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from that their own newspaper, of receive it is rewarded by that State

the 15th of this month of July, in three paragraphs, as follows:

becoming altogether independent of supplies of goods from this country. 2. Can then our manufacturers

crable laws are at once raising the price of food, and limiting the num ber of their customers, and encou raging the growth of rival manufac tures in other lands? Will they contentedly allow the resumption of cash payments to bear exclusively on them, while the landed interest touch not the heavy burthens with the tip of their little finger? It is ridicu lous to expect that they will tamely submit to ruin and starvation while the remedy is obvious. It is ridiculous to suppose, that while means exist of giving a stimulus to their trade, and checking the growth of infant manufactures in other lands, and obtaining food at reasonable prices, they will submit to ruin and starvation. Hunger, even when not: unjustly caused, will break through stone walls; then how much more: energetic will it be, when it is occa signed by laws which are at variance, with every principle of policy and jus tice, and every feeling of humanity?: At the risk of being accused of exciting the commotions which God knows our greatest desire is to repress; at the risk of this accusation:

1. The alteration in the value of and those whom they employ, look money (says the Manchester Ga-on in sullen apathy while those exe zette of Saturday), occasions a fall of prices; and the weaver who earned nine shillings a week is glad to earn six. With the nine shillings he could have obtained food equal in . value to a quarter of wheat; but he finds, that as home-grown corn is scarce, and foreign is excluded from our markets, the alteration of the value of the currency, which has lowered this wages, has not lowered its price, so that he obtains for his week's wages not to the value of a quarter of wheat, but only to the value of two-thirds of a quarter. The manufacturer could sell the piece of shirting which the weaver has produced, to a foreign merchant, but unfortunately, the latter has nothing to give in exchange for it but corn, which the laws will not allow the former to receive. The piece of shirting remains on hand; the manufacturer is disappointed of his profits, and his money is locked up in unsaleable goods; and the weaver is dismissed, to starve, or to exist in a state not much removed from starvation, on a scanty allowance from the almost exhausted parish funds. In the mean time, the wheat which would have been exchanged for the surplus stock of the manufacturer, and would have enabled him to keep the weaver in employment, and which, thrown into competition with that which is raised in this country, would have enabled both the manufacturer and the weaver to have procured food at prices proportionate to their means; that wheat is not allowed to be wasted. If we refuse to receive it, it is employed in rewarding the labour of a weaver in the land where it is grown. Manufactures are thereby encouraged; the State soon thinks it worth while to protect them by imposing heavy duties on our goods, and ultimately our refusal to



Are there not, we ask, to be seen, the not obscure tokens of that terrible convulsion at which the loftyminded and firm-nerved Lord Grey, could not glance, without something like expressions of horror? Go where 小


you will, enter into what promis- measures of Government.”, İ cuous company you may, you are they are, too; and so I told them every where met with the all-em- in my first speech at Preston; ploying inquiries, what is to be done? but the haughty vagabonds at how long are things to go on at Preston united against me; rethis rate? And it is high time that turned like a dog to his vomit; these questions should be taken up by our townsmen, not as individuals punished their poor weavers and merely, but as a body. Is a town spinners, because they voted for like this to go to ruin in silence? Are me; were guilty of misdemeanor the enterprising manufacturers and in the legal sense, and of tyranny merchants, who have so often been in the moral sense, in order to dethe theme of ministerial and parlia- prive the country of the use of mentary eulogium, to see themselves those talents and of that knowsinking, day after day, the victims, ledge, the application of which, as they nearly all, Whig or Tory, even in the next Session of Paradmit, of the measures of Government; and are they to go from their palace- liament, might have saved themlike mansions almost to the work-selves. house, in unrepining, unremonstrating submission? Above all, are they to see themselves surrounded with an immense population, from whom nothing but CHEAP BREAD and LOW TAXES can avert all the thousand horrors and crimes which

wait upon starvation, and not make an effort to turn the current which is hurrying this mighty mass to that destruction which will involve the great and small, the rich and poor, together?

Oh! the whining, crying, baffled tyrants! What! Have they not enough to save them! Have they not the "BOROUGHREEVE AND CONSTABLES"; the famous "BoROUGHREEVE AND CONSTABLES," those "watchful keepers of the What! peace," as they call it?


