Obrazy na stronie

At Worms, 80, 82 sqq.; To be
seized and taken to Rome, 81;
Under ban of Empire, 87 sq.; Ger-
many favours, 89; And Melanch-
thon, 90, 101; In the Wartburg,
94; Reply to Catharinus, 94; to
Latomus, 94; On Confession, 94;
to the Abp. of Mainz, 94; De abro-
ganda Missa privata, 94; De votis
monasticis, 94; Restores order at
Wittenberg, 95, 101 sqq.; Trans-
lation of N. T., 95, 104, 189; His
test of canonicity, 105; A new
Montanus, 108; substitutes weekly
for daily Mass, 121; His De insti-
tuendis Ministris, 124 sqq.; His
Formula Missae et Communionis,
127 sqq.; And Erasmus, 170 sqq.;
And Peasants' War, 170; Mar-
riage of, 170; His German Mass,
186, 193 sqq.; His preface to the
Instructions to the Visitors, 252
sqq.; His Short Catechism, 187,
205 sqq.; His Greater Catechism,
187; Against the use of force, 207;
At Marburg, 245 sqq., 471; At
Coburg, 255; Against Concessions,
296; Advice to Henry, Duke of
Saxony, 306; Assists Reformation
in Denmark, 329; An obstacle to
re-union, 341; Death of, 358; In-
fluence of, 522; His opinion of
Calvin, 580; Calvin's opinion of,
Lutheranism: legalized in Germany,
363 sq.; in North Germany, 468;
odious to Farel, 483.

'Lutheranism,' 346, 480, 484, 501,
504, 522, 526 sq., 660, 662, 686 sq.,

Luthériens, 503.
Luxemburg, Duchy of, 681.
Luzern: Canton of, 365, 368, 463,
486; Diet of, 388.

Lyons: Fair of, 367; City of, 371,

Machiavelli, 369.

Madrid, Treaty of, 171, 180.
Magdalen, Electress of Branden-
burg, 306.

Magdeburg, 13, 164, 166, 181,
301 sq.

Magister Sacri Palatii, 31, 318.
Magistrate Authority of the, 266;
Rights of the, 413, 475, 550, 571,
577, 602, 672, 685 sq.; Duties of
the, 554 sq., 617, 645, 647.
Magyars, 652.

Mainz: Albert Abp. of, 12, 21,
27 sq., 54 sqq., 80, 89, 94 sq., 181,
302, 306; City of, 13, 111, 359,
460; Province of, 369.

Majority of votes decides for or
against Reformation, 481, 487,
489 sq.

Mamelukes, The, 495, 511.
Mantua, 305.

Manz, Felix, 451, 453 sq.

Marburg University of, 230, 686;
Colloquy of, 245 sqq., 468; Articles
of, 245, 254.
Marcion, 551.

Marcourt, Antony, 522.
Margaret of Austria, 246.
Margaret, Queen of Navarre, 522,
524, 660.

Marignano (Melegnano), Battle of,

Marot, Clement, 566.

Marriage: of Clergy, 234, 271, 316,
320, 322, 345, 361, 387, 400, 408,
413, 460, 557; and Divorce, 235;
Laws, 561, 567, 598; Preaching
at, 598.

Marx, Thomas, 101.

Mary of Guise, 687 sq., 693.
Mary, Queen of Scots, 684, 687,
689 sqq.

Mass, The: No sacrifice, 68 sqq.,
93, 96 sq., 125, 129, 160, 224, 343,
412, 425, 430 sqq., 444, 460, 512 sq.,
570: Alterations in, at Wittenberg,
94, 100, 103, 121, 128 sq.; in Hesse.
224; Abuses of, 273, 320, 330, 431,
434, 557; Ceremonies of, 360, 476,
532; Venality of, 431, 437; Abo-
lition of, at Wesel, 352; at Zürich,
409, 427, 431, 438 sq., 440 sq.,
470; at Basel, 459, 465, 467; in
Bern, 480, 482; at Neuchâtel, 488;
in Geneva, 502, 514, 518, 628;
in Scotland, 688, 702; Placards
against, 522; Idolatrous, 529, 57°,
603, 656, 658, 695, 697, 702;
Destructive of Communion, 562,

570, 658; Penalty for going to,
632; Death the penalty for hearing
or saying, 698, 702; Blasphemous,
698; Devilish, 704.

