lat.)-Cicero appears to have had something of the kind in his villa at Arpinum, and which he calls his Amalthea, in the singular (fem.). (Ep. ad Att., 2, 1.)

same luminary. (Creuzer, Symbolik, vol. 2, p. 164.) | dence and energy. Under his reign Egypt enjoyed Mount Amanus thus becomes the mountain of the sun, even as Lebanon appears in the Phoenician Cosmogony of Sanchoniathon.

AMARACUS, a son of Cynaras, king of Cyprus, who, having fallen and broken a vase of perfumes which he was carrying, pined away, being either overpowered by the strong fragrance, or struck with grief at the loss he had sustained. The gods, out of compassion, changed him into the amaracus, or sweet-marjoram. Servius (ad Virg., En., 1, 693), gives a somewhat different account, and makes Amaracus, not a son, but an attendant, of the king's. As regards the plant amaracus itself, and its identity with the oάuvxov of the Greeks, consult Fée, Flore de Virgile, p. clxxxv. AMARDI, a nation of Asia. Ptolemy (5, 13) places them in the greater Armenia, on the borders of Media; Nearchus, Pliny (6, 17), and Strabo, in the mountains of Elymais, in Persia. Others assign Margiana as the country in which they lived. It is possible that there were several tribes of this same name spread over different countries, or perhaps several colonies of this people. Vossius thinks that all robbers and fugitives inhabiting the mountains were called Amardi by the Persians. (Voss., ad Pomp. Mel. B., 5-Compare Pomp. Mel., French transl., vol. 1, p. | 202.)

AMARYLLIS, the name of a female in Virgil's eclogues. Some commentators have supposed that the poet spoke of Rome under this fictitious appellation, but this supposition is a very improbable one. (Consult Heyne, ad Virg., Eclog., 1, 28, towards the conclusion of the note.)

AMARYNTHUS, a town of Euboea, seven stadia from Eretria, celebrated for the temple and worship of Diana Amarynthia. (Strab., 448.-Liv., 35, 38.-Pausan., 1,31.)

AMASENUS, a small river of Latium, crossing the Pontine Marshes, and falling into the Tyrrhenian Sea, now La Toppia. (Virg., En., 7, 685.)

AMASIA, OF AMASEA ('Aμáoɛia, by the later Greeks 'Anasia), a city of Pontus, on the river Iris, the origin of which is not ascertained. It was the birthplace of Mithradates the Great and of Strabo the geographer. At a later period, when under the Roman sway, it became the capital of Pontus Galaticus (Hierocles, 701), and bore upon its coins the title of Metropolis. Strabo (560) gives us a particular description of his native city. The modern Amasyah or Amassia is supposed to occupy the site of the ancient Amasea. (Mannert, 6, pt. 2, p. 461, seqq.),

for many years uninterrupted prosperity. To prevent those offences which an idle and overflowing population might commit, he ordained that every one of his subjects should yearly give an account, to the ruler of the nome or district in which he resided, of the means of subsistence which he enjoyed, and the manner in which he lived. He showed also an enlightened spirit in the permission which he granted to strangers, and particularly to the Greeks, to visit Egypt; he gave them settlements along his coasts, and permitted them to erect temples there for the performance of their national worship. Solon was one of those who visited Egypt during the reign of this prince. Amasis espoused a Grecian female, a native of Cyrene: he displayed his attachment to the Greeks in various ways, and contributed liberally, not only to the rebuilding of the temple at Delphi, but to the improvement and embellishment of many cities and temples of Greece. In his own country he constructed numerous magnificent works, in the massy and gigantic style so peculiar to Egypt. He subjected also the isle of Cyprus, and made it tributary to his crown. The prosperity of Amasis, however, was disturbed, at last, by the preparations which Cambyses, king of Persia, made to attack his kingdom. The Persian monarch had demanded the daughter of Amasis in marriage; but the father, knowing that Cambyses meant to make her, not his wife, but his concubine, endeavoured to deceive him by sending in her stead the daughter of Apries. The female herself disclosed the imposition to Cambyses, and the latter, in great wrath, resolved to march against Egypt. The defection of Phanes, moreover, an officer among the Greek auxiliaries, who fled to Cambyses on account of some dissatisfaction with Amasis, proved a serious injury to the Egyptian prince. The Greek informed Cambyses how he might pass the intervening deserts, and gave him also very important information respecting the kingdom he was about to invade. Amasis escaped by death the perils which threatened his country. He died B.C. 525, after a reign of 44 years, and the whole fury of the storm fell upon his son Psammeticus. Cambyses, however, determined not to be disappointed of his revenge, caused the body of the deceased monarch to be taken from the royal sepulchre at Sais; and, after having practised various indignities upon it, commanded it to be burned, an order equally revolting to the religious feelings of both the Persians and Egyptians. The story of Amasis and Polycrates is well known (vid. Polycrates), though the reason commonly assigned for the former's refusing to continue the alliance is perhaps less worthy of credit than that given by Diodorus Siculus, 1, 15. (Herodot., 2, 162, seqq.-Id., 3, 1, seqq.) Athenæus (15, 25.-vol. 5, p. 479, ed. Schweigh.) informs us, that Amasis first insinuated himself into the good graces of Apries by a chaplet of flowers which he presented to him on his birthday. The king, enchanted with the beauty of the chaplet, invited him to a feast which he gave on that occasion, and received him among the number of his friends.

