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-defending privileges which our fathers purchased with their blood; and a constitution under which Britain had flourished for many a year, till at last here, too, we suffered a defeat, and the work of defence again gave place to the duty of testifying. This, also, we were enabled by God's grace to do. This great duty he has enabled us to fulfil. When he raised us up to the work of reforming, and called us to defend our constitution, he gave to the Church grace to be faithful. When resisted in the work of defence, be at last suffered us to be defeated, that we might be called to a still higher duty-the duty of witness-bearing. At this time last year, our beloved Church ceased from the work of defence, declaring that she could no longer maintain the citadel of the constitution; and with a solemn protest laid at the feet of the Legislature and the Establishment, our Church entered upon the work of testifying for God's truth. Now it had not been an unnatural, nor, according to former experience, a surprising sequel, if the very next stage in the history of our Church had been a transition from the work of testifying to the duty of suffering persecution. A reforming church was called upon to the work of defence; a defending church, finding her position untenable, was called to the duty of testifying; a testifying church, Sir, is the church most likely to suffer persecution, and it would have been in no way surprising had our testimony already been silenced, and our witnessbearing provoked intolerable hostility. But there is an interval in the transition from one stage to another. I think not that we are yet secure from that last stage hinted at. I am far from imagining that the present peace, auspicious as it may be, is a peace which is long to last. I believe that principles involved in our testimony,—principles, I hope, that we never can compromise or couceal,—(applause) -are so offensive to this world, and to the god of this world, that the latter is but taking time to marshal his forces for another and a fresh onset. And farther, I believe that the work in which we are now engaged, or are now called on to engage inthe work of evangelization-is making such inroads on the kingdom of Satan, as cannot fail to provoke the strong man, armed, to put forth his utmost efforts. But, Sir, it is ours to watch the dealings of God's providence, not so much for the purpose of anticipating our future destiny, as of discerning our present duty. And whatever may be in the womb of time-whatever coming events may be casting their shadows before-of this much at least are we aware, that we have, in God's providence as a Church, a breathing time, an interval of repose, a suspension of judgment, which if we do not improve aright, when the chastening time again comes, woe be to us because of our unfaithfulness. Now, Sir, not only hath God brought us to this position, and evidently set before us this duty, but he has given us large encouragement to the discharge of that duty. It is not in any spirit of despondency —not with any wish to depreciate what the Lord is doing on our behalf, but rather the reverse, because we are profoundly impressed with a sense of God's great goodness in past dealings, that we ought to feel constrained now to come before the Throne and say, "Lord, thou hast enlarged our way; thou hast brought us into a large place; thou hast dealt bountifully with us; thou hast disappointed our fears; thou hast given us peace in the presence of our enemies. Lord, to what end hast thou dealt thus graciously with us? Lord, what wouldst thou have us to do?" Sir, I need not dwell on the many tokens of the Divine favour which we have had to acknowledge during the past year. I need not dwell on the comfortable provision which God has put into the hearts of our people to make for their own accommodation in the worship of God, and in support of a gospel ministry among themselves and their children. But there are some things which cannot but be adverted to, as showing the loud call unto us to consider our ways, and wait upon God for direction and guidance. Sir, without at all undervaluing or depreciating the faith and labours of other evangelical bodies of Christians, it is impossible for us to shut our eyes to the fact that we occupy a position greatly more favourable for impressing the stamp of godliness on the community than is occupied by any other church at present existing in this country. Do I say this from any desire to institute a comparison between the gifts and qualifications of our own ministers and elders with those of other churches? Far from it. It is to contrast the Lord's dealings with us, with those towards other churches; and indeed we may well take up the language of the Psalmist, and say,

