Obrazy na stronie

the pvneisment and incarceratioun of all sic personis as sall vsurp the bearing of his Maiesties armes efter dew depriuatioun vnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of the disobeyaris to his hienes horne With certificatioun to thame and thay failye being requirit lettrez salbe direct simpliciter to put thame to the horne

CAP. 31.

[Not in 12mo. edition.]

FOR furthering of the kingis commoditie be the Mynes and metallis

OURE Souerane Lord vnderstanding that this lang tyme bygane Nather his Maiestie nor the cuntrie hes Importit ony commoditie of the mynis and metallis quhilk in great abundance micht be easelie found in this realme to the interteynement and sustentatioun of ane greit nowmer of the liegis thairof And that the said inconvenient hes ensewit be resone Oure said souerane lord and his maist noble progenitouris wes in vse commonlie to sett the saidis haill mynis within thair dominionis to ane or tua strangearis for ane small dewtie quha nather haid substance to caus labour and wirk the hundreth pairt of ony ane of the saidis mynis nor yit instructed vtheris leigis of this realme in the knawlege thairof quhilk is mair nor notour be the doingis of the present takisman of the mynes quha nether wirkis presentlie nor hes wrocht thir mony yeiris by past nor euir hes serchit socht nor discoverit ony new mettall sen his entrie nor hes instructit ony of the leigis of the cuntrie in that knawlege And quhilk is maist inconvenient of all hes maid na sufficient payment of the dewtie of his tak to oure souerane lordis thesaurair sua that na pairt of the said yeirlie dewtie is euir cum in the said thesauraris compt to his hienes vse and commoditie Quhairby Oure souerane lord and the haill cuntrie will sustene greit loss gif ane strangear sall bruik in this maner the haill mettallis within his maiesties dominionis but payment of ony dewtie ffor the space of xxj yeris altogidder Lyk as also in respect the richt of all mynis pertenit to his maiestie and his hienes predicessouris Thairfoir quhensoeuir ony myne or seme of mettaill wes found be ony of the leigis of this realme the same wes ather neglectit or be all moyanis possible obscurit be ressone that na pairt of the commoditie thairof micht redound to thame selffis quhairby ane greit proffite quhilk micht haue bene gottin baith to oure souerane lord and als to the cuntrie wes allutirlie owir sene And now our said souerane lord vnderstanding the inconvenientis foirsaidis To haue procedit cheiflie becaus ther wes nocht ane speciall man of witt and knawlege appointit to quhais office propirlie the owirsicht of the haill mater of the mettallis suld pertene And of quhome his Maiestie and estaitis micht seik ane compt and ressone of the administratioun of his said office that his myuis be nocht neglectit (as thay ar) dyuerse vtheris princes makand sa greit commoditie of the lyk... And als oure souerane willing that all his Maiesties liegis quha will tak on hand to discouer and work the saidis mynis may haue reasonable proffite and recompence of thair panis [and] a sufficient securitie maid to thame of thair awin mynis within thair awin landis And als vnderstanding that the dewtie of the said mynis quhilk baith of the commoun law and consuetude obseruit be vther foreign princes properlie pertenis to the prince Extendis onlie to the tent part fre Thairfore our said souerane lord with auise of his estaittis in parliament hes dissoluit the saidis mynis and mettallis in safer as thay war part of his propirtie annext or ony wyis to the effect the same may be sett in few for augmentatioun of oure said souerane lordis rentall And statutis and ordanis that it salbe lesum to his hienes and his successouris . . . . for reasonable compositioun to sett in few ferme to every erle lord barroun and vther frehalder within this realme all and quhatsumeuir mynis of gould siluer copper leid tin and vther quhatsumeuir mettallis or minerallis quhilk is or may be found within thair awin landis and heretageis with pouer to thame to seik and discouer lauboure and work the saidis mettallis and minerallis and to sell dispone or sett the mynis thairof in takkis or few . . . . to vtheris thair subtenentis at thair pleasure as thair proper gudis and heretage And with sic vther ample priuilegeis as oure said souerane lord

