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VOL. 59.-No. 3.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1826. [Price 6d.

"The base press of London is acting its part as usual. It is endea"vouring to keep up the delusion by telling its stupid readers, that the "evil is of a temporary and partial nature; that it arises solely from "over-excitement'; from wild speculations' of indiscreet persons; "that, as to merchants and bankers of solid means,' no harm will “ arise; and that, when this storm has blown over, all will be right and "tight again.' Yes, 'right and tight' as a crazy old ship, which has "had her masts and rigging and boats and bulwarks and half her crew "swept by the board, and that is seen, without helm or compass, lying "like a log on the water, with a rotten spar for a jury mast (a mast to "swear by), and with the shirts of the sailors and the petticoats of the "female passengers, tacked together to make a sail, to hold just wind "enough to afford the dismal hulk a chance of being driven towards "land! A storm,' indeed! It is no storm: it is a real trade-wind;" " and this wind will keep blowing till the voyage be over."—Register, 17th December, 1825.

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Kensington, 12th July, 1826.

You, whom I have so often ad-
dressed, and with (I hope) such
great and good effect, ought to be

on the sharp look out at this moment; for, every thing appears to me to indicate another SQUALL. As to "panic," which DOCTOR BARING said proceeded from " plethora,” that term is inapplicable. The affair is that crazy old devil of a ship, which I described in the words of my motto: And, there she lies, just as I said E

Printed and Published by WILLIAM COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street, [ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.]

she would, like a log upon the the Chancellor mad? or is my water, drifting about, not knowing Linen Draper, Mr. THWAITES, what is to become of her. I told (from whom I take this), mad as GAFFER GOOCH (ash-stick Gaffer), a March-hare? "Excessive in 1822, that she would go to drought!" What do you mean, pieces, in spite of the Small-Note you crazy cockney? What, then, Bill: and, to pieces she will go, do you think that sun-shine, and as sure as Gaffer has a head upon in England, too, is a calamity? his shoulders. Every thing seems And if a calamity at all, why one to forebode a complete dissolution to the farmer in particular? If of this sadly corrupt and shaking he have but half a load of hay old THING. Prices have fallen, instead of a load, will he not sell on an average, one-half, in most the half-load for as much as he articles of clothing, since last October. Many sorts of property have fallen four-fifths. The first necessaries of life keep up from a want of an average quantity of them; but, even they must soon come down; and he must be a fool indeed, who expects rent next year, especially in the manufacturing parts of the kingdom.

would have sold the load? And, besides, has not Mr. FREDERICK'S master, JENKY the Great, told us, that when agriculture suffered, in 1822, the cause was surplus produce"!

But, observe, the Chancellor of the Exchequer throws off ten per cent. on account of the depression, that is, low price, of agricultural In the mean while Mr. FREDE- produce, AND on account of the RICK PROSPERITY has set a good drought. Now, the drought (if example to his brother landlords: too great) must tend to make the “The Chancellor of the Exche-price high. So, then, here are



quer, on receiving the half-five per cent. for low price and year's rents of his Lincolnshire five per cent. for high price! ;"tenantry due at Lady-day last, What a devil of a fellow this "has made them a return of ten

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Frederick Prosperity must be, unless my little friend Thwaites

belie him. What a Chancellor

I per cent. on their respective "payments, in consequence of the "depression of agricultural pro“duce, and the injury sustained of Exchequer, or what a best "from the excessive drought." public instructor! What a faExcessive drought! What, is the mous Government, or what a

famous Press! At any rate, what to the PARSONS, while the naa humbugged people! tion was so poor as to be comIf it be true, that Mr. " Pro-pelled to make loans! The stupid sperity" has thrown back ten per and proud fools have had these cent. to his tenants, why does he things done by the Ministry. not (perhaps he may) throw us "SIR JAMES GRAHAM of Nethe same back on his salary? An therby" has never complained old fusty and foolish aristocrat, of these things; and, therefore, who calls himself" SIR JAMES he will be so good as to excuse GRAHAM, of Netherby," has pub-me, and those who think with me, lished a stupid pamphlet, in which if one laugh at him and his brohe proposes to rob the fundholdther aristocrats, when they com ́ers, and in which he talks about plain of a non-reduction of the the salaries of ministers not hav-salaries of the Ministers. When ing been reduced to keep pace they have taken away the horrible with the fall in the price of corn. laws above-mentioned, we will Reduced; no, to be sure. The consider their case, and reflect a ́stupid and proud fools of the aris- little on the consequences of their tocracy have made use of these being left without rents. But, as Ministers to work the people; to long as those laws exist, and espeshut them up in dungeons for cially as long as the parsons are praying for Reform; to transport suffered to keep the 1,600,0007. them for poaching; to banish so long shall I be sorry to see the them for uttering words tending Aristocrats get one farthing of to bring the Aristocrats into con- rent. This GRAHAM calls upon tempt; to jail them and tread-the landlords to get the PEOPLE mill them for only stepping out to join them in reducing the inte ́of a footpath; to make felons of rest of the Debt. Yes, "SIR them for only taking an apple off JAMES," with all our hearts, when a tree; to make them pay Sun- the landlords have joined us in day-tolls; to subject them to select repealing the Septennial Bill, vestries; to do to them a hundred the new Poaching Laws, and the other things, which I shall not new Treason and Banishing Laws, now mention, though I must men- and when they have joined us in tion the one million six hundred getting justice on account of the thousand pounds, which were deeds of 1817 and 1819. Let taken out of the taxes to be given them first join in bringing us back