Go from their palace-like mansions to the workhouse," while they have LAVENDER and GRIMSHAW to protect them! God save us! Cannot the venerable GRIMSHAW and illustrious LAVENDER save the Cotton Lords and Ladies from the workhouse? Where,

There, my boys! That is their dismal story; and pray mind, how bold, how spirited, their miseries have made them. What! then, let me ask, and indignantly are they, then, going from their I ask the question, where is HUL"Palace-like Mansions" to the TON of Hulton, Parson HAY, BolWorkhouse? Indeed! Why ton FLETCHER, and the Comthey told us that they enjoyed

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many blessings" under the state of things that we wanted to change: many blessings they said they enjoyed under it; and they wanted us to be dungeoned and chained, and hanged and chopped to pieces, because we ascribed the distresses of the people to the Government! Their Gazette now tells us, that they, whether Whig or Tory, call themselves the victims of the

mander and commanded of the Manchester Yeomanry Cavalry, of the 16th of August, 1819? What! Cannot all these put together, and joined by Parson WHITTAKER, of Blackburn, keep these delicate persons from the workhouse! Well, then, if it be come to this, their state is melancholy, indeed. But, I return to the charge: I cannot give it up for the soul of me. What, again

I say, cannot the "authorities;" present punishment, they remind the thundering "authorities" of us of the former praise. They Manchester, of the Hell Hole, complain of their sufferings, and, cannot they save these Lords and by their folly, show the world that Ladies, these Lady Janes of the they deserve them. spindle; these Lord Charleses of They can now ask, "What is the loom; cannot they, cannot to be done? What is to be the big "authorities," that these" done? How long are we to sufCotton Nobility have so often em- "fer? Shall we suffer without ployed against us Reformers; "repining? shall we suffer in sicannot these “authorities” save "lence? shall we go down withthe noble race from the work-out remonstrating shall not house! "the bread be made cheaper? "shall not the taxes be made

But, let us see what their complaint against the Government amounts to. Their complaint, or rather their complaints, are these: that the Government, by raising the value of money, has caused a fall of prices of goods, that, by keeping a Corn Bill in force, it does not suffer food to fall in price, in proportion to the fall in goods; that, by preventing corn from being brought in, it takes away the means of foreigners from buying our goods; that, thus the manufacturing people are ruined; that they are thus sacrificed for the sole benefit of the owners of the land.

In the third of the above paragraphs, this infamous Manchester" lower?" We asked these quesnewspaper observes, that the Man- tions in 1817 and 1819, and these chester nobility have" often been very men called for dungeons "the theme of Ministerial and and chains, and axes and halters "Parliamentary eulogium." Yes, for us; and they were thanked the vagabonds, they have; they for chopping us down, and tramhave been the theme of the eulo- pling us under foot. gium of the Ministers and the Parliament, and never so loudly were they praised by the Ministers and the Parliament, as they were, when they chopped down poor and unarmed men, women, and children, on the 16th August, 1819! And, God Almighty, how just art thou! Let the half-godless Unitarians, who circulated Carlile's blasphemies at Preston, (first cutting off his name, however,) let these, half Jews and half Christians, look at the scene now before us. Here are these Manchester tyrants, at the very moment that they are boasting of the praises bestowed upon them for their Now, Cotton Lords, bellish deeds, complaining of the this is all true; but it is not truer sufferings inflicted on them by than were our allegations against those who thus praise them! If this the Government in 1817 and be not signal justice, never was 1819. You say, my Lords, (who there signal justice in this world. are just going to the workhouse), The very same men that praised that these laws, about the corn, them for their deeds of the six- are at" variance with every printeenth of August, are now punish-ciple of policy and justice, and ing them; and, what is more, every feeling of humanity." All while they are complaining of the true, my Lords. Every word of it H

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true; but, when in another place, single straw, whether you take you call these "execrable laws," my advice or not; whether your I am not bold enough to follow sufferings end in three months you; seeing that that Parliament, time, or last for seven years. under which you enjoyed so Snakes, adders, toads, snails, many blessings," might lay me slugs, earwigs, any beast or repby the heels, in the first place; tile is as much an object of my and, secondly, might banish me regard as you are. You saw the for life. I cannot, like you, call people chopped down and tramthese "execrable laws;" but, pled under foot on the 16th of with the exception of your si- August; you saw the perpetralence with regard to the reduction tors thanked by Sidmouth; you of establishments and of interest saw Parson HAY get a great livof debt, I cordially agree with ing soon after that. If you did you, as to this question of corn; not approve of all this, you were though, I must confess, that I am silent under it all. You can now almost frightened by the close of cry out, for yourselves; but not your second paragraph, where you declare, that, unless the corn laws be repealed, and that, "at no distant period, the poor "will TAKE THE FOOD, "which they cannot, by other * means, obtain; that it is use"less to blink the question; for "that the people of England will "not starve."

