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He saith, that reason will agree with the doctrine of transubstantiation well enough, p. 264. 1. 47. [vol. iii. p. 382.] Smith saith, that transubstantiation is against

reason and natural operation, fol. 60.

Other say, that worms in the sacrament be gendered of accidents. He saith, that they be wrong borne in hand

to say so, p. 355. l. 3. [vol. iii. p. 505.]

He saith, that the accidents of bread and wine do mould, sour, and wax vinegar, p. 265. 1. 11. and 355. 1. 8. [vol. iii. p. 382.] and Marcus, fol. 168. fac. 1. Smith saith

thus: I say that the consecrated wine turneth not into vinegar, nor the consecrated bread mouldeth nor engendereth worms, nor is burned, nor receiveth into it any poison, as long as Christ's body and blood are under the forms of them, which do abide there, so long as the natural qualities and properties of bread and wine tarry there in their natural disposition and condition, (that the bread and wine might be naturally there if they had not been changed into Christ's body and blood,) and also as long as the host and consecrated wine are apt to be received of man, and no longer, but go and depart thence by God's power as it pleaseth him; and then a new substance is made of God, which turneth into vinegar, engendereth worms, mouldeth, is turned, feedeth men and mice, receiveth poison, &c. fol. 64 and 105.

He saith, every yea containeth a nay in it naturally, so as whosoever saith, This is bread, saith it is no wine; for in the rule of common reason the grant of one substance is the denial of another: and therefore reason hath these conclusions throughly, whatsoever is bread is no wine, whatsoever is wine is no milk, &c. So Christ saying, This is my body, saith it is no bread, p. 256. 1. 38. and p. 265. l. 5. [vol. iii. p. 369.] Smith saith, a boy which hath only learned the sophistry will not dispute so fondly, fol. 77.

Other say, that the mass is a sacrifice satisfactory by devotion of the priest, and not by the thing that is offered. He saith otherwise, p. 80. 1. 43. [vol. iii. p. 150.]

He saith, that the only immolation of Christ in himself

upon the altar of the cross is the very satisfactory sacrifice for the reconciliation of mankind to the favour of God, p. 437. 1. 1. [vol. iii. p. 543.] Smith saith, what is it to offer Christ's holy body and blood at mass to purchase thereby everlasting life, if it be not, the mass to be a sacrifice to pacify God's wrath for sin and to obtain his mercy, fol. 24. 148. and 164. Priests do offer for our salvation to get heaven and to avoid hell, fol. eodem.

Matters wherein the Bishop varied from himself.

The body of Christ in the sacrament is not made of bread, but is made present of bread, p. 79. 1. 6. [vol. iii. p. 145. 303.]

Of bread is made the body of Christ, p. 344. 1. 8. [vol. iii. p. 488.]

The catholic faith hath from the beginning confessed truly Christ's intent to make bread his body, p. 26. 1. 40. [vol. iii. p. 72.] Christ gave that he made of bread, p. 257. 1. 50. [vol. iii. p. 371.] And of many breads is made one body of Christ, p. 144. 1. 23. [vol. iii. p. 217.] And faith showeth me that bread is the body of Christ, that is to say, made the body of Christ, p. 295. 1.30. [vol. iii. p. 425.]

Christ spake plainly, This is my body, making demonstration of the bread when he said, This is my body. In the Devil's Sophistry, fol. 27. I will pass over the phantasies of them who wrote the principal chief text, This is my body, from consecration of the sacrament to the demonstration of Christ's body, &c. In the devilish Devil's Sophistry, fol. 70.

The demonstration "this" may be referred to the invisible substance, p. 106. 1. 42. [vol. iii. p. 178.] The “is” was of his body and blood, and not of the bread and wine, p. 251. 1. 8. [vol. iii. p. 364.]

Illis verbis, Hoc est corpus meum, substantia corporis significatur, nec de pane quicquam intelligitur, quum corpus


substantia sua, non aliena prædicetur. Marc. Ant. Constant. fol. 24. fac. 2.

When Christ said, This is my body, the truth of the literal sense hath an absurdity in carnal reason, p. 138. I. 19. [vol. iii. p. 210.]

What can be more evidently spoken of the presence of Christ's natural body and blood in the most blessed sacrament of the altar, than is in these words, This is my body? In the Devil's Sophistry, fol. 5.

Where the body of Christ is, there is whole Christ, God and man, and when we speak of Christ's body, we must understand a true body, which hath both form and quantity, p. 71. 1. 47. [vol. iii. p. 132.] And he is present in the sacrament as he is in heaven, p. 141. 1. 6. [vol. iii. p. 213.]

