Quinti Horatii Flacci operaJ. Murray, 1849 - 490 |
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... glories of the old , but disregarded the only con- temporary , or at least the earliest , witnesses to those glories . The reverse of the fate of the Grecian heroes D happened to those of Rome - the heroes lived 30 LIFE OF HORACE .
... glories of the old , but disregarded the only con- temporary , or at least the earliest , witnesses to those glories . The reverse of the fate of the Grecian heroes D happened to those of Rome - the heroes lived 30 LIFE OF HORACE .
... least she was more completely naturalized before philosophy was domiciled , except in a very few mansions of great statesmen , and among a very cir- cumscribed intellectual aristocracy . It is remarkable that most of her early poets ...
... least she was more completely naturalized before philosophy was domiciled , except in a very few mansions of great statesmen , and among a very cir- cumscribed intellectual aristocracy . It is remarkable that most of her early poets ...
... least there appears no vestige of their existence - a caste or order of bards ; her sacer- dotal offices , attached to her civil magistracies , dis- dained the aid of high - wrought music , or mythic and harmonious hymns . Foreign kings ...
... least there appears no vestige of their existence - a caste or order of bards ; her sacer- dotal offices , attached to her civil magistracies , dis- dained the aid of high - wrought music , or mythic and harmonious hymns . Foreign kings ...
... least , of recovering his forfeited lands through the friendship of Asinius Pollio ; ( ** ) he was already honoured with the intimate acquaintance of Mæcenas . The introduction of Horace to Mæcenas was the turning - point of his ...
... least , of recovering his forfeited lands through the friendship of Asinius Pollio ; ( ** ) he was already honoured with the intimate acquaintance of Mæcenas . The introduction of Horace to Mæcenas was the turning - point of his ...
... least to Varius and Virgil . The gentlemanly magnanimity of Mæcenas , or even the policy , which would induce him to reconcile all men of talent with the government , might dispose him to overlook with quiet contempt or easy ...
... least to Varius and Virgil . The gentlemanly magnanimity of Mæcenas , or even the policy , which would induce him to reconcile all men of talent with the government , might dispose him to overlook with quiet contempt or easy ...
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 165 - EXEGI monumentum aere perennius Regalique situ pyramidum altius, Quod non imber edax, non Aquilo impotens Possit diruere aut innumerabilis Annorum series et fuga temporum. Non omnis moriar, multaque pars mei Vitabit Libitinam. Usque ego postera Crescam laude recens, dum Capitolium Scandet cum tacita Virgine pontifex.
Strona 444 - Discunt in partes centum diducere. Dicat Filius Albini, Si de quincunce remota est Uncia, quid superat ? Poteras dixisse. Triens. Eu ! Rem poteris servare tuam. Redit uncia, quid fit ? Semis.
Strona 430 - Ego cur, adquirere pauca 55 si possum, invideor, cum lingua Catonis et Enni sermonem patrium ditaverit et nova rerum nomina protulerit? Licuit semperque licebit signatum praesente nota producere nomen.
Strona 448 - Natura fieret laudabile carmen an arte Quaesitum est : ego nee Studium sine divite vena Nee rude quid possit video ingenium ; alterius sic 410 Altera poscit opem res et conjurat amice.
Strona 188 - Cum semel occideris et de te splendida. Minos Fecerit arbitria, Non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te Restituet pietas.
Strona 188 - VII. Diffugere nives, redeunt iam gramina campis arboribusque comae ; mutat terra vices et decrescentia ripas flumina praetereunt; Gratia cum Nymphis geminisque sororibus audet 5 ducere nuda choros, immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum quae rapit hora diem, frigora mitescunt Zephyris, ver proterit aestas interitura, simul 10 pomifer autumnus fruges effuderit, et mox bruma recurrit iners.
Strona 26 - Catullan quote and several other echoes. integer vitae scelerisque purus non eget Mauris iaculis neque arcu nee venenatis gravida sagittis, Fusee, pharetra, sive per Syrtes iter aestuosas sive facturus per inhospitalem Caucasum vel quae loca fabulosus lambit Hydaspes.
Strona 1 - Vides, ut alta stet nive candidum Soracte, nee iam sustineant onus silvae laborantes geluque flumina constiterint acuto. dissolve frigus ligna super foco large reponens, atque benignius deprome quadrimum Sabina, o Thaliarche, merum diota.
Strona 437 - Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda ; vel quod Quaerit, et inventis miser abstinet, ac timet uti ; Vel quod res omnes timide gelideque ministrat, Dilator, spe longus, iners, avidusque futuri, Difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti Se puero, castigator censorque minorum.
Strona 410 - Doluere cruento 150 dente lacessiti, fuit intactis quoque cura condicione super communi ; quin etiam lex poenaque lata, malo quae nollet carmine quemquam describi: vertere modum, formidine fustis ad bene dicendum delectandumque redacti.