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He hath not dealt so with any people as with us.' He hath put us in a position in which we have readier access to the minds, and hearts, and sympathies, and affections, and feelings, and emotions of our countrymen throughout broad Scotland, than any other body who have gone forth in it to preach the everlasting gospel. (Applause.) Sir, this is a sentiment to be received not merely with exultation, this is not a sentiment to be received merely with cheers and approbation-but a sentiment to be met with feelings of deepest humility. If the Lord has brought us to such a position,-if one word from us is felt now to come from men whose honesty, at least, dare not be questioned, and if our speaking be felt to come home to the dearest affections of Scotchmen, we have need to confess that we have miserably improved the advantages that God hath given us. When we call to mind that in the altered circumstances of our Church all barriers and divisions are healed or thrown down, and the whole country laid open to our exertions; and when we call to mind that we have been driven forth from the Establishment possibly for this very end, that districts of this country long unvisited by the faithful preaching of the gospel might hear the gospel sound; and when we think, moreover, of the success which has attended the preaching of the gospel during this summer, of men going forth at large preaching by the hedges and highways, and in hamlets and barns, and wherever they could get two or three men gathered together, may we not also think how much more might have been done had we gone among the dense populations of our towns, among the colliers and miners, and those whose shadows'never darken a church-door,—and proclaimed to them the unsearchable riches of Christ? There are various other circumstances connected with our position, which equally show that God has given us this opportunity,—that he is affording us place and time for this work, as he has given us most ample encouragement to engage in it. As regards our own people, who have come forth with us from the bondage of an Erastian Establishment, let us ask ourselves, are there not symptoms among them of some deficiency on our part in improving the advantages that we have had in our intercourse with them? All of us can bear testimony to this striking fact, that we find our congregations,—some of them perhaps diminished a little,-waiting on our ministrations with a seriousness, and attention, and devotion never before observed--(hear, bear); and oh, is it not a most solemn question this to every minister,-"“ This year I have a congregation more attentive, more devout, more serious, and more earnest than I ever had years before. I have had the young more open to instruction,-I have had the aged more anxious for consolation, the careless more ready to be awakened,-the worldly more ready to be rebuked, the people of God expecting large advances in the divine light; and I have been addressing a congregation, all of whom laboured under the impression that something ought to come out of this great work of God. And, oh, it is a solemn question for me how much all this has been counteracted by my unfaithfulness,-by my want of an adequate sense of the importance of this most important event. Sir, I purposely abstain from entering into further details, in calling on the General Assembly to entertain the subject of these overtures. We are all of us, Sir, under solemn and anxious impressions as to what may be coming on our country and on our Church. I cannot but think that God's recent dealings, both in this country and in England, looked very like a dispensation to bring about the revival of evangelical religion in the high places of the land. It is but a few years ago since evangelical religion began to be fashionable both in England and Scotland; and there was scarcely a noble or aristocratic family to be found in which there was not some pious member, and some strong disposition to receive the messengers of truth, and listen to them, as Herod did to the Baptist of old. But in both countries Satan has interfered to mar the progress of this work. Look to England,-do we not see, that at the instant evangelical religion began to be popular, Satan devised a counterfeit,-invented a subtle imitation, and that this semi-religion, in the form of Puseyism or Tractarianism, is supplanting the true evangelical religion among the rich and fashionable of that land? It almost seems as if this evangelical revival had called forth something of more spiritual appearance to prepare the way for this most subtle resurrection of Popery. And so in our own land can we fail to trace in like manner the hand of God? But recently Evangelical ministers were courted and caressed by the great, and had access to all their drawing-rooms