AMASIS, I. a king of Egypt, of one of the earlier dynasties. He rendered himself odious to his subjects by his violent and tyrannical conduct, and, on the invasion of Egypt by Actisanes, king of Ethiopia, the greater part of the inhabitants went over to the latter. Such is the account given by Diodorus Siculus (1, 60), where many think we should read Amōsis for Amasis. (Consult Steph. and Wesseling, ad Diod., l. c.) Justin Martyr (Paranes., p. 10) makes him to have been the first Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. Eusebius (Chron.) asserts that he was the same king during AMASTRIS, I. a daughter of the brother of Darius whose reign Jacob died. Olearius (ad Philostr., Vit. Codomannus. Alexander intended giving her in marApoll., 42) maintains that he was monarch of Egypt riage to Craterus, but, in the confusion and political in the time of the Exodus. All is uncertainty respect- changes which followed the death of the conqueror, ing him. II. An Egyptian, who, from having been a the plan, of course, fell to the ground, and she became common soldier, became king of Egypt. He succeed- the wife of Dionysius, tyrant of Heraclea in Pontus. ed in gaining the favour of king Apries, and was de- (Memnon, c. 5.) Dionysius, at his death, left her as spatched by that monarch to quell a sedition which the guardian of his children, on account of the inhad broken out. As he was endeavouring to dissuade fluence she enjoyed among the Macedonians. She those who had revolted from the step they had taken, was subsequently married to Lysimachus, and, though one of them came behind him and put a helmet on his some time after separated from him by reason of the head, saying that he put it on him to make him a king. political movements of the day, continued to enjoy Amasis was thereupon proclaimed king by the insur- high consideration and respect. She founded a city at gents, and immediately marched against and defeated this period, and called it after her name. She was murhis former master, B.Č. 569. He governed with pru-dered by her own sons, who were punished by Lysima


