PREFACE. This edition of the Vespers Book will be found to possess some valuable recommendations. It is arranged strictly in accordance with the Roman Breviary, so that the Proper of Saints follows immediately after the Sundays, and the Common of Saints has its appropriate place at the end. The Hymns, and the Antiphons after Complin, are all newly translated, in the same metre as the Latin originals. Thus where English Hymns are used in schools, these may be sung to the accustomed tunes, and no other Hymns need be adopted. For the accommodation of the laity, the Latin words are accented, wherever there might be danger of false pronunciation; and the venerable Gregorian tones for chanting the Psalms are given at the end. Every endeavour has been made to arrange the Vespers of each day with perspicuity and simplicity. The First and Second Vespers are always distinguished, and every Commemoration carefully noted. Several offices, which in former Vespers Books were inaccurately given, are here corrected; others, subsequently raised to a higher rite, are properly noted; and the offices of saints more recently introduced, inserted in their proper places. Wherever the Antiphons are sentences from Scripture, they are always given in this edition in the exact words of the authorized version, as well as the Psalms. These, it is hoped, will be considered valuable improvements; and the Book contains several others, not here particularized. The version of the Prayers is the same as in the Missal by the same editor: the two works are arranged and printed to correspond with each other: and it is hoped that the encouraging patronage which the Missal has experienced, will be extended to this much improved edition of the Vespers Book. Vespers for Sundays and Festivals.... Complin ...... Proper for Sundays and Moveable Feasts... Proper of Saints.. Common of Saints Psalms: Ad Dominum cum tribularer Beati omnes 341 110 Beatus vir 4 ...... Confitebor tibi Domine Confitebor tibi Domine......quoniam.. Credidi propter quod 2 ...... 201 9 Cum invocarem De Profundis Deus misereatur .... 23 50 LXVI |