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way, and thinking another, which, established, in honour of the forperhaps, protects a man against ties, for whom the man BRIC'S all charges of inconsistency." best word used, in 1824, to be Mr. LAWLESS does not, I hope;" brute beasts"! But, amidst all expect that he shall ever be for- this recanting and cajoling, the given by the disfranchisers? On the contrary, they will now hate him ten thousand times more than before. Upon the above curious adventures, the DUBLIN MORNING POST makes the following remarks:

Knights of the new Order seem wholly to overlook poor Burdett. What! is he to recant too? Is he also to "read his recantation," and to "keep his private opinion"? He should have read his recantation, if I had met him at Westminster, the other day. What hand he had in this foul plot for

"What a pity it is that the "three first named gentlemen 86 never discovered the virtues of "the Forty-shillingers, until a disfranchising the Irish people "handsome fee was put into each and making them slaves for ever, "man's pocket by means of the we may gather from the following "said Forty-shillingers, and a

prospect of a good harvest held extract from Mr. O'GORMAN'S "out by future patriotic endea- speech, at the Clare county "vours of the said Forty-shilling-meeting, held at Ennis.

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ers.-A fee in hand produces

a wonderful effect in opening "Mr. O'Gorman, in continuasome men's eyes to the disco-"tion, said, he did not charge his very of truth. And how sud-"friend Mr. Lawless with any "den, too—all 'converted' toge-wilful misrepresentation, but "ther!!-As to Mr. O'Gorman, "that he thought he could refer the discovery is new to us, that his mistake to the misunder"he was among the disfranchi- « standing of a certain conversasers. What a hopeful set of "tion which he (Mr. O'Gorman) "patriots we have. The reader" had with Sir Francis Burdett "will not fail to contrast the" on one of the few occasions that splendid triumph of indepen-"Mr. Lawless happened to be "dence in Louth, with the mum- 66 present at, when the subject mery and flummery at the Corn" was discussed in the DeputaExchange. Last year a button" tion. The measure was under was to save Ireland-this year "consideration the night before we are to be mystified by an "in the House of Commons. "order of (we were going to say "Mr. Leslie Foster thought the "knighthood) CAJOLERY!"



This last remark alludes to the "ORDER OF LIBERA


raising of the qualification to "104. was doing nothing; that to "be effectual the qualification "should be raised to at least 201. TORS," which has just been" In this sentiment he (Mr. Leslie

"Foster) was cheered, and the well knows, that Burdett answer"whole thing was then, in his ed, that " he did not owe his seat (Mr. O'Gorman's) judgment, to the poor electors, but to the "assuming so alarming an ap

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"pearance for the people, that people of property!" Oh! im"on seeing Sir Francis Burdett prudence! ingratitude unparallel"the next day, he (Mr. OʻGor"man) expressed a hope, if ed! But, I once praised this "the franchise was to be at all man. Ah! I did indeed; and I "meddled with, that the qualifi- hope God will forgive me for it: "cation should not exceed 51.; I am sure my repentance has "but neither to this or any other "qualification did he (Mr. O'Gor- been sincere enough and of long "man) ever assent. On Sir F. enough duration. But, at any "Burdett's persisting in standing

"by the Bill, as it was originally rate, I did not praise him upon "introduced, the conversation oath, as the Knight of the "OR"was dropped, and he (Mr. DER OF LIBERATORS" condemned « O'Gorman) never again opened the poor forties, whom he now eu"his lips on the subject except in

