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A Statement of the Cost of the following Loans, compared with their present Value, and shewing the Loss resulting therefrom.

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Thus, the sum lent was thirty-" of the tobacco duties, and an one millions and odd; the sum to" eighth of the customs, are apbe received for this was fifty mil-"propriated for the payment of lions and odd; and the sum that" the debt in England."-Now, the whole is now worth is twelve this is all a barefaced lie. There millions and odd. So that, in- is no revenue! It is a newspaper stead of a gain of nineteen mil- cheat, and nothing more. But, lions, there is, up to now, a loss of no matter. It will injure nobody nineteen millions! But, in the that ought not to be ruined. Every end it will, I am convinced, be all one that deals in "securities" of loss, the whole of the thirty-one any sort ought to be starved; and, millions! This is a pretty little a very great part of them will be present to our friends abroad. It starved. The base creatures little is surprising what lies are still dream of the fate that awaits them. swallowed by the greedy crea- They have helped to ruin the tures, who deal in these funds, as country; and they ought to suffer. they are called; or, securities; The newspapers contain speeches that is a still better name. The of the Presidents of Colombia interest does not get paid; but, our and of Mexico to the Congresses newspapers contain most flourish- of those countries. ing accounts of the "finances" papers are paid for this, which is of our friends. The following, intended to make fools believe, from the Morning Chronicle, of that these "Republics" are just the 4th August, is a specimen :about like that of North America! "A Bogota Paper, of the 25th of It is all a cheat altogether. The fellows who call themselves a Congress, have not, perhaps, forty shirts amongst every thirty of them. In short, it is all one grand piece of cheatery, and all the

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The news

May, reached the North and "South American Coffee-house "yesterday. It contains no allu"sion to the movement of PAEZ. "The Decree of the Colombian "Government, consolidating the bonds are not, in my estimation, "financial affairs of the Repub-worth a farthing.

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whose bread depends on the funds, are to HAVE THOSE FUNDS TAKEN FROM THEM! Im pudent Aristocrat, we will teach you better than this!



THE next Register will contain a Letter to that most audacious and unfeeling aristocrat, "Sir James Graham of Netherby," as he calls himself in a pamphlet, in There has, for some months, been a story about, relative to which he proposes to rob the whole ENGLAND'S GLORY" having subof the rest of the community, for scribed towards my election enthe sake of upholding the Aristo- terprise. This story has gone through many of the news-papers, cracy and the Clergy. Really, it having been, in London, begun one would think that pride had by SIR GLORY's poor, little, symade these fellows mad. What! | cophantic Tom-TIT, who thinks it and do they imagine that the whole of this nation are going to stand quiet, and be treated as this pudent Aristocrat proposes? Do they really imagine that they are going to keep all the pensions, sinecures, grants, fec-farm leases, admiralships, generalships, governorships, bishopricks, livings, and all the other things that make up the about thirty millions a year that they have amongst them; does “ Sir James Graham of Netherby" really imagine that they are going to KEEP ALL THESE, and also the 1,600,0007. that the Church-Clergy get out of the taxes; does this Aristocrat think that they are to KEEP ALL THESE, while the old people, the widows, and the orphans,

an honour to be exposed to be shot at for the sake of Glory, who hardly knows that the poor little im-thing is in existence. This story has surprised many people, and it has puzzled Glory's eulogists, the adorers of 20,000 acres of land. These latter, and the agents of Glory himself, have not known what to say about this subscription. At last (without my ever having said a word about the plan, and they have begun their matter), they have fallen upon a operations at a distance from London. They have begun in the "DUMFRIES and GALLOWAY GAZETTE," of the 11th July last. Now, if this be not the work of Glory, it is that of some of his


