Obrazy na stronie

serve well as a source of soap and glycerol.-Fourn. | League and Council while it is in session. It would, Franklin Institute.

EXTENSION OF THE USES OF RUBBER.-£5000 IN PRIZES.-The Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated) offer the following awards for ideas and suggestions for extending the present uses or for encouraging new uses of rubber :-One prize of £1000; three prizes of £500 each; ten prizes of £100 each; a sum not exceeding £1500 to be divided amongst the remaining competitors whose suggestions are considered to be of value, according to the relative value of their suggestions, but so that no competitor will receive more than £100. Suggestions must be practical and likely to increase the demand for the raw material. Ideas will be welcomed for the application in new directions of existing processes, methods, or manufactures, or for improvements or new processes which will facilitate or cheapen the production of rubber goods. Competent judges (technical and otherwise) will be appointed to investigate and adjudicate upon the sug gestions received. All enquiries in connection with the Competition should be addressed to the Rubber Growers' Association (Dept. C.), 38, Eastcheap, London, E.C. 3.

THE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE AND COUNCIL.-Manchester is the selected venue this year of the Industrial League and Council, 82, Victoria Street, London, S. W. 1, for the holding of their convention of employers and employed, and | the event, which has been arranged to take place on Tuesday and Wednesday the 15th and 16th inst., promises to be as big and successful as any of the previous similar gatherings organised by the League. The emissaries of the League bave for the past month been particularly active in the neighbourhood, and since the whole-hearted co-operation and support of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Alderman Tom Fox, has been won to the cause, adherents are flocking in from all quarters, so that, in the course of the next fortnight, Manchester will be the centre of gravity to some of the most influential commercial magnates of Great Britain as well as prominent leaders and directors of the interests of Labour. From the point of view of the industrial welfare of the town one can regard with mingled feelings of interest and appreciation the fact that Manchester has been selected as the rendezvous for the holding of what must inevitably transpire to be an influential and all-important convention, since the Industrial League and Council has now assumed dimensions approaching international status. Its activities are being watched with the greatest interest by representatives of capital and labour in all parts of the world where problems identical to those prevailing in England are being encountered. Even the

Hon. E. G. Theodore, Premier of Queensland, who, by the way, will figure among the speakers at the Convention in Manchester, a few days ago most ungrudgingly paid the League a very high compliment. He was present at a gathering of upward of 500 employers and employees held under the auspices of the League and Council in the Great Central Hotel, London, and in addressing the assembly said :-"I am rather impressed at the character of this great gathering, and it indicates to me that you have made some progress towards a solution of the great problem which is facing the whole world to-day." Being the youngest Premier in the world, and a selection of a Labour assembly at that, the people of Manchester will undoubtedly lay themselves out to listen with interest to the important issues which he will have to lay before them. Already many of the larger hotels are beginning to appreciate what the influx for the convention will mean, since the Midland, the Grand, and numerous others of the adjacent establishments are booked up for the period. It is significant also to find that the Manchester Engineering Council, which is the oldest body of its kind in existence in the Northern area, is cordially co-operating with the representatives of the Industrial League and Council in the district in making the arrangements for the Conference. It is to be held in the Town Hall, and the Lord Mayor has generously placed his parlour at the disposal of the

