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form which you have endeavoured to prevent by the commission of all sorts of cruelties upon the labouring people.

Alas! Far too base are you, I fear, to entertain the thought of such a remedy, though duty towards your Country, towards your neighbours, towards your work- Thus, my friends, "Weaverpeople, towards your families; Boys," I have offered these insothough your own safety, your own lent men my advice; or, rather, I preservation from the Poor-house, have told them what they must do points this out to you; your long to save themselves, without caring habits of insolent domination over one straw whether they do it or your work-people, will restrain not. In the meanwhile, the cause you from thus pursuing the only works steadily on; and we shall means that can procure your sal- see the day when we shall have vation. ample vengeance on all our eneIndeed, how is justice to be ex-mies. I believe that no one of pected from you; and what right them will escape punishment of have you to ask for justice, when some sort. We have seen the deyou are so insolently unjust your-plorable end of a great part of selves? What Boroughmonger is those miscreants, the "Merchants there who is more unjust than those and Bankers of London," who ismasters of the town of Preston, sued a declaration against us in who unblushingly turned off their 1817; we have seen the Liverpool work-people to starve because they miscreants go off like rotten sheep; voted for me? Men, who could and we now see the Cotton Nobido this; who could thus tyrannize lity beginning to tumble about over the consciences of their work-like empty barrels: if they choose people; men, who could thus con- to join us in petitioning for Redemn their workmen to the suffer- form, it is well: if not, let them ings of hunger, merely because perish; and so say you all, and, those workmen obeyed the dic-knowing that you say this, I retates of their consciences; men, main who could thus violate the freedom of election, richly deserve ruin, hunger, starvation, the most agonizing of sufferings, and the most disgraceful of deaths, at the hands of Boroughmongers. Such detestable tyrants ought not to be considered as men, and, at any rate, are entitled to no compassion, suffer what they may. However, join the Reformers you must, or you will get no redress; you will go on, sinking by degrees; the weak ones will fall first; the strong ones will follow; the whole will come down, first or last and from this fate nothing can save you, but that very Re

Your faithful friend, and
Most obedient Servant,



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ALL our tax-eaters tell us that our Government is the envy of surrounding nations, and admiration of the world." They do this while they have their hands ramined down into our pockets. At last, however, some of us do seem to be staggered at the use of such descriptions as this, when we see that nine-tenths of the people are


covered with rags; that no small Pray, reader, look well at it. part of them are nearly naked; you feel for your country, as you If that in some parts of this glorious- ought to do, you will be enraged ly fine "empire" even the women in reality. But do not cut your go nearly naked, while our infa-throats. Leave those to cut their mous newspapers and the Minis-throats who have brought us to this ters are representing the distress pass: who have brought proud of manufacturers as arising from Englishmen down to be objects of an over stock of goods; that more charity to those that were formerly than two-thirds of the people in colonists of England. This is beEngland, and more than four-fifths ing the " of them in Ireland, are without a tions, and the admiration of the envy of surrounding nasecond shirt; that pretty nearly a world," is it? Insolent tax-eating third part of the whole are without ruffians, how I like to thrust that shoes; that three-fourths of the boast up under their noses. whole are dressed, if at all, in let us hear, now, what the New rags; that nine-tenths of them are Yorkers say to our miserable siwithout curtains of any sort; tuation. without table-cloths, towels, or any of those things which contribute to The continued and almost unpacleanliness; that, in short, com- the inhabitants in England, Ireland, ralleled sufferings of a large portion of pared with the working people in and Scotland (from causes altogether America, or even in France, our beyond their control), have induced working people (once the most several of the most respectable citicleanly and best dressed in the zens of, and British subjects in, New world,) are now a set of deplora- York and its vicinity, to call a mectble ragged beggars; that, while ing of those who may feel interested this is the case, THWAITES of the in their behalf, to devise some means, Morning Herald, and equally wise lief, and, if practicable, to rescue them or adopt some measures, for their reLord LIVERPOOL are telling us, from poverty and starvation.-A pubthat the distress of our manufac-lic meeting will, therefore, be held turing people arises from their on Monday next, at six o'clock, p. m. having made too great a quantity at Washington-Hall, to take this of goods. No, wise Lord LIVER- subject into consideration. - All POOL, and no, you foolish those who feel interested in the cause THWAITES, the distress of the of suffering humanity are respectmanufacturing people does not fully invited to attend. One of our arise from their having made too of the heart-rending scenes of dispublic journals, after relating some much goods; it arises from the tress among our fellow-men beyond people being unable to buy the the Atlantic, thus remarks:-"Now goods; and this arises from taxa- is the time for the citizens of these tion and the Corn Bill; and these United States to manifest their benearise from the want of a Parlia-volence and charity towards our sufmentary Reform. fering, starving fellow-men in England. Our country is literally overflowing ed as a sort of preface to an arti-pecially flour and we hav hundreds with provisions of various kinds, escle which I take from the Morning of ships ready to transportthese proChronicle, and which it has taken, visions. Why not, then start subit seems, from a New York paper. scriptions, or devise some means to

