*By me, at least, you cannot fear to lose : Preach you retrenchment, in old-fashion'd strain, * Sum tibi Mercurius: venio Deus huc ego, ut ille Pingitur; en renuis? vín' tu gaudere relictis? * Deest aliquid summæ: minui mihi : sed tibi totum est, Quicquid id est. ubi sit fuge quærere, quod mihi quon dam Legârat Tadius: neu dicta repone paterna; Quid reliquum est? reliquum? nunc, nunc, impensius unge, Unge, puer, caules. mihi festa luce coquatur Bear round my cards; for I am wiser grown Shall I abstain, that this low wretch, grown nice, May seek the palm of fashionable vice? May win new glory from successful bets, In favours paid some noble beauty's debts? * Like a pale ghost, shall I appear; but he Owe bloated looks to what he gains from me? "Consult our interest," would he whisper still. " Go, sue for places you're unfit to fill. " For these by turns give fiercest foes support. "" Beset the minister, and ply the court, " Scorn'd while you cringe; and wean'd from power "your heart, " Lose independence, its far nobler part." Urtica, et fissâ fumosum sinciput aure, Ut tuus iste nepos olim, satur anseris extis, 'Patriciæ immeiat vulvæ? mihi trama figuræ Sit reliqua: ast illi tremat omento popa venter ? "Vende animam lucro: 3 mercare; atq; excute solers "Omne latus mundi, ne sit præstantior alter What must I? *'tis resolved; no more I blame. You have me, humble, as befits, and tame. One annual thousand, with all profits clear, "Cappadocas rigida pingues plausisse catastâ. "Rem duplica." Feci; jam triplex, jam mihi quartò, Jam decies redit in rugam. depunge, ubi sistam, 3 Inventus, 4 Chrysippe, tui finitor 5 acervi. ART OF ENGLISH POETRY: BEING AN IMITATION, WITH NOTES, OF HORACE'S EPISTLE TO THE PISOS. Τον φθόνον ὦ Πολλων ποδὶ τ' ηλασεν, ώδε τ ̓ εειπεν. CALLIMACHUS, HYMN. AD APOLL. Fierce with his foot indignant Phœbus spurn'd TYTLER. |