[merged small][ocr errors]

.. sall think expedient for the wining and working of the saidis mettallis be cuntrie men or strangearis Payand thairfore yeirlie the saidis Erlis Lordis barounis and vtheris quha sall accept the said is fewis as said is to oure said souerane Lord and his thesaurare thair factouris and seruitouris in thair Name the Just tent part of all and haill the said gould siluer copper leid tin and vtheris minerallis quhilk salbe found and gottin yeirlie within thair saidis landis and heretageis vpoun the ground quhair the same salbe found in sic vre and qualitie as the same salbe gottin out of the erth frelie but ony deductioun. . . . Provyding that in cace ony mynis being sufficientlie discouerit to be within ony of the landis pertening to ony subiect of this realme and the lord of the ground sufficientlie aduertesit thairof and lauchfullie requirit to work the same himself befoir ane Notar and four witnesses as efferis gif he refuisses or delayis the space of thre monethis thairefter Than and in that cace It salbe lesum to our said souerane lord to set the same in few or tak or vtherwyis to caus work the same or to mak rycht thairof to ony vther persone at his grace pleasure That be the wilfull refuise or delay of the awnar of the ground his grace and his cuntrie be not defraudit of the commoditie of the said myne And oure said souerane lord with auise foirsaid of the parliament Declaris that this act of dissolutioun salbe perpetuall to last for all tyme cuming.

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 50.

[1592, cap. 134.]

ANENT the aige and qualities of the lordis of sessioun

BECAUS the nobilitie Erllis lordis and baronis auncient heretouris of landis levingis and possessionis vnderstude the institutioun of the college of iustice and lordis of sessioun To haue bene fra the beginning for decisioun of all ciuile actionis vnto the quhilk decisioun thair haill heretages landis levingis and possessionis ar subiect And that his hienes progenitouris institut the said college of cunning and wysemen Quhilk his Maiestie willing to continew according to his forbearis gude intentioun And to foirsie the corruptioun increscand in the said college in this later and declyning aige Declaris his hienes mynd be act of parliament that in all tymes theireftir quhen ony place suld waik in the sessioun That his Maiestie suld present and nominat thairto ane man fearing god Off gude literature practique Jugement and vnderstanding of the lawes off gude fame having sufficient leving of his awin and quha culd mak guid expeditioun and dispatch in materis tuiching the leigis of the realme And yit that it is requirit that his hienes guid intentioun be mair speciallie expressit toward the complaint of the chesing of young men without grauitie knawlege and experience vpoun the said sessioun nocht having sufficient leving of thair awin THAÌRFOIR Oure said souerane lord with avise of the estaitis of this present parliament declaris that Nane salbe ressauit to ane place of ane senatour in the college of iustice Except he be sufficientlie tryit and knawin be his hienes and haill lordis of the sessioun That the said persoun to be presentit and ressauit haue in yeirlie rent propirlie pertening to him selff the sowme of ane thowsand markis vsuall money of this realme or els Tuentie chalderis of wictuall And that his experience qualitie and conversatioun may be the better tryit that he be of the aige of tuentie fyve yeris at the leist compleit in all tyme cuming vtherway is his presentatioun and admissioun to be null.

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 59.

[1592, cap. 141.]

THAT the Copies of lettres or chargis be subscryvit be the executor thairof

ITEM It is statute and ordanit that in all tyme cuming all copys of summoundis and lettres quhilkis salbe deliuerit to ony pairtie be subscryuit be the officiar executour thairof

CAP. 61.
[1592, cap. 143.]

THAT Compensatioun de liquido ad liquidum be admittit in all Jugementis OURE Souerane Lord and estaitis of parliament statutis and Ordanis that ony debt de liquido ad liquidum instantlie verifiet be wreit or aith of the partie befoir the geving of decreit be admittit be all Jugis within this realme be way of exceptioun Bot nocht eftir the geving thairof In the suspensioun or in reductioun of the same decreit

CAP. 62.
[1592, cap. 144.]

