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places, that they may have a sufficiency of food for their support. Perhaps it is the desire of propagating their species, and a particular instinct, which leads them to places more favourable for their increase and preservation.

Whatever cause influences their motions, it is certain that immense shoals of herrings proceed from the north in the beginning of the year; for as early as the month of March the western wing of this aquatic army reaches the coasts of Iceland; they are there so extremely numerous, that upon plunging the bucket with which they water the sails of the vessel into the sea, they draw up great numbers of these fish. The eastern wing advances farther into the Baltic sea; one part of it stretches towards the North Cape, descends to the coast of Norway, and then enters the Baltic through the Sound. Another division steers for the northern point of Jutland; and afterwards enters into the Zuyder-zee, and passes thence into the Baltic, to return to its former station. The most numerous detachment of the eastern wing proceeds to the western coasts, and arrives at the Orkney islands, where the Dutch go to catch them. About the eighth of June the sea is there filled with them; they afterwards shape their course towards England and the coasts of Scotland, and fill all the bays and harbours with their fry. They then disappear, and those which have escaped the nets of the fishermen and the numerous large fish which prey upon them most probably return northward to the place from whence they emigrated.

A single herring deposits at least ten thousand eggs in the sea upon the British coast, and this great fruitfulness of a single fish amongst so many millions makes what is reported of the Dutch fishery credible; they are said to take annually about two hundred millions of herrings, by which a great number of people are supported, and more than twenty millions of crowns added to the Dutch revenue.


Eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

In this enlightened age, it is highly indecorous for any one to be ignorant of the phenomena of an eclipse. From a want of this knowledge have proceeded the superstitious fears which so often agitate the minds of the ignorant during an eclipse of the sun or moon; while, if the cause was understood, the folly of shutting up wells at such a time, for fear the water should acquire a noxious quality, and the absurdity of using other precautions, would be manifest: whatever men do under the influence of superstition is a strong proof of their ignorance and impiety. Let us then inquire into the true cause of such astonishing effects; our thirst for knowledge will be gratified, and we shall find fresh occasion to glorify our great Creator.

An eclipse of the sun is a natural effect caused by the shadow of the moon projected on the earth. But this can only take place when the moon, which is an opaque body, is nearly in a direct line between the sun and the earth; in this case the moon, either partially or entirely, intercepts our view of the sun; the one is called total, the other a partial, eclipse. Thus the solar eclipse is nothing more than the situation in which the earth is placed when the shadow of the moon falls upon it, and consequently, properly speaking, it is only an eclipse of that part of the earth where the moon's shadow falls.

Hence we learn that the sun is not really darkened, but is only for a short space concealed from us by the intervention of another body, whilst he still blazes in all his splendour; and the only change that takes place is, that the rays emanating from him cannot reach the earth, because the moon intercepts their progress. Hence also a solar eclipse is never visible at the same time from every part of the earth; for



the eclipse could not be perceptible from all places in the hemisphere at the same time unless the sun had effectively lost all his light; on the contrary, it appears greater in some countries than in others; and there are countries where it is not visible at all.

The moon not only at times darkens the earth, but the earth also casts its shadow upon the moon, and thus partially or totally intercepts the rays of the sun, by which an eclipse of the moon is occasioned. This can only happen when the moon is on one side of the earth and the sun on the opposite side, consequently at the time when the moon is at the full; and as this planet is really obscured by the earth's shadow, the eclipse may be perceived at the same time from every part of one hemisphere of our globe.

Should it be asked of what use are the lunar and solar eclipses; I would answer, to those who do not measure the utility of natural things merely by their sensible benefits, they are of very great use. By their means we determine the true position and distance of towns and countries, and trace with exactness maps of the most remote regions; they also tend to confirm chronology, and direct the navigator, by informing him how far he is distant from the east or from the west. Unimportant as these advantages may appear to some, they are of the greatest utility, and contribute in part to the happiness of mankind.

Whenever we witness an eclipse of the sun or moon, let us reflect upon the awful events which will take place on the last day. What terror will seize the hearts of men when they shall see the sun darkened, and the moon lose her light; when the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the heavens pass away with fearful sound, as of the rushing of mighty waters! May we then be found fit to dwell in that glorious habitation, where the sun and the moon shall no longer be necessary!


The Stalk of Wheat.

WE see the young corn daily springing up, and the tender ears ripening insensibly, till in a few weeks they will afford us nourishing bread, a blessing which the bountiful hand of Nature has bestowed upon the labours of man. Let us for a while cast our eyes over a field of wheat, and endeavour to enumerate the millions of ears which wave over the surface; and then let us reflect upon the wisdom of those laws which cause such abundance to bless the earth. What preparations are necessary to procure us nourishment so useful and sweet; and what changes must take place before the ear could be formed! It is now nearly ready to reward our care with its nourishing fruits, and invites us to meditate upon its structure.

When a grain of wheat has been some time in the ground it shoots up a stalk, which rises perpendicularly, but advances very gradually, to favour the ripening of the grain. By its growing so high the grain is preserved from the moisture of the earth, which would rot it; and the height of the stalk also contributes to perfect the juices that ascend from the root; and its round form favours this operation, by admitting the heat to penetrate every part of the stem. It seems wonderful that so delicate a stalk should support itself, and bear so many grains, without sinking beneath its burthen, or being beat down by each blast of wind; but nature has wisely provided against all these inconveniences in furnishing it with four very strong knots, which strengthen it without lessening its pliability. The structure of these knots evinces much wisdom; like a fine sieve, they are full of very small pores, through which the sap rises and the heat penetrates. The stalk is liable to be beat down by tempests and heavy showers, but its suppleness secuers

it from injury: it is flexible enough to bend without breaking; if it was more stiff it might be shivered by the storm, and would be unfit for straw.

From the principal stalk others spring up; they are not so high, and bear leaves, which, collecting the drops of dew and rain, supply the plant with those nutritious juices so necessary to its support; whilst the most essential part of the plant, the ear, is very gradually formed. To preserve the tender sprouts from the dangers and accidents which might destroy them the first moment of their appearance, the two upper leaves of the stalk unite closely, to preserve the ears, as well as furnish them with the necessary juices. As soon as the stalk is sufficiently formed to be able of itself to supply the grain with juices, the leaves gradually dry, that nothing may be taken from the fruit, and that the root may have nothing to support which is useless. When these leaves are removed, the young ear waves gracefully in unveiled beauty, and its beard serves it both as an ornament, and as a defence against birds and insects. Refreshed with gentle rains, it flourishes, and inspires the husbandman with the most pleasing hopes; it ripens from day to day, till at length, bowing beneath the weight of its riches, its head falls beneath the sickle, and the farmer joyfully gathers the golden sheaves.

Here we discover new marks of the wisdom and all-beneficent power of God, ever operating for the good of man. How wonderful is the structure of a single stalk of wheat! and what greater proof can we desire of the goodness of our Creator? Open your eyes, ye that are indifferent, and see the fields wide waving round with the choicest gifts of Heaven, and you will no longer withhold the tribute of praise and of gratitude to your all-bountiful Father; remembering, that he who can view a field of corn without his soul expanding with gratitude, or who does not feel rejoiced at the sight, is unworthy of the bread it so abundantly furnishes. Let us think as men endowed

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