I, therefore, hereby call upon him to cause to be published, in his own name, in some London Paper, a disclaimer of the article I allude to and I hereby notify,

that if he do not do this before the

31st day of this month, I, who have never yet said a word about

any subscription by him, who tend it to contain about six numnever should have noticed his con-bers, at twopence a Number, to duct in the affair; I, whom he, or be published monthly. I intend his base tools, now assails on this it to be the Companion of the score, in order to screen him, will Working Classes, giving them tell the true story, on Saturday useful information and advice, the 2nd of September next! The adapted to their present difficult least that he ought to have done, situation; and especially I intend in such a case, was, to hold his it as the means of teaching them tongue, and to muzzle his curs. how to AVOID SUFFERING FROM However, let him contradict the HUNGER! I intend clearly to exarticle that I have alluded to, or I plain to them their rights and their will chastise him, "excellent per- duties. Applications from the counson," as Mr. LAWLESS may think try should be made without delay. him. Mr. LAWLESS is offended, I shall give one copy of each that I should hint that his praise of Number to every working family Glory arose from the 20,000 acres in Preston, as a mark of my gra of land. Well, I shall, I am sure, titude for their great kindness tobe very glad to find that this is not wards me, and also as a mark of so; but the worst of it is, I know my admiration of their sense and Glory's character and conduct, their public spirit. The other private and public; and I can see Numbers will be published on the no other cause than the 20,000 first of each succeeding month.acres! All that Mr. LAWLESS The price, to Gentlemen taking a knows of Glory is this: that he quantity, will be, for one hungot into favour with the people, dred, twelve shillings, for five and got his seat by bawling for hundred, fifty-five shillings, and, universal suffrage, that he wanted for a thousand, five pounds. to disfranchise the poor voters in Ireland, and that he said, that he would do the same in England if he could, and that he was not himself elected by the poor, but by people of property! This is all that Mr. LAWLESS knows of Glory; and, therefore, as it is impossible that Mr. LAWLESS can think Glory an "excellent perSOR" FOR THIS, what cause can there be but the 20,000




JUST published, No. 1., a little work under the above title. I in


Just published, price one penny, or six shillings a hundred, Mr. COBBETT's Petition to the King, together with a Preface, and with the two notes written, by Mr. COBBETT, to the Marquess of Conyngham. These documents are printed in this cheap manner, that they may be circulated as widely as possible. I recommend them for the use of all the great towns in the kingdom.


Average Prices of CORN throughout ENGLAND, for the week ending July 29.

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Monday, Aug. 7.-The supplies of Wheat that have come in since this day se'nnight have been much larger than in any recent week; the quantities of Barley, Beans, Pease, and Oats, have been small. There are several samples of new Wheat at market, very dry, but not so fullbodied as last year's growth, which sold at 56s. to 65s. per qr. The d. weather continues so extremely favourable for harvest, that the Corn must now be nearly all secured within a considerable distance of the metropolis. Under these circumstances, our Millers purchase so reluctantly, that the Wheat trade has been very heavy, at a reduction of full 2s. per qr. from the terms of this day se'nnight.


4 | Rye Barley 31 4 Beans.. 45 10 Oats... 26 10 Pease... 48

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Total Quantity of Corn returned as Sold in the Maritime Districts, for the Week ended July 29.

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Corn Exchange, Mark Lane.


Quantities and Prices of British Corn, &c. sold and delivered in this Market, during the week ended Saturday, July 29.

£. s. d.

s. d.
Wheat.. 4,940 for 15,740 13 6 Average, 63 8
Barley.. 258 398 8 0..........30 10

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Barley remains as last quoted; some new has sold at 38s. per quarter, fine in colour, but not stout. Beans are unaltered. Boiling Pease are rather lower. Grey are as last quoted. The quantity of Oats for sale is inconsiderable, and an advance of 1s. per quarter is obtained

Oats.. 7,744 ..10,881 7 7..........28 1 on the terms of last week, but the Rye.... sale is not free. Flour sells heavily. Beans..1,639. 3,836 12 0..........46 9 Pease.. 347....1,031 14 8..........59 5

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