perhaps, not be out of place at this juncture to explain what are the objects of the Industrial League and Council. It informal conferences which were held between well-known sprung into being five years ago as a result of a few Labour representatives and big employers of labour to discuss problems which were bound to ensue as a result of conditions brought about by the war. The importance of promoting some definite organisation to help foster public opinion on industrial difficulties and find solutions which realised, and the sequence is that the League from this would be acceptable to all concerned, was immediately unpretentious beginning has developed into the vast and powerful organisation which it is to-day. Its Presidents are the Rt. Hon. G. H. Roberts, M.P. (late Minister of Food), and the Rt. Hon. J. H. Whitley, M.P. (Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons). The League, while steadfastly refusing to identify itself with any political party, also abstains from interfering in any way in industrial disputes, while at the same time is always ready to tender any advice or information its ramifications may have culminated in its acquiring. It strongly supports the principles of the Whitley Councils, firmly believing that if ever England is to regain its old commercial prestige it can more effectively do so through the medium of conferences of employers and employed, and mutual peaceful understandings which will bring happiness and contentment to all engaged in industry, than it can by any system of party strife or direct action. Hence the League is out to engender and promote the atmosphere of confidence essential to bring employers and employees together to discuss and settle their own differences, and the records of what it has already achieved in the various parts of the country where branches are in active operation are clearly indicated in the evidence which comes to band of how those areas are slowly but perceptibly settling down under the more harmonious conditions which the workers and employers engaged therein have amicably brought about. It is therefore to be hoped that Manchester in the very near future will be able to produce an equally meritorious situation as a result of the ministrations of an effective branch of the League and Council in this area.


Monday, June 14.

Faraday Society, 8. (At Chemical Society, Burlington House). "Conduction of Electricity through Fused Sodium Hydrate," by Alex. Fleck and Thomas Wallace. "The Measurement of Electrolytic Resistance using Alternating Currents." by H. F. Haworth. "The Measurement of Electrical Conductivity in Metals and Alloys at High Temperatures," by John L. Haughton. "The Theory of Electrochemical Chlorate and Perchlorate Formation," by N. V. S. Knibbs and H. Palfreeman. "The Sorption of Iodine by Carbon," by James Brierley Firth. "The Electrolysis of Solutions of Sodium Nitrate using a Copper Anode," by F. H. Jeffery. "The Pressure Variation of the Equilibrium Constant in Dilute Solution." by A. M. Williams. "Description of Models Illustrating Form and Symmetry," by Miss Nina Hosali.

Royal Society of Arts, 4.30. (Indian Section). "The
Enduring Power of Hinduism," by Sir Valentine
Tuesday, June 15.
Mineralogical Society, 5.30.

Wednesday, June 16. Institution of Electrical Engineers. 6. Discussion on Papers read on "Distribution of Heat, Light, and Motive Power by Gas and Electricity," and "Report on the Coal-Gas and Electrical Supply Industries of the United Kingdom."

Society of Glass Technology, 2.15. (At Sheffield).



June 11, 1920

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Course of Two Advanced Lectures in CHEMISTRY entitled-(1) "EMPLOI DES MÉTAUX AMMONIUMS EN CHIMIE ORGANIQUE," (2) "L'OEUVRE SCIENTIFIQUE D'HENRI MOISSAN," will be given by Monsieur P. LEBEAU (Professeur a l'Ecole Superieure de Pharmacie, Universite de Paris) at King's College, Strand, W.C.. a 5 p.m. on JUNE 28 and 30. Chairman at first lecture, Prof. F. G DONNAN, C.B.E, F.R.S.; Chairman at second lecture, Prof. Sir WILLIAM TILDEN, F.R.S. The Lectures, which will be delivered in French, are open to the public without fee or ticket. Syllabus obtainable on application. P. J. HARTOG, Academic Registrar.


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3070, February 14th, 1919.
3075, March 21st, 1919.


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I HAVE previously studied some invertible changes occur. ring in different substances under the influence of direct light, such as the colour changes undergone by certain sulphides when exposed for a short time to an intense illumination. (See Anales Soc. Esp. de Fisica y Quimica. 1903, i., 346; 1905, iii., 40; Archives Sci. Phys. et Naturelles, Geneve, 1906, xxv., 15. On the same subject I presented a note at the Congress at Zaragosa in October, 1908, of the Asociacion Española para el Progreso de las Ciencias). To-day I persist in this matter, which, according to my view, is an interesting chapter of photochemistry, presenting new facts and dealing with it in a more general way, always confining myself to inorganic systems, because I judge these are less known and studied. It is true that in these colour changes due to light are less frequent; either they involve a reversible phenomenon or signify another class of non-reversible chemical transformations. At present I intend to contribute to the enlightenment of a point referring lastly to the velocity change in systems which constitute special solid solutions, formed by active substances and simple diluents, always of the same nature. These changes are, at last, singular cases of a general fact, continually very variegated in appearance, and which come out in different organic combinations modifiable or changeable by means of the action of light, sometimes rapidly and sometimes slowly, but whose effects result finally in permanent or momentary and periodic changes, every day more abundant and of

various nature.


