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O my God, I detest these and all other sins which I have committed against thy divine Majesty. I am extremely sorry that I have offended thee, because thou art infinitely good, and sin displeaseth thee. I love thee with my whole heart; and firmly purpose, by the help of thy grace, never more to offend thee. I resolve to avoid the occasions of sin; I will confess my sins, and will endeavour to make satisfaction for them. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy, and pardon me, a wretched sinner. In the name of thy beloved Son Jesus, I humbly beg of thee so to wash me with his precious blood, that my sins may be entirely remitted.

Let us endeavour, as much as possible, to put ourselves in the dispositions in which we desire to be found at the hour of death.

O my God, I accept of death as a homage and adoration which I owe to thy divine Majesty, and as a punishment justly due to my sins, in union with the death of my dear Redeemer, and as the only means of coming to thee, my beginning and last end.

I firmly believe all the sacred truths which the Catholic Church believeth and teacheth, because thou hast revealed them. And by the assistance of thy holy grace, I am resolved to live and die in the communion of this thy Church.

Relying upon thy goodness, power, and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, and life everlasting, through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ, my only Redeemer, and by the intercession of his blessed Mother, and all the saints.

I love thee with all my heart and soul, and desire to love thee as the blessed do in heaven. I adore all the designs of thy divine Providence, resigning myself entirely to thy will.

I also love my neighbour for thy sake, as I love myself. I sincerely forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.

I renounce the devil, with all his works; the world, with all its pomps; the flesh, with all its temptations.

I desire to be dissolved, and to be with Christ. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

R. Lord Jesus, receive my soul.

May the blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and all the saints, pray for us to our Lord, that we may be preserved this night from sin and all evils. Amen.

Blessed St. Michael, defend us in the day of battle, that we may not be lost at the dreadful judgment. Amen.

O my good Angel, whom God, by his divine mercy, hath appointed to be my guardian, enlighten and protect me, direct and govern me this night. Amen.

May Almighty God have mercy on us, and forgive us our sins, and bring us to life everlasting. Amen.

May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, absolution, and remission of all our sins. Amen. y. Vouchsafe, O Lord, this night,

Ry. To keep us without sin.

y. Have mercy upon us, O Lord.

Ry. Have mercy upon us.

. Let thy mercy, be upon us, O Lord.

Ry. As we have hoped in thee.

. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Ry. And let our cry come unto thee.

Let us pray.

Visit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy. Let thy holy angels dwell herein, to preserve us in peace; and may thy blessing be always upon us, through our Lord, &c.

Save us, O Lord, when we are awake, and keep us while we sleep, that we may watch with Christ, and rest in peace.

Ry. Amen.

Short Prayers for Occasional Use.

When first you awake, defend yourself with the sign of the sacred Cross, and then proceed to say:

Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity, now and ever. Amen.

Glory to the Father, who hath created us.

Glory to the Son, who hath redeemed us.

Glory to the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctified us.

Say while rising from bed:

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I arise, may he bless, preserve, and govern me, and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.

During the time spent in dressing, and washing the face and hands, pray either by reciting the Psalms Miserere, De profundis, or by meditating on some mystery of the life or passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When you have finished, recite, on your knees, with attention and devotion, the following prayers:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Come, O Creator Spirit!

Visit this soul of thine; This heart of thy creating Fill thou with grace divine. Who Paraclete art call'd,

The gift of God above; Pure unction! holy fire!

And fount of life and love!

Finger of God's right hand,

The Father's promise true; Who sevenfold gifts bestowest, Who dost the tongue endow. Pour love into our hearts;

Our senses touch with light;

Make strong our human frailty
With thy supernal might.

Cast far our deadly foe;

Thy peace in us fulfil;
So, thee before us leading,
May we escape each ill.
The Father, and the Son,

Through thee may we receive;
In thee, from both proceeding,
Through endless time believe.
Praise to the Father be;

Praise to the Son who rose; And praise to thee, blest spirit! While age on ages flows.

