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Far through the world his merits were renown'd,
And none, in aught, so excellent was found.

In various virtue kingly, as in birth,

He made his office honour'd through the earth.
Firm in the faith which he profess'd to hold,
Of wealth conspicuous, and as wise as bold;
Rigid in truth and justice, yet inclined
To soft compassion, and of nature kind;
His person comely, fortunate his doom,
So well could he the royal part assume,
So much his qualities the observer strike,
All own'd they never had beheld his like.

This Tartar without peer, this valiant king,
Saw its fair fruits from happy marriage spring;
The younger hope, by Elfeta, his wife,
Camballo call'd, the elder Algarsife.

He had, besides, the youngest of the three,
A daughter fair, whose name was Canace.
But, to pourtray the beauties of the maid,
In vain were aptest eloquence essay'd.
At least my language in the attempt were vain,
And matchless charms my pencil rude restrain,

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Whose full idea Rhetoric must impart
With glowing colours, and the stores of Art.
'Tis mine, more humble than the skilful tribe,
Truly to speak, but plainly to describe.

It chanced, since first Cambuscan bore the sway, When twenty winters now had pass'd away, (As was, I deem, his custom every year) He caused, through Sarra's streets, in accent clear, A feast to be proclaim'd, whose lawful mirth Might fitly celebrate his day of birth; The appointed time, the last of March's ides. Sol now, his station changed, with Mars resides, Mounted in Aries, from whose angry sign His burning beams with stronger influence shine. Changed by his warmth, the temperate gales impart Forgotten rapture to the cheerless heart: And as the verdant hues more vivid grow, Or cloudless skies the coming Season show, With shrillest melody the quires of air, On wing, the abundance of their joy declare. As if protections they had now obtain'd, Nor fear'd his tyranny, though Winter reign'd,



Presiding at the feast, Cambuscan bore

His crown aloft, and royal vestments wore,

Seen through the hall, at its exalted part,
And graced a banquet, plann'd with matchless art.
Of which to tell the order and array,

It sure would occupy a summer's day.
Nor could it add to my relation force,
To trace the plan of each succeeding course.

I to the narrative shall close adhere.

And so it chanced that while, the tables clear,
And, with its dainties, the third course removed,
The ravish'd king this minstrels' art approved,
In at the entrance was perceived to pass
A knight full sudden, on a steed of brass.
An ample mirror in his hand he held,
And on his finger was a ring beheld.
Unsheath'd beside him hung his shining sword.
Accoutred thus, he sought the royal board;
And, young and old in silence wondering, all,
Their eager eyes pursued him through the hall.
Full richly dress'd, this knight, unseen before,
All, save his head, with armour cover'd o'er,




King, queen, and lords, in order due, salutes;

And his expression so his subject suits,

That did old Gawain* come at our command,

And leave his residence in Fairy land,

His courteous fancy could not mend a word.
Nor he, his preface o'er, his tale deferr'd;
But with a manly voice, and faultless speech,
Observant of the rules professors teach,
To suit our action to our changing phrase,
Enforced the impressive thoughts a thousand ways.
I do not hope to imitate his art,

But the mere matter of the harangue to impart.
He said, "Both India's and Arabia's king,
" Whose gifts to you this solemn day I bring,
"Not uninstructed 'tis your natal day,
" Sends me his tribute of respect to pay.
"On you this brazen steed has he bestow'd,

" Which, with strange power, transports its living

" load,

* Nephew of King Arthur, and esteemed a model of knightly courtesy.

" Where'er commanded, in a day and night,

" And safe through showers directs its rapid flight.


He, a sure safeguard in the realms of air,

"Unharm'd will carry you through foul and fair : "Or should you wish your airy course to change, " And lofty regions, wing'd by eagles, range, "Not less securely would you cleave the skies, "(Though stealing Sleep o'ercame your watchfull


"While, when you chose, and rightly moved a pin, "Your journey back would, undelay'd, begin.

" This shining mirror, which my hand sustains, "Gives the rare privilege, with little pains, "To see, reflected by its surface true, "Each ill impending o'er your state and you; "Reveal'd to see your real friend and foe, "Nor less in love the turns of fortune know. " If some bright lady of your court has borne " Its tender pains, her lover late forsworn, "This will detect, howe'er conceal'd it be, " His fickle soul's dissembling subtlety.

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