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"Soldiers," said the officer of police, you see another staircase; we must again descend."

He himself set the example, and all the rest followed it. It led them into a little

narrow cave.


"Merciful Heaven!" cried Rhodiska"what do I see? Here is the fatal trunk, which has already caused us so much anguish, and which we have never missed. -Perfidious Dorothea! Treacherous Zokalef!"

"Here," cried the officer, "is the last stage of our researches. This trunk contains the last proof of your guilt, or will acquit you."

As he spoke, he lifted up the lid of the trunk, which was not fastened, and instantly exclaimed

"Soldiers, behold, and tremble! This dreadful crime, of which one would scarcely think human nature capable, is fully proved, -This trunk contains the corpse of a young.

female !"

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SURPRISE and horror seized all those who heard this dreadful exclamation. They advanced to look into the trunk, and saw it verified.


Heaven protect us!" cried Rhodiskathey have sworn our destruction. What an abominable plot!"

"At least acquaint us," said Rosomaski, with the circumstances of the crime with which we are charged, and the name of Our accuser."

"No one, I believe," said the officer of police," can be better acquainted with


the particulars of this horrid affair than yourselves."

"We are innocent, however!" cried Rosomaski and Rhodiska both at once.

"Innocent!" said the officer-" have you not poisoned this young woman, whom you have decoyed into your castle, for the purpose of plundering her of her jewels? Your denying it will not pass upon me. The diamonds, which I have just secured; this trunk, on which I behold, at this moment, the address of the Countess Rosomaski; the linen, which envelopes this unfortunate female, and which bears the initials of your names-all combine to bespeak you guilty."

"I have not the least apprehensions about the event," replied Rosomaski, with a calmness which astonished Rhodiska— "We can readily account for the manner in which the diamonds came into our possession; and, one link of this accursed combination being broken, the whole chain.

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chain must fall to pieces. Bring us now face to face with our accuser, and we shall easily confound him."

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Your accuser is unknown to me," replied the officer-" but what has been alledged against you, appears to be founded on undeniable fact. We have not been sent here to seek after a Will-o'-the-Wisp. Soldiers, perform the last part of your duty; bind them and conduct them to prison."

Rosomaski was ready to burst with indignation at the sight of cords and chains: he intreated that, if they were determined to put so great an indignity upon himself, they would at least have some consideration for the female sex, and leave his wife at liberty.

Soldiers, do your duty instantly!"

cried the officer.

As they were obeying his orders— "O heavens!" cried Rhodiska, "must we be treated like vile malefactors, like


murderers! If you die, my dear Roso- ' maski, at least I shall have the consolation

of bearing you company."

"Dearest Rhodiska," replied Rosomaski, *calm your fears.

Heaven will never

suffer innocence to be confounded with


"Come, soldiers," said the officer of police, "take up that trunk, and let us conduct the victim and her murderers to Zabno, where the magistrates are waiting to enter into a closer examination of the prisoners."


The four soldiers instantly took each a corner of the trunk, and lifted it upon their shoulders: they then quitted the subterraneans, and returned to the hall. officer of police then ordered the horses to be harnassed to Rosomaski's chaise, and a litter was found to convey the trunk and its contents to Zabno.

Whilst this was doing, Rhodiska intreated, with a tone which would have melted apathy into compassion, that they would permit her to send for her children,

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