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with remarking, that, up to this time, no practical good has accrued, nor has the new system as yet obtained the approbation of many practical

hopes, we cannot but couple them | noblemen, &c., being landholders, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, ship-owners, or otherwise engaged in similar pursuits, have, with deep regret, to declare our inability to continue to support the unemployed artisans and labourers.


15. That our taxation is unequal, injarious, impolitic, invidious, unconstitutional and overwhelming.

That we hold it to be a paramount duty in those at the helm of the state to take especial care to govern it so as to ensure to the whole population their proper share of security and comfort.

19. That we trust, therefore, that these our well-grounded remonstrances shall meet with earnest consideration, and that we shall not be trifled with in having the long hackneyed specifics of patience and time thrust

on our view:-these we know the im

16. Unequal, because it has been so constructed as to fall lightly on the dealers in Government and other public securities;-injurious, because it has already, and is daily, forcing persons of every rank and calling to be deprived of many comforts, or to seek relief from its baneful influences, by absence from their home or their country;-impolitic, because it brings the cheapness of every comfort in revolutionised France and port and the use of, and do not doubt America into constant comparison with that with their aid we shall witness our condition, and thereby arrays a temporary recovery, and even enjoy against the Government the great a time of prosperity; but in looking mass of the people, who are now-a-to the future, we cannot divest ourdays too well informed not to see selves of the conviction, that the plainly through the once impervious convulsion under which we are now but now flimsy veil which is thrown labouring must periodically return, around our enormous indirect taxa- unless strong and decisive remedies tion;-invidious, because it places be prudently, but manfully, adthe consumers of taxes in ease, se niinistered; such we hold to be abcurity and comfort, when compared solutely requisite; and as such can with the toils, and cares, and anxieties only emanate from the government, of those on whose abilities, activity we humbly, but earnestly, beseech and industry, they have the good for-you, Sire, immediately to assemble tune placidly to repose;-unconsti- the Parliament, and to direct their tutional, because it is measured, not first and best attention to the woful by the scale of what the nation can condition of the country-to the lastpay, and thrive under, but by that ing and fatal effects of such terrible which the Chancellor of the Exche- visitations-to the absolute necessity quer chooses to demand for the pay-of a great reduction of the existing ment of sums lavishly expended in taxation-the providing for the effects maintaining needless wars, useless of Mr. Peel's bill of 1819-the replacemen, and blundering financiers, fraining from any kind of public ex(the effect of Mr. Peel's Bill being to pense-the adoption of an uncommake us pay a bankrupt subject, full promising line of policy, and general thirty shillings for the pound);-over-retrenchment, calculated to restore whelming, because at all times it is confidence, give present relief, and found as a mill-stone on our neck, the prospect of a gradual return to and, especially in times like the pre- prosperity and comfort. sent, deprives us of much of those means we would gladly devote to the employment of the people.

That under its pressure, and a want of all profitable return, we, the

I have numbered the paragraphs of this petition, that I may refer to them the more easily if necessary. I request the reader

to look at paragraph 16. In fairly set forth, by a newspaper that paragraph a reduction of the called the Blackburn mail, which interest of the debt is clearly gives a very detailed account of pointed out; and then, recollect, the manner in which the London that this petition was received with subscriptions have been made use loud cheering. It is a great pity of in a neighbouring parish, to that Daddy COKE and BETTY SUPPLY THE PLACE OF HARBOURD were not at the Pais- POOR-RATES. For instance, ley Meeting to abuse these Lords a poor family, who are receiving and Gentlemen, and to call them six shillings a week out of the "Swindlers" and "Rogues." poor-rates, have two shillings a These hole-and-corner gentry week given them out of the Lonwill be taught better than this be- don subscription, and thereupon fore next winter is over. the overseer deducts two shillings a week from the parish allowance! Bravo, overseer!

