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counts upon hooking another to not a word will you hear coming him. Why, it would be better from his lips. Never will you

hear of any thing from him that
would do credit to the town of
Never will one word
meet the ear that could be of any
had chosen
service to you. If you
me, you would have seen some-
thing different by the beginning
of next Session. It won't stand,
however, and all your votes I
count upon when I return in the

that the people should send one, and the Corporation another. Lord Derby, in fact, sends two. That contemptible creature, Wood, I will not even allude to further than this-he and the son of Derby shall be ousted from their seats. Derby has fixed his claws on this borough as much as any Peer has fixed his claws on any borough in the empire. But it will not do-month of March, and return I shall. the election cannot stand. Wood Then we shall have none of those told you to-day, that though he barriers-those stakes and dealhad come forward to serve you, boards that have prevented you he could do nothing against the from doing justice. When I came overwhelming majorities in the first among you, I promised to reHouse of Commons. Why then main till the 27th of June. Todid he come forward? I told you morrow is the 27th of June, and that one man of resolution-of that day I will remain, but afterhonest and sincere principles-wards I must go somewhere else. and of determined courage, might In the mean time, I express the save you. Wood says he can do nothing for you; and why, my friends, had he then the impudence to come forward? If he could do no good, why did he not stay at home? (Laughter.) Why come here if he could do nothing?

greatest gratitude for your kindness-a kindness, too, which affects me the more, as it shows more public spirit, more distinguished love of country, and more public spirit than is to be met with in America, or in any part of Engalways said he had no pretensions, land. I pray for your happiness neither he nor the sprig of Derby. and prosperity, whether I am preI said I could do something. But sent or absent. I pray for the poor Wood, what will he do? The happiness of your wives and chilmoment he enters the House of dren-God bless you all (Good Commons he begins to tremble, lad-God bless you.) He then and on my honour I assure you, retired, but shortly after came

back and called upon them to de- | support, and trust that when I again

clare by a show of hands, whether he was the man of their choice. The show of hands was very general. He again thanked them for their kindness, and bade them adieu.

appear (which I most certainly shall) as a Candidate to represent you in Parliament, your kindness will be found undiminished.

I am, Gentlemen,. Your very faithful and humble servant,

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Tuesday Morning.


Mr. CORBETT having an

In the course of the morning, nounced his intention, last night, Captain Barrie issued the follow-of going away by "day-light," in


To the Independent and Loyal Electors of the Borough of Preston..


Although I have been under the necessity of complying with the law, which restricted the polling to three o'clock to-day, I am proud to assure you, that I had at that hour, according to a fair estimate made by my Committee, several hundred electors in attendance, and eager to vote for me. In announcing this to you, I find myself utterly unable to express, in language sufficiently strong, the gratitude I feel for your arduous exertions in my behalf during the whole of this long and severe contest.

duced a great number of persons to assemble about twelve o'clock, round the Castle Inn; but about that hour he determined not to go until evening, and an intimation

to that effect was conveyed to those who waited.

About four o'clock this day the ceremonial of a mock chairing

took place through the principal streets of Preston. It was indeed a most amusing specimen of practical burlesque. The Committee tuated by an unfeigned regard for of Management consisted of the character and welfare of this four ex-weavers, who have detown, I presented myself to your


notice, and, notwithstanding the late voted the whole twenty-four hours period at which I declared my pur-in each day of the last fortnight to pose, I experienced a reception

which, in warmth and sincerity, the amusement of getting drunk. cannot be surpassed, and must ever The first thing they required of be to me a source of high gratifica- those who wished to do honour


To disgraceful and illegal conduct, to the occasion, was, that they and a gross violation of the freedom of election, is to be ascribed my si- should not be able to move three tuation on the poll; and it now re-feet without assistance. About mains to be determined by the House sixty exceedingly drunk, and of Commons, whether the present return, effected as it has been by the intimidating threats and violence of Mr. Wood's party, can be sustained.

I thank you most cordially for your

very wofully attired persons, formed themselves into a sort of procession, being under the ne

The following is a copy of the answer of Mr. Wood to the message sent to him on the part of Capt. Colquitt, on Saturday. Capt. M'Quhac was desired to have an answer in five minutes. In about 45 minutes Mr. Wood returned the following answer :—

Red Lion Inn, Preston, 24th June, 11 o'Clock p.m.

