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procure such a result), but highly head had been to see him? I told creditable both to him, and the indi-him that Dr. Bankhead had been viduals who composed his household. with him about two hours and a half Before the jury left the room, for in the evening. It was about four in the purpose of seeing the body, one the morning when he asked me this of them suggested that his colleagues, question. When I told him that as well as himself, should take off Dr. Bankhead had been with him, their shoes, in order to prevent, as he asked what he had said to the far as possible, any noise that might Doctor-whether he had talked any be occasioned by them in walking nonsense to him, or any thing partiThis hint was immediately acted cular, as he had no recollection on upon, and the jury left the room. the subject. I replied, that I was After what had fallen from the not in the room during the time that Coroner, a feeling of delicacy pre- he had talked with the Doctor. I vented us from accompanying the then left the room. He rang again jury up stairs, although we were about seven o'clock. I went to him, given to understand that no objec- He then asked me what I wanted tion would have been made to such there. My Lady was with him at a proceeding. In fact, as we have the time. She had been with him before hinted, no attempt at conceal- since four o'clock, and she answered, ment was manifested on the part of that my Lord wanted his breakfast." the household, but on the contrary, My Lord and Lady were in bed at a desire was shown to afford the the time. I left the room, and public an opportunity of ascertaining brought the breakfast up. He sat the particulars of an event respect-up in the bed and tasted part of it, ing which much interest must ne- Ile found fault with it, and said, cessarily be excited. 'it was not a breakfast fit for him.? He said there was no butter there : the butter, however, was on the tray, as usual, and I pointed it out to him. The manner in which he spoke struck me as being uncommon; it was in a sharp tone, which was unusual with him. I left the room after this. The bell rang again in about half an hour; that was about half-past seven. Lady was in the room at this time, and cannot tell who rang the bell. When I entered the room, he asked me, whether Dr. Bankhead had The first witness called was Anne come from town. I told him that Robinson, who being sworn, deposed Dr. Bankhead had slept in the as follows:-"I wait upon the Mar- house. He then said that he wished chioness of Londonderry: I knew to see him. My Lady then got up, the Marquis of Londonderry; his and came to me at the door, and body now lies up stairs. Iy opi- said something to me. nion be has been i fortnight, b during the last Dr. Bankhead, and gave him my Mond particularly so since Lord's message. I went back 19 ay week. On Monday morn- my Lord, and told him that Dr. ing he rang the bell; I answered it: Bankhead would be with him in he inquired why my lady had not two minutes. When my Lord saw been to see him. Her Ladyship had me speaking to my Lady, before I been with him all night, and I told left the room to go to Dr. Bank him so. Her Ladyship at this time head, he said there was a conspiwas not in the room. I then went racy against him. My Lady at away. The bell rang again. When I that time desired me to tell Dr. answered it, he asked if Dr. Bank- Bankhead that he was wanted as

The following description of the situation of the body at the time the jury viewed it, we believe to be correct:-The body was enveloped in a dressing-gown and the head was covered with a handkerchief. The feet were towards the window. The blood which proceeded from the wound was still upon the ground.

After being absent about ten minutes, the jury returned, evidently much affected by the melancholy spectacle which they had at beheld.



I went to


general mild and kind. When he saw two people speaking together, he always said, 'There is a conspiracy laid against me.' A great many circumstances induce me to believe that he was out of his mind a fortnight before his death. scolded my Lady on Sunday afternoon, because, as he said, she had not been near him all day, she had entirely forsaken him. Her Ladyship, however, had been sitting with him all the morning." The witness, in conclusion, repeated her belief that his Lordship had been in a state of mental delusion for some weeks previous to his death.

soon as he could come. When I any wound nor any blood while he returned, and told my Lady that was in his bed-room. No person Dr. Bankhead would come, my was with him in the interval between Lady got out of bed, and retired to his leaving his dressing-room and her dressing-room. At this mo-his death but Dr. Bankhead. His ment my Lord also got out of bed, state of mind appeared to be very and turned to the right into his own incorrect for the last three or four dressing-room: [Several questions days of his life. Ile appeared to be were here put to the witness to ascer-very wild in every thing he said or tain the precise situation of these did. He wanted from me a box rooms. From the answers which which he said Lord Clanwilliam had she returned, it appeared that the given to me. His Lordship, howcommon sleeping room opened into ever, had never given me any. He a passage, on either side of which also asked me for his keys, when he was a dressing-room. Lady Lon-had them about him. During the donderry's on the left, his Lordship's last fortnight he was accustomed to on the right. At the extremity of say that everybody had conspired the passage was another door, be- against him. He was very severe in hind which Dr. Bankhead was wait-his manner of speaking, which I ing.] I had just opened the door of never noticed before, he being in my Lady's dressing-room, into which she had entered, when my Lord rushed past me into his own room. I opened the outside door, and told the circumstance to Dr. Bankhead, who immediately followed my Lord into his dressing-room. I cannot tell what passed there, but I heard my Lord open his window before the doctor entered his room. Immediately when the doctor entered the room he (the doctor) exclaimed, Oh, my Lord,' or 'Oh, my God,' I cannot recollect which. I heard no reply to this from my Lord. I instantly rushed into the room, and saw the doctor with my Lord in his arms. I remained in the room till The second witness examined was I saw the doctor lay him with his Charles Bankhead, M. D., of Lower face upon the ground. I saw the Brook-street, Grosvenor - square. blood running from him while Dr." On last Friday afternoon, at five Bankhead held him. I saw a knife. o'clock, I received a note from Lady I heard my Lord say nothing. I Londonderry, desiring me to come was certainly much alarmed. The as soon as I could to see the Marknife was in his right hand. [A quis of Londonderry, at his house in penknife with an ivory handle, and St. James's-square. Her note stated upon which there was no appearance that she was very anxious about his of blood, was here shown to the Lordship, as she thought he was witness,] I believe that to be the very ill and very nervous; that they penknife which I saw in my Lord's were to leave town for North Cray hands. After staying a few minutes at seven o'clock in the evening, and in my Lord's dressing-room, I fol- that she hoped I would come before lowed Dr. Bankhead to my Lady. that hour. I arrived in St. James'sI had previously raised an alarm, square at six o'clock, and found my and it was now general throughout Lord and Lady alone in the drawthe house. To the best of my belief, ing-room. Upon feeling his pulse I my Lord did not live four minutes conceived him to be exceedingly ill. after I saw him. I did not perceive He complained of a severe headach,