O God, who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant to us in the same spirit to relish what is right, and ever to rejoice in his consolation.


Prevent our actions, we beseech thee, O Lord, by thy inspiration, and further them by thy continual help: that every prayer and work of ours may begin from thee, and by thee be happily ended, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.

Act of Thanksgiving.

I give thee thanks, most Holy Trinity, for thy care over me in the night past, and for having brought me in safety to the beginning of this day, and for all the manifold blessings thou hast conferred upon me; grant, I beseech thee, that I may pass the remainder of my life in worthy acts of praise and thanksgiving. Here recite slowly and attentively the Our Father, Hail Mary, The Creed, and Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Contrition, p. 47 or 268.

Act of referring all our Works to God.

O Lord God, creator and governor of all things, in whom we live, move, and have our being, without whom we can do nothing, whatever things I shall this day think, speak, do, or suffer, I refer all to thy glory, and to that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord God Almighty, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day, let thy powerful grace so conduct us through it, that we may not fall into any sin, but that all our thoughts, words, and works may be guided by the rules of thy heavenly justice, and tend to the observance of thy holy law; through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.

The following prayers may also be said at choice, as
opportunity may serve :

1. Give Praise to the Most Holy Trinity.

I adore, praise, and glorify thee, O most Holy Trinity; and give thanks unto thee, for that I have passed through this night in safety under thy protection. Oh, how many sinners have died in this very night, and are deservedly, by their own fault, damned eternally. How can I repay thee, O my Chief Good, for having bestowed on me so singular a love! Do thou, I beseech thee, Ö most fond Mother, and most chaste Virgin Mary, and do thou, O my Angel Guardian, and do you, my Patrons NN, praise and glorify the Lord with me, now and ever. Amen.

2. Offer your Heart to the heavenly Father.

O eternal Father, I willingly offer to thee my heart, the whole strength of my soul, and the faculties of my body, and whatever else is in me. Accept me, thy creature, and all that is mine, in union with thy most dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. heavenly Father, when shall I come and appear before thy presence?

3. Dispose your Future Actions.

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O most sweet Jesus, who art the Way, the Truth, and the Life, I firmly resolve to run in the way of thy commandments, and on this day to discharge especially this N duty of piety. I ascribe all and each of my works to the glory of thy name. Jesus, my hope and my life, would that this day, and at every hour and time, as often as I draw my breath, I could love thee, venerate thee, glorify thee, and induce all creatures to praise thee. Accept, O Jesus, this my desire, and supply what is deficient in me by thine infinite merits.

4. Avoid Sin by the Aid of the Holy Spirit.

Come, O Holy Spirit, the solace and strength of my soul, that I may courageously resist all temptations. Shall I, then, repeat, knowingly and willingly, this sin N? Alas! too frequently have I fallen into it, but I hope for constant improvement from this day forward. Assist me by the help of thy grace, O Holy Spirit, so will I "walk upon the asp and the basilisk, and will tread under me the lion and the dragon."

5. Seek the Aid of the Saints of God.

Be present with me too, all ye Elect of God; help my good resolutions. O Virgin Mary, holy Mother of God, together with thy most chaste Spouse S. Joseph, and thou, holy Angel, my faithful Guardian, and you, likewise, my especial Patrons (SS. NN), and you, whose memory is this day kept, stretch forth to me your assisting hand of help, admonish me when heedless, bring me back into the path of safety when I wander, and whatever good resolutions I have this day made, help me faithfully to fulfil. And do thou, O my God, and my all, grant me the inspiration of thy grace.

Vouchsafe, O God, this day to keep me without sin. Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us; let thy mercy, O Lord, be shewed upon us, according as we have hoped in thee. In thee, O Lord, have I trusted, let me not be confounded for


That you may live at all times in a state of grace, accustom yourself at each hour to elicit an act of contrition, in this or similar


My God and my all, I grieve to the very bottom of my heart that I have ever offended by my sins thee whom I love above all things. Be merciful to me a sinner.

At the beginning of every work:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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