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*By me, at least, you cannot fear to lose :
Take as you find me, or your chance refuse.
• The fortune I received, though render'd less,
You, by the laws of England, will possess:
And do you ask how much I mean to save
Of what a father, in his goodness, gave?

Preach you retrenchment, in old-fashion'd strain,
And hope my capital may whole remain?
But Avarice works again: you sum the amount.
Presumptuous wretch! I'll settle this account.
Haste ye, my servants, to the city fly;
Nor heed the price, but every dainty buy.

* Sum tibi Mercurius: venio Deus huc ego, ut ille Pingitur; en renuis? vín' tu gaudere relictis?

* Deest aliquid summæ: minui mihi : sed tibi totum est, Quicquid id est. ubi sit fuge quærere, quod mihi quon


Legârat Tadius: neu dicta repone paterna;
Fænoris accedat merces; hinc exime sumptus.

Quid reliquum est? reliquum? nunc, nunc, impensius


Unge, puer, caules. mihi festa luce coquatur

Bear round my cards; for I am wiser grown
At length: I will, I will enjoy my own.

Shall I abstain, that this low wretch, grown nice, May seek the palm of fashionable vice? May win new glory from successful bets, In favours paid some noble beauty's debts? * Like a pale ghost, shall I appear; but he Owe bloated looks to what he gains from me? "Consult our interest," would he whisper still. " Go, sue for places you're unfit to fill.

" For these by turns give fiercest foes support. "" Beset the minister, and ply the court,

" Scorn'd while you cringe; and wean'd from power

"your heart,

" Lose independence, its far nobler part."

Urtica, et fissâ fumosum sinciput aure, Ut tuus iste nepos olim, satur anseris extis, 'Patriciæ immeiat vulvæ? mihi trama figuræ Sit reliqua: ast illi tremat omento popa venter ? "Vende animam lucro: 3 mercare; atq; excute solers "Omne latus mundi, ne sit præstantior alter

What must I? *'tis resolved; no more I blame.

You have me, humble, as befits, and tame.

One annual thousand, with all profits clear,
Ushers the thriving pensioner's career.
Now four are added. When content you'll tell.
Behold six more, and own 'twas managed well.
Still silent? now six more my arts obtain.
Not yet enough!-To slave for you is vain.
• Who to the limits of desires could reach,
Lax, as the logic of a patriot's speech?

"Cappadocas rigida pingues plausisse catastâ. "Rem duplica." Feci; jam triplex, jam mihi quartò, Jam decies redit in rugam. depunge, ubi sistam, 3 Inventus, 4 Chrysippe, tui finitor 5 acervi.






Τον φθόνον ὦ Πολλων ποδὶ τ' ηλασεν, ώδε τ ̓ εειπεν.
Ασσυριε πολαμοῖο μεγας ρους, αλλα τα πολλα
Λυμαία γῆς καὶ πολλον εφ' ὑδαλι συρφεῖον ελκει.
Δηοῖ δ' εκ από παλθ ύδως φορεύσι Μελίσσαι,
Αλλ ̓ ἡλις καθαρη τε καὶ ακραανία ανέρπει
Πιδακού εξ ἱερῆς ολιγη λιβας, ακρον αωλον.


Fierce with his foot indignant Phœbus spurn'd
The invidious monster, and in wrath return'd;
" Wide rolls Euphrates' wave, but soil'd with mud,
" And dust and slime pollute the swelling flood :
"For Ceres still the fair Melissæ bring
"The purest water from the smallest spring,
"That, softly murmuring, creeps along the plain,
"And falls with gentle cadence, to the main."


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