chus for the unnatural deed.-II. A city on the coast to the Greek word 'Apátv, was Oiorpata, or "manof Paphlagonia, near the mouth of the Parthenius. It slayer." We have here what are sometimes called the was founded by Amastris, the niece of Darius Codo- Scythian Amazons, making, in fact, a third class.-Dimannus, and wife of Dionysius, tyrant of Heraclea, odorus gives an account of the victories of the Asiatic who gave her name to the new settlement. The ear- Amazons, as he had done in the case of the African. lier town of Sesamus, mentioned by Homer (Il., 2, He makes them to have conquered a large portion of 853), served for its citadel. It is praised as a beauti- Asia, extending their victorious arms from the regions ful city by both the younger Pliny (Ep., 10, 99) and beyond the Tanaïs (or Don) as far as Syria (2, 46). the later ecclesiastical writers. (Compare Niceta Other accounts tell of their invasion of Attica, in orPaph. Or., in S. Hyacint., 17.) Amastris, like Sinope, der to recover their queen Antiope, who had been carwas built on a small peninsula, and had, in conse-ried off by Theseus (Plut., Vit. Thes., c. 26, seqq.); (Pausan., quence, a double harbour. (Strabo, 544.) The mod- of their previous wars with Hercules; and still more anciently of their contest with Bacchus. ern name is Amastra. (Mannert, 6, pt. 3, p. 25.) AMATA, the wife of King Latinus, and mother of 1, 15.-Id., 7, 2.-Plut., Quæst. Gr., p. 541.-Justin, Lavinia. She hung herself in despair, on finding that 2, 4.) They are also mentioned by Homer, who speaks she could not prevent the marriage of her daughter of their wars with the kings of Phrygia (I., 3, 184), and of their defeat by Bellerophon (I., 6, 186). They with Eneas. (Virg., En., 12, 603.) AMATHUS (gen. untis), a city on the southern side are said also to have been among the allies of the Troof the island of Cyprus, and of great antiquity. Ado- jans in the war with the Greeks, and their queen Pennis was worshipped here as well as Venus. Scylax thesilea was slain by Achilles. (Hygin., fab., 112.affirms that the Amathusians were autochthonous (Per- Dict. Crit., 4, 2, 3.-Tzetz., ad Lycophron, 999.ipl., p. 41); and it appears from Hesychius that they Diod. Sic., 2, 46.) They make their appearance again, had a peculiar dialect (s. v. 'Erohai, Kubábda, Má- in a later age, in the history of Alexander's expedition Aika). Amathus was celebrated as a favourite resi- into Asia, and their queen Thalestris is said to have dence of Venus. (En., 10, 51.-Catull., Ep., 36.) paid a visit to the victorious monarch, having come The goddess, as an author, who wrote a history of for that purpose from the vicinity of Hyrcania; but Amathus, and is quoted by Hesychius (s. v. 'Appódi- Quintus Curtius, who gives us this information, deals, Tos), reported, was represented with a beard. Ama- as usual, in the marvellous, and with his wonted ignothus was the see of a Christian bishop under the By-rance of geography, places the plains of Themiscyra, zantine emperors. (Hierocl., p. 706.) Its ruins are and the river Thermodon which waters them, contiguto be seen near the little town of Limmeson or Lim- ous to the country of the Hyrcanians. (Q. Curt., 6, 5, mesol, somewhat to the north of Cape Gatto. (Cra- 25.-Compare Freinshem, ad loc.)-The Amazons are described as armed with bow and arrows, and as having mer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 377, seqq.) AMAZONES, a name given by the ancient writers to also battle-axes and crescent shields ("pelta lunata." certain female warriors, and derived, according to the-Virg., En., 1, 490). Some writers, differing from popular opinion, from a, priv., and palos, "a female Diodorus, as cited above, make the Amazons to have breast," because it was believed, that they burned off had no males among them, but to have merely visited, the right breast in order to handle the bow more con- at stated times, the neighbouring communities, for the veniently. The men among them were held in an in-purpose of a temporary union and the obtaining of offferior, and, as it were, servile condition, attending to all spring. They farther state, that the female children the employments which occupy the time and care of thus born to them were carefully reared, after having the females in other nations, while the Amazons them- right breast seared with a red-hot iron, but that all the selves took charge of all things relating to government male ones were destroyed immediately after birth. and warfare. (Diod. Sic., 2, 45.