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therfore we must beleue in the Holy Gost that he wil sanctyfye vs at such tyme and place, and after that sorte and maner, as it shall please him. And it is our part to gyue place to his workynge and not to withstande the same. And therfore we saye in this Crede, I beleue in the Holy Gost. But it is necessarye some thynges here to speake of the maner of sanctification, how and after what maner the Holy Gost doth hallowe vs, that we maye so prepare our selfes, or rather gyue place to the Holy Goost whiche preuenteth vs, that he with his lyght and almighty strenght and power maye worke hys wyll

in vs.

Now I desier you to marke dyligently, by what meanes and fashion the Holy Gost dothe worke thys sanctification or halowyng in vs. After that our Lorde Jesus Christ by his death passion and resurrection had redemed vs, and obteyned for vs, that our synnes should be forgyuen, and we be made the children of God, shortly after in the feest of Pentecoste, he sent down vpon his apostles the Holy Goost in the lykenes of fyery tongues. The whiche Holy Goost gaue them wysdome connynge audacitie and constancie, to teach boldly this holy gospell of Christe, that is to saye, this Christen faith whereof we do speake. And where they could not be present themselfe, or long abide and continew in their awne persons, thither they sent their disciples and other godly and learned men, and to them they gaue the Holy Gost, by layng their handes vpon their heades. And this rite or ceremonie, to orden preachers and mynisters of Gods worde, hath continued in the churche euen from the apostles tyme vnto this day, and shall endure vnto the worldes ende. For saincte Paule saieth. How shal men beleue without a preacher? And how shal men preache, excepte they be sente? And here you may learne, that this holy gospel whiche we preache, and the doctrine of the grace of Christe, taught in the hole churche, com

John x.

meth not of the wil of man, but by the commaundement of God, and by the motion of the Holy Gost which doth sturre vp mens myndes, to publishe Gods most holy worde, and doth worke by his secret inspiration in the prechers and ministers of the same. For they wer not able so muche as to open their moughtes, to teache so highe mysteries and heauenlye wysedome, yf the Holy Gost did not moue theim therto, and worke in theim. Neyther wolde the hearers so greatlye esteme the preachers worde, and giue so good eare vnto it, excepte the Holy Goost dyd parsuade theym, that the doctrine of the gospell, wer of God and cam from heauen. Now the Holy Goost worketh by this worde on this fashion. First he that beleueth the gospel, and receaueth the doctrine of Christ, is made the sonne of God, as sayncte John witnesseth in his gospel, saiyng. As manye as receiue him, he hath gyuen them power to be made the children of God. For when we beleue in Christ, and are baptised, then we be borne agayne, and are made the children of God. And when we be his children, then he gyueth the Holy Gost into our hartes, as sainct Paule testifieth writyng thus. For asmuche as you be now the Galat. iv. children of God, therfore God hath sent the Spirite of hys Sonne into your hartes, which cryeth, Abba, Father. And when we haue receaued the Holy Gost, he doth kyndle in our hartes true loue towarde God, as saincte Paull writeth in the pistle to the Romaynes in the fifthe chapter. The loue of God (saith he) is poured abrode in our hartes, by the Holy Gost which is gyuen to vs. And where as the true loue of God raygneth, there are Gods commaundements kept, and there begynneth a certen obedience to his wil and pleasure. Forthermore the Holy Goost dothe staye the fleshe and the lustes of thesame, and helpeth vs to ouercome theim, that we be not caried away by them, but may continew in clennes and holynes of lyfe. These be the benefites and workes of

the Holy Gost in vs. And to thentent you maye the more easely beare them awaye, I wil (as briefly as I can) repete theym agayne vnto you. First of all the Holy Gost prouoketh and stirreth vp men, to preache Gods worde. Than he moueth mens hartes to faith, and calleth them to baptisme, and than by faith and baptisme he worketh so, that he maketh vs newe men agayne. And when we be thus newely borne and made again, and be bicome the children of God, then the Holy Gost doth dwel in vs and make vs holy and godly, that we may be the temples of God, in whome God maye dwell and inhabite. Also thys Holy Ghoste doeth daylye more and more encrease and establyshe our faythe, that we lyke moste louing children maie colle and embrace our heuenly Father, and hang fast about his necke. The same Holy Goost doeth also assure and warrant vs, that our synnes be forgyuen, and that our pardon is signed with Gods seal. He doeth also kyndle in vs a feruent loue towardes God, and maketh vs wylling to kepe Gods law and commaundementes, and helpeth vs also to fyght agaynste synne, and to wythstande oure yll appetites and desyers. Furthermore with the crosse of syckenes and diuerse other kindes of afflictions and aduersities, the Holy Gooste doth, as it were, crucifie and mortifie vs to the world, that we may lyue to Christ. And this worke he woorketh continually in vs, and cesseth not vntil he hath wrought in oure hartes a perfecte faythe and a perfect charitie, and vntyl synne and all euell desyres be cleane at lengthe purged oute of vs, by the death of our bodies. And then we shalbe perfecte in all holines, and cleane delyuered from all synne and aduersitie, and be heires of oure fathers kyngdome, and hys true and most derely beloued children,