ANENT damnage and expenses of pley

ITEM It is statute and ordanit that damnage enteress and the

expenses of pley maid and sustenit be the parties be altogidder admittit and liquidat be the decreit befoir all Jugeis within this realme And speciallie quhen as the libell clame or petitioun ar provin be wreit contenand damnage enteress and expenses and vpoun registrat bandis obligationis and contractis summondis berand for the coistis. and skaithis Quhilk will stay parties to be wilfull and obstinat pleyaris And this to be extendit alsweill to the defendaris obtenand absoluitour as to the partiis persewaris obtenand decreit condampnitour

CAP. 72.
[1592, cap. 152.]

ANENT deforceing and trubling of the kingis officiaris of armes

ANENT the supplicatioun gevin in to the kingis Maiestie and estaitis of parliament be his hienes aduocat in name of his Maiesties faithfull and trew subiectis within this realme Makand mentioun that nocht onlie his Maiesties officiaris of armes in putting of decreittis obtenit befoir the Juges ordinar to executioun ar heavelie trublit be deforceing of thame in executioun of thair offices and stryking of thame to the effusioun of thair bluidis In hie and manifest contemptioun of our souerane lord and his hienes auctoritie and lawes Bot also ane new vnaccustumat contempt is laitlie cropin in and enterit within this realme That na persoun within the same nather officiaris of armes schireffis in that pairt may travell with frie access to execute ony summondis and lettres direct furth in his Maiesties name for summoning of ony persoun or personis To compeir befoir the lordis of the college of iustice or vtheris Jugeis within this realme without hazard and perell of thair bodies To the greit

hinderance of iustice and preiudice of the trew subiectis of this realme quha ar willing to leve vnder his hienes obedience and to repair wrangis and Iniuries done to thame be ordour of law Beseikand heirfoir his Maiestie and estatis foirsaidis To haue consideratioun of the premises and to sett doun the act of this present parliament That all personis salbe harmeless and skathles in executing of ony summondis lettres or precept and in putting of decreittis to executioun vnder sic panis and pvnisement as his Maiestie and the saidis estaitis thinkis maist expedient for the mantenance of iustice and pvnischement of the contempnaris thairof As the said supplicatioun at mair lenth proportis quhilk being red hard and considderit be his hienes and the saidis estaitis and thay thairwith being ryplie aduysit Oure souerane lord and his estaitis convenit in this present parliament ffor remeid of the dalie hurtis and Iniurys ressauit be officiaris of armes or schireffis in that pairt executand lettres or preceptis in our souerane lordis name and auctoritie Statutis and Ordanis that incaise ane officiar of armes or schireff in that pairt or vther persoun quhatsumeuer the tyme of the executioun of ony summondis lettres or preceptis direct be his hienes or vtheris Jugeis within this realme Or in putting of decreittis to dew executioun be deforceit in doing of the same or be molestit Invadit or perse wit to the effusioun of thair bluid be the persoun or personis quhome thai sall be virtew thairof summond or charge or ony vtheris of thair caussing and command The deforcearis and persewaris of the officiaris and vtheris foirsaidis sall foirfalt amit and tyne all and quhatsumeuir thair guidis and geir moveable And the ane half thairof sall appertene to our souerane lord as eschaet And the vther half to the pairtie at quhais instance the saidis summondis lettres and preceptis ar direct and purchest Qubilkis executionis our said souerane lord and estatis foirsadis decernis and declaris to be lauchfullie and ordourlie execute nochtwithstanding the said deforcement and Invasioun of the saidis officiaris and vtheris abonewrittin to be committit in maner foirsaid the deforcement being first verifiet and prowin

CAP. 75.
[1592, cap. 155.]

