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" Cui lecta potenter erit res, 40 Nec facundia deseret hunc, nec lucidus ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit et venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici, Pleraque differat et praesens in tempus omittat ; Hoc amet, hoc spernat promissi... "
Opera: accedunt clavis metrica et nota︠e︡ anglica︠e︡ juventuti accomdata︠e︡ - Strona 179
autor: Horace - 1833
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Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General: And Particularly that Kind which ...

François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - 1722 - Liczba stron: 360
...the fecond : and the next always ferve to fupport the former. We ought * Ordinis hsec virtus eric, & Venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici fleraque ditferat, & prxfens in tentpus omittat— . Infelix opens fumma, quia ponere totum Nclcict...
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Harlequin-Horace: Or, the Art of Modern Poetry

James Miller - 1735 - Liczba stron: 102
...lefta potenter erit res, Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. (8) Ordinis hzc vertus erit, & Venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici VER« 80. When Hunger prompts yon.] It has been oljeSul to thefe Lilies, that they contain tin Infinuation,...
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A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace: With the Original Text ..., Tom 3

Horace - 1749 - Liczba stron: 304
...lefla potenter erit res, 40 Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. - Ordinis haec virtus erit & Venus, aut ego fallor, - Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici : - Pleraque -differat, & praefens in tempus omittat. In ing and Harmony of the Figures, and in Poetry the Incidents or Epifodes...
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A Supplement to the Works of the Most Celebrated Minor Poets ...

Wentworth Dillon Earl of Roscommon - 1750 - Liczba stron: 500
...lefia potenter erit res, 40 Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit & venus, aut ego fallor, Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici Pleraque differat, & praefens in tempus omittat. Hoc amet, hocfpernat prorfaiffi carminis auftor. In verbis etiam tenuis...
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Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst: durchgehends mit den Exempeln unserer ...

Johann Christoph Gottsched - 1751 - Liczba stron: 884
...potenter erit' res, Nee facundia deferet hunc , пес lucidus ordo. Ordinis hace virtus crit, & Yenus, aut ego fallor,, Ut jam nunc dicat , jam nunc debentia dici Pleraque différât, & prxfens in tempus omittat. Hoc amet, hoc fpernat promiffi carmiuis auctor. In verbis...
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Cours de belles-lettres, ou, Principes de la littérature, Tom 3

Charles Batteux - 1753 - Liczba stron: 384
...Cui leûa potenter erit les, Nee facundia deferer hune, nee lucidus ordp. Ordinis hzc virtus erit, & venus, aut ego fallor , Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici, l'ieraquc diffctat, & przfens in tempus oniit.tar. Hoc amer, hoc fpernat promiflî carminis auûor....
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The Art of Rhetoric Made Easy: Or, The Elements of Oratory ..., Księgi 1-2

John Holmes - 1755 - Liczba stron: 204 Book I.) a Figure which is thus prais'd and defcrib'd by HORACE— Or dinis h<ec Virtus erit, 6? Venus (aut ego fallor) Ut jam nunc dicat, jam nunc debentia dici Pleraque differ at &? pr<efens in tempus omit fat. Art. Poet. ver. 42. VIRGIL and MILTON, not only in their...
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Quintus Horatius Flaccus, ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus

Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1756 - Liczba stron: 310
...recufent. Quid valeant humen, cui lefta potenter erit res, '^ Nec facundia deferet hunc, nec luctdut ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit et venus, aut ego fallor; Ut jam nunc dicat jam mme debcntia dici ; Pleraque dilTerat, et praefens in tempus omittat. Hoc amet, hoc fpernat promiffi...
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Epîtres III. Dissertation, où l'on examine la traduction & les remarques de ...

Horace - 1756 - Liczba stron: 374
...lefta potemer erit res >. Nec facundia>deferet hune, nec lucidus ordo. Ordinishzc virtns erit & vêtus, aut ego fallor; Ut jam nunc dicat jam nunc debentia dici ; Pleraque diflerat,& prœfensin tempus omittat. *5 IN verbis etiam tenuis ca^tufque -ferendis , Hoc amet , hoc...
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Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General: And Particularly that Kind which ...

François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon - 1760 - Liczba stron: 382
...what Horace explains perfectly well. —cui Ie<5h potenter erit res Nee facundia deferet hunc, nee lucidus ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit, et Venus, aut ego fallor Ut JHRI mine dicat, jam nunc debemia did Pleraoue differat, et praefens in tempus omittat. De Ai. Poet.—...
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