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and of a confusion of recollection. | at his question, and the manner in He looked pale, and was very much which it was proposed.' He then distressed in his manner. I told him said, the truth was, that he had that I thought it was necessary that reason to be suspicious in some dehe should be cupped, and that I would gree, but that he hoped that I would stay and dine with his Lady and him- be the last person who would engage self whilst the cupper came. The in any thing that would be injurious cupper soon arrived, and took seven to him.' His manner of saying this ounces of blood from the nape of his was so unusual and so disturbed, as Lordship's neck. After the opera- to satisfy me that he was at the tion was performed, he stated that moment labouring under mental he was very much relieved, and I delusion. I entreated him to be advised him to lay himself quietly very tranquil, and prescribed for him down on the sofa for half an hour; some more cooling and aperient meand, as he had scarcely eaten the dicines, confined him to barley-wawhole day, to take a cup of tea before ter, and allowed him slops only. I he got into the carriage to return to remained with him during Saturday North Cray. He followed my ad- night and till one o'clock on Sunday vice, and laid himself down on the morning. Though his fever was not couch, where he remained very tran- very high during any part of this quil. After this he drank two cups time, yet the incoherence of his of tea. I waited until I saw my Lady speech and the uncomfortableness of and himself get into the carriage in his manner continued unaltered. order to return to North Cray. Be- During Sunday I visited him frefore his departure his Lordship said, quently, and continued with him in that as I must be sure he was very the evening till half-past 12 o'clock. ill, he expected that I would come I advised him to be as tranquil as to North Cray and stay all Saturday possible, and told him that I would night, and if possible, all Sunday. endeavour to persuade my Lady to I sent with him some opening medi- come to bed. I slept in a room very cines, which he was to take early on near that of his Lordship. On MonSaturday, in order that I might know day morning, about seven o'clock, the effect they had produced on my Mrs. Robinson, my Lady Londonarrival. I know that he took these derry's maid, came to my room-door, powders on Saturday. I arrived at and asked if I was dressed, telling North Cray about seven o'clock on me, my Lord wished to see me Saturday afternoon. I understood by-and-by.' I answered, that I was that his Lordship had not been out ready to come that moment; but of bed all day, and I immediately Mrs. Robinson said, that she did proceeded to his bed-room. On en- not wish me to come then, because tering his bed-room, I observed that her Ladyship had not left the bedhis manner of looking at me express- room.' In about half an hour, she ed suspicion and alarm. He said it returned again, and said, that his was very odd that I should come Lordship would be glad to see me into his bed-room first, before going immediately, as her Ladyship was into the dining-room below. I an- putting on her gown, in order to go swered that I had dined in town, into her own dressing-room. On and knowing that the family were walking from my own room to Lord at dinner down stairs, I had come to Londonderry's bed-room, I observed visit him. Upon this he made a that the door of the latter was open, reply which surprised me excced- and could perceive that his Lordship ingly. It was to this effect-that I was not in it. In an instant Mrs. seemed particularly grave in my Robinson said to me, 'His Lordship manner, and that something must has gone into his dressing-room.' I have happened amiss. He then stepped into his dressing-room, and asked me abruptly whether I had saw him in his dressing-gown, standany thing unpleasant to tell him? Iing with his front towards the winanswered, 'No, that I was surprised dow, which was opposite to the door