Wherefore good chyldren, as heretofore you haue bene taught, that we oughte to beleue in God the Father that made vs, and in God the Sonne that redemed or boughte

vs, so you muste nowe learne to beleue in the Holy Goste that hathe hallowed vs, and doth continually more and more renew and make holy, all those that beleue the gospell. For he that beleueth in Jesus Christe, that he is oure Lorde and oure Redemer, to him God gyueth the Holy Gost, to make him holye and ryghtuouse. As sayncte Paule witnesseth, saiyng. No man can cal Jesus, Lord, but by the Holy Goste. And for asmuch, as now it hath ben plainelie declared vnto you, after what sorte and manner the Holy Gooste doth sanctifie vs, it is your part, not onely to emprynt this lesson diligently in youre myndes, but also to desier God, with continuall and earnest prayers, that he wyll vouchesafe more and more to sanctifie you.

And as muche as lyeth in you, apply your selfes to heare godly sermons, and gyue youre hartes to God lyke waxe, apte and mete to receyue what thyng so euer it shal please him to prynt in you.

For he that is wyllynge and glad to lysten to godly sermons, he that is studyous to learne the word of God, wherin Christ is preached, and with a stedfast faith cleueth to the promise of the gospel, he is made partaker of this sanctification and holynesse, and of this so great comforte, and euerlastyng saluation. For God sayeth by his prophet Esaye. My worde shall not returne to me in vayne. And saynct Paule sayeth, that the gospell is the power of God, wherewyth he wourketh the saluation of all them that beleue.

Nowe the rest that folowethe in the Crede, is a shorte declaration of these thynges before rehersed. For it foloweth in the Crede.

I beleue the holy catholycke churche, that is to saye, all godly and Christen men must beleue, that the gospel or doctryne of Goddes grace thorowe the merites of oure Sauiour Jesus Christ, is neuer in vayne published in the worlde, or sowed abrode without fruit, but euer there is

founde some companye of men, or some congregacion of good people whiche beleue the gospel and be saued. And this companie of men whiche beleueth the gospell, although here vpon earth thei be seuered in sondry places, yet are they called one holy catholike or vniuersal churche of Christe, that is to saie, a multitude congregation or companye of Christen people. For this worde, churche, doth not here betoken a temple or churche buylded of tymber and stone, but it signifieth a companye of men lyghtened with the Spirite of Christe, whiche do receaue the gospel, and come together to heare Gods wourde, and to praye. And this Christen churche is a communyon of sainctes, that is to saye, all that be of this communion or company, be holy, and be one holy body vnder Christe their heed, they be one holy congregation or assemble. And this congregation receaueth of their hedde and Lorde Jesus Christe, all spirituall riches and gyftes that perteyneth to the sanctification and making holy of the same bodye. And these gostly treasuers, be commen to the hole body, and to euery membre of the same. For he that is vnfainedly a faythfull and godly man, is made partaker of these benefites. And these are the sayde gyftes, which be commen to the hole church of Christ and to euery membre of the same.

The first is, that God the Father (that euerlasting and endles maiestye) is our most gentle and mercyful Father. That God the Sonne, is our redemer and mediatour betwene the Father and vs. And that God the Holy Gost, is the commen sanctifier or halower, of all theim that haue a true faithe in God. The second, is the preaching of the gospel, thadministration of baptisme, and the sacrament of the bodye and bloude of our Lorde Jesus Christ, by the whiche we are made partakers of all the inheritaunce of heauen, and of all the benefites of Christe. The third, is prayer. The fourth, is the crosse of affliction and aduersitie, whiche God sendeth to all godly

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