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[blocks in formation]

HEMINGE (William), extracts from a play by, 212-215.
Henry the Minstrel (Blind Harry), 17.

HENRYSONE (Robert), 20-21.

Specimen of his poems, 20.

HERBERT (George), specimen of the poetry of, 126.
Hermitage, inscription in. Warton, 622.
HERRICK (Robert), notices of, lxxx. 230.

Specimens of his poetry, 232–233.

Hesperus, song of. Ben Jonson, 146.

Heywood (John), an early dramatic author, lvii.
HEYWOOD (Thomas), notice of, 191.

Specimens of, 192-194.

HILL (Aaron), specimens of, 425.
Honour, address to. Cowley, 237.

Honour (feminine), described. Carew, 156.

HOOK (N.), specimen of, 287.

HOWARD (Henry, Earl of Surrey), notice of, 30.

Specimens of his poems, 32-33.

Something melancholy even in his strains of gal-
lantry, xlvii.

Estimate of the service rendered by him to British
literature, lii.

Hudibras, Butler's, extracts from, 269–279.

And his Squire, described. Butler, 269.
Commencing battle with the rabble, and leading off
Crowdero prisoner, 275.

Vicarious justice exemplified by Ralpho, in the
case of the Cobbler that killed the Indian, 277.
Consulting the Lawyer, 277.

HUME (Alexander), notice of, 62.

Poetical specimen of, 63, 64.
HUNNIS (William), specimens of, liii, note, 34.

Imagination described. Sir F. Greville, 104.
Pleasures of. Akenside, 489-494.

Imprisonment, benefit of, to a wild youth. Middleton, 139.
Independence, ode to. Smollett, 514.

Indifference, prayer for. Mrs. Greville, 580.

Ireland, voyage to. Cotton, 292.

JAGO (Richard), specimens of, 564-565.

JAMES I., King of Scotland, notices of, 17, 18.
Specimens of his poems, 19.

James I., King of England, lxxii.

Jealousy, description of. Greene, 41.

JOHNSON (Dr. Samuel), specimens of, 572-579.

Jones (Inigo), his quarrel with Jonson, 142.
JONES (Sir William), notice of, 633–637.
Specimens of his poetry, 637.
JONSON (Ben), account of, 142–146.

Specimens of his poetry, 146-153.
Extracts from, 700.

Critical remarks on him as a dramatist, lxiii.
His quarrel with Daniel, 80, note.

Justice addressing the Creator. Giles Fletcher, 82.

Killigrew (Mrs. Anne), ode to the memory of. Dryden, 308.
KING (Bishop), specimens of, 250–251.

Kiss, the parting. Dodsley, 460.

Knowledge (human), vanity of. Sir J. Davies, 100.
Description of. Sir F. Greville, 104.

KYD, a dramatic poet of the age of Elizabeth, notice of, lx.

Lamb (Charles), notes by :-

On Chapman, 130.

Shirley, 215.

Wither, 249.

Langetoft (Peter de), notice of, xxxviii, note.
LANGHORNE (Dr. John), notice of, 551.

Specimens of, 352-561.

LANGLANDE (Robert), a poet of the fourteenth century,

notice of, xliii.

Character of the poems ascribed to him, xliv.

Language, English, influence of the Norman Conquest
upon, xxix.

LANSDOWNE (George, Lord), song by, 358.

Law, eulogy on. Middleton, 140.

Lawyer's Farewell to his Muse. Sir W. Blackstone, 563.
Layamon's translation of Wace's Brut, strictures on the
date of, xxx-xxxii, xxxv.

LEE (Nathaniel), notice of, 301.

Specimens of, 302–304.

Leonidas, extracts from. Glover, 590-598.

L'ESTRANGE (Sir Roger), poem ascribed to, 210.
Leven Water, ode to. Smollett, 514.

Life described. Bp. King, 250–251.
LILLO (George), notice of. 361.

Specimens of, 362-367.

LLOYD (Robert), notice of, 461.

Specimens of his poetry, 461.

Local poems, some enumerated, 242, note.

| Lockhart (J. G.), note by, upon Scott's Sir Tristrem, xl.

Dryden's adaptations of Chaucer, lxxxvi.

His Life of Burns, 5353–643.

LODGE (Dr. Thomas, notice of, 85.

Specimens of his poems, 85-86.

LOGAN (John), notice of, lxv. 603.

Specimens of, 604-605.

Longland-See Langlande.

Look Home. Southwell, 44.

Love-song of the thirteenth century, specimen of, xxxvii.
Love, object of. Sir T. Wyat, 29.

Requited with disdain. W. Hunnis, 34.

Servile lot of. Southwell, 43.