Masses: Private, 94, 97; Satisfac-
tory, 96, 161, 191; Disuse of,
121, 191, 273, 322, 352; Sale of,

Master of the Sentences, The, 29.
Material and the spiritual, Relation
of the, 456, 475.

Matrimonial causes taken over by
State, 568.

Matrimony, 113, 148, 191, 228,
237, 316, 330, 556 sq.; a sacra-
ment, 357.

Maundy Thursday, 135, 444, 501.
Maurice, Duke of Saxony, 306, 358,

Maximilian I, The Emperor, 32, 62,
246, 367, 370.

Mechlin (Malines): Lordship of, 681;
Antony Abp. of. See Granvelle,

Mecklenburg-Schwerin :


Duke of, 306; Reformation in,

Mediating Theology, 468.
Mediator, The One, 460, 472, 513,
549, 569.

Medici: The, 246; Catherine de,

[blocks in formation]

Milan Duchy of, 367 sq., 502;
See of, 369.

Miltitz, Karl von, 41 sqq., 62.
Ministry: No priesthood, 94, 125
sq., 155, 415; From below, 126;
How constituted, 542, 556, 583,
591, 664, 670, 674, 691; Doctrine
of the, 540 sq., 550, 571, 590 sq.,
703; Training of the, 449.
Minorities: Rights of, 244 sq., 488
sq., 491; Toleration for, 661.
Minor Orders, 225.

Missionary zeal of sixteenth cen-
tury, 545.

Mixed Chalice wrong, 437.
Mohacz, Battle of, 181.
Mollis, 379 sq., 466.

Monarchy, Calvinism incompatible
with, 699.

Monasteries, Dissolution of, 233,
314, 327, 441, 443, 468, 502, 515
sq., 554, 697.

Monastic life, 159, 279, 314.
Montanus, 108.

Montrose, 687.

Morat: 477, 489; Votes for Refor-
mation, 478.
Mortal sin, 76.

Moray, See of, 688.
Mosellanus, Peter, 45.
Mühlberg, Battle of, 358.

Mühlhausen, 371, 468; Reforma-
tion in, 459.

Münster, Anabaptists of, 305.
Münzer, Thomas, 170, 451 sq.
Myconius, F., 19, 164, 319.
Myconius, Oswald, 375, 448, 469.

Namur: County of, 681; See of,

Naples, Kingdom of, 183.
Nantes, Edict of, 661.

Nassau, Reformation in, 305.
Natural body of Christ in heaven,

Naumburg, Julius bp. of, 359.
Necessity of the Sacraments denied,

Netherlands: Reformation in, 659,
681 sqq.;
Provinces of, 681;

Bishoprics of, 681, 684 sq.
Neuchâtel Lake of, 365; County
of, 477, 483; Jeanne, Countess of,


484, 487 sq.; Recess of, 488 sq.;
Farel at, 547, 580.

Neumark, Reformation in the, 306.
Newfoundland, Discovery of, 545.
New Learning, The, 11, 105, 375,

New Testament, Translation of the,
113, 686.

Nicaea Council of, 46 sq.; Calvin
on the Creed of, 574.
Nice, Pacification of, 305.
Ninety-five Theses, Luther's, 20 sqq.
Nobility, Covetousness of the, 233.
Nobles on the side of Reformation,

Non-Communicating attendance,
223 sq.

Nordhausen, 302.