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“the most unqualified way, to logizes to the skies. But, after "condemn any alteration what-all, what is to become of Bur"ever in the franchise." dett? If the Knights have to So, there was pretty work go- "recant," what has he got to do? ing on with this "valuable and Why, he has to uphold, or, assist excellent person;" for, it is he, in upholding, the paper-system, whom Mr. LAWLESS means, and as long as he can; for, the moa shame it is for Mr. LAWLESS, a ment that shall go to pieces, he real shame, for him to attempt to sinks for ever out of sight; and varnish over the conduct of this this he knows very well; and, in man, because (for what other rea- the meanwhile, Mr. LAWLESS son is there ?) he has twenty ought to know, that he is "a vathousand acres of land. Mr.luable and excellent person," beLAWLESS Well knows that it was fore he calls him such; and Burdett, who was the great advo- especially before he makes use cate for the disfranchisement. of the assertion as an apology for He well knows, that he himself the other disfranchisers. debated the question with Bur- And now, one serious word to dett; that he (Lawless) asked Bur- Mr. LAWLESS and the real friends dett, where he himself would be, of Ireland. It is very pretty, and, if the poor voters were cut off in doubtless, very "intense," to talk Westminster; and, Mr. LAWLESS about the Knight's "victory over


Burdett to

himself," and "over the infirmi- [of a Legislative remedy, no man at all acquainted with the nature and extent of those difficulties, can, I think, doubt. We have been so long accustomed to hear the phrases "Wisdom of Parliament," "Omnipotence of Parliament," that at length we have been brought to look to Parliament for a remedy for every evil. If we find an exuberance of paper-money in circulation, Parliament must interfere to diminish the quantity. If corn be too low to enable the landlord to get his rents from the farmer, Parliament must be applied to, to raise the price. If corn be too high for the manufacturer to live, the "Wisdom of ParIf excesliament" is resorted to. sive "Prosperity" have made people profligate in giving credit, Parliament must be petitioned to punish those to whom the credit has been given, if they are unable to pay. In short, Sir, we foolishly imagine, that evils which are out of the reach of legislation, are to be cured by Acts of Parliament.

this is ties of human nature:' extremely intense talk; but, it will take in nobody on this side of the water, where we all see, that the "recantation " has been produced, because it was seen, that to persevere in the heresy would produce no silk gown! again, what is poor do? He can have no motive for recanting; and yet he must recant, or the Knights will punish him as a malignant and confirmed heretic. He insisted, that, to disfranchise the forties was necessary to give liberty to them and to the whole country: he said,

Without entering into an inquiry concerning the causes, immediate or remote, of the present state of the community, let us look at a few simple facts which indicate what that state is; and endeavour, by fair in

and the Knight and his man BRIC swore, that the right of voting was a harm to forties themselves, and that they would be happy to get released from this oppressive right. The Knight and his man have re-ference, to ascertain the probable issue. I have not a correct account canted, and for reasons; but what reason can GLORY discover?-the six months just ended; but I

'Time will tell us, perhaps.


of the number of bankruptcies in

have seen the number stated at 1800 in one of the newspapers, and I believe it is very near the mark. Now, Sir, it is greatly below the mark to estimate the expenses of working those Commissions at two hundred pounds each; at which rate these

I HAVE to apologize for not hav-1800 Commissions will cost 360,000/

ing inserted the following sooner; but, it is not now too late, though it has been published elsewhere before.

SIR, That the difficulties of this country are now beyond the reach

Compare this, Sir, with the amount of the subscriptions for relieving the starving people!-Further, take the debts of these 1800 bankrupts at 10,000l. one with another—and it is a low computation, considering that the debts of many individuals of this number amounted to 30, 40, 50, or 60 times as much; but at this

rate the aggregate amount is, eighteen | deed! A pretty "palladium" this millions!! Judging from what is press" is! However, there you the usual result of bankruptcies, it is

quite high enough to estimate the are, "Envy and Admiration," dividends to average 5s, in the with a people fed partly by alms pound; at which rate here is a loss,

in six months, to a portion of the bestowed by soldiers, whose pay community least able to bear it, ef thirteen millions and a half!! This comes in part out of taxes raised


is exclusive of private compositions; on this very people!
and exclusive of insolvents
charged under the Act, the number
of whom that have been advertised
in the London Gazette, within a few
weeks, are at the rate of ten thou-
sand individuals a year.-I am, Sir,
your Constant Reader,

Even the BoXERS have shown their charity.

A LONDON MERCHANT. Mark lane, July 1.