Marckwald was perhaps the first some time ago to observe the colour changes undergone by some complicated organic substances belonging to the chinoleic group under the influence cf light. It is a reversible phenomenon, rather singular and really not frequent. Those substances, called fulgides by Stobbe, can be taken standard for this class of substances, which are of phenolic nature, having the property of changing colour, passing from orange to brown, when directly illuminated for a short time, and recovering afterwards in the dark their primitive colour without undergoing as till now observed any chemical change. (For more particulars see Stobbe's Discourse at the Bunsen Society, Vienna, 1908). This fact, according to its mechanism, is compared to a certain photochemical reaction discovered by Luther and Weigert, consisting in the condensation of two molecules of anthracene, forming dianthracene. This fact verifies itselt only when the carbide is exposed to the influence of direct light, and it is curious to relate that in the dark the opposite phenomenon is produced and the anthracene regenerated in a regular way without any other modifications being observed; thus this reaction is considered to be a perfect photochemical one.

It must be mentioned that this most remarkable experiment of the dianthracene formation under the influence of light dates from 1905, at least such is the date of its publication (Zeit. Phys. Chem., 1905, li., 297; liii., 385), and in 1903 I made known my first remarks about colour changes undergone by a calcium sulphide when exposed to light, concluding this to be a perfect reversible photochemical phenomenon. Up to the present I have no knowledge of any other phenomenon of the same kind observed in inorganic substances (Anales. Soc. Esp. de Fisica y Quimica, 1903, I., 346),

The number of analogous facts was never considerable, yet at times the study of the chemical influence of light received greater impulse. Not long ago, observations being amplified and new methods of production invented, the number of phototropical phenomena increased, especially concerning organic substances, and then sprang the need of grouping, holding the criterion of its own mechanism. So the existence of the few in number reversible phototropies is admitted, in which the colour change is accompanied and originated by chemical actions, more or less complicated, but always presenting the same character of reversibility. Other phototropies are called pseudoreversibles, and among these must be mentioned, on account of being well known, the changes of colour from red to green of ferrous oxalate in presence of light. These phototropies are with some basis considered as catalytical phenomena which I find related, according to their production, to some very particular photoluminescence phenomena (Luther and Plotnikow, Żeit. Phys. Chem., 1908, Ixi., 13).

Also are known irreversible phototropies, the most frequent, and in these the colour change necessarily implies a permanent and stable chemical change, which cannot be taken as a starting point for reproducing the initial system.

For the real photochemical reaction it is convenient to start from Luther's definition. According to this investigator they are originated in the light, and in the darkness the initial state is regenerated in such a way that the fact can be repeated at will. To this class belong the change of colour experienced by calcium sulphide when submitted to strong illumination, employing the daylight. Similar signification have other colour variations which cannot be attributed to surface oxidations of sulphurous masses, phosphorescent and sensible to light.