Norway: Hierarchy of, 323; Refor-
mation in, 323, 334.
Novatians, 265.
Noville, 481, 483.
Noyon, 491, 521 sq.
Nuns marry, 408.

Nürnberg, 164 sq., 167 sq., 245,
289, 299, 302, 418; Burggrave of,
13; Diets of, 105 sqq., 133 sqq.;
Peace of, 302.

Nusco, Piero Card. Bp. of, 347-

Oaths, No mention of Saints to be
made in, 557.

Oberland. See Upper Germany.
Obscurantism, 11.

Obsignatory theory of the Sacra-
ments, 92, 542 sq., 606 sqq., 609,

Obwalden, 409, 428 sq.
Odense: Diet and Ordinance [1527]
of, 233 sq.; Diet [1539] of, 323;
Knud bp. of, 325.
Oecolampadius, 164, 171, 247 sqq.,
452, 458 sq., 462 sq., 464 sqq., 469,
483, 603.

Oetenbach, Nuns of, 389, 407.
Officials, Avarice of Bishops', 203,

[blocks in formation]

Olivétan, Pierre, 491 sqq.
Ollon, 477, 481.

One Kind, Communion in, 66, 160,
330, 362.

[ocr errors]

One oblation, once offered,' 434
sqq., 460, 483, 513, 529, 549, 652,
656, 658.

Opslo, See of, 323.

'Opus operatum,' 69, 265, 274.
Orange, Prince of, 682.

Orbe, 477; Toleration at, 490.
Order of Excommunication, The,

Order of Geneva, The. See Book of
Common Order.

Orders: Doctrine of, 64, 93, 263,
265; Letters of, 146.
Ordinary, 115, 146, 387.
Ordination: Lutheran view of, 121
sq., 330; Candidates for, 146;
Without title, 310; Rites of, in
Denmark, 330 sqq.; Indiscriminate,
401; Calvin's view of, 542; Knox's
view of, 703, 707.
Ordonnances ecclésiastiques


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

715; not

Papacy, The Change in the spirit
of, 346; Claims of, 375.
Papal jurisdiction in Scotland
abolished, 688, 701.
Papistical religion, 700.
Papists, 659, 680,
Christians, 565, 570.
Paris: University of, 34, 40, 336,
418, 521, 524, 526, 528; Jean bp.
of, 527; First Reformed Congrega-
tion in, 660, 663 sq.; National
Synod in, 660, 664.

Pardons, Papal, 25, 54, 375, 503,695.
Parents, Ignorance and negligence
of, 567.

Parity of ministers, 670, 673.
Parker, Abp., 699.

Parlement of Paris, 522, 526 sqq.,

Parma: Margaret, Duchess of, 681;
Alexander, Duke of, 682; Ottavio,
Duke of, 684.
Parson, 696.

Passau, Convention of, 363.
Passing bell put down, 558.
Pastors, 541, 590 sqq., 670, 703.
'Patriots' in Geneva, 514.
Patronage, Rights of, 115, 236.
Patronal feast forbidden, 226.
Paul III, Pope, 304, 317, 322,
335 sqq., 340, 346 sqq., 355, 362,
Paul IV, Pope, 341, 346.
Paul, St. Theology of, 53, 92, 99;
Missionary policy of, 587; on the
Ministry, 591.
Paul's Cross, St., 566.
Pavia, Battle of, 171, 495.

Payerne, 491, 511.

Pein, Johann, 323.

Pelagians, 267.

Pelagius, Pope, 51.

Pellicanus. See Kürschner.

Penance, Doctrine of, 21 sqq., 28 sq.,
30, 34, 59, 70 sqq., 76, 275 sq.

Penance, in Geneva, 630, 637.
Pensions: On benefices, 116, 120,
310; For mercenary service, 369
sq., 372, 375, 385 sq., 388, 471.
Perpetual Treaty, The, 369 sqq.
Perrin, Ami, 514, 581, 588, 630,

Perrin, Madame, 630, 637 sq.
Persecution, 675, 678 sq., 682, 686
sq., 710. See Force.
Perth, 688, 697 sq.