at which I entered. His face was been left to themselves for half an directed towards the ceiling. With-hour, notice was given that strangers out turning his head, on the instant were again permitted to enter the he heard my step he exclaimed, room in which they were sitting. Bankhead, let me fall upon your On reaching it, we found the Jury arm-'tis all over? As quickly as ranged round the Coroner's table, possible I ran to him, thinking he and giving their assent to a verdict was fainting and going to fall. I which he read to then. The verdict caught him in my arms as he was stated, "That on Monday, Aug. 12, falling, and perceived that he had a and for some time previously, the knife in his right hand, very firmly Most Noble Robert, Marquis of Lonclinched, and all over blood. I did donderry, under a grievous disorder not see him use it: he must have did labour and languish, and became used it before I came into the room. in consequence delirious and of inIn falling he declined upon one side, sane mind; and that, whilst in that and the blood burst from him like a state, with a knife of iron and steel, torrent from a watering pot. I was he did inflict on himself on the left unable to support him, and he fell side of his neck, and of the carotid out of my arms. I think the wound artery, a wound of one inch in length, must have been inflicted as soon as and half an inch in depth, of which I put my foot on the threshold of the he instantly died; and that no other door, as its nature was such that the person except himself was the cause extinction of life must have followed of his death." it in the twinkling of an eye. I think that no less than two quarts of If coincident dates were of any blood flowed from him in one minute. I am satisfied that a minute did not importance, I might observe, that elapse from the moment of my enCastlereagh cut his throat on tering the room until he died, and the King's Birthday. A thing during that time he said not a word more necessary to be observed, except that which I have already is, that he is here called the Marmentioned. It was impossible that quis of Londonderry, which was any human being could have inflicted his title; but, I have always conthe wound but himself. Having tinued to call him Castlereagh, known him intimately for the last So years, I have no hesitation in that being the title which he bore saying that he was perfectly insane when he committed this act. I had noticed a great decline in the general habit of his health for some weeks prior to his death; but I was not aware of the mental delusion under which he was labouring till within three or four days of his decease."

After Dr. Bankhead had finished his testimony, the CORONER inquired whether there were any more witnesses who could speak to the nature of this transaction. He was informed that there were several; but a doubt being thrown out as to the necessity of calling them after the evidence which had already been adduced, he said that he should consult the jury upon the point, and in consequence ordered the room to be cleared of all spectators.

After the Coroner and Jury had

during the time that he so largely participated in those numerous deeds, by which we have so long and so well known him. His name was Robert Stewart; but, by that of Castlereagh he was known to the nation, and by that name I shall always speak of


The first thing that strikes our attention here is the weeping of the servants, set forth in so pompous and prominent a manner. This is very likely to have been true, and Castlereagh is likely liberal master. But while we can enough to have been a gentle and discover no very great or rare merit in this on his part, seeing the loads of public money, which,

for so many years, he had been were proved, there could be no receiving, we see a good deal to doubt that the person who had dwell upon, if I had time for it, I cut his throat was, at the time, in the conduct of these servants, labouring under mental delusion. whose attachment and gratitude But, and now mark, he is reported were so feelingly expressed upon to have said, "If it should unfor this occasion. These persons, be " tunately appear that there was it remembered, belonged to those "not sufficient evidence to prove "lower orders," of which he had" the insanity, he trusted the always spoken with so much con- Jury would pay some attention tempt and disdain, and whom he" to his humble opinion, which insulted with the name of basest" was, that no man could be in populace, when they stood for-"his proper senses at the moment ward in defence of the persecuted "he committed o rash an act as Caroline. Those tears should" self-murder"!

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have been hidden by his eulogist; This was no very humblė for, in those tears of the servants opinion. It was we read the severest satire on the former conduct of the master.

a very bold one; and a very daring one; seeing that it was in direct oppoWe see, that, if the Report sition to the Law of the Land, speaks truth, Viscount Sidmouth which, so far from presuming I was in attendance. What could that self- murder must proceed that be for? Probably to give from insanity, provides a degrathat evidence of which the Co-dation to be inflicted on the boroner spoke as being at hand, but dies of self-murderers, and also which he regarded as unneces- the confiscation of their property sary, seeing that he had the Letter to the King. Mr. Coroner told of the Duke of Wellington, of his Jury, that, his opinion was in which letter I shall speak byand-by.

consonance with every moral sentiment, and with the information We next come to the Speech of which the wisest of men had the Coroner, which, as far as my given to the world. I do not observation has gone, was some- know that he said this, to be sure; thing wholly new. He began, it but such is the Report that has appears from the Report, by pro- been published in the Courier nouncing a lofty eulogium upon and other papers. He quoted the person who had cut his throat, the Bible to show how strongly as well in his private as his public man was attached to life; but capacity. I shall dispute the as- he forgot to say how the Bible sertions of the Coroner as to the reprobates self-destruction. He latter of these; but, I shall first repeated his opinion in these proceed with that part of the words; "he therefore viewed it speech which related to the ba-“as an axiom; that a man must siness before the Jury. necessarily be out of his mind The Coroner here spoke after" at the moment of destroying the manner of a lawyer opening his case. He told the Jury that he should produce such and such evidence; and that that evidence would, if produced, lead to such and such conclusions. He told them that, if what he had heard



Now, if this Coroner did say this, for which we have no more than newspaper authority, mind, I say that he delivered a doctrine completely at variance with the Law of the Land, and that he

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