I must note down that although cases of phototropy, at least in the last stage, cannot be considered frequent in inorganic substances, they are not very scarce and show particular points in each case. To this point I can mention the transformation of the hydrate SO4Ni7H2O clinorhombical green emerald into the hydrate S04Ni,6H20 quadratical variety with blue colour, obtained under the action of sunlight, from 20 to 30. This fact has been recently doubted, and it was said to be due to an efflorescence phenomenon peculiar to some nickel sulphates. Notwithstanding, Marignac had observed ("Recherches sur les Formes Crystallines," 1855), when studying the dimorphism in the heptahydrate mentioned, that the transit from clinorhombical crystals to quadratical, with change of colour to blue and loss of transparence, takes place at average temperature without alteration in weight, and I myself have observed, and it must be confirmed, that with intervention of sunlight the reaction is accelerated in a large degree. Perhaps it is a case of irreversible phototropical phenomena conditioned by the passage of one crystalline form into another, which seems to be the most stable and definite of the substances in question, but no generalisation must be made. It is true that colour changes are accompanied by chemical changes molecular alterations, but it does not imply they are always phototropical phenomena nor that changes in shade and colour due to light always signify essential metamorphosis when they are frequently secondary facts. It must not be forgotten that in certain systems (ferrous oxalate and atmospheric oxygen, for instance) light provokes only the pseudoreversible reaction, prolonged and hurried by the photochemical catalysators, as Luther and Plotnikow have termed them, and these can be substances of a very different nature ("Les Reacciones Fotoquimicas Seudoreversibles," loc. cit.).


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In the same way, the fulgides of Stobbe, starting from orange without photochemical change coming to its total development and stopping at what might be called the reversible phototropical phase, we should probably getWith short wave-length rays

substances employed in obtaining the sulphide which,
when pure, is not phosphorescent, neither affected by light
nor changing colour at its contact. Two methods can be
employed when using phosphorogen for diffusing it in the
calcium compound mass. The first method consists in
grinding the mixture for some time in a porcelain mortar,
pulverising first and then sifting, adding sulphur, and re-
grinding till a very fine powder is obtained. (With 30 per Fulgide A, orange)
cent sulphur I always get good results). According to the
products in view to be obtained, the first substances to be
used can be common quicklime, that obtained by heating
the nitrate or carbonate or that by reaction between
ammonia or soda carbonate and a calcium salt, this
coming from white marble, shells, and lastly more or
less pure carbonates from Iceland spath, to white chalk,
washed, and dried.

According to the second process, called impregnation process, the phosphorogen, a metallic salt, is employed, dissolved and diluted in water-(experience shows that nitrates are most effective)-and with this liquid the calcium carbonate finely ground is moistened, making a paste which is dried to 100, stirring without stopping, and when dry mixed with sulphur. I have found it to be a very convenient practice to calcinate in an open crucible in the presence of air, and with high temperature the calcium carbonate impregnated with the active substance till conversion in quicklime for operating afterwards. (Thus are avoided the risks of heating lime powder in a covered crucible). When the question is only to observe phototropical phenomena in solid solutions it is not necessary in many cases to add substances acting as phosphorogen. The impurities of lime and light oxidation of the outcoming mass are sufficient for the production of the phenomenon.

Perhaps the phototropy phenomena studied by me is more general than it could be thought. For its demonstration I must mention this observation of mine. Frequently when exposing to light and air some calcium and strontium sulphides in order to impressionate them by direct and strong light, and to obtain the oxidation necessary to the phosphorescence, I bave observed a change of colour at the mass surface when extended on a white paper leaf (Comptes Rendus, 1897, cxxiv., 1024). With diffuse light the mass colour is whitish or greyish; under strong light comes to a rosy colour, rather strong, and after four minutes arriving at its maximum; in the dark or diffuse light, yet in presence of air, the new colour vanishes and the mass recovers its original hue. I have also remarked that substances able to suffer the mentioned changes have earthy structure, and frequently they are neither phosphorescent nor luminescent or only weakly, excepting some calcium sulphides which possess a maximum luminescence and are impressionable.