The above remarks are intend

relieve the distresses of those people? | Corn lower priced than it now is. Such conduct would make the wi- That is our state; that is the state dow's and the orphan's heart to sing to which we have been brought, for joy, and perhaps save thousands by the CANNINGS, the JENKIN from starvation, and bring down the SONS, and the HUSKISSONS, and blessings of heaven on our land."The vivid descriptions given in the by their predecessors, up to PITT, English Papers, of the distress which inclusive; and it must be confesprevails among the manufacturing sed that even this state is too good classes, has excited much sympathy for those who have, with their on this side the water; and the last eyes open, supported these men Mercantile Advertiser announces the and their system. intention of several benevolent inhabitants of New York to send a cargo of flour to England, as an American contribution for the relief of the distressed labourers.

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Do go

It is curious enough that, just In flour. The Yankees are as the Bank of England is begingoing to make us a present of ning to send forth their Branch some flour. The Yankees are Banks upon the "Scots plon, very kind, but they do not seem mon," the "Scots plon, mon," to be aware that our Laws, our seems to be ganging to the devil. Landlords' laws, would prevent The following is an account of the flour from being landed, even something having happened to if it came. This would be a the Stirling Bank." pretty dilemma. We have laws through it, reader, if you can, to keep corn and flour out of the without laughing. Look at the country, and the New Yorkers close of the article, in particular. are subscribing to send flour to It is only a suspension of paysave us from starvation. If we ments, you will perceive. Oh! be not the "Envy of surrounding Bless me, no! Nothing more! Nations, and the Admiration of There is only a little time wanted the World," it is strange indeed! for arrangements, for the paying Here we a considerable of the debts. are; portion of the people absolutely destitute of a sufficiency of food; there is the Continent of Europe ready to send us an abundance of food at a very cheap rate, and to take our goods in return, and there stand our Landlord rulers with a Law to prevent us from having the cheap Corn; there are the Yankees subscribing to send flour to prevent us from starving; and here stand our Landlord rulers with a Law to prevent us from receiving the flour, even as a present, lest the receiving of it should make their

Not BROKE, then. What! Mon! Hoot awa, mon! I hope you dunna thank that a Scots Bonk can brak! oh! Lord no! Pon my soul I never suspected any such thing! How could 1, after what Doctors BLACK and MACCULLOCH had so many dozen of times sworn upon the subject. You must take my news, however, as I find it; and here it is.

dinary feelings of regret we find it Stirling Bank.-It is with no orannounced in this day's paper, that the Stirling Banking Company, after carrying on business most respect

notes are in their pockets. Nothing that is in paper would be worth one farthing, if there were to be a considerable rising in the heart of the country. And, what to think about such risings we must gather from what we hear from the North. I am always very much given to suspect, the accounts 'relative to risings of the