Mr. Taylor is requested, on the part of Mr. Wood, in reply to Captain M'Quhac's note, explicitly to state that he has never at any time

cessity of leaning against the wall for a considerable time before it could advance. The beadle of the parish was the person chosen for the very perilous duty of occupying the triumphant chair on the occasion, and nothing but a perfect, oblivion as to all things could surely have made him insensible to the dangers he was about to encounter. By the help of one or two bystanders, he was first of all placed in a crazy one-during this election asserted, that the British colours were disgraced legged chair, and in that state he by being followed by such a man as and the chair were abandoned to Captain Barrie, or made use of any words to that effect. the doubtful support of five or six To Capt. M'Quhac, R. N. of the party. They began to move-it was an exquisite scene -the principal persons wore some very coarse flour in the absence of hair powder-two worn-out brooms served to remind the spec-It is also further said, that the Mitators of flags and banners-and one blind fiddler performed the musical functions required by the occasion. Such a spectacle was poor the ragged line of drunken creatures. They went this way, they went that-zig-zag was the order of the movement. Such cursing such jogging--such blubbering-but lo, the ecclesiastical establishment had almost

[From the Morning Herald, June 27th.]. It is said that the expedition of Captain Barrie to the North, will cost John Bull ten thousand pounds.

nisters have not been for many years in such a fright. The idea that a certain person could speak as well as write, and the threat, that one of his first motions would be, "That the Six Acts should be burned by the hands of the common hangman,"-such a threat was more than their nerves could bear.

Preston, Monday, June 26.

been curtailed of its beadle. The [From the Morning Herald, June 28th.] chair: after a variety of "all but's," absolutely fell, and with it the poor beadle. No accident happened he was put to sleep.

The triumph of Mr. Wood has been clouded by a proceeding which, if it had not been suspend

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ed by the interposition of the law; at all. Finding that these repeatwould in all likelihood have pro-ed provocations were not likely to duced fatal consequences. It be followed by the effect which should be observed that early last they anticipated, Captain Barrie's week the friends of Mr. Wood got friends waited for the first opporan intimation that every opportunity to make a hostile overture. tunity would be taken by Captain | A passage in Mr. Wood's speech Barrie, and Captain Colquitt in of Monday night, appeared to particular, to fix a quarrel upon those gentlemen to amount to that him. Hence it was, that, in the degree of personality that would different altercations which took warrant thein at least in demandplace on the hustings, Captain C. ing an explanation. The lan was observed to aim his remarks guage used by Mr. Wood on the at Mr. Wood, and sometimes not occasion, is as follows:-(Morning failing to point them with very Herald, June 22), "The editor violent personality. However, of a Saturday paper in this town "let us do nothing until the elec- tells us that Mr. Stanley's colours tion is over," was the language are handsome-that my colours uniformly made use of by Mr. are handsome-but that they can Wood and his friends. The in- stand no comparison with the intentions of Captain Colquit be- teresting national colours discame still more manifest on Fri- played by the True Blues. The day, on the hustings, when during national colours, do they not bethe conflict of crimination and re- long to me-to Mr. Stanley-to erimination that took place be-you-to all who form a part of the tween candidates, agents, electors, nation and contribute to the sup poll clerks, &c., Capt. Colquitt port of the State and for any openly and significantly declared indiyidual, be his rank what it that the violence of the mob was may, to assume them as a distincprovoked chiefly by Mr. Wood's tion to himself, is a piece of the harangues, which he described as most presumptuous pride.--(Great infamous and cowardly. Still de- cheers.)-That Captain Barrie termined to adhere to the advice of his friends, and take no step in consequence of these personalities until the election terminated, Mr. Wood paid no attention to this him appropia g the national offensive language, if he heard it flag. Let him bear them against

has fought the enemies of his country gallantly and well, I can believe; but, knowing what his principles are, I lament to see

the foe if he will; but if he were had said that Capt. Barrie had disgraced the national flag?

Mr. Wood said, that under the present circumstances he could take no other course than refer him to a friend; that friend was at

here, I would tell him this, that the national flag was never more disgraced than it is by being borne in a procession of men who are brought up to vote against their consciences by the force of bri- present in Manchester, and he bery. (Immense applause.) No would lose no time in sending for man will show greater respect to him. Captain Barrie than I will at the Mr. John Edward Taylor (of the head of his jolly tars, and in his Manchester Guardian), the genproper place; but when I see tleman alluded to by Mr. Wood, some induced by gross bribery-arrived in the course of the day on when I see others compelled by Saturday, when a correspondence the most abominable tyranny-to was opened by him, on the part vote for him who appropriates the of Mr. Wood, with Captain Manational emblem, then I say that guay. The passing and repassing flag is disgraced."-(Cheers.)

A consultation was held by Capt. Barrie's friends, as to the propriety of demanding an explanation in his name. But it was determined that, under existing circumstances, it would not be strictly etiquette in him to act the part of a principal on the occasion, and Captain Colquitt agreed to perform that office for him. On the evening of the above day, Captain Maguay, on the part of Captain Colquitt, waited on Mr. Wood at the Red Lion inn, and requested to see him in a private room. He then stated the object

of his unpleasant mission, and said he was authorized, on the part of Captain Colquitt to know if he

of the despatches between the parties excited the observation of Mr. Wood's friends, and in particular of Dr. Crompton and Mr. Howard. It was past twelve o'clock on Saturday night that the particulars of what passed came to the knowledge of Dr. Crompton, and he immediately waited on the Mayor, whom he was under the necessity of calling out of his bed. He stated that he believed it to be the determination of Mr. Wood to call out Captain Colquitt if he persisted in refusing to retract the offensive expressions made use of by him on Friday at the hustings. A warrant was made out, sworn to, and Dr. Crompton, Mr. Howard, and

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