ANENT the taxatioun of burrowis

ITEM Seing the Taxatioun and stentis vpoun the realme is multiplijt quhairwith the burrowis ar verrie grytlie burdynnit Thairfoir IT is statute and Ordanit that all maner of personis inhabitantis of burrowis exercesand ony maner of traffique merchandice or having change within the same Sall beir thair pairt of all taxtis stentis and taxationis watching and warding in all dewties and seruices pertening to our souerane lord the weill of the realme and the vtilitie of the burgh And that without ony respect to be haid to ony priuilege discharge or executionis grantit be our souerane lordis predicessouris or be his hienes selff or to be grantit in tyme cuming be his maiestie Or his successouris To quhatsumeuir persoun or personis of quhatsumeuir qualitie Or from quhatsumeuir cause And Ordanis this to haue executioun Aganis all personis exerceand the trafficque of merchandise or vther change in ony of the burrowis of this realme quhether thay be admittit frie burgesses thairin or nocht Prowyding alwayes that it salbe lesum to his hienes nochtwithstanding of the said act to exeeme frome the saidis taxationis watching and warding Ane persoun of ilk craft for his hienes particuler vse and seruice Incace his maiestie find it guid and expedient to be done And siclyk that this act be nocht preiudiciall to the memberis of the college of iustice and to thair priuilegis and Immvnities grantit vnto thame Or quhairof thai haue bene in vse in tymes bygane


CAP. 8.

[1593, cap. 165.]

ANENT the ministeris gleibis

ITEM Quhair thair hes bene na gleib of auld or quhair hes bene sum of auld yit it be far within the quantitie of four aikar of land That the designatioune to be maid of the persoun vicar abbot or prioress landis And falyeing thairof out of the bischoipis landis freiris landis or ony vther kirkland lyand within the boundis of the said paroche Ay and quhill four aikaris of land be compleit ITEM that the saidis gleibis be designit with fredome of fogage pasturage fewall faill dowatt loning frie ische and entrie and all vther preuilegis and richtis according to vse and wont of auld

CAP. 9.
[1593, cap. 166.]

ACT for relief of ministeris that ar trublit be pensionaris or taxmen FORSAMEKLE as sindrie ministeris quha hes bene in lang possessioun of thair stipendis be virtew of thair assignationis Ar trublit be pensionaris or takismen quha hes tane in tak gift or pensioun ather thair haill stipendis or ane greit pairt thairof and hes obtenit ratificatioun in parliament thairvpoun THAIRFOIR Oure souerane lord with auise of the estaitis of this present parliament Ordanis that all ministeris stipendis in tyme cuming be frie frome all takkis pensionis taxationis or impositionis quhatsumeuir nochtwithstanding of ony gift or dispositioun maid in the contrair To the effect that the ministeris may bruik thair stipendis peceablie in all tyme cuming without ony truble according to thair assignationis

CAP. 12.
[1593, cap. 169.]

ACT that na particuler act of parliament sall preiuge the ministeris in thair levingis OURE Souerane Lord with aduise of the estaitis of this present parliament having consideratioun how that the ministeris prouydit to ecclesiasticall functionis and leving of the kirk and serving the cure thairat hes bene and may be in tyme cuming havelie preiudgit in thair saidis ecclesiasticall levingis and rentis thairof be speciall actis and constitutionis maid in fauouris of certane particuler personis FOR REMEID thairof in tyme cuming hes statute and Ordanit that quhatsuemuir act or constitutioun of parliament in tyme cuming efter the dait heirof be maid in fauour of ony particuler persoun quhairby the prouisioun of ony ministeris levingis may be tane away or in onywayis preiudgeit directlie or indirectlie in thair saidis prouisionis rentis and proffeittis thairof or ony pairt of the samyn That the same salbe in all tyme cuming null and of nane availl force nor effect except the saidis ministeris be callit vpoun thair prouisioun And the samyn in haill or in pairt reducit befoir the Juge Ordiner

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