SPARRING FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WEAVERS.-A Second Sparring Benefit for the assistance of the starving Weavers was given yesterday, at the Tennis Court; but we regret to state that neither the "Fancy" nor the Corps Pugilistique were so numerous in their attendance as the cause demanded. The use of the Court was given gratis by Mr. Hunt, the proprietor. As an additional inducement to the fighting men to do their duty, a substantial supply of Beef and Plum Pudding," was genegood old English cheer, "Roast rously provided for their entertaincumstance, they mustered but thinly, ment; but notwithstanding this cirand few of the "Top Sawyers day amounted only to fourteen pounds shewed at all. The receipts of the of which sum seven pounds were swalwas the orator of the day, and in lowed up by expenses. Bill Richmond closing the games, expressed his regret that his brother pugilists had," with their character, lost their feelings. The veteran Tom Cribb was the Cashier.

THE Irish papers tell us, that two people have, within these few days, died from starvation, in Dublin. Even this, however, horrible as it is to think of, is really less humiliating than the means resorted to for relieving, as it is called, the people in England. Amongst the charitable subscribers are REGIMENTS OF SOLDIERS!!! This fact, and the thoughts that it must instantly give rise to, are almost enough to It is bad enough to be starved make one mad. Degraded must to death; but nothing is that when be the state in which we are, when compared with having to live unI dare not, for the very life of me, der insults like this. There wantsay, upon this subject, that which ed but one thing more, and that I wish to say, and that which I we have in the following adverought to say. "Palladium" in- tisement (copied from a. Jamaica

paper into the London papers) is the land? What! Do not the of a subscription by the slaves of" starving weavers" know that the part of that Island, for the relief land is bound to keep them from of the English working-people.

(From the Public Advertiser of Jamaica, June 12.)

We bin berry sorry for yerry Massa read in him paper torra day dat dem poor buckra in a Ingland no hab bittle foo nyam. Cum massa nega make we all put down little or much foo send dem for you no sabby dem make behbraba suntin foo we, dem hin make one paper 63 foot long foo we free mans; but dem buckra fool too much, dem call we Slave.-Goramity, dem no bliged foo work foo dem Massa 16 hours ebery day, and no can get bittle foo nyani poor sauntings!!! We will beg Massa foo send de money in de packet foo de poor tings beffore dem ded wid hungry bellie and we beg ebery Nega in dis yere cuntry foo do de same.

The names of one hundred and twenty-two subscribers we will give to-morrow, and we heartily wish that every individual in the empire would follow the laudable example here set for them; how soon would they subscribe a sufficient sum to alleviate the distresses of the unfortunate operatives" in England!!! We understand that the money subscribed, amounting to 271. 4s. 2d. will be sent home by the present packet free of expense.


Now, it is possible that this is a Jamaica joke; but it is a most cutting joke, and one that is very well ealculated to expose the fools or knaves, and sometimes both in the same person, who have been bawling out for negro emancipation. But what a scene is here!

Where are the poor-rates? Where

starving! What need have they of "charity"? The law gives them a maintenance out of the

land, if they cannot lawfully get it in any other way; and, it takes in, not only all the land in their own parish, but of other parishes also, if that in their own parish

be not sufficient.
the unfortunate

Why, then, are people of the North to be insulted by charitable donations from boxers and negroes?

"THE PATRIOT." (From the Morning Herald.) Of all human beings, a Patriot, by profession is the most difficult to please. If we are to have a dispute, give us a Tory-give us a courtier, a churchman, a religionist, but save us from a red-hot patriot. He is constantly speaking of the services he has rendered his country, of the triumph of his principles and public virtue, yet he is often the greatest despot in existence. So long as you flatter his vanity, report his speeches. at full length, interlard them at every other sentence with "loud cheers,"

immense applause," "deafening applause," and represent him as the most virtuous and patriotic of men, he will be on the best terms with you, and even praise you for your discernment. But if you find fault with him in any way whatever; if you do not place all his good qualities in the fullest light; if you do not say that all eyes are turned to-wards him, and hundreds, and thou-sands, and hundreds of thousands are trusting to his individual exertion; that Government itself cannot go on

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