Excepting the chemical composition and different methods of obtaining, and taking account of its photo tropical condition only, I find some analogies regarding the manner of colour changes produced between the calcium sulphides obtained by me and the transformations of Stobbe's fulgides when passing into unstable products generating the photoanhydrides, but also in the simpler case of reversible changes of colour easily observed, employing short range light rays (Discourse at the Bunsen Society, Vienna, 1908). As phenomena and effects are, at least externally, identical and provoked by the same reagent, I think that the likeness is well justified, though between limits where permanent chemical trausformations are not recognised. (Those in ferrous oxalate and atmospheric oxygen, for instance).

The transformation of anthracene into dianthracene and the inversed phenomenon subsequent, considered as types of perfect and totally reversible reactions, are thus represented:

Two molecules system, 2C14H 19

In the light

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Fulgide B, brown.

In the dark or with long
wave-length rays.

Generalising this procedure or representative form of these facts and applying it to the phototropy of calcium sulphide in the forms observed by me, we shall bave

System A,

To the light

Calcium sulphide. White
phosphorescent or not
according to the cases.

In the dark.

System B.

Calcium sulphide. Rosy, whose tone deepens more and more.

Perhaps the phenomenon answers, with regard to its intensity, to the absorption of certain dark photochemical radiations which get loose when the direct enlightment of the substance ceases, but after realising in its mass a reversible chemical reaction, not yet well defined but possibly of the same class as the two former and never very complicated, because at most it is a binary system in the case of a diluent SCa and an active phosphorogen in that of bismuth.

I have explained in the former studies already mentioned that the calcium sulphide which changes colour under the action of light could be grouped in two categories. In the first are comprised those phototropical and phosphorescent at the same time, and the second embraces those solely phototropical. It is not possible at the moment to establish more concrete distinctions, nor to affirm in a positive way what would become of products after heating some hours to strong red and slowly cooling the mixtures, from the reaction of which result the calcium sulphide. Notwithstanding, the examen of the nature of the first substances, temperature conditions, and constitution of the solid system resulting, give some data contributing to lighten the problem, and were it not so the circumstances mentioned acquire by themselves interest enough to be taken into account.

It must be remarked-and this is already a first relation to be noted between the two categories of substances— that pure calcium sulphides are never phosphorescent or phototropical. They are totally inert with regard to the influence of light, and I have so demonstrated by a sufficient number of experiments (Archives Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneva, 1908, xxv., 15). Therefore are necessary prima substances obtained purposely, incorporated and diffused uniformly in its mass, employing the methods already mentioned, viz., small quantities of metallic compounds of diverse nature which act as phosphorogen (0·001 grm. of copper, bismuth, cobalt, nickel, or manganese is sufficient), when the impurities existing in the first are not available or sufficient, or when they are not able to form with the sulphur incorporated black or brown sulphides at the temperature of constitution of the solid active solutions. (The presence of iron is very prejudicial, and one gets inert brown masses). This is a common condition for the calcium sulphides of both categories already mentioned, and perhaps more necessary in those presenting with maximum intensity the photoluminescence phenomena.

The temperature at which calcium sulphides are obtained is less related to the phototropy than to the phosphorescence, because that is lost by heating and that remains unchanged. Though I have concluded numerous and diverse experiments relating to 'this case, I have not

been able to determine the law that rules the dependence between obtaining the temperature of substances under study and the change of colour phe omena when exposed to light, and have only in this way confirmed by means of new ones the results of former experiments, and in sight of the variability of this and other phenomenal conditions to establish its individuality, depending each time upon conditions of the moment, perhaps secondary to the formation of binary phosphorescent systems.

I tried to appreciate numerically the calcium sulphide phototropy, as I had demonstrated its constance and persistence in each of the specimens which presented it. The special mechanism of the fact appeared to me, being a sure basis for getting it, at least with a rational approximation.



REFERRING to the scheme shown on page 183 of this
Journal, April 16, 1920, there appears to be an irregularity
as regards the disposition of the outriders for O and F.
The O-F pair should be odd according to the other pairs
Therefore, since F is itself
on each side, which are even.
odd, the outriders may be common to both elements, so
that they are, as it were, shared between the two elements,
and by giving the outriders the position shown below, the
table becomes quite regular; the idea here being, that the
outriders I and 3 are, as it were, common to both elements,
but O usurps "I” and “3” (1 +3), whilst fluorine usurps
"3" only.

