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RODRIGUEZ on CHRISTIAN PERFECTION; a New Edition, for persons living in the World. With Memoir and Frontispiece. 2 vols. 58.; or neatly bound, 7s. 6d.

SOUL (the) CONTEMPLATING GOD: a Series of Devout Meditations for Daily Use. BY ONE OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS.

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PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS. 32mo, very neat edition. 1s. 6d.; or, with Office of B. V. M. and Preces Quotidianæ, 2s. The same done. up with Latin New Testament and "Imitatio Christi." Calf, 68.; morocco, 78.

OFFICIUM PARVUM; or, Little Office of the B. V. Mary. In Latin and English. A New Edition. 18mo. 18.; or with an illuminated Frontispiece, 1s. 6d. The same in neat cloth, 28.

OFFICIUM PARVUM B. V. M. (Latin only.) Miniature Edition, 4d.; neatly bound, gilt edges, 18.

OFFICIUM IMMAC. CONCEPT. and MISSA IMMAC. CONCEPT. (the new Office). Miniature Edition (Latin). 4d.

PRECES QUOTIDIANE: a Miniature Collection of Prayers, Litanies, &c., in Latin. 4d.

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