-Id., 3, 52.) The Diodorus, however, informs us, in speaking of the Greek writers speak of African and Asiatic Amazons, Asiatic Amazons, that they merely mutilated (ený (Diod. Sic., l. e.) The Amazons of Africa were the povv) the legs and arms of the male children, in order more ancient, and were also the more remarkable for to render them unfit for war. About the treatment of the number and splendour of their warlike achieve- the male offspring among the African Amazons he is ments. They dwelt in the western regions of Africa, altogether silent. Thus much for the Amazons, as >occupying an island in a lake called Tritonis, and they have been described or referred to by the ancient which was near the main ocean. Diodorus describes writers. Various explanations, as may well be supthis island as beautiful and productive, and names it posed, have been given of this curious legend. Some Hesperia. Under the guidance of a warlike queen, see in it an old tradition, founded, in a measure, on whom he calls Myrina, they conquered the people of historical truth, of a community of women, who acAtlantis, their neighbours, traversed a large portion of tually formed themselves into a regular state, after Africa, established friendly relations with Horus, son getting rid of, or subjugating their husbands. This is of Isis, then on the throne of Egypt, subdued Arabia, too improbable to need any serious refutation. R. P. Syria, various parts of Asia Minor, and penetrated Knight thinks that "the fable" of the Amazons (for so even into Thrace. After this long career of conquest he terms it)" arose from some symbolical composition they returned to Africa, and were annihilated by Her- of an androgynous character, and which sought to excules. At this same time, too, the Lake Tritonis dis- press the blending of the two sexes into one shape; appeared as such, and became part of the ocean, the the full, prominent form of the female breast being intervening land having been swallowed up. (Diod. given on one side, and the flat form of the male on Sic., 3, 54.)-The Amazons of Asia are described by the other." (Inquiry into the Symbol. Lang., &c., the same writer (2, 45) as having dwelt originally on 50-Class. Journ., vol. 23, p. 238.) Creuzer agrees the banks of the Thermodon in Pontus, and with this with Knight in making the legend a religious one, but statement the ancient poets all agree. Herodotus he sees in the story of the Amazons evident traces of also (9, 27) places the Amazons on this same river, some accounts that must have reached the early Greeks, and he affirms that it was from thence they advanced respecting a female priesthood of a warlike character, into Greece and invaded Attica. He likewise speaks connected with the worship of the great powers of naof an expedition undertaken by the Greeks against ture, and on whom, as a part of that worship, either a these warlike females, in which the latter were defeat-periodical or perpetual continence was enjoined. The ed near the Thermodon and led away captive. A part change of vestments and of characters, so common of them, however, escaped to Scythia, and became the in this same class of Asiatic religions, was indicated, mothers of the Sauromata (4, 110). The same his- according to this same writer, by the removal of one torian adds, that the Scythian term, which answered of the breasts. The Amazons, therefore, according