But, since we see that the main object of this Renfrewshire meeting is, to get a grant out of But, how is any man in his the taxes, let me again remind senses to believe that this will not Doctor BLACK, that such grant be the case? Indeed, it is downnever could have been asked for, right nonsense to expect the conif there had been a regular sys- trary. Precious nonsense is it, tem of poor-rates. But, what therefore, to call it a charity to justice is there in taxing all the send money into the distressed people in England, in order to districts of Lancashire. It is sendrelieve the distresses in Scotland; ing money to give to the rich, and and, indeed, what justice is there not to give to the poor; and yet in taxing the people in Scotland, that stupid creature who conducts in order to send relief to the peo- a lump of dulness, called the ple in Ireland? Yet, in every Manchester Guardian, cries aloud case, it is as just to do this, as it for relief, out of the public funds. is to relieve any part of the Eng- "Lancashire," says he," has had lish out of the taxes. The fact the honour of being the county, is, the real truth is, that the mo- "where the sum raised for the ney thus granted is not given to "poor, amounted to the lowest the poor, but TO THE LAND-"rate per head, on the populaOWNERS, whose land, in Eng-"tion of any county in the kingland, is compelled by law to" dom. And we would much maintain the poor, and whose" rather that an extraordinary land ought to be compelled to " difficulty should be met by an maintain them in Scotland and in “ extraordinary and temporary "remedy, than that those feelings


Just the same may be said " of independence, which have with regard to the subscriptions," stood in the way of numerous raised in one part of the king-" and frequent applications for dom to be sent to another part of" parochial relief, should be it. This matter is most fully il-"broken down, and an extensive lustrated by the conduct of the" pauperizing of the population Parish Officers in Lancashire," take place."

which conduct has been pretty A pretty" honour," indeed, to

have been able to pinch the poor cashire make a general call upon harder than any other county. them. What impudent ruffians In another place, he says, that he these must be. They call upon is" decidedly convinced, that a the whole of the people of the "contribution from the public country to do that which the law "funds, is less objectionable than commands them to do themselves! "assessments in aid, sufficient for Only observe, pray observe the "the relief of the poor." Yes, extent and audacity of their iniless objectionable to him, who quity. They derive enormously ought to pay his full share of the high rents from the great populapoor rates at Manchester, until tion which great manufactures the poor be sufficiently relieved have caused to settle upon their but not less objectionable to us of land; the great numbers of peothe rest of the country, who main-ple which the manufactures have tain our own poor. What! am I, brought upon and round their esfor instance, who pay my full tates, have raised their rents five, share towards supporting the poor, six, or ten fold. They have been in this village of Kensington, and amassing wealth, and rolling in also, in the parish of St. Dun-luxury, at the same time, in constan's in the west, in the city of sequence of these enormous rents; London; am I, who thus pay my and now, at last, when these poor share towards the support of the people, out of whose earnings they poor in two parishes, to be have grown so rich; when these TAXED TO HELP KEEP poor people, obeying the voice of THE POOR AT MANCHES-the law, come to them for relief, TER! Yes, I would let this be with all my heart: I would cheerfully give to the poor of Manchester as much as I give to the poor of both these parishes; but, I should know very well that what I sent to Manchester, would be given, not to the poor, but to the lay-payers; that is to say, those who have to pay the poor-rates; and part of what I sent would, of course, be given to this dirty and conceited fellow, TAYLOR, the editor of this lump of dulness called the "Guardian."

they bid them go to the national taxes and not to come to their lands, of which taxes these poor people themselves pay a part! Bad as this is, it is not the worst; for, while the land-owners are calling upon the nation in general to relieve the poor, instead of relieving them themselves, as they are bound to do, by law; while they are doing this, they, themselves are causing a great part of the poverty and misery, by their cruel and insulting TAX UPON BREAD. What! Lay a tax The Ministers must see this upon bread, in order to put money matter in its true light. They into their own pockets; and then are called upon by these noble-call upon the nation at large to men and gentlemen of Renfrew-maintain the poor out of the shire; that is to say, by the taxes!. land-owners of Renfrewshire, to If the Ministers were to lend maintain the poor of that county themselves to the perpetrating of out of the general taxes of the an act of injustice like this, they country. The land-owners of Lan- would deserve the severest punish

ment that the law has provided for the highest of criminals. It would be nothing short of a bribe to these grasping and merciless men. If they make a grant to the people in Lancashire, they must do the same with regard to Scotland, to Yorkshire, to Warwickshire, to Norfolk, and, above all things, to Ireland. The Editor of the Glasgow Chronicle has the following remarks upon this subject.

count; tell him of all the taxes that they have to pay, and of all the Offices, Salaries, Pensions, Sinecures, Grants and glorious jobs for which they have to pay. And I believe, if the working men were to set about such an account, those that set them on to do it, would try to stop their mouths before they had half done.

