| Philip Schaff - 1877 - Liczba stron: 948
...yea in them that are regenerated ; whereby the lust of the flesh, called in Greek (fipovrifia aaptof (which Some do expound the wisdom, some sensuality,...the flesh), is not subject to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized ; yet the Apostle doth confess,... | |
 | 1675 - Liczba stron: 314
...them that are regenerated, whereby the lust of the flesh, called in Greek фроуцца ааркос, which some do expound the wisdom, some sensuality, some the affection, some ihe desire of the flesh, is not subject to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for... | |
 | Church of England articles - 1855 - Liczba stron: 76
...them that are regenerated ; whereby the lust of the flesh, called in Greek, Фракцм о-арко(, which some do expound the wisdom, some sensuality,...of the flesh, is not subject to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apostle doth confess,... | |
 | Thomas Bennet - 1727 - Liczba stron: 216
...fenfuality, fome the affe£licn^ fome the defire of the ftejh ^ is notfubjett to the law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apoftle doth confefs, that concupifeeace and luft hath of it felf the nature of Jin. This Article contains... | |
 | Thomas Rogers - 1776 - Liczba stron: 78
...Senfuality, fome the Affection, fome the Defire of the flefh, is not fubjeft to the law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apoflle doth confefs, that concupifcence and luft hath of itfelf the nature of fin. Original Sin.]... | |
 | 1802 - Liczba stron: 628
...leniuality, fome the affection, Jome the defire of the flofh, is not lubject to the law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apoftle doth confeis, that coucupifcence and luft hath of itielf the nature of fin, X. Of Free-will... | |
 | Episcopal Church - 1806 - Liczba stron: 682
...Senfuajity, fome the Affedtion, fome the Defire of the flelh, is not fubjeft to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized ; yet the Apoftle doth confefs, that concupifcence and luft hath of itfelf the nature of fin. ART. X. Of Free-will.... | |
 | Episcopal Church - 1808 - Liczba stron: 634
...yea, in them that are regenerated ; whereby the lust of the flesh, called in Greek $5°'"^* i"s?«ft which some do expound the Wisdom, some Sensuality....the Affection, some the Desire of the Flesh, is not submit to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized;... | |
 | Church of England - 1808 - Liczba stron: 354
...ienfuality, fome the affection, fome the defire of the fle(h, is not fubject to the law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apoftle doth confefs, that concupifcence and luft hath of itfelf the nature of fin . X-. Offoee-iuill.... | |
 | William Romaine - 1809 - Liczba stron: 260
...Yea, in them that are regenerated, whereby the lust of the flesh, called in Greek jroneema sarkos, which some do expound, the wisdom ; some, sensuality...of the flesh, is not subject to the law of God; and although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the apostle doth confess... | |
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