A nymph's disdain of. Sir W. Raleigh, 77.
A shepherd's description of. The same, 77.
Admits no rival. The same, 78.
Devotion to. Middleton, 139.
Persuasions to. Carew, 154.

Mediocrity in, rejected. The same, 154.
Darts of. Cartwright, 184.

Young, address to. Marvell, 267.

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Persuasions of, to enjoy. The same, 155.
Threatens ungrateful beauty. The same, 155.
Disdain returned by. The same, 155.

Address to Castara, inquiring why he loved her.
Habington, 200.

Reflections of, on the sight of his mistress's house.
Ayres, 287,

Reflections of, on his mistress's girdle. Waller, 290.

Self-banished. The same, 291.

Dialogue between two. Logan, 604.

LOVELACE (Richard), notice of, 208.

Specimens of his poems, 209.

LOVIBOND (Edward), specimen of, 542.
Loyal Garland, extracts from, 286.
Loyalty confined. Anon., 210.


Tragedy of Smug the Smith. Rowlands, 123.
The Vicar. The same, 123.

Like Master, like Man. The same, 123.
Fools and Babes tell true. The same, 124.

The married Scholar. The same, 124.

On Lute-strings cat-eaten. Mennis and Smith, 252.
From the Strappado for the Devil, Brathwaite, 256.
Extracts from Hudibras. Butler, 269-279.
The Splendid Shilling. Philips, 318.
The Church Builder. Anon, 321.

The Birth of the Squire. Gay, 355.
The Rape of the Lock. Pope, 376-389.

Soliloquy of the Princess Periwinkle. Smart, 503.
The Haunch of Venison. Goldsmith, 534.
Address to the Deil. Burns, 647.

A Public Breakfast at Bath.

LYDGATE (John), notice of, 15.

Specimens of his poetry, 15-16.

Strictures on his style, xlvii.

LYLY (John), notice of, lix, lxxii, 61.
Specimens of his poetry, 62.

Anstey, 695.

LYNDSAY (Sir David), notice of, 18-24.

Specimens of his poems, 25-27.

LYTTELTON (George, Lord), specimen of, 517, 518.

Mackenzie (Henry), supplemental lines to Collins by, 431.
Madrigal, Rosalind's. Lodge, 86.

Maid, good counsel to a young. Carew, 155,

MALLET (David), notice of, 464.

Ballad and Song by, 464, 465.

Mankind, ode to. Earl Nugent, 607.

Mannyng (Robert), commonly called De Brunne, xxxvi
Markham (Isabella), sonnet on. Harrington, 40.
MARLOWE (Christopher), lx. lxv. 42.

Specimen of his poetry, 42.

MARSTON (John), notice of, lxvi. 126.

Specimens of his poetry, 126-130.
MARVELL (Andrew), notice of, 265, 266.

Specimens of his poetry, 266, 267.

MASSINGER (Philip), notice of, Ixii. 170, 171.
Specimens of, 171–181.

Critical remarks on his productions, lxxii.
MASON (Rev. William), notice of, 652-656.
Specimens of, 656-663.

Mason (Mrs.), epitaph on. Mason, 661.
Matches, few happy. Dr. Watts, 411.
MAY (Thomas), notice of, 196.

[blocks in formation]

MORAL POEMS, continued.

The Vanity of Human Wishes. Dr. Johnson, 575.
On the death of Dr. Robert Levett. The same, 579.

MORE (Dr. Henry), notice of, 297.

Specimen of, 297-299.

Morning Star, address to. J. Hall, 201.

Mortimer, Earl of March, surprised by Edward III.
Drayton, 107.

Mothers, persuasion to, to suckle their own children.
Darwin, 686.

Mother, lines on the picture of his. Cowper, 683.
MOTTEUX (Peter Anthony), notice of, 337.
Specimens of, 337.

[blocks in formation]

On the popular superstitions of the Highlands of
Scotland. The same, 430.

The Discovery. Moore, 434.

To a Great Number of Great Men, newly made.
Williams, 442.

On Rural Elegance. Shenstone, 451.

To Memory. The same, 452.

On an Eagle confined in a college court. Smart, 503.
The Bard. Gray, 505.

To Leven Water. Smollett, 514.

To Independence. The same, 514.

Contentment, industry, and acquiescence in the Di-
vine Will. Harte, 541.

To a Singing Bird. Richardson, 550.
On hearing the Drum. Scott, 570.
On Privateering. The same, 570.

The Tempestuous Evening. The same, 570.
To the Cuckoo. Logan, 604.

To William Pulteney, Esq. Earl Nugent, 606.
To Mankind. The same, 607.
The Hamlet. T. Warton, 622.
The Suicide. The same, 622.
The Crusade. The same, 623.