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and to their palaces; but here too we find Satan marring the good work, and putting it into the hearts of many of the great among us to thrust us out of their presence, and to refuse to hear the gospel from our lips. Sir, is it not a striking fact, that the aristocracy of this land were so nearly persuaded to be Christians, and had the gospel brought so close to them, and yet suddenly obstacles are raised up to put them at perhaps a greater distance than for years they have been, from the faithful preaching of the truth? I speak, of course, of classes, not of individuals. And is it not as if God were saying to the Free Church, "You have not now perhaps the access you once had for preaching the pure gospel among the higher classes of the community; buta wide door and an effectual has been opened for you to the hearts and habitations of the poor. Sir, let us not mistake the purpose of God in all these his visitations upon us. For oh, Sir, if the people of our hamlets, as of our palaces, should reject the preaching of the gospel,—if it should turn out that the great masses of the community should prove inaccessible, may we not fear that Scotland's day of grace is nearly run?-But I speak as one persuaded that there are better things in store. I think, Sir, that, degenerate as the Church of Scotland has been,-degenerate as she has become from her first love,-a holy seed is in that Church. I speak as thoroughly believing that God has now brought us into a position in which he is peculiarly near to our Church, and peculiarly willing to bestow the blessings of his Spirit, and that he is waiting to be inquired of for this great thing that he is prepared to do. It is not our part to deal in conjectures in regard to what our success may be; but it is our part to have a solemn conviction as to what is present duty. Most undoubtedly, we have not in this Assembly any measure calling for our attention, comparable in importance to this vast and momentous subject. I say again, that I have no scheme or expedient to suggest. I feel in this matter, and I desire to feel it more and more, that we should all look upon ourselves as if we were reduced to utter hopelessness-as if we had no plan, no scheme, no expedient, and could only go to earnest prayers, and fasting, and seeking counsel of our Master. The Lord has done great things for us. Let us not forget to be thankful to him for all his mercies; and let us go about the consideration of this subject, not in a spirit of discontent, not in a spirit of doubting or despondency, but rather in the spirit of cheerfulness and right-hearted joy, for the Lord has done great things for us. But let us also go about the consideration of this subject in a spirit of deep humiliation; and if any one say these are incompatible-if any one say the joy of which I speak cannot consist with the humiliation I desire-he knows but little of the experience of the true believer, or of the meaning of that promise of the Lord, "He that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Now, Sir, it would be unsuitable longer to detain the Assembly. I have expressed, with as much simplicity as I could, the feelings I entertain on this matter, and which I believe are entertained to a large extent by many of my fathers and brethren in this Assembly. I repeat that I do not propose we should instantly go into the consideration of our sins, and failings, and deficiencies, the want of fruit in our ministry, and what may be the sin that is the occasion of this. It is not my purpose to go into an examination of all the reasons why the Lord has a controversy with us still; nor is it my intention to ask the Assembly to go into the consideration of the remedies that may be devised and suggested. I believe that the more this subject is canvassed and considered, the more it will be seen that, as in our last contendings we had no new principle to discover,-no new battle to fight, so in our present troubles, we have no new machinery to find out, -no new device to discover. (Hear.) It is not the first time the Church of our fathers has been in this position,-it is not the first time that she has testified for great principles, and been honoured by God in suffering for those principles,—it is not the first time that the fathers and brethren of our Church have met together, after some signal deliverance or grievous persecution, to mourn over the low state of spiritual godliness in the land, it is not the first time that the Church has been called upon to ask the question, Why is it that the Lord's work is not prospering more in our hands?-and I believe all we have to do is, to enter more into the mind of our fathers,-to confess our sins as they confessed and mourned over their sins, and to go about the use of ordinary means and influences, as they did, not

expecting to cast out devils by any power of their own, but looking for the Lord's work prospering, in his own time, and in his own way, by the manifest power of his Spirit. As the Assembly, if they go into the proposal which I will take the liberty to submit, will have other opportunities of considering the subject at large, I will not enter farther into the subject. I shall deeply regret if we enter into any consultation as to what ought to be done before we have thoroughly and truly humbled ourselves before God, and spread out before him our sins and failings. It is not our part to measure the success of our ministry by what may be discerned, nor is it our part to say to the Head of the Church what the success of our ministry ought to be; but it is our part to connect any want in our ministry with our sins (Hear)— and to say, that if souls are not won to Christ, there must doubtless be blame attached to us. What I have to propose to the Assembly is, that having considered the overtures on the table, the Assembly resolve to set apart Tuesday first as a day of solemn humiliation and prayer in reference to the subject of these overtures, and also for consultation and deliberation thereanent, and that the Assembly appoint a diet of public worship to be held on that day in the forenoon, and leave it to the Committee for appointing preachers to name a brother to conduct the services, not restricting that committee in their choice to the members of the Assembly, but leaving them freely to name such fathers or brothers as they think may be best enabled, under almighty God, to bring this subject suitably under the attention of the Assembly. (Cheers.)

Dr MAKELLAR seconded the motion,

Which was then unanimously adopted by the Assembly.

Dr CANDLISH proposed that a case of translation from the Presbytery of Haddington, which had been sent down for consideration next day, should be postponed till Monday, and that the Assembly, in its room, take up the Presbyterian Marriages Bill, and also hear the deputation from the Irish Presbyterian Church. Agreed to. The Assembly then adjourned at half-past ten.


The Assembly constituted-Report of Law Committee-Remarks by Rev. Mr Gray and Mr Gibson, -Mariners' Church, Dundee-Overtures on Cheap Theological Publications, and Speeches of Dr Candlish and Mr Begg-Dissenters' Chapels Bill, and Speech of Mr Dunlop-Irish Presbyterian Marriages, and Speech of Mr Begg-Irish Deputation-Speeches of Dr Barnett and Mr Dill.

