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Introductory view of the Advent of the
Meffiah, and of the Coming of his Kingdom.

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Recapitulation, with reflections and in-

I have told you before it come to pass, that
when it is come to pass, ye might believe.



Page 21. n. 1. 2. for 19. read 18.

24. n. 1. 1. for ii. r. 11.

32. n. d. r. Matt. xiii. 43. and refer Mark xiv. 25. to

1. 17.

48. n. 1. 2. for lv. r. lxv.

71. 1. 1. d. one their.

74. n. 1. 3. for 15. r. 16.

75. 1. 21. for wole r. whole.

142. 1. 19. for p. r. q.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Thy kingdom come.

HE kingdom of God is an expression which has different acceptations in

holy scripture*. It denotes his eternal and his spiritual dominion; that sovereign power, which the Creator of all things exerciseth over the works of his hands, and that state of grace and salvation, which was established in the world by Jesus Christ. The former, it is evident, is neither fubject to


Βασιλειας τε Θες δυο οιδεν ἡ γραφη, την μεν κατ οικειωσιν, την δε κατα δημιεργιαν. βασιλευει μεν γαρ άπαντων-κατα τον της δημιουργιας λογον βασιλευει δε των πιςων – κατα τον της οικειωσεως. Chryfoft. Hom. 39. in 1 Cor. Tom. III. p. 509. 1. 12. ed. Savil. διπλη ή το Σωτηρος βασίλεια· ή μεν προαιωνιος τὴ αρχη, γκ εχέσα, ἡ δε μετα τες αιώνας, αρχην απο της οικονομιας λαμβανεσα. Id. T. v. p. 681. 1.10.

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