| Edward John Burrow - 1822 - Liczba stron: 594
...to hear God's word, and to pray. And this Christian church is a communion of saints, that is to say, all that be of this communion or company be holy, and be one holy body under Christ their head ; they be one holy congregation or assembly. And this congregation receiveth... | |
| Thomas Cranmer - 1829 - Liczba stron: 448
...sondry places, yet are they called one holy catholike or vniuersal churche of Christe, that is to saie, a multitude congregation or companye of Christen people....treasuers, be commen to the hole body, and to euery membre of the same. For he that is vnfainedly a faythfull and godly man, is made partaker of these... | |
| Anglican fathers - 1838 - Liczba stron: 598
...to hear GOD'S Word and to pray. And this Christian Church is a Communion of saints, that is to say, all that be of this Communion or Company be holy, and be One Holy Body under CHRIST their Head : they be One Holy Congregation or Assembly. And this Congregation receiveth... | |
| 1841 - Liczba stron: 274
...to hear God's word and to pray. And this Christ's church is a communion of saints ; that is to say, all that be of this communion or company be holy, and be one holy body under Christ their head.* And although — particular churches, and members of the same, do much differ,... | |
| John Seely Stone - 1846 - Liczba stron: 226
...which do receive the Gospel.* * And this Christian Church is a Communion of saints; that is to say— all that be of this communion, or company, be holy, and be one holy Body under Christ their Head. And this congregation receiveth, of their Head and Lord, all spiritual riches... | |
| Archibald Boyd - 1865 - Liczba stron: 284
...hear God's word, " and to pray. And this Christian Church is a " communion of saints ; that is to say, all that be " of this communion or company be holy, and be " one holy body under Christ their head ; they be " one holy congregation or assembly." (Cranmer's Cat. 1548.) " Cyrillus... | |
| Edwin Henry Nevin - 1868 - Liczba stron: 262
...Christ, which do receive the Gospel; and this Christian' Church is a communion of saints, that is to say, all that be of this communion or company, be holy, and be one holy body under Christ their Head. And this congregation receiveth of their Head and Lord all spiritual riches... | |
| John Thomas Waller - 1883 - Liczba stron: 100
...which do receive the Gospel ; and this Christian Church is a Communion of Saints : that is to say, all that be of this communion or company be holy, and be one holy body under Christ their Head " (Archbishop Cranmer). " That Church, which is His Body, of which Christ is... | |
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