The Grave of King Arthur. The same, 624.

To Aurora. Blacklock, 627.

In imitation of Alcæus. Sir W. Jones, 637.
Bruce to his Men at Bannockburn. Burns, 651.
To Fancy. J. Warton, 667.

Old Age, personification of. Tho. Sackville, 37.
Old Man's Wish. Dr. Pope, 322.
OLDMIXON (John), specimens of, 370.
OTWAY (Thomas), specimens of, 282-286.
Character of his Plays, lxxxiii.
Dryden's opinion of, lxxix, note.
OVERBURY (Sir Thomas), notice of, 74.

Specimen of his Poems, 74.

Owen of Carron, a Tale. Langhorne, 555.
OXFORD (Earl of). See VERE.

Pageants, influence of, on the literature of England, liv.
Paradise Lost, critical remarks on, lxxx.

History of its sale, Appendix B.

PARNELL (Dr.), notice of, lxxxvi, 323.
Specimens of, 323–331.


A Sweet Pastoral. N. Breton, 85.
Phillis and Coridon. The same, 85.
Monday, or the Squabble. Gay, 351.
Thursday, or the Spell. The same, 353,
Saturday, or the Flights. The same, 354.
Colin and Phoebe. Byrom, 445.
Content. Cunningham, 516.

Pastoral Poetry, the English deficient in, 45.

PEELE (George), character of his dramatic poetry, lviii.
Specimen of it, lix.

PENROSE (Thomas), notice of, 561.

Specimens of, 561, 562.

PERROT'S (Henry), Book of Epigrams, extracts from, 74.
Phaer's Translation of Virgil, strictures on, lxviii.
Specimen of it, lxviii.

PHILIPS (Ambrose), notice of, 412.

Specimens of, 412, 413.

Imitation of by I. H. Browne, 443.
PHILIPS (John), notice of, 318.

Specimen of, 318, 319.

PHILIPS (Katherine), notice and specimens of, 211, 212.
Philosophy, insufficiency of. Sir F. Greville, 104.
Phoenix' Nest, specimens from the, 59.

PICKE (Thomas), specimens of his Poetry, 126.

Piers Plowman's Visions, character of, xliii.

Pipe of Tobacco, verses on. 1. H. Browne, 443-445.
Platonism, li.

Poetry, rhapsody on. Swift, 385.

See English, Norman.

Lord Bacon's remark upon, Ixxvi.
POMFRET (John), specimen of, 314.

Poor, appeal for the. Langhorne, 554.

POPE (Alexander), notice of, 375; alluded to, 581; his
Homer, 610, 663, 666.

Specimens of, 376–382.

Critical remarks on the works of, lxxxvi, xcí.
Imitation of, by 1. H. Browne, 444.

His imitations of Chaucer, 5.
Hill's lines upon, 425.

POPE (Dr. Walter), notice of, 322.
Specimen of, 322.

Posterity, Sonnet to. Filzgeffrey, 142.

PRESTON'S Tragedy of Cambyses, notice of, lviii.
Presumption, palace of, described, Giles Fletcher, 82.
PRIOR (Matthew), notice of, 340; his archness, lxxxvi.
Specimens of, 340–344.

Prior (James), his Life of Goldsmith, referred to, 522–526.
Price (Mr.), his criticisms on Scott's Sir Tristrem, xl, xli,

On the Language of Layamon, xxxvi, note.

On some of Mr. Campbell's criticisms, xlviii, note.
Privateering, ode on. John Scott, 570.

Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Chaucer, 6.

To Coriolanus. Lyttelton, 518.

Spoken at Drury-Lane. Johnson, 578.
Protogenes and Apelles. Prior, 342.
Psalm XXIII, paraphrase on. Addison, 339.
LXVIII. Sandys, 185.

Puritans, Oxford riddle on, 186.


SACRED POEMS, continued.

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Cupio Dissolvi. Habington, 200.

On the Circumcision. Milton, 258.

Early Rising and Prayer. Vaughan, 305.

The Rainbow. The same, 306.

The Wreath. (To the Redeemer.) The same, 306.
A Night-piece on Death. Parnell, 327.

Piety, or the Vision. The same, 330.
Hymn to Contentment. The same, 331.
Paraphrase on Psalm XXIII. Addison, 39.
The dying Christian to his Soul. Pope, 376.
Extracts from the Grave. Blair, 400-402.
Extracts from the Night Thoughts. Young, 467–67.
Song of David. Smart, 503, note.

Samson bewailing his captivity and blindness. Millan.


Speeches of his Father and of the Chorus, on hearin
of his last achievement and death. The same, 20

SANDYS (George), notice of, 185.