The Assembly met to-day at eleven o'clock. After engaging in the usual devotional exercises, and reading the minutes of the previous sederunt, the Assembly called for the report of


MR DUNLOP rose and stated this report verbally. The attention of the committee had been directed to a great variety of matters, to which the committee had given all the attention which pressure of business would permit of them doing. There were some things which he wished more particularly to bring under the notice of the Assembly, as they had chiefly occupied the attention of the committee. One of these was the trust-deed of investment of the property of the new churches. Instead, however, of the Assembly entering all at once into the consideration of that deed, it occurred to him that the preferable mode would be,-especially as the heads of the deed had been sent down to presbyteries for consideration,-to appoint a large committee, selected from all quarters of the country, to revise the deed, and consider the deliverances of the different presbyteries upon the same, and the overtures sent to the Assembly thereanent, and to report the result of their deliberations to a future diet of Assembly, when he had no doubt an unanimous determination would be come to on the subject. He did not, therefore, propose to enter fully into the merits of

that question at present, as an opportunity would be afforded of doing so when the committee gave in their report. He could not, however, but mention the very able assistance they had received, in preparing the deed, from an individual whose services in behalf of the Church, both in and out of parliament, were not more distinguished than they were readily given, he meant Mr Rutherfurd. (Much applause.) He could not also refrain from stating the able assistance they had received from Mr Brodie, W. S.,-(Applause)—who had most readily given them his aid in this important matter, and had been of great assistance to the committee. The subject of importance next in order which had particularly occupied the attention of the committee was the property of the quoad sacra churches. The subject of the disposal of these churches was brought before last Assembly, when it was resolved that collections should be made throughout the Church, in order that funds might be procured for ascertaining, by legal means, to whom the right of such churches belonged; and to carry out the views of the Assembly in this respect, the special commission had appointed the second Sabbath of the present month as the day for making the collection, the amount of which, he believed, had turned out to be in general satisfactory. It would not, however, be surprising were it not so, for they could not but be aware how strong the pressure had been on the friends of the Church in this respect. The collections had been made, not within the usual period of twelve months, but within ten months, in the course of which six collections had been made, while there were, in addition to that two other collections, one for the support of the counties of Ross and Sutherland, and the other for these quoad sacra churches, -making in all eight church-door collections within the year, and amounting in all to between thirty and thirty-six thousand pounds. (Applause.) In such circumstances, it was with great reluctance that the collection in the present case was made, but he had no doubt the Assembly would approve of the conduct of the Committee in doing so. They were, however, in a great degree, relieved from the responsibility which would follow the going into a court of law to test the question, for one very generous lady, who had contributed largely to the church, had agreed to take the responsibity upon herself, and try a case in which she was intimately interested. The hardships of this case he could not help mentioning. He referred to the church of St Paul's, in the neighbouring parish of St Cuthberts. It was erected for about L.3000, and the lady gave L. 1600 as a subscription to help to build it, and L.700 on loan, the rest of the price being made up of private subscriptions, and a donation from the Church Extension Fund. The money thus subscribed by this generous individual was given for the erection of a church whose minister was to enjoy the privileges of any Established clergyman, having power to hold kirk-sessions, and a right to a seat in the church courts. It was to such a church alone that she contributed; and those who contributed to all other churches did the same, taking it as a security that their ministers were not to be degraded below the level of others; that they were to have kirk-sessions and a seat in the church courts. They did not contribute for the purpose of erecting chapels of ease. They contributed to extend the means of usefulness of the Church of Scotland, which they believed at the time to be possessed of spiritual independence, having within it the inherent right to prevent ministers from being pressed on reclaiming congregations. It was that Church alone possessed, as they believed, of these principles, that they contributed to extend; for they never would have consented to extend a Church which has been bereft of every shred of spiritual independence, and in which the principle of nonintrusion was not allowed to operate. (Applause.) On the other hand, however, there doubtless were individuals who contributed towards the building of these churches without much regard to the extending of a Church possessed of spiritual independence, or which held out the principle of non-intrusion, but for the purpose simply of supporting an Established Church. Now, it was impossible to reconcile these two parties, for the two principles could not be maintained together. On the one hand, those who contributed to build a church whose minister was to be placed on the same footing as those of the Establishment, in the belief that that Establishment was possessed of the principles already named, could not, now that they are told the Establishment is not possessed of those principles, allow the church to re

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