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the name of Asia (the land of the Asi) was first given to a small district near the Cayster, and in the very vicinity of Ephesus, the city which the Amazons had founded. Ephesus, moreover, first bore, it is said, the name of Smyrna, an appellation afterward bestowed on the city of Smyrna, which was founded by an Ephesian colony. This term Smyrna is said to have been originally the name of an Amazonian leader. Would it be too fanciful to deduce it from Asa-Myrina, and thus blend together the name of the African Amazon Myrina with the sacred appellation of the Asi?

AMAZONIUS, a surname of Apollo at Pyrrhicus, in Laconia, from the protection he is said to have afforded to the inhabitants when attacked by the Amazons. (Pausan., 3, 25.)

to this explanation, will be a band of warlike priest-tem of belief.-Before we conclude, it may not be esses or Hierodulæ, who, in renouncing maternity, and amiss to examine more closely into the etymology of in giving themselves up to martial exercises, sought the term Amazon. We have thus far regarded the to imitate the periodical sterility of the great powers word as of Grecian origin. What if, after all, it be of light, the sun and moon, and the combats in which of Oriental birth, and have reference to the far-famed these were from time to time engaged, against the Asi of Oriental and Scandinavian mythology? Salgloomy energies of night and winter. (Creuzer, Sym-verte sees in them a class of female divinities, the bolik, par Guigniaut, vol. 2, p. 90, seqq.)-That the spouses of the Asi, and he traces the first part of the legend of the Amazons rests on a religious basis, we name to the Pehlvi am, denoting "a mother," or "a readily admit, but that any Amazons ever existed, female" generally. (Essai sur les Noms, &c., vol. 2, even as warlike priestesses, we do not at all believe. p. 178.) Ritter also detects in the name an allusion The first source of error respecting them is the ety-to the Asi (Vorhalle, p. 465, seqq.); and, in connexmology commonly assigned to the name. To derive ion with this view of the subject, we may state that this from the negative a and palos, and to make it indicate the loss of one of the breasts, is, we think, altogether erroneous. If a Greek derivation is to be assigned to the term Amazon, it is far more correct to deduce the word from the intensive a, and μãos, and to regard it as denoting, not the absence of one breast, but the presence of many. The name 'Aμáčov (Amazon) then becomes equivalent to the Greek Пokváros (Polymastus) and the Latin Multimammia, both of which epithets are applied by the ancient mythologists to the Ephesian Diana, with her numerous breasts, as typifying the great mother and nurse of all created beings. It is curious to connect with this the well-known tradition, that the Amazons founded the city of Ephesus, and at a remote period sacrificed to the goddess there. (Callim., H. in Dian., AMBARRI, a people of Gallia Celtica, situate be238-Dionys. Perieg., 828.) But how does the tween the dui and Allobroges, along either bank of view which we have just taken of the erroneous nature the Arar or Saône. Following D'Anville's authority, of the common etymology, in the case of the name we would place them in the present Department de Amazon, harmonize with the remains of ancient sculp-l'Ain. Livy enumerates them among the Gallic tribes ture? In the most satisfactory manner. No monument of antiquity represents the Amazons with a mutilated bosom, but, wherever their figures are given, they have both breasts fully and plainly developed. Thus, for example, the Amazons on the Phigaleian frieze have both breasts entire, one being generally exposed, while the other is concealed by drapery, but still in the latter the roundness of form is very perceptible. Both breasts appear also in the fine figure of the Amazon belonging to the Lansdowne collection; and so again in the basso-relievo described by Winckelmann in his Monumenti Inediti. The authorities, indeed, on this head are altogether incontrovertible. (Winckelmann, Gesch. der Kunst des Alterthums, vol. 2, p. 131.-Id., Mon. Ined., pt. 2, c. 18, p. 184.Muller, Archäologie der Kunst, p. 530.-Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, vol. 2, p. 179.-Heyne, ad Apollod., 2, 5, 9.) The first Greek writer that made mention of females who removed their right breast was Hippocrates (Пepi ȧépwv, K. T. λ., § 43). His remarks, however, were meant to apply merely to the females of the Sauromata, a Scythian tribe; but subsequent writers made them extend to the fabled race of the Amazons. It appears to us, then, from a careful examination of the subject, that the term Amazon originally indicated, neither a warlike female, nor a race of such females, but was merely an epithet applied to the Ephesian Diana, the great parent and source of nurture, and was intended to express the most striking of her attributes. The victories and conquests of the Amazonian race are nothing more, then, than a figurative allusion to the spread of her worship over a large portion of the globe, and the contests with Bacchus, Hercules, and Theseus refer in reality to the struggles of this worship with other rival systems of faith, for Bacchus, Hercules, and Theseus are nothing more than mythic types of three different forms of belief. Hence we see why the conflict of the Amazons with Theseus, who was nothing more than the symbol of the establishment of the Ionic worship, became a most appropriate ornament for the frieze of the Parthenon, the temple of the great national goddess Minerva. It was, in fact, a delineation of the downfall of a rival sys

that crossed the Alps in the time of Tarquinius Priscus. (Liv., 5, 34.-Cæs., B. G., 1, 11, et 14.)

AMBARVALIA, sacred rites in honour of Ceres, previous to the commencement of reaping, which were called sacra ambarvalia, because the victim was carried around the fields (arva ambiebat.- Vid. Arvales).

AMBIANI, a people of Gallia Belgica, whose capital was Samarobriva, afterward called Ambiani or Ambianum, now Amiens. Their territory corresponds to what is now the Department de la Somme. (Cas., B. G., 2, 4.-Id. ib., 7, 75.)

AMBIATINUS VICUS, a village of Germany, where the Emperor Caligula was born. It was situate between Confluentes and Baudobriga, and is supposed by some to be now Capelle, on the Rhine, by others Königstuhl. Mannert, without fixing the modern site, thinks it lay on the Moselle. (Geogr., 2, p. 210.Sueton., Vit. Calig., 8.)