ably and liberally for nearly half a century, are, for the present, obliged to suspend their payments, except with regard to their notes in circulation, which the Bank's Agents of Edinburgh have agreed to retire, so as to give the Company time to enter into arrangements for the discharge of their other engagements. We perceive the agents of the Bank of Scotland and Commercial Bank, in Stirling, will continue to receive the notes as for-people, if those accounts come merly. A suspension of business, from the Hell Hole, Manchester. for any period, in a concern of such The brutal scoundrel who knockrespectability and long standing, cannot fail to be attended with serious ed the people about with a stick, inconvenience to this district, where, when they were perfectly quiet. we hesitate not to say, much of the and only waiting to see me, would improvement and prosperity of the be a pretty fellow to believe when country, as well as individual success he talked about a rising of the in life, may be attributed, in no small people. When I hear accusadegree, to the liberality and facility tions of this sort against the peowith which this establishment has all along been conducted.-Stirling ple of that country, I always sus


pect that there are spies and miscreants at work, that want an excuse for murdering the people. If, however, the accounts which reach us from that quarter be true, there are meetings of the people, and men who exhort others to take up arms. Be this as it may, the following notice has been published at Manchester:


Seriously, though, my good friends at Glasgow and Paisley, and throughout Scotland, if you have any notes of any description, turn them into gold as quickly as possible. Look at the manufacturing districts; look at the Hell Hole, Manchester; look at the bankrupt state of Liverpool and London; read the accounts of the movements of troops and ammuWe, the undersigned Magistrates nition; look at all this, and only for the county of Lancaster, have think, if you were to hear some tain evil-disposed persons, strangers observed with great regret that cermorning that the present little ar- in Manchester, have, within the last maments in and about Manches- few days, been endeavouring to exter were swelled up to fifty thou-cite the peaceable and well-disposed sand men, think how much a inhabitants, by inflammatory lanbank note would be worth by the guage and addresses, to acts of outevening of that day. The South rage and insubordination; and in American bubble has bursted; furtherance of their wicked object, every thing seems to be coming to be held in the evenings of several have given notice of public meetings down to a state of reality; and days in the present week, at which in a state of reality, the paper such strangers have been the princimoney cannot live. All who have pal speakers, and the meetings have Bank notes ought to be constantly been protracted to late hours of the on the watch, as long as those night;

Now, we do hereby declare our it into Gold, as soon as they can; opinion, that all such meetings are most people expect a dreadful illegal, as having a manifest and crash before Christmas. I think direct tendency to a breach of the it is likely enough, though, it alpeace, which it is our duty to proways will come like a thief in the night. Therefore, again I say,


We therefore caution all persons get gold, and keep gold. not to attend any such meetings, nor in any respect to be induced, by the wicked and mischievous, to engage in proceedings which must bring upon them all the consequences attending such illegal con


Given under our hands this 15th July, 1826.




New Bailey Court House.



I SHALL Soon have for sale, at my shop, No. 183, Fleet-street, the first Number of a little Work, under the above title. I intend it to contain about six Numbers, at I cannot help laughing at this Two-pence a Number, to be pubdoctrine about tendency to a lished Monthly. I intend it to be breach of the peace. TEN- the Companion of the Working DENCY to a breach of the Classes, giving them useful INPeace. This is the Manchester FORMATION and ADVICE, adapted doctrine invented by Parson HAY. to their present difficult situation; These fellows talk of "outrage and especially I intend it as the and insubordination," and they means of teaching them how To always seem to think that this AVOID SUFFERING FROM HUNGER! "insubordination," as they call I intend to explain clearly to them it, is worse than outrage. "In- their rights and their duties.subordination" is a military Applications from the country phrase, the law knows nothing should be made without delay. of insubordination; and, indeed, I shall give one copy of each Manchester knows very little Number to every working family about law in the meanwhile in Preston, as a mark of my grathere does appear to have been titude for their great kindness toMeetings of men armed, or pretty wards me, and also as a mark of nearly armed; and there appears my admiration of their sense and besides, as we have seen above, their public spirit.-The First no very anxious desire, in the for- Number will be published on the merly Aristocratic newspapers, to First of August, and the other prevent it; that is to say, to pre- Numbers on the First of every veut risings of any sort. There- succeeding Month. Six ACTS will fore, let those who have any thing not let me publish in the middle of that they can turn into Gold, turn a Month.

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