I kept each of these phototropical sulphides in a wellclosed flask and in a dark place for many days, and when rapidly brought before a strong light it is possible to observe with some practice the beginning of the colour change. First, is light rosy which accentuates rapidly, It will be understood that in reality many atoms and and after a short time without sensible differences between many corresponding outriders become involved, so that the specimens, whatever may be the method by which it"." and "3" merely represent, in the scheme, labels on was obtained, it grows to its maximum intensity, taking a bins containing such atom-parts, but there appears to be a violaceous tone, which does not penetrate in the sub-partial interchangeability of these parts during mass prostance mass, as the colour change is only superficial. duction in respect of these two atoms. Taken into the dark the inverted phenomenon is produced, and after four or five minutes all the specimens under essay recover their primitive colour. This experiment repeated many times and changing the modus operandi, I have been able to remark the same uniformity whichever were the methods of obtaining the phototropical calcium sulphides. The condition of being phosphorescent has no influence, although some of them reached maximum intensities and were excessively excitable.

Something must be remarked about the phototropical calcium sulphide, and it refers to its structure. Meanwhile, that of the only phosphorescent is, with some rare exceptions, granulous, and its mass more or less drossy like a magma of little grains strongly adhered; the structure of those which constitute my study is always earthy and can be easily disaggregated. The first when pulverised loses an important amount of its sensibility, and sometimes is totally annulled and not phosphorescent. The second maintain the capacity of changing colour even when ground to dust. On the contrary, the luminescence by autoexcitation is always of the whole mass and the phototropy is limited to the surface in immediate contact with light. Though at present I cannot fix up its nature nor venture any hypothesis about its mechanism, I think that we are in the presence of a direct chemical action of light and not of transient oxidations, because the phototropy of calcium sulphide can be obtained even in inert gases atmosphere, the only condition being that moisture and carbonic anhydride be eliminated.

Moreover, the phototropy phenomena produced by oxidation are limited and generally belong to the pseudo: reversible class. In those whose reversibility was studied by me I found it total, and it falls under the Luther's definition. So without venturing on too bold conjectures I am inclined to think that the new phenomena could be perhaps assimilated, in certain cases, to the photoluminescence ones as they are produced; finally, in analogous systems, they have very similar characters, and above all are determined by identical conditions.

It appears demonstrated that in the system of solid phosphorescent solutions when impressed by light are provoked some reactions between the diluent sulphide and the active substance of phosphorogen, and to this reaction is due the absorption of luminous energy emitted in the dark, while the backward reactions take place more or less rapidly and the system returns to its primitive state. The mechanism of phototropy is no other, at least outwardly, and the difference lies in the fact that in one case light is emitted in the dark, while in the other it is a change of colour under direct light, and in both photochemical actions are perfectly reversible.



3 X 4+
4 x 4 + I


Another question arises from the scheme of hypothetical outriders, namely, are these quantities exactly whole-number sub atoms of masses 1, 2, and 3? The multiplication table given does not necessarily answer this question, as it may only show the building up of helium out of hydrogen.

The above should be read as a note underneath the tabular scheme on page 183.


THIS standard, which is now available, has been prepared under the auspices of a body of analysts co-operating on the lines published in a paper in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (Feb. 15, 1919), in order to meet a long felt need for a steel containing some of the principal elements found in high speed and other types of tool and alloy steel, and is probably the only standard of its kind available in Great Britain to-day.

maximum homogeneity of the turnings, and they have Special attention has been devoted to securing the been most carefully analysed by three Government Laboratories, four Independent Analysts, four Works Chemists.

In addition, they are being analysed by two Italian, one French, and five U.S.A. Chemists.

The analysis is as follows (per cent) :

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