Specimens of, 185, 186.

Extracts from, 702.

Sappho, translations of. A. Philips, 412, 413

Extracts from various. Bp. Hall, 69-71.
The Dispensary, Canto I. Garth, 335-337.
The Cameleon. Prior, 342.

The Man of Taste. Bramston, 389-392,
Introduction to the Rosciad. Churchill, 456.
Character of a Critical Fribble. The same, 456.
Chit-Chat. Lloyd, 461.

The Love of Praise. Young, 472.

Propensity of man to false and fantastic joys. The
same, 472.

The Wedded Wit. The same, 473.

The Astronomical Lady. The same, 473.
The Languid Lady. The same, 473.
The Swearer. The same, 473.

On Nash's picture at full length, between the basts
of Newton and Pope at Bath. Lord Chesterfield, 350
Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers. Mazen,

Satire, probable date of in the English language, xxxvi
SAVAGE (Richard), specimen of, 374.

The Thales of Johnson's London, 572, note.
Saxon language, observations on the changes of, xxit,

Saxon Chronicle, xxix.

Schlegel on the unities of the drama, lxii.

Scholar, despair of a poor one, described. Nash,6. ·
Scholastic divinity, observations on the decline of, li.
Schoolmistress, The, in imitation of Spenser. Shenst


Scotland, the Tears of. Smollett, 513.
SCOTT (John), notice of, 569.

Specimens of, 570.

SCOTT (Thomas), specimen of, 521.
Scott (Sir Walter), Notes by:-
Chaucer and Dryden, 3.

Swift, 383.

Chatterton, 495-497.

Smollett, 514.

Johnson, 572.

Mickle, 609.

His edition of Sir Tristrem, xl, xli.
Beaumont and Fletcher, lxxvii.

Otway, lxxxiii.

Dryden's Virgil, lxxxiv.

Absalom, lxxxv.

Dryden characterised, lxxxv.

An erroneous opinion formed of Milton by, 25

SCOTTISH POETS, general observations on, 16-18.
SEDLEY (Sir Charles), specimens of, 313–314.
SELDEN (Amhurst), specimens of, 414-423.
Seneca's tragedies, notice of translations, Iviii.
Settle (Elkanah), the character of, by Dryden, 36.
Seward (W.), remark on Beaumont and Fletcher, lxx
SEWELL (Dr. George), specimen of, 345.

[blocks in formation]

Congreve, 349.

Ward, 350,

Carew, 154-156.

N. Field, 159.

Sir J. Suckling, 181.
Quarles, 188.

W. Browne, 189, 190.
Nabbes, 191.
Heywood, 193.
Habington, 201.
Lovelace, 209.

Anon. 210, 211.
Brome, 230, 231.

Herrick, 232.

Wither, 249.

Bulteel, 246.

Bp. King, 250.

Mayne, 256,

Milton, 258, 262, 264.

E. of Rochester, 268,
Otway, 286.

Anon. 286.
Etherege, 299, 300.
Flatman, 301.

Behn, 286, 301.

Shadwell, 305.

Sedley, 313, 314.

T. Brown, 315, 315.

Earl of Dorset, 316, 317.
Walsh, 320.

Anon. 320, 321.

Gay, 356.

Booth, 357.

Lord Lansdowne, 358.

Oldmixon, 370.

Weekes, 373

Southerne, 399.

Thomson, 410.

Crawfurd, 424.

Hamilton, 428.
Cibber, 433.

E. Moore, 435.

Ramsay, 441.
Carey, 453.
Mallet, 465.
Smollett, 513.
Anon. 516.
Cunningham, 517.
P. Whitehead, 536.
Dodsley, 460, 461.
Cooper, 479.
Lovibond, 543.
Fawkes, 544.

Sir J. H. Moore, 564.
Stevens, 571.
Thompson, 601.
Sir W. Jones, 637.
Burns, 650, 651, 652.

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SUCKLING (Sir John), notice of, 181.

Specimens of, 181-183.

SURREY (Earl of). See HOWARD,

SWIFT (Dr. Jonathan), specimens of, 383-389.

Imitation of, by I. H. Browne, 445.

SYDNEY (Sir Philip), notice of, 40.

Specimens of his poems, 41.

His life, poetry put into action, liv.

Sydney (Lady), verses on her picture. Waller, 288.
SYLVESTER (Joshua), notice of, 79.

Specimen of his poems, 79.

Inquiry how far Milton was indebted to his transla-
tion of Dubartas' poem, for the prima stamina of
Paradise Lost, lxix.

Specimen of Sylvester's version, lxix.
Beautiful expression in, lxx.

His right to the Soul's Errand, 57.

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