to the state in which we were forty | in what they deemed the sucyears ago only, and then we will cessful attacks of this infamous press on ME. They have known that the attacks were unjust; but they have done all they could to hand the infamous lies about. Let them, therefore, now smart

join them in bringing their debt (for it is theirs) down to what it was forty years ago. But, unless they will do this, not one single penny shall their debt be reduced, though it leave them not rent under the lash of this same infaenough to buy them oatmeal por-mous press; let them “stand and ridge to eat, and second-hand deliver" at its command, and clothes to wear. cry all the while. They may pos

sitting with their pans of draff (grains) at a workhouse door. THEY may complain of Frederick for thus notifying to them to give

cent. on the half-year); but I do not complain of him for it: I say, he does well. Lash them, Frede

To return from this digression; sibly have some persons to pity if it really be true, that Mr. PROS-them: from me they would have PERITY have thrown off ten per no pity, even if I saw them all cent. on his rents, how is he to look in the face those who have to pay, and not to receive, taxes? How is ten per cent. to be thrown off by a poor, proud, stupid hole-up a fifth of their income (ten per and-corner or barn devil, whose land is mortgaged for nearly its worth? And what is to become of those swell-headed fools, whose rick: beat them, Frederick: give estates are mortgaged to the them t'other cuff for my sake, Bank? Aye, to that very Bank, Frederick. Take away their rents which can make the land fall in parcel by parcel: so much for value whenever it pleases, and Poaching Laws; so much for new pretty nearly as low as it pleases! Trespass Law; so much for SunWhat is to become of these? And day-tolls; so much for Power-ofhow kindly they must take this act imprisonment-Bills; so much for of "liberal" Frederick, with which Sir-Acts; so much for Apple-fethey will, doubtless, be taunted lony-Bill; so much for 1,600,0007. by the newspapers, unless they be given to Parsons; so much for "liberal" too, though they have victories on Serpentine - River ; no salaries like Frederick. How- so much for the Justice and Yeoever, even this is just; for these manry-work at the hell-hole, Manhaughty vagabonds have rejoiced chester; so much for this, and so

My friends, Money Hoarders, pray mark the qualmish state of the OLD LADY at this moment! She seems hardly to know whether she be woman or man. She will have branches, and she will not: she has hardly put forth a bale of paper when she pulls it back again. She knows not what to do. In short, the FALSE THING is fast being brought to the test of truth, and that will destroy it root and

much for that, and, for the works | me! What is there in these stupid of their infamous press against and haughty things to protect them me, take away their last penny, from the worst effects of loss of leaving them not the means of rents? Let them shake in their buying a shroud. Those of them, shoes, therefore, unless they can who do not merit this are few in find some conjurer to enable them number, very few indeed; and to pay ten shillings with four. they have had the sense to believe me, and, of course, to be able to set Frederick and the newspapers at defiance. It is curious enough, that the poorer the devils are the less able they are to resist this species of extortion: they must give up their rents to avoid suspicions of poverty; and, while they give, they will, in their hearts, curse the object of their "benevolence"! Well; they deserve all this, and a great deal more: their applause branch. The work of destruction of the Power-of-imprisonment- is now going regularly on; “late Bill, and the applause they be- panic" still continues; and constowed on parson Hay, will not, tinue it will and must, until wheat in my mind, be expiated even by be sold, on an average, at 4s. a the loss of the last acre. Nothing bushel; that is to say, at about short of the poorhouse for them the same price that it is sold at in will content me; and in it I shall France. I do not care about the see, I verily believe, a large part | English price before 1792. That of these at once mean and haughty might be 6s. on an average; but, reptiles; and I hope I shall see it does not follow that that is to be them treated just as they now the price again, after all the patreat those labouring people, whom per-money is gone. I am conthey have mainly assisted in re- vinced that it will not, and that the ducing to beggary and half-starva- price in England will be, on an tion. What is to save them from average of years, very little higher the poorhouse? I once had a than the price in France. So that, French COUNT to bind books for down we are gradually to come to

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