Pfefferkorn, Johann, 11.

Pflug, Julius von, 341, 359. See
Naumburg, bp. of.

Philip II, King of Spain, 681;
character of, 682 sqq.

Philip, Duke of Pommern-Wolgast,

Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, 170,
181, 245, 289, 299, 301, 306 sq.,
340, 352, 358, 363, 468, 471.
Philip of Brunswick-Grubenhagen,
Duke, 181, 301 sq.
Philippe, J., 581.
Piedmont, 495.

Pilgrimages, 16, 59, 70, 158, 189,
238, 330, 441, 533, 558.

Pirckheimer, Billibald, 369, 466.
Pistorius, 341 sq., 352.
Pius IV, Creed of Pope, 355.
Placards in Geneva, 501, 503; in

Paris, 522.

Plague, 110, 597, 629, 678, 710.
Planitz, Hans von der, 105, 107.

Plato, 342, 382.

Playing-cards, 636.

'Plenitudo potestatis,' 2, 4, 10.
Pluralities, 120, 312.
'Poena,' 2, 5, 8.

Poena et culpa,' 5, 21 sqq., 27, 77.
Poland, 6, 185; Calvinism in, 651
sq., 658 sq.

Pole, Cardinal, 318, 344 sq., 355.
Polity, Calvin's insistence on Church,
561, 570, 589, 604, 665, 670, 682,

Politics, Preachers not to meddle
in, 577, 602.

Pollanus, Valerandus, 704.

Pomerania, 13; Reformation in,

Pomesania, Erhardt bp. of, 186, 193.
Pontanus. See Brück.

[blocks in formation]


Preaching, 197, 236 sq., 352, 370,
475, 653, 693; The principal part
of worship, 98, 155 sq., 412, 426,
557; To be Scriptural, 385, 388,
402, 407 sq., 480, 504, 616; Ne-
cessary to the administration of
valid Sacraments, 614, 620 sq.,
625, 628, 691 sq., 713; to valid
Ministry, 691 sq., 703, 707.
Predestination, 535, 537 sqq., 631,
641 sqq.

Preferments, Dealing in, 369.
Premysl, Andrew bp. of, 186, 191

Presbyterian polity, 541, 670 sq.,
673, 676, 703 sq.

Press, Influence of the, 51 sq, 112,
136, 299, 315, 663, 678, 686.
Prierias, 31 sq., 38, 52, 55.
Priesthood blasphemous, 704.
Priesthood of the laity, The, 125.
Primitive, i. e. Apostolic, Church
the standard of Calvin, 546, 625,
628, 664.

Principles of the Reformation, 387,

Prisoners, Visitation of, 599, 676.
Processions, 190.

Professio Fidei Tridentinae, 355.
Prophesyings, 132, 442, 448 sq.,
546, 592, 602.

Prophets of Zwickau, The, 100 sq.
Protest of the minority at Speier,
The, 239, 243, 468.

'Protestant,' The term: Origin and

[blocks in formation]

Receptionism, 318, 543, 561.
Recess of Speier [1526], 185.
Reform admitted to be necessary,
109, 111, 307 sqq.
Reformatio Ecclesiarum Hassiae,
222 sqq.

Reformation: Origin of the, 55;
Spread of the, 164 sqq., 184, 242,
257,304 sqq., 651 sqq.; and morals,
559; Contrast of Lutheran and
Zwinglian, 387, 603 sq.
Reformed, 478, 491; Points in dis-
pute between Lutherans and, 483;
between Catholic and, 584; Their
worship too intellectual, 560, 566,
583, 598.

Reformers: Defence of their pro-
ceedings, 270, 533, 580, 584 sq.;
Learning of the Swiss, 462 sq., 580,
584 sqq.; Sensitive about their or-
thodoxy, 523, 528, 547, 574; Un-

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