AMBIGĀTUS, a king of the Celta, in the time of Tarquinius Priscus. According to the account given by Livy (5, 34), he sent his two nephews, Sigovesus and Bellovesus, in quest of new settlements, with the view of diminishing the overflowing numbers at home. The two chieftains drew lots respecting their course, and Sigovesus obtained the route that led towards the Hercynian forest, Bellovesus the road to Italy. What is here stated, however, appears to be a mere fable, owing its origin to the simultaneous emigrations of two hordes of Gallic warriors. (Compare Thierry, Histoire des Gaulois, vol. 1, p. 39.)

AMBIŎRIX, a king of one half of the Eburones in Gaul, Cativolcus being king of the other half. He was an inveterate foe to the Romans, and after inflicting several serious losses upon, narrowly escaped the pursuit of, Cæsar's men, on being defeated by that commander. (Cæs., B. G., 5, 24, et 26.-Id., 6, 30.)

AMBIVARETI and AMBIVARĒTI (for we have, in the Greek Paraphrase of Cæsar, b. 7, c. 75, 'Aubibaрéτwv, and at c. 90, 'AubibaphTwv), a Gallic tribe, ranked among the clients of the dui, whence Glareanus and Ciacconius suspect them to be the same with the Ambarri. Almost all the MSS. of Cæsar call them

Ambluarett. The ancient geographical writers are silent respecting them.

AMBIVARITI, a tribe of Gallia Belgica, a short distance beyond the Mosa or Meuse. (Cas., B. G., 4, 9.) AMBRACIA, a celebrated city of Epirus, the capital of the country, and the royal residence of Pyrrhus and his descendants. It was situate on the banks of the Aracthus or Arethon, a short distance from the waters of the Ambracian Gulf. The founders of the place were said to have been a colony of Corinthians, headed by Tolgus or Torgus, 650 B.C., who was either the brother or the son of Cypselus, chief of Corinth. (Strabo, 325.—Scymn., Ch., v. 452.) It early acquired some maritime celebrity, by reason of its advantageous position, and was a powerful and independent city towards the commencement of the Peloponnesian war, in which it espoused the cause of Corinth and Sparta. At a later period we find its independence threatened by Philip, who seems to have entertained the project of annexing it to the dominions of his brother-in-law, Alexander, king of the Molossians. (Demosth., Phil., 3, 85.) Whether it actually fell into the possession of that monarch is uncertain, but there can be no doubt of its having been in the occupation of Philip, since Diodorus Siculus (17, 3) asserts, that the Ambraciots, on the accession of Alexander the Great to the throne, ejected the Macedonian garrison stationed in their city. Ambracia, however, did not long enjoy the freedom which it thus regained, for, having fallen into the hands of Pyrrhus, we are told that it was selected by that prince as his usual place of residence. (Strabo, 325.-Liv., 38, 9.) Ovid (Ibis, v. 306) seems to imply that he was interred there. Many years after, being under the dominion of the Etolians, who were at that time involved in hostilities with the Romans, this city sustained a siege against the latter, almost unequalled in the annals of ancient warfare for the gallantry and perseverance displayed in defence of the place. (Polyb., frag., 22, 13.) Ambracia, at last, opened its gates to the foe, on a truce being concluded, and was stripped by the Roman consul, M. Fulvius Nobilior, of all the statues and pictures with which it had been so richly adorned by Pyrrhus. From this time Ambracia began to sink into a state of insignificance, and Augustus, by transferring its inhabitants to Nicopolis, completed its desolation. (Strabo, 325.-Pausan., 5, 23.) In regard to the topography of this ancient city, most travellers and antiquaries are of opinion, that it must have stood near the town of Arta, which now gives its name to the gulf. (Cramer's Ancient Greece, vol. 1, p. 145, seqq.)

AMBRACIUS SINUS, a gulf of the Ionian Sea, between Epirus and Acarnania. Scylax (Peripl., p. 13) calls it the Bay of Anactorium, and observes, that the distance from its mouth to the farthest extremity was one hundred and twenty stadia, while the entrance was scarcely four stadia broad. Strabo (325) makes the whole circuit three hundred stadia. (Cramer's Ancient Greece, vol. 1, p. 153.)

