"By holy John, as to our tie was due, "My future life should, as my past, be true. "I need not, what he answer'd, here rehearse; "None bettter speaks than he, and none acts worse. "At length he bent his flight to distant fields. "When Rest full leisure to Reflection yields, "This dangerous adage ruled, I deem, his mind, "All are on earth attracted to their kind.' Perhaps 'tis noticed by the race of man; "And change and novelty no less its plan. "For birds in cages sumptuously are fed, "Their floor below with softest covering spread; "And servants store, as waiting on their lord, "Of honey, sugar, milk, and bread, accord; "But, when the unfasten'd slider is drawn up, "The joyous prisoner spurns his brimming cup; "Swift to the woods escapes, in folly firm; "And dainties leaves, contented with a worm. "No sense of interest, and no sacred tie "Can with Variety's allurement vie. "Such proved my faithless mate, accursed the ❝ day! < Though sprung from generous sires, and young, " and gay, ❝ Comely in person, humble, yet not shy, « He saw a kite, of winning figure fly; "He saw-and loved! and with relentless basic, "His falcon's image from his mind effaced. "His love now honours the detested kite; And I in vain deplore my ravish'd right.” Fast, as she ended, from the falcon flow'd The princess herbs from fields adjoining bears And salves, the pride of housewifery, prepares, To heal her bird; and, form'd with care its shed, Suspends it anxious at her couch's head. 'Tis painted all within of sober blue, Now I proceed to speak of battles dread, First will I tell you of Cambuscan brave, Condemn'd through danger to delight to pass, Then will I tell you with what champion fought ON THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE RICH; AN IMITATION OF THE SIXTH SATIRE OF PERSIUS, ADDRESSED TO THE REV. MR. MASON, 1793. ARE' Aston's hearths yet summon'd to supply The needful heat autumnal days deny? O skill'd to draw 2 from British harps anew Those3 martial sounds that fear of death subdue; Or soothing, shew the sufferings Love can cause, The grief of shepherds, and the garden's laws; PERSII SAT. VI. ADMOVIT jam bruma foco te Basse, Sabiño? Jámne2 lyra, et tetrico vivunt tibi pectine chordæ ? Mire opifex numeris veterum primordia vocum, Atque 3 marem strepitum fidis intendisse Latinæ, Mox 4 juvenes aitare jocos, et pollice honesto |