even a whisper did you utter for the injured Reformers. Therefore, I have no sort of compassion for you: I do not care what becomes of you, or of your families: there are, doubtless, many exceptions, and I know of a few; but in speaking of you, I must speak of the mass; and that mass has done more to uphold this MinisThis is bold work, indeed, my try, and this Parliament; it has Lords! To say that the people done more than all the rest of the will take the food, "unless the nation put together in upholding corn laws be repealed," is pretty them, in the commission of that bold. Are you not afraid of LA- series of deeds, which have, at VENDER and GRIMSHAW, and of last, produced the very measures, Parsons HAY and WHITTAKER, by which you, this great mass of and of HULTON of Hulton, and rich men, have been ruined. Bolton FLETCHER? Do not get Therefore, again I say, I do into a passion, my Lords. Keep not care what becomes of you; yourselves a little cool: keep, it but, I will tell you what to do, if you can, under the eighty-four you have the spirit to do any degrees. Do not cry out too loudly, just yet; for you have hardly, as yet, begun to taste of your sorrows. I said, at the outset of this letter, that I would give you, my Lords of the spindle, a little wholesome advice, and I am now about to keep my word. Before you proceed further, you will observe, that I do not care one

thing to preserve you from your present misery, and your greater danger. You complain of the Corn Laws; of the "execrable" Corn Laws. Very well, now; doubtless this is one cause of your ruin; and if the present state of the currency remain, and these Corn Laws he not removed, one of your great Hells upon earth,

They must, therefore, shut foreign Corn out, or lay a heavy tax upon it.

with a thousand windows and fifty (them. thousand spindles and a thousand looms, will not, in a few years' time, sell for as much as would All this is very natural. It keep any ordinary family from the ruins you; but what is that to me, work house for life. But, how are if I be a Landlord It rather you to get rid of the Corn Laws? pleases me to see your Cotton You cannot get rid of them, with- Lordship brought down. Now, out getting them repealed. And then, how are you to get rid of how are you to get them repealed this scourge? is not it clear that by the same men that passed you can get rid of it only by makthem? And who are these men? ing a change in the mode of electWhy, there are two houses of ing those who make the laws? them: one is filled with Lords: You endeavoured to hunt us off and the other is more, a great the face of the earth, only because deal more than half, filled, with we wanted to make such change: Lords' sons, brothers, uncles, cou- and now, just God! It is the want sins, relations and connexions. In of this very change that is now short, there is the Petition now squeezing you to death! Well, lying before the House of Com- then, if you do not mean to be mons, presented to it by Lord treated, by the Ministers and their GREY, when he was Mr. GREY, crew, as the "Honourable" Mr. which Petition tells the whole STANLEY was treated at Preston; story. It states that the Lords namely, to be spitten upon, until put, at their own pleasure, more you be as slimy as slugs; if you than a majority into the Lower do not mean to deserve treatment House: it states, in short, that one like this at their hands, you will was the House of Lords, and the now, at last, before you be quite other the Lords' House. They pressed out of existence, come might have been called the House forward and join the "Weaverof Landlords, and the other the Boys," in a Petition for Radical Landlords' House. It is non- Reform. Come out, therefore; sense; it is to be a brute beast, to get the banner from my friends at suppose that men will not take Preston; the Radical banner; care of themselves. These Land- under that banner hold a meeting; lords have the far greater part of the news of the Meeting will reach the regiments and the ships, and Whitehall; and the return post the pensions, and the sinecures, will tell you that the Ports are and the church livings. They and open. Only let the Ministers their families have pretty nearly hear that the Master Manufactuthe whole of these. They cannot rers of any one Town in Lanreduce the interest of the debt, cashire have joined the workmen, without lopping off these; and, in a Petition for Parliamentary therefore, they are for paying the Reform; let the Ministers hear interest of the debt, as long as that, and you are saved, and your they can, or, rather, for making workmen are saved, and the the nation pay it. Yet, to pay Landlords themselves are saved, the interest of the debt without a and we are all saved from ruin, high price for Corn, would, in misery and convulsion. fact, take their estates away from

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