AMBRONES, a Gallic horde, who invaded the Roman territories along with the Teutones and Cimbri, and were defeated with great slaughter by Marius. The name is thought to mean, "dwellers on the Rhone" (Amb-rones). So Ambidravii, "dwellers on the Draave;" Sigambri, "dwellers on the Sieg," &c. (Compare Pfister, Gesch. der Teutschen, vol. 1, p. 35.)

AMBROSIA, the celestial food on which the gods were supposed to subsist, and to which, along with nectar, they were believed to owe their immortality. The name is derived from άμβροτος, "immortal." (Compare Heyne, Excurs. 9, ad Il., 1.-Id., Obs. ad Hom., I., 1, 190). There is a striking resemblance between the Grecian and Hindoo mythology in this respect. The Amrita, or water of life, recalls imme

diately to mind the Ambrosia of Olympus. (Compare Hom., Od., 1, 359, where ambrosia and nectar appear to be used as synonymous terms.-Heyne, Excurs. 9, ad П., 1, and consult the remarks of Buttmann in his Lexilogus, s. v. 'Aμbpóσios, &c.)

AMBROSIUS, bishop of Milan in the fourth century, and one of the latest and most distinguished of what are denominated the Fathers of the Christian Church. He was born at Arelate (Arles), then the metropolis of Gallia Narbonensis, according to some authorities A.D. 333, according to others, 340. His father was the emperor's lieutenant in that district, and, after his death, Ambrose, who was the youngest of three children, returned with the widow and family to Rome. Here, under the instructions of his mother and his sister Marcellina, who had vowed virginity, he received a highly religious education, and that bias in favour of Catholic orthodoxy by which he was subsequently so much distinguished. Having studied law, he pleaded causes in the court of the prætorian prefect, and was in due time appointed proconsul of Liguria. He thereupon took up his residence at Milan, where a circumstance occurred which produced a sudden change in his fortunes, and transformed him from a civil gov ernor into a bishop. Auxentius, bishop of Milan, the Arian leader in the west, died, and left that see vacant, when a warm contest for the succession ensued between the Arians and Catholics. In the midst of a tumultuous dispute, Ambrose appeared in the midst of the assembly, and exhorted them to conduct the election peaceably. At the conclusion of his address, a child in the crowd exclaimed, "Ambrose is bishop!" and, whether accidentally or by management, the result throws a curious light upon the nature of the times; for the superstitious multitude, regarding the exclamation as a providential and miraculous suggestion, by general acclamation declared Ambrose to be elected. After various attempts to decline the episcopal office, Ambrose at length entered upon the discharge of its duties, and rendered himself conspicuous by his decided and unremitting opposition to the tenets of Arianism. To his zealous endeavours also was owing the failure of the attempt made by the remains of a pagan party to re-establish the worship of paganism. The strength and ability of Ambrose were such, that, although opposed to him on ecclesiastical points, Valentinian and his mother respected his talents, and in moments of political exigency required his assistance. The most conspicuous act on the part of Ambrose was his treatment of Theodosius for the massacre at Thessalonica. The emperor was consigned to a retirement of eight months, and not absolved even then until he had signed an edict, which ordained that an interval of thirty days should pass before any sentence of death, or even of confiscation, should be executed. After having paid the funeral honours to Theodosius, who died soon after obtaining peaceable possession of the entire Roman empire, the bishop departed from this world with a composure worthy of his firm character, in the year 397. It is evident, that Ambrose was one of those men of great energy of mind and temperament, who, in the adoption of a theory or a party, hold no middle course, but act with determination towards the fulfilment of their purposes. Regarded within their own circles, there is generally something in such characters to admire; and, beyond that, as certainly much to condemn. It must be conceded, however, that men resembling Ambrose effected much to advance the Roman Catholic Church to the power to which it afterward attained, and, by necessary sequence, to the abuse of it which produced the Ref ormation. The writings of this father are numerous, and the great object of almost all of them was to maintain the faith and discipline of the Catholic Church, while some of them are written to recommend celibacy as the summit of Christian perfection. His

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