In conclusion of this article, I must repeat, that I do not believe that the Ministers will enter upon At the Meeting of the County of Renfrew, held on Thursday at Pais- such a course of injustice and of ley, to consider the means of em-folly, as that of granting relief out ploying the suffering workmen, it of the taxes.

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was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Mr. MAXWELL, that in order to avert the pressure of want, the interposition of Government was necessary. This judicious measure on the part of so intelligent a county as Renfrew will, we hope, shake the resolution of Ministers; and if it be properly followed up by the other manufacturing districts, there is little doubt that a sum commensurate



I take the following from the Morning Chronicle of the second of August. It will make the reader stare, as it has me.

with the exigency will be afforded by Government. Meanwhile we repeat, our advice that the workmen them"The Requisition for the Town's selves should petition the King, giving Meeting, in Manchester, is already a true account of their destitution, signed by upwards of a hundred and praying for a Government grant.highly respectable names. Should the Boroughreeve decline to call the Meet

So! you see, they are very hot ing, other measures will be adopted in upon getting this grant of money! convening it. Every sensible man feels They want the workmen "them- that no time can, with safety, be lost selves, to petition the King." in promulgating a knowledge of the Ah! Do I, too, want the workmen state of the district, and making a 10 petition the King! But not to formal and solemn appeal to Governget the King to cause themselves ment for relief.” to be taxed in order to save the pockets of the Landlords. I want them to petition for Reform of the Parliament ! That is the subject for the workmen to petition upon. Aye! I, too, wish the workmen themselves to "give the King a true account of their destitution.". Indeed I do wish that they would give him such an ac

What! a solemn appeal to the Government! Indeed! Can such steps be necessary to a town that has the benignant protection of LAVENDER, the late London thieftaker! Surely they joke! There can be nothing the matter of a town that has a Boroughreeve and Constables," so vigilant as to have horse, foot, and artillery

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ready to interfere with an unarm- this must end! But, if they can

ed man, expected to approach not now see that there must be their town, in the midst of an un- such a reform of the Parliament armed multitude! Oh! no. Devil as would diminish the all-conis in it, if such a town as this can trolling power of this class, they be in any danger! "Making a and their families must be begformal and solemn appeal to the gars. Nothing short of a Reform Government!" For troops, I of the Parliament will save them. suppose? For powder and ball A petition coming from them for and swords and bayonets to "in- such a reform, would be instantly terfere" with Cobbett, least his followed by similar petitions all speaking in Manchester should over the kingdom. This is the have a TENDENCY to produce way for them to save themselves. a breach of the peace! It does They have now found that their not signify talking: such a place cause and their workmen's cause, must suffer: I should be an is one and the same. They have atheist at once if I could believe now found, that if their workmen that such a place would escape perish, they must perish too. suffering. For the poor and inno- Thus have they their choice; to cent people of Manchester I feel rely upon the Reformers for effisincere sorrow. I know well cient relief, or still to adhere to that a considerable portion of their old friends, LAVENDER, the them suffered in the spirit, if not late London thief-taker, and Niin the flesh, in the horrible years cholas GRIMSHAW, Mayor of 1817, 1818, and 1819. But, the Preston. place must suffer. Those who participated in, or approved of, the horrid deeds of those years, are now receiving their reward. However, in order to merit a mitigation of their just punishment, let them now come forward. them now ask pardon of God and "England is at present the only man. Let them join the Re-country of Europe, except Spain, formers; for, any thing short of where plans for violating the conthat is totally useless. The Corn tracts with the national creditor are Bill is only one thing to be re- Globe of Tuesday. proposed by men of any character.moved. It is, however, a thing of great importance. But, there are the horrible loads of taxation. These loads must be removed, or merchants and traders and manufacturers must all be beggars, They are all now sacrificed to the cormorant rapacity of the LandOwners and the Beneficed Clergy How blind the Master Manufacturers must have been, not to see and not to have seen where





"The accounts from the distressed districts are actually shocking; and, as is usual in such cases, a corresponding depravation of morals attends the physical evils to which the objects of our sympathy are subatrocious sufferings, which we can jected. Even those who witness the but feebly describe, have their perceptions of right and wrong blunted. The most respectable periodical works

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