We believe simply the substance of Christ's body to be in the sacrament without drawing away of accidents or adding. p. 353. 1. 1. [vol. iii. p. 502.]

Christ is not present in the sacrament after the manner of quantity, but under the form and quantity of bread and wine, p. 71. 1. 50. p. 90. 1. 43. [vol. iii. p. 132.]

In such as receive the sacrament worthily, Christ dwelleth in them corporally, and naturally, and carnally, p. 166. 1. 19. p. 173. 1. 54. p. 191. l. 47. [vol. iii. p. 251. 262. 287.]

The manner of Christ's being in the sacrament is not corporal, not carnal, not natural, not sensible, not perceptible, but only spiritual, p. 159. 1. 17. p. 197. l. 32. [vol. iii. p. 241. 295.]

We receive Christ in the sacrament of his flesh and blood, if we receive him worthily, p. 167. 1. 9. p. 174. l. 1. [vol. iii. p. 252. 262.]

When an unrepentant sinner receiveth the sacrament, he hath not Christ's body within him, p. 225. 1. 43. [vol. iii. p. 328.]

He that eateth verily the flesh of Christ, is by nature in

Christ and Christ is naturally in him, p. 17. 1. 38. [vol. iii. p. 62.]

An evil man in the sacrament receiveth indeed Christ's very body, ibid.

Evil men eat verily the flesh of Christ, p. 225. l. 47. [vol. iii. p. 328.]

Christ giveth us to be eaten the same flesh that he took of the Virgin, p. 241. 1. 27. [vol. iii. p. 348.]

We receive not in the sacrament Christ's body that was crucified, p. 243. 1. 16. [vol. iii. p. 351.]

St. Augustine's rule, De Doctrina Christiana, pertaineth not to Christ's supper, p. 117. 1. 21. [vol. iii. p. 190.]

The sixth of John speaketh not of any promise made to the eating of a token of Christ's flesh. p. 4. 1. 40. [vol. iii. p. 48.]

St. Augustine meaneth of the sacrament, p. 119. 1. 24. [vol. iii. p. 194.]

The sixth of John must needs be understand of corporal and sacramental eating, p. 17. 1. 48. [vol. iii. p. 62.]

Reason in place of service, as being inferior to faith, will agree with the doctrine of transubstantiation well enough, p. 265. l. 1. [vol. iii. p. 382.] And as reason received into faith's service, doth not strive with transubstantiation, but agreeth with it, so man's senses be no such direct adversaries to transubstantiation, as a matter whereof they can no skill, for the senses can no skill of substances, p. 271. l. 24. [vol. iii. p. 391.]

Thine eyes say there is but bread and wine; thy taste saith the same; thy feeling and smelling agree fully with them hereunto is added the carnal man's understanding, which, because it taketh the beginning of the senses, proceedeth in reasoning sensually. In the Devil's Sophistry, fol. 6. The Church hath not forborne to preach the truth, to the confusion of man's senses and understanding, fol. 15.

It is called bread because of the outward visible matter,

p. [392.]

When it is called bread, it is meant Christ, the spiritual
bread, p. 284. 1. 25. [vol. iii. p. 411.]

The fraction is in the outward sign, and not in the body of
Christ, p. 144. 1. 39. p. 348. l. 21. [vol. iii. p. 218.] And
in the Devil's Sophistry, fol. 17.

That which is broken is the body of Christ, p. 348. l. 18.
[vol. iii. p. 494.]

The inward nature of the bread is the substance, p. 286.
1. 23. [vol. iii. p. 414.]

Substance signifies the outward nature, p. 359. 1. 22. [vol.
iii. p. 511.]

The substances of bread and wine be visible creatures,
p. 285. 1. 48. p. 286. 1. 44. [vol. iii. p. 414.]

Accidents be the visible natures and visible elements,
p. 363. 1. 39. [vol. iii. p. 518.]

Christ is our satisfaction wholly and fully, and hath paid
our whole debt to God the Father for the appeasing of his
wrath against us, p. 81. 1. 39. [vol. iii. p. 150.]

The act of the priest done according to God's command-
ment must needs be propitiatory, and ought to be trusted
on to have a propitiatory effect, p. 387. 1. 13. [vol. iii. p.

The demonstration "this"
sible substance, p. 106. 1. 44.
was of his body and blood, and
p. 251. 1. 8. [vol. iii. p. 364.]
phistry, 27. 70.

may be referred to the invi-
[vol. iii. p. 178.] The "is"
not of the bread and wine,
Contrary in the Devil's So-

When Christ said, This is my body, the truth of the lite-
ral sense hath an absurdity in carnal reason, p. 138. l. 19.
[vol. iii. p. 210.] Contrary in the Devil's Sophistry, 5.

[blocks in formation]
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